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maranello 05-20-2006 10:23 AM

Alright, I did what you said, still no change.

maranello 05-20-2006 10:23 AM

Also, is there an easy way to test this to see it works? It sometimes takes days for new stuff to appear in that page.

mikelbeck 05-20-2006 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by maranello
Also, is there an easy way to test this to see it works? It sometimes takes days for new stuff to appear in that page.

No, not really. Just gets lots of spiders to your pages. ;-)

As for the problems you're having, the only thing I can think of is that something is up with your spiders_vbulletin.xml file. You say you pulled down that latest file, but did you rename it to spiders_vbulletin.xml and place it in your includes/xml directory? Also, check the permissions on the file, it should be 644. If it's not chmod it to that.

Snake 05-20-2006 05:37 PM

Actually mikel, I am also having the exact, same problem. I've got many unknown spiders on my forums. Here have a look...


Do you have any idea what's wrong?

maranello 05-20-2006 07:09 PM

mike, i did what you said, still nothing, chmod is 644, and i renamed the file and its in correct location.

mikelbeck 05-22-2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lil Ripsta
Actually mikel, I am also having the exact, same problem. I've got many unknown spiders on my forums. Here have a look...


Do you have any idea what's wrong?

Yours is normal, the "unknown spiders" are ones that are identified as spiders but are not listed in the spiders_vbulletin.xml file.

Zia 05-23-2006 09:14 AM

we need a massive update of spiderlist.xml..

mikelbeck..the spiders.php page execute a HUGE SQL query..in our page its 416 query..:S ..do u have any idea to reduce sql query in next release???

maranello 05-25-2006 12:41 AM

someone needs to update the spiders.xml file.

mikelbeck 05-25-2006 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by Zia
we need a massive update of spiderlist.xml..

mikelbeck..the spiders.php page execute a HUGE SQL query..in our page its 416 query..:S ..do u have any idea to reduce sql query in next release???

Yes, I have a couple of ideas. But I'm not going to be able to get to them for a little while...

Zia 05-25-2006 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Yes, I have a couple of ideas. But I'm not going to be able to get to them for a little while...

thnx man...hope u will impliment those idea to reduced sql query as earlier as possible..:)


maranello 05-25-2006 10:41 AM

am I the only one having this unknown spider bot problem?

I dont have a SINGLE known spider in the list:


I have the LATEST xml file, I formatted it right, chmod is right, everything is right. What's wrong?

MThornback 05-25-2006 11:02 AM

99% of the time mine are unknown too...I used the spiders from hambil's BOL hack, and it gives me a known one every once in a blue moon...but the googlebot, MSNbot both show up...so it might be a step in the direction your after.

blogtorank 05-25-2006 07:34 PM


When you upgrade from version 1.0.0 Beta 7 to 1.0.0 Beta 8 your existing spider data will be lost!

I almost posted where did they go however glad this is there!

dwbro1 05-26-2006 12:01 AM

Why is adv_index showing up in the list I thought this was replaced when I renamed it to index.php, or am I just loosing my mind.

mikelbeck 05-26-2006 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by dwbro1
Why is adv_index showing up in the list I thought this was replaced when I renamed it to index.php, or am I just loosing my mind.

You could be losing your mind, but that's something you'll have to deal with on your own. ;-)

That page probably calls itself adv_index (in the code of the page), so that's what the spider watcher sees when the page is loaded. You can rename the file to whatever you want, but if you don't change the code it'll still have it's original name.

BTW - don't go changing the page's name if you don't know what you're doing... It's used in other places than just the file itself, if you just change it there you can screw other stuff up.

Zia 05-31-2006 04:01 AM

the spider list in vbulletin.com now being updated...get it from there
Thanx to Stadler

:) also thnx to mikel..unless this watcher it wasnt possible to get all those spiders name :)

umm can u say..now most of the spider is now being catagorised...
after update the new spiderlist.....
unknown spider will changed to known spider?

can u have look on this lists catagori & update the watchers catagory stats..

plz give a serious thought abt sql query.
[high]* Zia offer mikel an ice cold chilled bear[/high]

Svenna 06-09-2006 11:49 AM

hi mike,

here my german translation.

bye und best regards,

kofoid 06-10-2006 05:29 PM

mine isn't working either..... no spiders display

DementedMindz 06-10-2006 06:52 PM

the format that is used on vbulletin.com wont work with it... even the one zia post wont either... i posted a few pages back a working one... the format they have one vbulletin.com is wrong and its not even like that stock so i have no clue why they update the list there cause its still a wrong format

TheBlackPoet 06-19-2006 01:02 AM

i guess i dont know enough about spiders to ask the right questions.. but i do know enough to read threads to determine what is good or bad for my forum. and i guess some spiders are good for search engine purposes... while others milk your bandwidth....i installed this watcher, but i am now looking for a bad spider SNIPER.....
any ideas?

Zia 06-19-2006 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
the format that is used on vbulletin.com wont work with it... even the one zia post wont either... i posted a few pages back a working one... the format they have one vbulletin.com is wrong and its not even like that stock so i have no clue why they update the list there cause its still a wrong format

its really a strange matter...it should not be wrong..its published by Stadler on vb.com.

And the latest one is working for me. the new spider is listed/update/entried there..they are showing over on my spiders.php page..

do u mind to drop few lines on vb.com ,in the thread regarding the error u found ?

I think :
let me xplain :
a site got a spider Google-feedfetcher - 100 times.

Google-Feedfetcher : wastnt listed on the old spiderlist.xml , so it was appeared as un-known spider's block.

after replace the new spiderlist.xml : if again google-feedfecther spider again crawl the site
visit no#101(100 times on old list.xml) , it will be appeard in rss-spider block.

The old data base will not be modified...
its my point of view.

Edit: plz see this hacks description mikelbeck refer the same thread of vb.com. So i dont think mikel use any other format.

To make sure that you can decode the maximum amount of spiders, you should grab the latest spiderlist.xml and replace the spiders_vbulletin.xml file in your forumhome/includes/xml/ directory with the one from this thread: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=76662


DementedMindz 06-19-2006 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Zia
its really a strange matter...it should not be wrong..its published by Stadler on vb.com.

And the latest one is working for me. the new spider is listed/update/entried there..they are showing over on my spiders.php page..

take a look at stock vbulletin and take a look at stadlers its wrong... i have fixed it on mine but i dont use this no more as of the high number of queries on that page... alot of members here were saying it wasnt working for them either and then once i posted mine with how the format was with the stock vbulletin file it worked perfect for them... i havent looked at the file now but it was way off last time...

here is the top of stadlers


  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE spiderlist (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <!--  $Id$

here is how it should be just like it is on the stock vbulletin file


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


mikelbeck 06-20-2006 12:04 AM

Ok, people, I've had some time to get back to this. Sorry it's taken so long....

I've got Beta 10 running here: http://www.heavymetalscene.com/spiders.php

Notice how much faster it is. I've pulled out the "rolling up" code and placed it in a file that's run once an hour via a cron job. So the data isn't 100% up to date, but it uses much (much) less queries than the previous version.

What else do you want to see in this release?

DementedMindz 06-20-2006 12:08 AM

how many queries are on that page? also will it auto update once a new spider is added?

mikelbeck 06-20-2006 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
how many queries are on that page?

8! :classic:

No matter how much data is in the database, it's still 8 queries.

http://www.heavymetalscene.com/spiders.php (not a whole lot of spider data): Page generated in 0.19605 seconds with 8 queries
http://www.forumowners.com/spiders.php (quite a bit of spider data): Page generated in 0.51553 seconds with 8 queries
http://www.listedwrong.com/forums/spiders.php (very little spider data): Page generated in 0.14583 seconds with 8 queries


also will it auto update once a new spider is added?
When a new spider is added to the xml file you mean? I'll see if I can make it so it'll evaluate the spider xml file and update the "unknown" spiders if there's new data.

DementedMindz 06-20-2006 04:06 AM

yes that is what i ment sorry... yeah that would be great and glad to see you brought them down...

Zia 06-20-2006 08:21 AM

its nice mikelbeck to knowing abt the new version..

please give thought about not lost old spider visitng data after install new version..
:) Less query is really delicious things

[high]* Zia is waiting for the new release[/high]

Stadler 06-21-2006 10:02 AM

Can you please explain what you changed in my file?

btw: you shouldn't relay on the root-tag. Freddie implemented the xml-file before I've finished the DTD. However: online.php of vBulletin works with both root-tags, since it simply ignores it.

Christian Stadler

lsgworldl 06-22-2006 10:05 AM


4yBak 06-23-2006 10:29 AM

why do you save all data without parsing in field PAGE?

faq, index, showthread, member, forumdisplay, calendar, memberlist, register, faq, showthread, showthread, showthread, showthread, showthread, index, showthread, showthread, showthread, showthread, showthread, index, member, showthread, login, member, sho
So, as you see, in this field has many repetitions like showthread, index, member, etc.

I think, in DB must be just one mention about each page.

PS: you can do that in this statistics was include information when spiders visited forums archived pages? Thanks.

oberheimhaven 06-23-2006 11:10 AM

Can someone throw me the code to add this to my navbar please I know Im learning thank for the great hack installed 3.5.4 no issues at all Just need quick code to add to nav bar


oberheimhaven 06-23-2006 11:29 AM

I got it I added to tool bar fav I dont need this inside my actually forums works great thanks


Snake 06-23-2006 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Ok, people, I've had some time to get back to this. Sorry it's taken so long....

I've got Beta 10 running here: http://www.heavymetalscene.com/spiders.php

Notice how much faster it is. I've pulled out the "rolling up" code and placed it in a file that's run once an hour via a cron job. So the data isn't 100% up to date, but it uses much (much) less queries than the previous version.

What else do you want to see in this release?

Oh that is great but have you updated the zip pack yet?

mikelbeck 06-24-2006 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Cloud
Oh that is great but have you updated the zip pack yet?

Not yet, give me a couple of days.

Snake 06-24-2006 01:36 PM

Alrighty then, I'll be waiting here for the update.

jd_sa_bowler 06-28-2006 10:34 AM

Hi guys,

like the mod, I have installed by I am unsure if it is working correctly.

mysite http://www.bowls-aust.com/spiders.php

The problem is no type display for spiders except unknown and the google spider seems to be in the correct address range to be identified by the spiders_vbulletin.xml file data.

I uploaded the latest spider file and rename to spiders_vbulletin.xml

Am I just to impatient or is something wrong.

Stadler 07-01-2006 08:28 AM

I don't know, if this is already suggested, but I suggest, that you add an option to only list spiders with at least X Hits in the list of unknown spiders and perhaps add a link to 'List all unknown spiders' then. especially these garbled user agents, like 'cblbshjhbjdmpvrbfdrvv5arh5wi' for example seem to me like some crappy configured firewall or proxy, which tries to hide the user-agent ...

Svenna 07-03-2006 05:35 PM

I straight one mySQL errors indicated got. Where does the problem lie?


Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM spider_watcher WHERE bot = 'Netluchs/0.8-dev ( ; http://www.netluchs.de/; ___don't___spam_me_@netluchs.de)';

MySQL-Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't___spam_me_@netluchs.de)'' at line 1

Any can help?

4yBak 07-14-2006 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Svenna
Any can help?

what you do when this error going? Query like this may be possible SQL-injection did posible hackers, but I'm not sure about it, so don't worry early

can you do display IP of spiders via popupable div? Because JScript popup don't usable :(

This plugin don't want add in list spider WebAlta. In table spider_watcher I see always random fileds like this:

56680 | WebAlta Crawler/1.3.15 (http://www.webalta.ru/bot.html) | Webalta Crawler | 2006-07-14 20:18:55 | 1373540995 | showthread | searchspider | http://www.webalta.ru/bot.html | 0
56681 | WebAlta Crawler/1.3.15 (http://www.webalta.ru/bot.html) | Webalta Crawler | 2006-07-14 20:19:42 | 1373540995 | showthread | searchspider | http://www.webalta.ru/bot.html | 0

So, as you see - script do not count rollup. Why?

Snake 07-14-2006 04:44 PM

No update yet?

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