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-   -   vRewrite - SEOed URLs for vBulletin (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=104484)

trilljester 01-30-2006 06:22 PM

Another bug:

When posting, none of the WYSIWYG editor functions work correctly. All functions that refer to another file (i.e. misc.php for displaying the smiley list), return 404 errors.

I'm not sure where it's coming from either. I can't see the full URL it's trying to access.

yayvb 01-31-2006 12:49 AM

Hi everyone.

I didn't see this answered anywhere already so I'm posting it now. I believe that I previously installed Deans hack and had the same problem so I uninstalled and installed this one and if I remember correctly the same thing happened.

In my forumhome everything is rewritten properly except only the first LAST TOPIC title and author are rewritten. All others below are not. Please see example below. Any advice or pointers please let me know.


yayvb 01-31-2006 06:56 PM

Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.

trilljester 01-31-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.

It's happening to me too. I might have to turn this promising extension off. It appears to be way too unstable to be released in a non-test environment. I think the problem in the logic for gathering the URL to rewrite is flawed, and with no way to debug the output, it makes it that much harder to figure out where the problem is coming from.

EDIT: Here's a function I used a long time ago to strip characters that could cause problems when I was scanning a URL. It might be useful for this extension.


function make_url_safe($text) {
// Characters must be in ASCII and certain ones are not allowed.
 $text = html_entity_decode ($text);
 $text = str_replace(" / ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("/","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("'","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace(" - ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("_","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace(" ","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ae", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "oe", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ue", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Ae", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Oe", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "Ue", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "?", "ss", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "&", "and", $text);
 $text = str_replace( "%", "Percent", $text);
 $text = ereg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", "", $text);
 $text = str_replace("----","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("---","-",$text);
 $text = str_replace("--","-",$text);
return $text;

So pass the preg_replace'd URLs through this filter to help. I don't know, it's worth a shot.

Immortal 01-31-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
Getting the vBulletin url's corrected is certainly not a small task, and you have certainly done well getting this far. Yes, I happen to support the one rewrite that I consider does a 110% job at rewrites, but you are getting there.

Yup, I agree. There are still some quirks that I am working on ironing out. But with client work these past few weeks, it really has put me on a limited time budget.

Originally Posted by T2DMan
I like the nextthread/prevthread per hosting talk but the archive seems to be broken there.

The archive I cannot reproduce on my own site. So he may be using an outdated version that I have fixed by mistake (this was never reported as a bug before).

Originally Posted by T2DMan
That you recommend the use of the vbulletin option to have the archive linking directly to the actual threads. This gets the most Google PR/link value etc to the actual threads - this was an option I was able to get added to vBulletin 3.5.

I haven't had time to figure out how to do 301 redirects. I had a failed attempt, which I posted in my support thread, but sadly never got answered. I'll take another stab once I get all the known bugs ironed out.


Originally Posted by T2DMan
[*]And that the thread url on the archive is rewritten.

What would you like to see them to get rewitten to? The same format vRewrite does it to?

Originally Posted by T2DMan
[*]when the root forum url is linked, that instead of it being "/index.php", that it be just "/". Matt Cutts says Google is working on determining what url should be the correct url, but better that each site do it for themselves.

Never heard of that one, but I'm not quite sure on how I would go about doing that. May be just a simple str_replace, I'll take a stab at that one.

Originally Posted by T2DMan
You are working on the newpost/latest post? - in the pre 3.5 vBulletin, my rewrite kept the initial url, but then when it searched for the url in the php, it then did a 301 redirect to the proper url - correctly paginated. That general logic should be able to be coded for your plugins. Rather similar to what you have done for the nextthread/previous thread

It rewrites the actual newpost/latest post, but I cannot figure out how to fix the redirect for the life of me. May have to add that as a code mod. I'm clueless at that one as is Cole and Chroder (Thanks again guys for all the help and assistance!)

Originally Posted by T2DMan
there will be other issues, but those are the ones I see at the moment.[/list]Google SiteMap

Should be an easy job to either mod my vbgsitemap, or the vbseo one for your url's.

Plans is it get all bugs fixed first, and then I'll try and work on something. That is, unless you want to do it :)


Originally Posted by T2DMan
No mention of seo'ing of vBulletin is complete without talking about onpage SEO.

If the first words of the title are the words that you are optimizing for, then this phrase should also be in the meta description twice, in an h1, and then repeated in sentence/paragraph form immediately following the h1. Most people posting threads do not repeat the title in the text they write, so repeating it via a formula makes sense. In looking around the forums mentioned on this thread I have seen a few using my formula. In general, with a proper url rewrite (almost achieved here), plus great onpage SEO I have been able to get many vBulletin sites so that their forums and threads are all showing high on the SERP's.

And with good search phrase selection, those pages are then able to get good traffic for the forums.

The onpage hints are just the same as needed for any site, and can be found on most SEO pages, but I have some specific template changes mentioned on my Search Engine Optimize vBulletin 3.5 thread.

I'll try and read up on more vB SEO, but currently it just rewrites URLs. A small step, but it's still a step :)

Immortal 01-31-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
Excellent job! I missed all of my rewritten URLs when I converted from IPB to VBulletin. I know that Google can handle dynamic URLs to a degree, but I think this will improve my rankings out there.

Great to hear, always happy to help anyone who converted from IPB :) I feel bad for you that you had to use that :nervous:


Originally Posted by trilljester
1. Send thread to a friend does not work. I commented it out for the plugin code, and now it's fine. It kept reporting a thread not found error, or something to that effect. The URL looked good, not sure where the problem was.

Would you mind uncommenting that line out and posting the error? My URL is:

And it's working just fine for me.

Originally Posted by trilljester
2. Viewing public profile of users has some issues. This is somewhat complicated, so I'll try my best to explain:

My user ID is #1. I have another frequent poster who's ID is 14. When we both post in a thread, her profile comes up as mine.

To see this in action, visit this thread:


To see the bad behavior, hover over the first poster's url, and it reads:

The second post down was posted by Earthrooster. her user ID is 14. The URL for her profile is messed up. it reads:


My profile works great though, as evidenced later in the thread:

It appears the regular expression is a little too general, and probably needs to be refined.

This is another weird issue. It works on some boards, and doesn't on others. I'm not too sure on how I can fix my preg on that one. I'll try and take a look into it but I'm in doubt that I'll fix it.

Originally Posted by trilljester
Other than that, everything else appears to be working great! I'll probably add some custom rewrites for my arcade, and can post them here, unless you have someplace else that we can post our custom rewrites for the next version?

Please do. And I'll add them to the hack description :)

Originally Posted by trilljester
Another bug:

When posting, none of the WYSIWYG editor functions work correctly. All functions that refer to another file (i.e. misc.php for displaying the smiley list), return 404 errors.

I'm not sure where it's coming from either. I can't see the full URL it's trying to access.

Hm, weird. Can you give me a link on that one? I'm not a fan of the WYSIWYG editor and never really thought to test it...

Immortal 01-31-2006 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by yayvb
Hi everyone.

I didn't see this answered anywhere already so I'm posting it now. I believe that I previously installed Deans hack and had the same problem so I uninstalled and installed this one and if I remember correctly the same thing happened.

In my forumhome everything is rewritten properly except only the first LAST TOPIC title and author are rewritten. All others below are not. Please see example below. Any advice or pointers please let me know.


Was reported and fixed.

Originally Posted by yayvb
Hmmm, I had installed this lastnight and woke to find my users complaining that when they clicked page 2 of a thread they would be brought to a completely different thread!! I checked and sure enough that's what was happening.

So even if I fix the fact that on the main page only the first threads are rewritten, apparently if there is more than 1 page of posts in a thread, there is a bug making it so you get transported to the wrong thread instead of page 2 of the right thread.

Anyone else have this problem? I didn't see this in here already.

Was reported and issued a temporary fix.


Originally Posted by trilljester
It's happening to me too. I might have to turn this promising extension off. It appears to be way too unstable to be released in a non-test environment. I think the problem in the logic for gathering the URL to rewrite is flawed, and with no way to debug the output, it makes it that much harder to figure out where the problem is coming from.

EDIT: Here's a function I used a long time ago to strip characters that could cause problems when I was scanning a URL. It might be useful for this extension.

There's a function already to replace bad characters ;) please see the above for fixes.

T2DMan 01-31-2006 11:39 PM



[*]And that the thread url on the archive is rewritten.

What would you like to see them to get rewitten to? The same format vRewrite does it to?
The sitemap should be linking direct to the threads, and the thread url should be your rewritten url. This means there is no extra copy of the thread, it gives the thread another text link with its search phrase, and means that there are not too many clicks from any one page to get to any other thread. All things that are important for SEO.

GamerJunk.net 02-01-2006 01:28 AM

Anyone else having problems where it starts to randomly make the URL's bad?

Such as http://www.gsnforce.com/forum/commen...s/newreply.php

Obviously that URL wouldn't exist...any explaination?

Snake 02-01-2006 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Was reported and fixed.

Was reported and issued a temporary fix.

There's a function already to replace bad characters ;) please see the above for fixes.

Have you updated the pack with the new bug fixes yet?

GamerJunk.net 02-01-2006 04:46 PM

Was that directed towards me aftermath?

Ericsson 02-01-2006 04:49 PM

http://www.supercarforums.org/f-ferreri-13.html works but when you click on a thread in a subfolder, http://www.supercarforums.org/ferrer...eri-f60-4.html it doesnt work.

Any idea?

GamerJunk.net 02-01-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
Have you updated the pack with the new bug fixes yet?

Was that directed to me Aftermath?

Snake 02-01-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by RasMasta
Was that directed towards me aftermath?

Uh no, it was directed to Immortal...

Immortal 02-01-2006 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by RasMasta
Anyone else having problems where it starts to randomly make the URL's bad?

Such as http://www.gsnforce.com/forum/commen...s/newreply.php

Obviously that URL wouldn't exist...any explaination?

Where did you get that URL from? It rewrites nothing like that if I can remember correctly.


Originally Posted by Aftermath
Have you updated the pack with the new bug fixes yet?

Not yet, hoping to release something new this weekend along with all bug fixes plus merging actually working.


Originally Posted by Ericsson
http://www.supercarforums.org/f-ferreri-13.html works but when you click on a thread in a subfolder, http://www.supercarforums.org/ferre...reri-f60-4.html it doesnt work.

Any idea?

Huh? Just by looking at:

I can tell you did not apply all necessary template changes...

GamerJunk.net 02-01-2006 06:41 PM

Immortal, I'm on my sidekick right now, so I can't enable the rewrite, but yes it does write like that. It even makes it so that when I click to go to my forum index it rewrites it so it looks like this


Andreas 02-01-2006 08:11 PM

Not bad, but most certaily could get better :)
- Fix only first rhread/etc. being rewritten
- queries to get titles seems BAD
The data is already avialable in Hooks threadbit_process, etc. - use it there
- searches are not covered
- could avoid the template edits by doing $headinclude = '<base href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "\" />\n$headinclude";

Immortal 02-01-2006 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by RasMasta
Immortal, I'm on my sidekick right now, so I can't enable the rewrite, but yes it does write like that. It even makes it so that when I click to go to my forum index it rewrites it so it looks like this


Hm weird, not quite sure why it's doing that.


Originally Posted by Andreas
- Fix only first rhread/etc. being rewritten

I did a temporary fix a few pages back, just waiting to get all fixes together before I release an updated packaged :)


Originally Posted by Andreas
- queries to get titles seems BAD
The data is already avialable in Hooks threadbit_process, etc. - use it there

Sorry I'm ignorant when it comes to vB coding. Could you explain a bit more please?


Originally Posted by Andreas
- searches are not covered

Well, SEs can't search so I really didn't find this necessary to rewrite.


Originally Posted by Andreas
- could avoid the template edits by doing $headinclude = '<base href="' . $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . "\" />\n$headinclude";

Ooh, I'll take note of this. Will be very nice for future installs.

Andreas 02-01-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Sorry I'm ignorant when it comes to vB coding. Could you explain a bit more please?

For example on forumdisplay.php, you are issuing a query to get the titles for all threadids found.
But, those are all the threads being displayed, so this information already has been queried before, which makes this unnecessary overhead.
The threadids, titless and forumids are available in Hoo0k threadbit_process for example (could also use threadbit_display if it's just for forumdisplay.php).
So you could build an array there, and use this to lookup the titles in global_complete to save the query.

Same goes for showthread.php, abd probably other pages as well.

Especially querying the forum table from forum titles is wasteful, as the forumcache does contain this information - and is available on every page.


Well, SEs can't search so I really didn't find this necessary to rewrite.
True. But it might help AdSense :)

trilljester 02-01-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Great to hear, always happy to help anyone who converted from IPB :) I feel bad for you that you had to use that :nervous:

Well, when I first put up my site, IPB was free, and I wanted something free and easy, which IPB *was*. Not to derail this thread, but when they released their 2.0, and started to charge for it, and giving a crappy trial version to all those who HELPED them build 2.0...well, it felt like a slap in the face. I'm glad I'm using VB now. It's a far better product. I see the light now!


Would you mind uncommenting that line out and posting the error? My URL is:
Done. Try doing it from this thread:


I click on Thread Tools, Email this Page, and it fouls up.


This is another weird issue. It works on some boards, and doesn't on others. I'm not too sure on how I can fix my preg on that one. I'll try and take a look into it but I'm in doubt that I'll fix it.
I can throw the condition over to a Regular Expression master here at my work. I'm sure he can offer some more advice than I can. I hate regular expressions, but I know they're necessary. :-)


Hm, weird. Can you give me a link on that one? I'm not a fan of the WYSIWYG editor and never really thought to test it...
OK, more info about this:

It gives me 404 errors when I start a new thread. Probably because something is wrong with this URL:


Guest posting is allowed at the above URL, try it for yourself with the WYSIWYG editor.

It does NOT have issues when replying in a thread. The reply URL is not rewritten, thus it works fine.

Immortal 02-01-2006 10:10 PM

Add this line of code to your .htaccess if it doesn't already exist:

RewriteRule ^sendtofriend-(.*)-(.*).html sendmessage.php?do=sendtofriend&t=$2 [L]
The newthread link you posted and if I manually go to it myself works just dandy?

[high]* Immortal thinks he must be going mad[/high]

Ericsson 02-02-2006 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Huh? Just by looking at:

I can tell you did not apply all necessary template changes...

I did all the template changes, you just had to add:


<base href="$vboptions[bburl]/" />
to showthread, newreply, newthread, forumdisplay, memberinfo, right?

trilljester 02-02-2006 04:53 PM

Immortal: I think I know what's causing these problems. It's the order of the rewriterules in the .htaccess file.

I turned on rewrite logging for my Apache server, and saw this entry when i tried to send a thread to a friend:

rewrite sendtofriend-trillium-clothing-shop-1090.html -> showthread.php?goto=1090&t=shop

So I looked at the rules in the .htaccess and saw this rule about midway through:

RewriteRule ^(.*)-(.*)-(.*).html showthread.php?goto=$3&t=$2 [L]

That should be the LAST Rewriterule in the .htaccess file, so it catches anything that falls through the other rules.

I moved it to the bottom of my .htaccess and it fixed the problem with sending email to a friend. So that problem is resolved. Now to figure out the WYSIWYG problem.

Edit: I found proof that the editor problem might be related to Internet Explorer. I loaded Firefox, and tried a New Topic, and everything worked (smilies popup, attachment manager, etc..)

In IE, the smilie popup and attachment manager does NOT work. I did some research and I'm guessing it has something to do with the <base> tag. Maybe because IE6 is not fully XHTML compliant? Firefox understands it and is fine. Is there a workaround?

caislander 02-02-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Fender963
Excellent hack Immortal, one problem though. It's not rewriting my thread urls or my member profile urls. It rewrites the forum ones fine.

www.plantedtank.net/forums/ is my link.

EDIT: After further inspection I noticed the following:
1. It rewrites the url in any forum, for the most recent post.
2. Any post that is not rewritten will give an incorrect url for page 2 of posts. It only does it for page 2, not 3,4,5,32 .... you get the point.

This is very odd behavior.

First off Great hack.. Thanks

BUT (ya you knew there had to be one :D ) I am having this very same issue, is there some kind of solution? or trouble shooting process or.. or..

Thanks for the hack and your time :cool:

trilljester 02-02-2006 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by caislander
First off Great hack.. Thanks

BUT (ya you knew there had to be one :D ) I am having this very same issue, is there some kind of solution? or trouble shooting process or.. or..

Thanks for the hack and your time :cool:

Previous page has a solution.


Replace the plugin with that code he posted, it should resolve the multiple page problem and the not rewriting past the first forum issue.

Immortal 02-02-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by trilljester
Immortal: I think I know what's causing these problems. It's the order of the rewriterules in the .htaccess file.

I turned on rewrite logging for my Apache server, and saw this entry when i tried to send a thread to a friend:

rewrite sendtofriend-trillium-clothing-shop-1090.html -> showthread.php?goto=1090&t=shop

So I looked at the rules in the .htaccess and saw this rule about midway through:

RewriteRule ^(.*)-(.*)-(.*).html showthread.php?goto=$3&t=$2 [L]

That should be the LAST Rewriterule in the .htaccess file, so it catches anything that falls through the other rules.

I moved it to the bottom of my .htaccess and it fixed the problem with sending email to a friend. So that problem is resolved. Now to figure out the WYSIWYG problem.

Edit: I found proof that the editor problem might be related to Internet Explorer. I loaded Firefox, and tried a New Topic, and everything worked (smilies popup, attachment manager, etc..)

In IE, the smilie popup and attachment manager does NOT work. I did some research and I'm guessing it has something to do with the <base> tag. Maybe because IE6 is not fully XHTML compliant? Firefox understands it and is fine. Is there a workaround?

Uh, I cannot believe that I used a rule like that, hah. I'll try and see about the IE problem. But leave it up to IE :tired:

caislander 02-03-2006 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Uh, I cannot believe that I used a rule like that, hah. I'll try and see about the IE problem. But leave it up to IE :tired:


Thanks for that, the problem of only the first url being rewitten seem to be gone However, I still am having the issue of the 2nd page of a thread being sent off to some other thread, And another issue if I am on the main index page (forum home) and click the latest post link for any forum the url is not rewritten?


xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 05:55 PM

hi guys

ive used this hack onnmy old forum with no problems but on my new forum this plugin is making i threads go to ~"page cannot be displayed" yet as soon as i disable the plugin it works fine

any ideas?

Immortal 02-03-2006 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by caislander

Thanks for that, the problem of only the first url being rewitten seem to be gone However, I still am having the issue of the 2nd page of a thread being sent off to some other thread, And another issue if I am on the main index page (forum home) and click the latest post link for any forum the url is not rewritten?




Originally Posted by xtreme-mobile
hi guys

ive used this hack onnmy old forum with no problems but on my new forum this plugin is making i threads go to ~"page cannot be displayed" yet as soon as i disable the plugin it works fine

any ideas?

Could you please post your .htaccess along with your forum URL? :)

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 09:00 PM


and file attached :D

Immortal 02-03-2006 10:03 PM

And you're sure mod_rewrite is enabled?

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 10:06 PM

yes ive used your hack before with no problems, just seems to be playing up now

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 10:07 PM

ill enable your hack now and try going directly to a thread

Immortal 02-03-2006 10:08 PM

<a href="http://www.extreme-mobile.com/introductions/t-here-we-go-again-14.html" target="_blank">http://www.extreme-mobile.com/introd...-again-14.html</a> Works just fine?

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 10:10 PM

<a href="http://www.extreme-mobile.com/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=10" target="_blank">http://www.extreme-mobile.com/showth...o=newpost&t=10</a>

this say page can not be displayed yet as soon as i disable the product it goes to the post fine

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 10:14 PM

ok ive just worked out taht if you go in to the post by clicking the forum main title then selecting the post it works how ever if you click the post from forum display directly it hangs and wont show

Immortal 02-03-2006 10:30 PM

Whoa, I think you enabled something that shouldn't be enabled. Make sure you are only enabling vRewrite in global_complete and vRewrite WOL in the who's online hook (I forget and I'm too lazy to look).

xtreme-mobile 02-03-2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal
Whoa, I think you enabled something that shouldn't be enabled. Make sure you are only enabling vRewrite in global_complete and vRewrite WOL in the who's online hook (I forget and I'm too lazy to look).

you lost me now :( lol

Immortal 02-03-2006 10:41 PM

vBulletin ACP->Plugin Manager

There should be 3 plugins that concern vRewrite. Make sure only vRewrite (it is under the global_complete hook), and the vRewrite WOL (under online_preprocess or something like that). Then there is a 3rd one, disable this. This should not be enabled as it does not work correctly currently.

caislander 02-04-2006 03:54 AM


Thanks for the response but when i apply the code change as is outlined in post 300 it fixes everything except the page 2 of a thread being sent to some other thread. So I over wrote that with the chance in post 316 and that gives me an error of

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in..../www/html/forums/includes/functions.php(4320) : eval()'d code on line 606
What have I done wrong?

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