OldSchoolDSL |
07-17-2017 02:13 PM |
I have had no reason to log into here for quite awhile now having successfully converted all my remaining sites away from vBulletin and to either WoltLab Burning Board or Invision Power Board. However, I do still remember using vBulletin back in the day and how the staff here usually did a wonderful job at keeping things usually civil.
Thank you all for the good that you did and I'm sorry your hard work and tireless, if not thankless effort, has continued to be underappreciated by your Internet Brand overlords. -- It was not unnoticed by those of us here who did use this community and its resources. Thank you for your time and service to the cause!
Internet Brands Inc, who owns vBulletin, really should not have entered into the business of forum software. Their continued effort of disrespecting and ignoring their customer base, along with their core developers and staff has been a continuing trend, as well as proof of that fact. I suspect one day the only sites using vBulletin with be Internet Brand's own sites.
With this all said, I leave you with the same song they played as The Titanic sank, "Nearer My God To Thee"
Cheers, everyone!