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-   -   [HOW TO - vB4] Two column forum/sub-forum setup via CSS only (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=228484)

Lynne 09-27-2010 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by AliceHoward (Post 2103567)
Hmmm, something is wrong with the snippet I posted above, every now and then one of the sub-forums gets moved over somehow so an empty space appears. You can see it occurring here: http://styleorigin.com/community/for...-Mental-Health

It's only every now and then, if I refresh the page a few times it seems to right itself, obviously there's something wrong or it wouldn't dropdown.

I can't see the glitch in firefox on my mac. What is happening? Usually the issue is a border width that is throwing it off, so you can change the width to be just slightly less (there were some examples earlier in the thread) and it will be fine.

Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 2103619)
Yes, I was just browsing your site, before I read your last post. I noticed that.

Does anyone know what's causing Alice's bug with sub-forums display?

What would the code be to display 3 columns? Same but 0%, 33% and 66% ?

Again, I think someone might have already posted it in here. But yeah, you wouldn't use 50%, but instead go for 33.3% or so.

AliceHoward 09-27-2010 04:24 PM

Hi Lynne, I found the problem and fixed it, this is why you are not seeing it any more, I was fixing tea for my children so haven't had time to get on until just now.

I fixed it by doing the following.


.forumbit_post .forumstats li, .forumbit_post .forumstats_2 li{
    font-size: {vb:stylevar mid_fontSize}{vb:stylevar font.units};
    text-align: {vb:stylevar right};
    padding-{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};


padding-{vb:stylevar right}: {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};

padding-{vb:stylevar right}: 5px;
Thank you again for this brilliant article, very helpful. :)

Lynne 09-27-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by AliceHoward (Post 2103789)
Hi Lynne, I found the problem and fixed it, this is why you are not seeing it any more, I was fixing tea for my children so haven't had time to get on until just now.

I'm glad you got it fixed and thanks for posting what you did. (I'd rep you if they had rep here. :) )

slinky 10-28-2010 06:37 PM

Lynne -

Thanks for the help in getting two subforums, side by side. Is there any easy way to get three to work? In my experience, that seems to be the optimal number you can use in order to condense all the vertical scrolling if you require a good number of forums and subforums. I used to have three but the subforum manager that did it now destroys validation and creates other problems when used. Having a third forum on a horizontal line would be indispensable - if you can help lead this old horse to water. :)

Bummer - I just saw what you wrote above, LOL!!!! I will try out the code now!

Confirmed... 33% works like a charm!

everfresh2 11-06-2010 07:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
in 4.0.8 i did the same.

it is showing correctly. but above the footer area is not OK due to this CSS edits.

Please someone guide me how to fix this ?

screen shot is attached.

Lynne 11-06-2010 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by everfresh2 (Post 2118777)
in 4.0.8 i did the same.

it is showing correctly. but above the footer area is not OK due to this CSS edits.

Please someone guide me how to fix this ?

screen shot is attached.

That isn't from the CSS here. It's from something else (you didn't update your templates after upgrading). Remove the CSS I wrote in the first post from your style and you'll see you still have that issue.

vinayak 11-18-2010 01:23 PM


Is there any way to add a sidebar on the threads page - showthread.php?

Also, can a 3-column layout be created for the forum home page? I need the page to look like this:


Thanks & Regards,

Lynne 11-18-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by vinayak (Post 2123179)

Is there any way to add a sidebar on the threads page - showthread.php?

Also, can a 3-column layout be created for the forum home page? I need the page to look like this:


Thanks & Regards,

Sure, but none of that has anything to do with what this thread is about.

vinayak 11-18-2010 01:43 PM

I am sorry. I thought that since this was about layout on the forum page, I put my query here.

iBaker 12-02-2010 03:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Lynne
Great edits to the css...thanks.

I have 3 questions:
1. How do I remove the text "Sub-forums"...is removing it from the template the only way?
2. Everyone says "it's ok, just add it to the "additional.css" template...do you know if this just builds up the final css making it bigger or is it always better to try and change the existing css templates?
3. Can you think of anyway that I can keep the "Threads/Posts" and "Last Post" but have the sub forums spread across the page...like this:?

Attachment 124074


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