Opserty |
08-02-2008 08:36 PM |
------------------------------ RANT ------------------------------
Originally Posted by xXLeighXx2008
(Post 1589512)
In all fairness, I don't believe you are supporting your mod as coders do. Its a simple question about YOUR mod. I dont have time to be doing this and that.
Not installed, due to POOR SUPPORT
:mad: :mad: It is people like you that really do anger me... :mad: :mad:
Its not like I haven't put enough effort into creating the thing in the first place? Maybe you don't feel as though you should put in the same amount of effort because you are just a user or something? (I really don't know...). My modification works fine with default vBulletin, if you want to modify your vBulletin you need to learn at least small things like this! It isn't rocket science and I've even provided guidelines, frankly its disgusting that you come back to say I give Poor Support when I spent more then 2 whole days coding this and you can't even give 3 minutes of your own time...
Frankly I'd rather not waste my time on such people.
Answering one good question is like feeding a hungry person one meal, but teaching them research skills by example is teaching them to grow food for a lifetime.
A quote I stole from someone... somewhere, I advise you read it. :)
------------------------------ END RANT ------------------------------
Instead of ban certain user from using this, can we have allow only certain user to use this?
As previously stated, you can enable/disable usergroups from using the modification by visiting the default usergroup Permissions page.
Any way we can get this to work for 3.6.4?
It might work with 3.6.4, I personally haven't tried it. Or ever will unfortunately, I'd rather develop the mod forwards then to add in extra backward compatibility, as it is extra headache and also makes including new features more difficult as I have to make sure they work across all versions. I have tested it on 3.6.8 and it functions, only the colour picker does not work.