Hidden_Gamma |
03-20-2009 09:30 PM |
Okay, I have this working, somewhat, under 3.8.1 PL1 using the hack to get multi-level domains, but the problem is, it is adding my affiliate IDs to all the URLs other than my my two multilevel domain affiliate IDs for Amazon UK and Amazon Japan.
I think it may have something to do with the preg_match section, which I keep trying to tweak to get working, but to no avail. Maybe someone here can help me out? Here's the code as I am using, with my affiliate IDs redacted:
PHP Code:
<?php function amazon_links($text) {
/* * your partnernet ids */ $associate_id_co_uk = 'azn-id'; // or leave empty $associate_id_co_jp = 'azn-id'; // or leave empty $associate_id_de = 'azn-id'; // or leave empty $associate_id_com = 'azn-id'; // or leave empty $associate_id_ca = 'azn-id'; // or leave empty
/* * tag=xxx and ref=xxx will be replaced with your associate id in non asin links */ $replace_targt_urls = true; // true or false // reeplace arrays $replace_src = array(); $replace_str = array();
// check for [url="amazon-link"]some text[/url] if(preg_match_all("/\[url\=(?:\")?(http:\/\/(?:[A-z0-9\.]+)?amazon\.(co\.uk|co\.jp|de|com|ca)\/(?:.+))(?:\")?](.+)\[\/url\]/iU", $text, $out)) { for($i=0;$i<count($out[1]);$i++) { $associate_id = ${'associate_id_'.str_replace('.','_',$out[2][$i])}; $out[4][$i] = $out[1][$i];
if($associate_id && !empty($associate_id)) { // Look for an asin number if(preg_match("/\/[A-Z0-9]{10}(\/)?/", $out[1][$i], $asin) && strpos($out[1][$i], '/review') === false) { if(substr($asin[0], -1) != '/') { $asin[0] .= '/'; } $out[1][$i] = 'http://www.amazon.'.$out[2][$i].'/exec/obidos/ASIN'.$asin[0].'ref=nosim/'.$associate_id; } else { $target_url = $out[1][$i]; if($replace_targt_urls) { $target_url = preg_replace('/ref\=([a-z0-9\-]{3,})\-([0-9]{2})/iU', 'ref='.$associate_id, $target_url); $target_url = preg_replace('/tag\=([a-z0-9\-]{3,})\-([0-9]{2})/iU', 'tag='.$associate_id, $target_url); }
$out[1][$i] = 'http://www.amazon.'.$out[2][$i].'/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=ur2&camp=1789&tag='.$associate_id.'&creative=9325&path='.urlencode($target_url); }
$replace_src[] = '[url="'.$out[4][$i].'"]'; $replace_str[] = '[url="'.$out[1][$i].'"]';
$replace_src[] = '[url='.$out[4][$i].']'; $replace_str[] = '[url='.$out[1][$i].']';
$replace_src[] = '[url="'.$out[4][$i].'"]'; $replace_str[] = '[url="'.$out[1][$i].'"]';
$replace_src[] = '[url='.$out[4][$i].']'; $replace_str[] = '[url='.$out[1][$i].']'; } } } unset($out); // check for [url]amazon-link[/url] if(preg_match_all("/\[url\](http:\/\/(?:[A-z0-9\.]+)?amazon\.(co\.uk|co\.jp|de|com|ca)\/(?:.+))\[\/url\]/iU", $text, $out)) { for($i=0;$i<count($out[1]);$i++) { $associate_id = ${'associate_id_'.str_replace('.','_',$out[2][$i])}; $out[4][$i] = $out[1][$i];
if($associate_id && !empty($associate_id)) { // Look for an asin number if(preg_match("/\/[A-Z0-9]{10}(\/)?/", $out[1][$i], $asin) && strpos($out[1][$i], '/review') === false) { if(substr($asin[0], -1) != '/') { $asin[0] .= '/'; } $out[1][$i] = 'http://www.amazon.'.$out[2][$i].'/exec/obidos/ASIN'.$asin[0].'ref=nosim/'.$associate_id; } else { $target_url = $out[1][$i]; if($replace_targt_urls) { $target_url = preg_replace('/ref\=([a-z0-9\-]{3,})\-([0-9]{2})/iU', 'ref='.$associate_id, $target_url); $target_url = preg_replace('/tag\=([a-z0-9\-]{3,})\-([0-9]{2})/iU', 'tag='.$associate_id, $target_url); }
$out[1][$i] = 'http://www.amazon.'.$out[2][$i].'/exec/obidos/redirect?link_code=ur2&camp=1789&tag='.$associate_id.'&creative=9325&path='.urlencode($target_url); }
$displayed_link = $out[4][$i]; if(strlen($displayed_link) > 55) { $displayed_link = substr($displayed_link, 0, 36).'...'.substr($displayed_link, -14); }
$replace_src[] = '[url]'.$out[4][$i].'[/url]'; $replace_str[] = '[url="'.$out[1][$i].'"]'.$displayed_link."[/url]";
$replace_src[] = '[url]'.$out[4][$i].'[/url]'; $replace_str[] = '[url="'.$out[1][$i].'"]'.$displayed_link."[/url]"; } } } unset($out);
// replace the message if(isset($replace_src[0])) { $text = str_replace($replace_src, $replace_str, $text); } unset($replace_src, $replace_str);
return $text; } ?>