Strike3ForumsMH |
04-10-2007 04:54 PM |
Originally Posted by Vizionz
(Post 1219471)
i tried this out and yes its pretty damn cool but i wont be using it. untill it can be globally matched to the vbulletin theme its no use to me. it looks like garbage when other users change there themes that dont even go with the forum. stand alone this would be a great. but as of now and the basic admin section with no ability to delete styles or force a global style for profiles its nothing usefull to me. i dont want a myspace clone. that allows you to design your own crap layouts. i want a system that will match my site but with the features this has. so untill then i will be designing my own or waiting to see what vb has in store.
but it gets 4 out of 5 for the features and all around attempt
You can as an admin create your own style, set it as default for the forum and enable the option of not allowing users to change the style so that you can keep an element of continuity through out your site. From Zoints Admin CP, you should see an option asking whether or not to allow members to edit styles, which you can disable. Or you can create several styles of your own, and run some queries to remove the default Zoints styles. So unless you have a very complicated style, you should be able to at least CLOSELY match the style you have to keep the site look consistent. I do agree though that it is something that needs some work and something that many desire.
Good luck with your development though.
Originally Posted by Tanya123
(Post 1224159)
Is this still the case? I saw (currently) on a big-board where they don't have the Community button in their profiles. I don't even think their site is listed in the Zoints directory. Please advise.
It sounds like that particular site has an autonomous license (which are currently not for sale) that allows them to stay a separate island, disconnected from the Zoints network.