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faraz_hamza 07-12-2011 05:31 AM


There's some error when sending your award request. Please contact site's administrator for assistant.

i m gettting this error on vb 4.1.4. when user click on request award.
i also check the permission and set to yes still getting the same error.
is there any fix?

discodoran 07-12-2011 07:55 AM

yer i get this error two but says that none of my admins user names can be found

TheLastSuperman 07-12-2011 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Tahir_Younus786 (Post 2218875)
Is this hock work in VB 4.1.4



Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2219540)

There's some error when sending your award request. Please contact site's administrator for assistant.
i m gettting this error on vb 4.1.4. when user click on request award.
i also check the permission and set to yes still getting the same error.
is there any fix?

This could be due to how you have min time between posts set OR could be a issue w/ how it installed the tables... ( https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....4&postcount=33 ) I've updated this in my ranks mod (identical to this pretty much) however you can edit the .xml and find:


                                                ) TYPE=MyISAM

Replace TYPE with ENGINE as shown in all occcurances within the .xml:


                                                ) ENGINE=MyISAM

Make a backup before importing the modified .xml in case you do anything wrong ;).

COL NIL SATIS 07-13-2011 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2219749)

This could be due to how you have min time between posts set OR could be a issue w/ how it installed the tables... ( https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....4&postcount=33 ) I've updated this in my ranks mod (identical to this pretty much) however you can edit the .xml and find:


                                                ) TYPE=MyISAM

Replace TYPE with ENGINE as shown in all occcurances within the .xml:


                                                ) ENGINE=MyISAM

Make a backup before importing the modified .xml in case you do anything wrong ;).

Thanks Mike,will give that a whirl :)

TheLastSuperman 07-13-2011 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by COL NIL SATIS (Post 2220011)
Thanks Mike,will give that a whirl :)

I also updated my ranks mod last night w/ this info and it should hold true for the Awards mod since they are virtually identical (say to yourself ohh ok everywhere I see Rank or Ranks I replace w/ Award or Awards respectively :D)


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman

If you do not properly setup this modification you will see errors such as:


Originally Posted by faraz_hamza (Post 2219546)

Something unexpected has happened, your rank request cannot be sent at this time. Please contact a site administrator for assistance.
I am getting this error when i recommend or issue rank request?

how to fix it ?

Basically here's the short on this:
  • Edit your usergroups, for each usergroup set whether they can request and recommend ranks.
  • Setup the mod options in AdminCP > Ranks System > Rank System Settings.
  • If your having the requests or recommendations posted as a New Thread OR New Post within a existing thread please ensure that the members usergroup has permission to do so, in other words they can't post a new rank request into a private admin-only forum or a new post in a admin only thread correct? Bingo :p. You can create a new forum and only allow viewing to normal members ;).
  • If your having users requesting ranks every min or two, adjust your minimum time between posts to be one minute.
  • Try disabling the Points System, do you still have a issue?

Other issues:
  • What is the minimum version of MySQL Required?
    - The core of the ranks sytem will function on MySQL 4.1. However, in order to use the Points System you must be running at least MySQL 5.0+
  • I'm seeing output like "-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: ranks_rankusers_bit -->" before it displays members. Why?
    In your AdminCP > Settings > Options > General Settings > Add Template Name in HTML Comments = OFF
  • Styling issues? - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....58&postcount=2

sadiq6210 07-13-2011 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2189701)
UPDATE FOR: 4.0.8 - 4.1.3

1- Find the template (memberinfo_block_myawards) and replace it all

<div id="view-myawards" class="<vb:if condition="$selected_tab == 'myawards'">selected_view_section<vb:else />view_section</vb:if>">

<div class="blocksubhead subsectionhead userprof_headers userprof_headers_border">
{vb:rawphrase award_showcase} - {vb:raw $block_data[num]} {vb:rawphrase awards} <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_points]"> - {vb:raw $block_data[total_points]} {vb:rawphrase points}</vb:if>

<div class="blockbody">
<table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_showicon]"><th class="blocksubhead" nowrap="nowrap">{vb:rawphrase award_icon}</th></vb:if>
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_showimage]"><th class="blocksubhead" nowrap="nowrap">{vb:rawphrase award_image}</th></vb:if>
        <th class="blocksubhead" width="100%">{vb:rawphrase award_description}</th>
{vb:raw $block_data[myawards]}

2- From(Plugin Manager)
Find (YAAS - Profile Tab) and disactive it.

3- From (plugin manager)
Find (YAAS in Member Profile - Profile) >> EDIT >> Replace it all

$blocklist['myawards'] = array(
        'class' => 'MyAwards',
        'title' => $vbphrase['my_awards'],
        'options' => array(
                'pagenumber' => $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']
        'hook_location' => 'profile_tabs_last',
        'wrap' => false

global $vbulletin; 
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
$bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());

class vB_ProfileBlock_MyAwards extends vB_ProfileBlock
    var $template_name = 'memberinfo_block_myawards';

    function confirm_empty_wrap()
        return false;

    function confirm_display()
        return ($this->block_data['myawards'] != '');

    function prepare_output($id = '', $options = array())
        global $show, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $vbcollapse, $bgclass, $vbulletin;
        require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
        $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($this->registry, fetch_tag_list());

                $result = $this->registry->db->query_read('
            ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award_user AS award_user
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award AS award USING (award_id)
                award_user.userid = ' . $this->profile->userinfo['userid'] . '
                AND award.award_active = "1"
            ORDER BY
                                if (($vbulletin->options['aw_points']) AND ($this->profile->userinfo['userid']))
                                        $userpoints = $this->registry->db->query_read('
                                                SELECT a.*, au.*, SUM(award_pointvalue) AS TotalPoints
                                                FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award a, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award_user au
                                                WHERE (au.userid = '.$this->profile->userinfo['userid'].') AND (a.award_id=au.award_id) AND (a.award_active = "1")
                                                GROUP BY au.userid
                                        while ($array = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($userpoints))
                                                $this->block_data['total_points'] = $array['TotalPoints'];
        $num = $this->block_data['num'] = $this->registry->db->num_rows($result);
        $this->block_data['myawards'] = '';
        if ($num > 0)
            // Display Awards
            while ($award = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($result))
                $award['award_desc'] = $bbcode_parser->parse($award['award_desc']);
                $award['issue_reason'] = $bbcode_parser->parse($award['issue_reason']);
                $award_issue_date = vbdate($this->registry->options['dateformat'], $award['issue_time'], true);
                $award_issue_time = vbdate($this->registry->options['timeformat'], $award['issue_time']);
                //- VB3 -// eval('$this->block_data[\'myawards\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_userawards_bit') . '";');
                                //- BEGIN VB4 -//
                                $templater = vB_Template::create('awards_userawards_bit');
                                        $templater->register('award', $award);
                                        $templater->register('award_issue_date', $award_issue_date);
                                        $templater->register('award_issue_time', $award_issue_time);
                                $this->block_data['myawards'] .= $templater->render();
                                //- END VB4 -//

Good luck :)

Also, It works with 4.1.4 :)

COL NIL SATIS 07-14-2011 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2220077)
I also updated my ranks mod last night w/ this info and it should hold true for the Awards mod since they are virtually identical (say to yourself ohh ok everywhere I see Rank or Ranks I replace w/ Award or Awards respectively :D)

Cheers mate

Takumi85 07-17-2011 01:31 PM

Hi, I think after I installed the yaas has created this problem. My vb version is 4.0.8.

A <fieldset> when replying to a topic, in advanced mode (go advanced).

How to remove the black line?

Sorry for my English. :)

Here the images of the problem:



GameOverViper 07-17-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2189701)
UPDATE FOR: 4.0.8 - 4.1.3

1- Find the template (memberinfo_block_myawards) and replace it all

<div id="view-myawards" class="<vb:if condition="$selected_tab == 'myawards'">selected_view_section<vb:else />view_section</vb:if>">

<div class="blocksubhead subsectionhead userprof_headers userprof_headers_border">
{vb:rawphrase award_showcase} - {vb:raw $block_data[num]} {vb:rawphrase awards} <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_points]"> - {vb:raw $block_data[total_points]} {vb:rawphrase points}</vb:if>

<div class="blockbody">
<table width="100%">
<tr align="center">
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_showicon]"><th class="blocksubhead" nowrap="nowrap">{vb:rawphrase award_icon}</th></vb:if>
        <vb:if condition="$vboptions[aw_showimage]"><th class="blocksubhead" nowrap="nowrap">{vb:rawphrase award_image}</th></vb:if>
        <th class="blocksubhead" width="100%">{vb:rawphrase award_description}</th>
{vb:raw $block_data[myawards]}

2- From(Plugin Manager)
Find (YAAS - Profile Tab) and disactive it.

3- From (plugin manager)
Find (YAAS in Member Profile - Profile) >> EDIT >> Replace it all

$blocklist['myawards'] = array(
        'class' => 'MyAwards',
        'title' => $vbphrase['my_awards'],
        'options' => array(
                'pagenumber' => $vbulletin->GPC['pagenumber']
        'hook_location' => 'profile_tabs_last',
        'wrap' => false

global $vbulletin; 
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
$bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());

class vB_ProfileBlock_MyAwards extends vB_ProfileBlock
    var $template_name = 'memberinfo_block_myawards';

    function confirm_empty_wrap()
        return false;

    function confirm_display()
        return ($this->block_data['myawards'] != '');

    function prepare_output($id = '', $options = array())
        global $show, $vbphrase, $stylevar, $vbcollapse, $bgclass, $vbulletin;
        require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
        $bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($this->registry, fetch_tag_list());

                $result = $this->registry->db->query_read('
            ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award_user AS award_user
                LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award AS award USING (award_id)
                award_user.userid = ' . $this->profile->userinfo['userid'] . '
                AND award.award_active = "1"
            ORDER BY
                                if (($vbulletin->options['aw_points']) AND ($this->profile->userinfo['userid']))
                                        $userpoints = $this->registry->db->query_read('
                                                SELECT a.*, au.*, SUM(award_pointvalue) AS TotalPoints
                                                FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award a, ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'award_user au
                                                WHERE (au.userid = '.$this->profile->userinfo['userid'].') AND (a.award_id=au.award_id) AND (a.award_active = "1")
                                                GROUP BY au.userid
                                        while ($array = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($userpoints))
                                                $this->block_data['total_points'] = $array['TotalPoints'];
        $num = $this->block_data['num'] = $this->registry->db->num_rows($result);
        $this->block_data['myawards'] = '';
        if ($num > 0)
            // Display Awards
            while ($award = $this->registry->db->fetch_array($result))
                $award['award_desc'] = $bbcode_parser->parse($award['award_desc']);
                $award['issue_reason'] = $bbcode_parser->parse($award['issue_reason']);
                $award_issue_date = vbdate($this->registry->options['dateformat'], $award['issue_time'], true);
                $award_issue_time = vbdate($this->registry->options['timeformat'], $award['issue_time']);
                //- VB3 -// eval('$this->block_data[\'myawards\'] .= "' . fetch_template('awards_userawards_bit') . '";');
                                //- BEGIN VB4 -//
                                $templater = vB_Template::create('awards_userawards_bit');
                                        $templater->register('award', $award);
                                        $templater->register('award_issue_date', $award_issue_date);
                                        $templater->register('award_issue_time', $award_issue_time);
                                $this->block_data['myawards'] .= $templater->render();
                                //- END VB4 -//

Good luck :)

Working for me as well on 4.1.4 on www.RevolutionofGaming.net. Thanks!

TheLastSuperman 07-17-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Takumi85 (Post 2221467)
Hi, I think after I installed the yaas has created this problem. My vb version is 4.0.8.

A <fieldset> when replying to a topic, in advanced mode (go advanced).

How to remove the black line?

Sorry for my English. :)

Here the images of the problem:



The default css they say to include actually overwrites your normal field css, remove that and it should now be back to normal ;). Alternatively you can use the CSS I adjusted for the Ranks mod, simply replace award w/ rank either lower or upper case in every instance and use it instead ;).

.ranks_fieldset {
  padding-left: 4px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(15, 16, 19);

Use this for the Awards mod:


.awards_fieldset {
  padding-left: 4px;
  border: 1px solid rgb(15, 16, 19);

Paste the above code ^ into additional.css

NOW - Edit awards_postbit_display template and find:


Replace with:


<fieldset class="ranks_fieldset">

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