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GreysAnatomy 12-17-2007 05:59 AM

I've d/led the hack again, re-installed it and set everything up again, but with the same result. This time, I didn't change anything in the lower part of the code and removed all html as well as any special symbols but it still doean't work.

PHP Code:

// To add more then one form, copy this whole text, and creat a new plug-in with the hook location 'newthread_start'.
// After, change the form name. You can't have 2 forms with the same name.

// Name of this form
$formname "moderatorsearch";

if (
$_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)

// #######################################################################
// ######################## CUSTOMIZE VARIABLES ##########################
// #######################################################################

////// BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION BELOW////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//Study how variables are add here to add or remove any. If you add a variable to your form, you must add it to part one and part two.

// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer2' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer3' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer4' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer5' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer6' => TYPE_STR

// Part 2
$longanswer1 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
$longanswer2 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer2'];
$longanswer3 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer3'];
$longanswer4 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer4'];
$longanswer5 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5'];
$longanswer6 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer6'];

//You can add or remove usegroups that are ALLOWED to use this form by changing the numbers below in the array.
//To enable this feature, remove the '//' before the 'if'.

// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(6))) print_no_permission();



// Name of the main template
$maintemplate "moderatorsearch";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate "moderatoranswers";



//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum "1";

//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid "18";

//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";

//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic "0";


$formreply "0";

$formreplythreadid "12345";


//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED (guests CANNOT use this option) - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm "0";

//USERNAME TO PM TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formpmname "Sarah Walker";


//ENABLE FORM TO BE EMAILED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formemail "1";

//EMAIL ADDRESS TO EMAIL TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formemailaddress "webmaster@chuck-boards.com";


//ENABLE ATTACHMENTS - 1 = yes, 0 = no
//attachments can only be used if the form is going to make a new thread or post
$allow_attachments "0";


// 0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
// 1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
// 2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
// 3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
// Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0

$redirectoption "0";

$errormessage "Thank you for submitting your application. We will let you know if you've made it!"//This is the thank you message\


//If you added or deleted variables, you must edit what it checked for. Search for "$answerall ==" and edit 2 lines under it.

$answerall "0";

//TITLE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole title)

$formtitle "Moderator Search - Round 2";

//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.

$posttitle "$formtitle";

//PURPOSE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)

$formpurpose "Please answer all the questions. Read them carefully, then state what you think is wrong with the scenario and provide examples of PMs or posts if necessary.";


//LONG TEXT AREA INPUT: QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)

$longquestion1 "Question 1";
$longexplain1 "Someone has posted in a thread. Their signature contains 5 animated icons with pictures of an upcoming episode.";

$longquestion2 "Question 2:";
$longexplain2 "While browsing the boards, you notice the following post in the Couples subforum: plz h3lp me. i w4Nt A cUst0m 4vat4R BuT d0n'T kn0w wh3r3 to Upl04d it. h3lP!";

$longquestion3 "Question 3:";
$longexplain3 "A friend of yours PMs you to ask if you could change his/her username to Ellie Bartowski.";

$longquestion4 "Question 4:";
$longexplain4 "You come across a minor disagreement between two members but decide to leave them alone and resolve their differences. When you log in the next day, there have been multiple other people jumping in and the whole thread has turned into a fighting arena.";

$longquestion5 "Question 5:";
$longexplain5 "You come across a forum that looks like a clone from Chuck Boards - same subforum names, same avatars, same headers.";

$longquestion6 "Why me?";
$longexplain6 "Please write a short essay on why we should pick you to become a moderator.";


//VB TEXT AREA INPUT: You can only have ONE vb text question. (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)

$vbtextquestion "Please write down a paragraph about how you like this forum.";
$vbtextexplain "For example, what makes this forum different from all other forums?";

////// END OF CUSTOMIZATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////  DO NOT CHANGE BELOW UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! ////////////////////////////////

I'd be really grateful if anyknow could tell me what's wrong with this plugin. I didn't change the templates btw. They're still the same as posted above.

Oh, I now get the error message:
PHP Code:

Parse errorsyntax errorunexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRINGexpecting ')' in /home/schneefl/public_html/chuck-boards.com/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 38 

Line 38 is the following:
PHP Code:

$longanswer5 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5']; 

attroll 12-17-2007 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by GreysAnatomy (Post 1402670)
I've d/led the hack again, re-installed it and set everything up again, but with the same result. This time, I didn't change anything in the lower part of the code and removed all html as well as any special symbols but it still doean't work.

PHP Code:

// To add more then one form, copy this whole text, and creat a new plug-in with the hook location 'newthread_start'.
// After, change the form name. You can't have 2 forms with the same name.
// Name of this form
$formname "moderatorsearch";
if (
$_REQUEST['do'] == $formname)
// #######################################################################
// ######################## CUSTOMIZE VARIABLES ##########################
// #######################################################################
////// BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION BELOW////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Study how variables are add here to add or remove any. If you add a variable to your form, you must add it to part one and part two.
// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer2' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer3' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer4' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer5' => TYPE_STR
'longanswer6' => TYPE_STR
// Part 2
$longanswer1 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];
$longanswer2 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer2'];
$longanswer3 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer3'];
$longanswer4 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer4'];
$longanswer5 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5'];
$longanswer6 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer6'];
//You can add or remove usegroups that are ALLOWED to use this form by changing the numbers below in the array.
//To enable this feature, remove the '//' before the 'if'.
// if (!in_array($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'], array(6))) print_no_permission();
// Name of the main template
$maintemplate "moderatorsearch";
// Name of the answer template
$answertemplate "moderatoranswers";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE POSTED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formforum "1";
//You CAN make this number a variable. You can have a drop down menu or in the link like do=form&f=1. Make sure you add it the variables list.
$formforumid "18";
//ENABLE POLL TO BE CREATED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpoll "0";
$polloption[1] = "Yes";
$polloption[2] = "No";
$polloption[3] = "Maybe";
//Make poll public - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$pollpublic "0";
$formreply "0";
$formreplythreadid "12345";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE PMED (guests CANNOT use this option) - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formpm "0";
//USERNAME TO PM TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formpmname "Sarah Walker";
//ENABLE FORM TO BE EMAILED - 1 = yes, 0 = no
$formemail "1";
//EMAIL ADDRESS TO EMAIL TO (separate multiple usernames with a ';')
$formemailaddress "webmaster@chuck-boards.com";
//ENABLE ATTACHMENTS - 1 = yes, 0 = no
//attachments can only be used if the form is going to make a new thread or post
$allow_attachments "0";
// 0 - thank you message (thread, reply, pm, or email)
// 1 - redirect to post (thread or reply)
// 2 - redirect to thread (thread only)
// 3 - redirect to forum (thread only)
// 4 - redirect to editpost (thread or reply)
// Feel free to change the thank you message if you choose option 0
$redirectoption "0";
$errormessage "Thank you for submitting your application. We will let you know if you've made it!"//This is the thank you message\
//If you added or deleted variables, you must edit what it checked for. Search for "$answerall ==" and edit 2 lines under it.
$answerall "0";
//TITLE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole title)
$formtitle "Moderator Search - Round 2";
//TITLE OF THREAD/POST/PM/EMAIL (do not use quotation marks in the title or you will get a parse error)
//You may use variables from the form for this.
$posttitle "$formtitle";
//PURPOSE OF FORM (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$formpurpose "Please answer all the questions. Read them carefully, then state what you think is wrong with the scenario and provide examples of PMs or posts if necessary.";
//LONG TEXT AREA INPUT: QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$longquestion1 "Question 1";
$longexplain1 "Someone has posted in a thread. Their signature contains 5 animated icons with pictures of an upcoming episode.";
$longquestion2 "Question 2:";
$longexplain2 "While browsing the boards, you notice the following post in the Couples subforum: plz h3lp me. i w4Nt A cUst0m 4vat4R BuT d0n'T kn0w wh3r3 to Upl04d it. h3lP!";
$longquestion3 "Question 3:";
$longexplain3 "A friend of yours PMs you to ask if you could change his/her username to Ellie Bartowski.";
$longquestion4 "Question 4:";
$longexplain4 "You come across a minor disagreement between two members but decide to leave them alone and resolve their differences. When you log in the next day, there have been multiple other people jumping in and the whole thread has turned into a fighting arena.";
$longquestion5 "Question 5:";
$longexplain5 "You come across a forum that looks like a clone from Chuck Boards - same subforum names, same avatars, same headers.";
$longquestion6 "Why me?";
$longexplain6 "Please write a short essay on why we should pick you to become a moderator.";
//VB TEXT AREA INPUT: You can only have ONE vb text question. (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$vbtextquestion "Please write down a paragraph about how you like this forum.";
$vbtextexplain "For example, what makes this forum different from all other forums?";
////// END OF CUSTOMIZATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/////  DO NOT CHANGE BELOW UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!! ////////////////////////////////

I'd be really grateful if anyknow could tell me what's wrong with this plugin. I didn't change the templates btw. They're still the same as posted above.

Oh, I now get the error message:
PHP Code:

Parse errorsyntax errorunexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRINGexpecting ')' in /home/schneefl/public_html/chuck-boards.com/newthread.php(71) : eval()'d code on line 38 

Line 38 is the following:
PHP Code:

$longanswer5 $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer5']; 

I believe line 38 that they are talking about is in newthread.php.

GreysAnatomy 12-17-2007 10:07 AM

I didn't change anything in there at all. But ever since I've modified the customized plugin, the origianl one doesn't work either and keeps giving me the same error message. I think I'm giving up on this hack. :(

attroll 12-17-2007 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by GreysAnatomy (Post 1402730)
This time, I didn't change anything in the lower part of the code and removed all html as well as any special symbols but it still doean't work.

That could be why it does not work. If you added code in the upper part of the plugin then you also have to make sure you added the variables in the lower part.

zmmmzz 12-18-2007 06:55 PM

does it work with 3.7???

attroll 12-19-2007 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by zmmmzz (Post 1403864)
does it work with 3.7???

Yes it does.

zmmmzz 12-19-2007 06:53 PM

woohoo!!! thanks

theoz1 12-20-2007 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by theoz1 (Post 1400354)
well it got rid of teh description, im g uessing something needs to be changed in one of these 2 sections?

// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'normalanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'normalanswer2' => TYPE_STR,
'normalanswer3' => TYPE_STR,
'normalanswer4' => TYPE_STR,
'normalanswer5' => TYPE_STR,
'longanswer1' => TYPE_STR

// Part 2
$normalanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer1'];
$normalanswer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer2'];
$normalanswer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer3'];
$normalanswer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer4'];
$normalanswer5 = $vbulletin->GPC['normalanswer5'];
$longanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['longanswer1'];

//QUESTION 1 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$question1 = "What site is this being played on?";
$explain1 = "Please enter the poker site";

//QUESTION 2 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$question2 = "What is your poker account";
$explain2 = "May only use 1 account";

//QUESTION 3 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$question3 = "Total Amount of Money";
$explain3 = "Please enter the amount here.";

//Question 4
$question4 = "Number of shares";
$explain4 = "#";

$question5 = "Cost for each share";
$explain5 = "How much is each worth";

been trying to figure out how to do it, but still cant get it.

shcchief 12-22-2007 08:03 AM

Yeah I can't get question 4 to come out on the email or the PM.

I do the website for a gaming clan so here is what I believe to be the relevant code:


<td class="alt1" valign="middle">
<b>$question4</b><br />
<td class="alt1" valign="middle" colspan="2">
<input type="text" size="30" value="$answer4" name="answer4" /></td>


// Part 1
$vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('p', array(
'answer1' => TYPE_STR,
'answer2' => TYPE_STR,
'answer3' => TYPE_STR,
'answer4' => TYPE_STR,
'dropdownanswer1' => TYPE_STR,
'checkboxanswer1_1' => TYPE_STR,
'checkboxanswer1_2' => TYPE_STR,
'vbtextquestion' => TYPE_STR

// Part 2
$answer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer1'];
$answer2 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer2'];
$answer3 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer3'];
$answer4 = $vbulletin->GPC['answer4'];
$dropdownanswer1 = $vbulletin->GPC['dropdownanswer1'];
$checkboxanswer1_1 = $vbulletin->GPC['checkboxanswer1_1'];
$checkboxanswer1_2 = $vbulletin->GPC['checkboxanswer1_2'];
$vbtextanswer  = $vbulletin->GPC['vbtextanswer'];


//QUESTION 4 (do not use quotation marks or you will get a parse error, besides the quotes around the whole text)
$question4 = "What is your Xfire username?";
$explain4 = "Enter your Xfire username.";

As I said it's only question 4 that doesn't get emailed or PM'ed...

attroll 12-22-2007 05:22 PM

$answer4 is not a default variable that is included in the hack. Any additional variables that you add you also have to add in the lower part of the plugin.

Look for a code in the lower part of the plugin that looks like this:

    if ($answerall == "1")
        if ($normalanswer1 == '' OR $radioanswer1 == '' OR $radioanswer2 == '' OR $radioanswer3 == '' OR $answer1 == '' OR $answer2 == '' OR $answer3 == '' OR ($checkboxchoice1_1 AND $checkboxchoice1_2 AND $checkboxchoice1_3) OR $longanswer1 == '')
            $errormessage = "$bbuserinfo[username], you need to answer every question!";
            eval('print_output("' . fetch_template('STANDARD_ERROR') . '");');

You will need to ad the "OR $answer4" in there in the proper format.

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Template Usage:
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  • global
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Included Files:
  • ./printthread.php
  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
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Hooks Called:
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