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Diggazz 02-19-2006 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Works for me except one small thing.. Not really minor though...

On the ticket list, I see everything fine, except, what should probably be buttons for actions, I only see one button without anything written in it.. When I click it, it deletes the ticket.. No button for closing or reassigning or whatever..

Any ideas?

I have this as well


I have setup a category assigned an admin

Now I would assume that this function is here so when that category is sellected that admin would have the ticked assigned to them

however even if a category is selected by the person raising the ticket its still sits in the system as unassigned

If im on the wrong track here can you please explain the usage of categories

Thanks in advance

MorrisMcD 02-19-2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Diggazz
I have this as well


I have setup a category assigned an admin

Now I would assume that this function is here so when that category is sellected that admin would have the ticked assigned to them

however even if a category is selected by the person raising the ticket its still sits in the system as unassigned

If im on the wrong track here can you please explain the usage of categories

Thanks in advance

He seems to have put this hack on the back burner.. But I cant complain.. He has been releasing features for the estore left and right.. If you end up figuring out the problem though, I am still having the issue.. :(

Diggazz 02-19-2006 04:40 AM

I found some radio buttons to close it just scroll down in the thread but yeah the button by itself with no name is dangerous seeing how it deletes the ticket

still no joy with assigning the ticket to the category admin though

and as a few others have requested some sort of notification that a ticket is created would be good

PM would be the best but email would do

Great hack but could be an Awesome one with a little polishing

MorrisMcD 02-19-2006 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Diggazz
I found some radio buttons to close it just scroll down in the thread but yeah the button by itself with no name is dangerous seeing how it deletes the ticket

still no joy with assigning the ticket to the category admin though

and as a few others have requested some sort of notification that a ticket is created would be good

PM would be the best but email would do

Great hack but could be an Awesome one with a little polishing

Yea.. I wonder if that is like that for everyone..

But as for your category issue.. I think that you have all tickets unassigned by default.. There needs to be a notification pm for this and it would rule.. And if a specific category is selected, it would be cool if it either a) defaulted to a user and b) radomiz or cycle through a usergroup...

That would be sweet...

Thanks for the heads up on where I can reassign these tix.. I will just keep the delete option off for the mods.. and I wont have to worry about the delete button

AFMichael 02-19-2006 10:32 PM

The delete button appears, but the value/text for this button is blank. Where would I go to correct this?

-see attached image-

akanevsky 02-19-2006 10:40 PM

Are there any screenshots for this?

AFMichael 02-19-2006 10:44 PM

I've corrected this problem by removing "$vbphrase[support_delete_selected_tickets]" and replacing it with "Delete"

MorrisMcD 02-19-2006 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Decode
I've corrected this problem by removing "$vbphrase[support_delete_selected_tickets]" and replacing it with "Delete"

Brilliant.. Just a missing phrase... I'm learning

To fix it another way, just add a phrase

Phrase Type: vBSupport Phrases
Product: vBSupport System
Varname: support_delete_selected_tickets
Text: Delete Selected Tickets

Deimos 02-19-2006 11:25 PM

Staff notification is a must imo
Is this going in at anytime?

MorrisMcD 02-20-2006 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Staff notification is a must imo
Is this going in at anytime?

Maybe you should slide that question in at the ebux thread... haha

He has been living there for awhile. I wouldnt expect much on this project until that slows down.

creedmaniac 02-21-2006 01:09 PM

I have this slight problem where i tend to read to far into things...so i was wondering if someone coculd help me out with exactly what all these option do?

IE...if i select yes for the first option...does that mean this group can do anything they want...or do i still need to select yes for the others?

Reply to own tickets...does this mean that this user can't reply to a moderators answer if i set to no?

This usergroup can Admin Support Tickets Yes No
Can Create Tickets Yes No
Can Reply to Own Tickets Yes No
Can Reply to All Tickets Yes No
Can Delete Own Tickets Yes No
Can Delete Any Tickets Yes No
Can Close Own Tickets Yes No
Can Close Any Tickets Yes No
Can Open Own Tickets Yes No
Can Open Any Tickets Yes No
Can Assign Tickets Yes No
Can Reassign Tickets Yes No
Can Post Attachments Yes No
Can View Attachments Yes No
Can Manage Categories Yes No
Can Update Ticket Category Type Yes No

Smiry Kin's 02-21-2006 02:20 PM

for admin, your self, and moderators if you trust them, select them all. for users, and unregistered people do

Can Create Tickets Yes
Can Reply to Own Tickets Yes
Can Open Own Tickets Yes

MorrisMcD 02-23-2006 02:18 PM

I noticed one little quirk about this hack..

When you get sent an update about a ticket, it checks the pop up notification option in usercp... Any ideas how to stop this?

username12 02-26-2006 07:20 AM

Nevermind. Guess rebuilding all plugins fixes all my woes.

lanc3lot 02-26-2006 10:47 AM

I think that without the pm feature, its useless for at least big forums like mine...
Pity :(

Thanatos 02-27-2006 02:14 AM

I just did the update and it seems like this isn't working for me.

It can't find any of the phrases. In the Settings Group under VBOptions, its all blank.

All the phrases are installed, it just doesn't seem to 'see' them and reports them as it can't find them.

Not sure how to proceeed. I have installed and uninstalled numerous times.

Reeve of shinra 03-02-2006 12:50 AM

Is anyone using this as a task manager for your staff?

Diggazz 03-02-2006 07:04 AM

Yes we use it as a todo list for staff as well as a support system

Its an excellent mod

It would be a brilliant mod if it had notification though

Derekclarke 03-02-2006 09:08 AM

i agree notification would change this from a Great Mod to a Superb mod.

had not thought of using it to task mods, but half of them do not check the support, so it would be no good without notification.

apokphp 03-02-2006 07:15 PM

Has anyone figured out how to stop the member's pm notification that they themself, replied to their own ticket?

I concur about needing STAFF notification...it's a must have for this feature in order for it to be as useful as it should. I didn't think that it would be that difficult to do though.

bashy 03-02-2006 07:41 PM


I have installed...
Looks great thanks

bashy 03-02-2006 08:18 PM


Please help, this is not alerting admin or supermods?
How do i enable alerts please?

Also how does this sound....

When an unregistered user uses the system, they have to
include a name and email addy, if they dont they cant proceed?

Overseer 03-03-2006 02:47 PM

A couple of problems...probably my install...

This is a fresh VB install, nothing has been touched..
Everthing appears to install fine...no noticed errors
The usergroup does not appear, and because of that I am getting errors as admin that I don't have permissions to do anything related to the tickets.

I am green at all this so I think I can safely assume that I have done something wrong. Any direction would be appriciated.

Xtrato 03-11-2006 06:48 PM

Did you go to the Usergroups area and edit the permissions for the usergroups?

Overseer 03-13-2006 10:02 AM

One of the issues I am having is that the usergroups do not appear at all. I can't edit the permissions because I don't see them anywhere.

vBSEO 03-13-2006 02:53 PM

Very consistent with vB's native functionality. Amazing script. ~Installed @ vBSEO.com :)


MorrisMcD 03-13-2006 03:29 PM

attachments do not work on support tickets for me.. I get the following error...


Invalid Post specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator

bashy 03-13-2006 04:45 PM


Are we supposed to got an email or PM when a ticket has been posted?
If so its not working..

If not can this be implemented very soon?

MorrisMcD 03-13-2006 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by bashy

Are we supposed to got an email or PM when a ticket has been posted?
If so its not working..

If not can this be implemented very soon?

Its been asked quite a few times... Its not part of the hack yet.. No response from the author... Who is probably too busy with vbplaza.. and I cant complain :D

Hamma 03-14-2006 03:27 PM

When a user creates a ticket for some reason it is sending a PM to myself (UserID 1) and User ID 2 - makes no sense? I have not entered 2 anywhere.

creedmaniac 03-14-2006 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Hamma
When a user creates a ticket for some reason it is sending a PM to myself (UserID 1) and User ID 2 - makes no sense? I have not entered 2 anywhere.

at least you get a pm :D

Hamma 03-14-2006 03:49 PM

hehe - I removed the 3 userid's I had listed as the group admins and it stopped doing it.

BrandiDup 03-15-2006 04:50 PM

Installed and working perfectly.

Two features I would LOVE to see added:

Staff Notification
Unregistered Users must fill in at least an email address to proceed. It would be nice to have an extra spot for their username also (since I have a lot of current members who email me constantly about log in problems).

I'm anxious to see both things incoorporated but I can't complain that the author is spending so much time on vbPlaza because I'm enjoying that one quite a bit ;)

Julie 03-20-2006 08:06 PM

I did the uninstall in order for me to do a fresh install of this, but then when I go to edit a usergroup, the vbsupport part is still in there, only with no text, just the radio buttons... Then, if I try to save, I get this;


Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb3_usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'MV Jury Members',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'MV Jury Member',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"font-weight: bold; color: green;\">',
`closetag` = '</span>',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`ispublicgroup` = '1',
`canoverride` = '1',
`forumpermissions` = '774399',
`attachlimit` = '1000000',
`pmquota` = '50',
`pmpermissions` = '1',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`calendarpermissions` = '49',
`wolpermissions` = '1',
`adminpermissions` = '0',
`genericpermissions` = '2628679',
`genericoptions` = '30',
`profilepicmaxwidth` = '100',
`profilepicmaxheight` = '100',
`profilepicmaxsize` = '25000',
`avatarmaxwidth` = '50',
`avatarmaxheight` = '50',
`avatarmaxsize` = '20000',
`supportpermissions` = '0',
`quickclip` = '0',
`quickclip_max_clips` = '0',
`quickclip_max_folders` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=24;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'supportpermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, March 20th 2006 @ 10:02:28 PM
Script : http://*****/admincp/usergroup.php
Referrer : http://***/admincp/usergroup.php?do=edit&usergroupid=24
IP Address : **
Username : Julie
Classname : vb_database

Anyone know how to fix this? Where can I find the usergroup template thing so I can remove it completely?

fluentdesigns 03-20-2006 09:05 PM

I uninstalled this mod and now I am getting this error in my email every day.

Invalid SQL:

SELECT languageid,
phrasegroup_support AS phrasegroup_support,
phrasegroup_posting AS phrasegroup_posting,
phrasegroup_postbit AS phrasegroup_postbit,
phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
options AS lang_options,
languagecode AS lang_code,
charset AS lang_charset,
locale AS lang_locale,
imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM language
WHERE languageid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasegroup_support' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Monday, March 20th 2006 @ 02:36:42 PM
Script : http://www.planetminis.com/vBSupport.php

RMS-Chef 03-21-2006 11:11 PM

Great product so far, thanks.

Does this log IP addresses like regular forum posts do?
Would be a great addition if it does not.

dboogie2288 03-23-2006 04:59 PM


Quick question, I was running vbsupport for a few months on 3.5.0, but when I upgraded to 3.5.4, all my vbsupport permissions are jacked. I can't even add categories or anything like that and I cant seem to find what I am missing on the ACP that I need to possibly reset. Any ideas??


n/m I reuploaded my files manually and got it..thanks!

Stone Cold 3:16 03-23-2006 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by RMS-Chef
Great product so far, thanks.

Does this log IP addresses like regular forum posts do?
Would be a great addition if it does not.

Why would you need that exactly?

paulfletcher 03-25-2006 03:10 PM

I've installed this system, but I'm not seeing this option. Can my support group assign themselves, and only themselves to the question... Like MacOSX.com If you see you can answer a question, you go ahead and assign your self to it (claim ownership)... Can this system do this?

Has there been any word from the Author whether he's going to update this Hack with new features?


Julie 03-27-2006 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Julie
I did the uninstall in order for me to do a fresh install of this, but then when I go to edit a usergroup, the vbsupport part is still in there, only with no text, just the radio buttons... Then, if I try to save, I get this;

(lots of mysql, look at page 8 for it)

Anyone know how to fix this? Where can I find the usergroup template thing so I can remove it completely?

I got it... Just deleted bitfields_support.xml from includes/xml/ ....

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