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mkdevo 06-21-2005 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
You cant. They are done by highest, second highest, third highest, and all others. You could always change the images.

ahh.. i see. i was thinking the various images were attatched to 'levels' of donations..

...which would make for a nice addition to the hack! *hint*hint* ;)

Cloudrunner 06-22-2005 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by mamboking
Quick Note:

I recently noticed the the optional template edits running on vB 3.03 is kinda quarky. The donor button only works if I edit postbit but not postbit_legacy. But when they do show it shows for all users and not just the donors. The same for meminfo. I do have one question about meminfo button. is it suppose to be a button/badge for users who have donated or an easy access button for users to use to donate while viewing a profile? Again, because it shows for all users. The condition is set 0 but everyone is 1 in my database, even the ones I manually setup as donors

I'm not sure but I think the optional template edits displayed fine for 1.04

Bug found...was introduced with the release of 1.05 in that I am using the donor = 1 to make it a viewable..blah blah...will fix it...sorry about that one guys...It will be in the next update, for now, kill out the optional template edits...again, sorry...

Cloudrunner 06-22-2005 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by mkdevo
ahh.. i see. i was thinking the various images were attatched to 'levels' of donations..

...which would make for a nice addition to the hack! *hint*hint* ;)

I am working on a category style awards system for the donations, but the all donors page is determined by the database, ie. it is a simple ORDER BY total DESC command.

dsboyce8624 06-23-2005 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
Bug found...was introduced with the release of 1.05 in that I am using the donor = 1 to make it a viewable..blah blah...will fix it...sorry about that one guys...It will be in the next update, for now, kill out the optional template edits...again, sorry...

If you don't add bugs in now and then, you won't be able to keep working on it!

Trana 06-23-2005 06:04 AM


I have been away on business for a while, but now that I am back I am glad to see there has been so much progress with this script.

I think I was running 1.1 a while back? Anyhow, I uploaded the new version files and did an uninstall, but received the following message:

Warning: explode() [function.explode]: Empty delimiter. in \admincp\donation_install\donation_uninstall.php on line 20

Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?


Marco van Herwaarden 06-23-2005 08:15 AM

And also bugs keep people posting in your thread, so more people will read it and hopefully install it. ;)

Snetty 06-23-2005 05:14 PM

ok, so i'm clearly a nub.

I'm not sure what I've done wrong. But my side bar doesn't display any options for making a payment.


Anyone got any clues as to what i've done wrong?

//edit, ok, it turned out that because i'd got a separate image directory, i'd not put the buttons in that different folder. Maybe it'd be a good idea to look into overcoming that.

//2nd edit, Seems that wasn't my only problem. When i click on the donate button on the cmps page, it takes me to the donate.php page, but I can't see wehre to go from there.

dsboyce8624 06-23-2005 05:51 PM

You must create a goal and then create a button (if you want your buttons tied to goals) in the admincp.

KevinL 06-23-2005 05:53 PM

In the admincp you have to create a 'button' ...a goal, for people to donate too.

**Edit..what he said ^^ :laugh:

dsboyce8624 06-23-2005 05:55 PM

Also, for those of you using the Compress Templates Hack you need to add the "all donations" templates (there are two of them) to the bad list, it can mess them up.

Snetty 06-23-2005 06:09 PM

all sorted.. thanks guys

caimakale 06-23-2005 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by dsboyce8624
Also, for those of you using the Compress Templates Hack you need to add the "all donations" templates (there are two of them) to the bad list, it can mess them up.

I use that hack and don't have any problems with my pages. What are you seeing as a problem just in case I don't notice. I also only have 4 donors so far, do you have more and is that the problem???

dsboyce8624 06-23-2005 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by caimakale
I use that hack and don't have any problems with my pages. What are you seeing as a problem just in case I don't notice. I also only have 4 donors so far, do you have more and is that the problem???

On the show all donors page it messed up the users who did not have avatars, the no avatar image did not display because the URL was hosed.

caimakale 06-24-2005 12:45 AM

ahhh, yep all my donors have avatars. I will have to make those changes.

dsboyce8624 06-24-2005 01:20 AM

You can imagine how frustrating it was the first time I had a template hosed by it and didn't know what it was. But it does make things go faster.

Neutral Singh 06-24-2005 05:30 AM

woohooooo !! i just got my first donation using this hack !! thanks you !!

The only missing feature in this beautiful hack is the option for enabling members to make automated recurring donations. i am sure its not a big deal. :)

Thanks again

Lizard306 06-24-2005 05:40 AM


I had posted this a couple days back... no replies on that so thought I'll try it once more...

1) I have the goal indicator on my donations. Goal is set to $500. $5 was recieved as a donation and it shows that we received it and that 1% of the goal has been achieved. But the name of the donor doesnt show in the top donors list.

2) I want to change the goal indicator progress bar colors. Right now at even just 1% complete it shows a full black bar. Is something wrong there or are my colors mixed up? I did not change any colors from what was available as default during setup.

thanks guys and sorry for this dual post.

dsboyce8624 06-24-2005 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Lizard306

I had posted this a couple days back... no replies on that so thought I'll try it once more...

1) I have the goal indicator on my donations. Goal is set to $500. $5 was recieved as a donation and it shows that we received it and that 1% of the goal has been achieved. But the name of the donor doesnt show in the top donors list.

2) I want to change the goal indicator progress bar colors. Right now at even just 1% complete it shows a full black bar. Is something wrong there or are my colors mixed up? I did not change any colors from what was available as default during setup.

thanks guys and sorry for this dual post.

CR will have to help you with why the donors name doesn't show up. But you might wanna have a look in the admin screen and see if the transaction shows up in the completed section.

As for colors they are set in the settings section in acp, I changed mine to red and green. As a test edit your goal and make it 50% reached so you can see the colors. If you do that and it stays black post back.

caimakale 06-24-2005 02:12 PM

Doesn't this latest version have an option where donators can choose whether or not they want their names displayed???

If so, it sounds like they chose not to be seen. If you wish to override that decision, you can make the change in your database, in the "user" table, look for the donor field. If that field is at 0, you can change it to 1 to make the user show up. But remember, if your user didn't want to be recognized, you might make them mad. If they did however, show up in past versions and not the most recent upgrade, just make the change to the user database. I had that same problem where it didn't update all my donors to show up as having donated.

vonedaddy 06-24-2005 04:32 PM

Love this hack! Works great, except one small problem. Some of the images (looks like they are generated by pp_image.php) do not show up. Other than that it seems to be working fine.

Please help.

DemonJester 06-24-2005 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by aranthorn
When using a module designed for the vBa CMPS v1 in v2, the default type doesn't carry over. So All I did was:

Go to your admincp--vBa CMPS--Edit Modules--Donations

In the dropdown list for 'Change Module Type' select PHP

File to include:

Module parent:

Templates Used:

adv_portal_donate, adv_portal_donate_goals, adv_portal_donate_goals_user
Clean File Output

Those are my settings, works no problem-o :D

Anyone get this to work for vBa CMPS V2?? I tried it twice and I dont get any sideblock displayed.

BTW Excellent Hack!!! Just need to get it working with cmps v2 ;)

EDIT: Nevermind I got it figured out.. It was an ID10T error on my part..

dsboyce8624 06-24-2005 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by DemonJester
Anyone get this to work for vBa CMPS V2?? I tried it twice and I dont get any sideblock displayed.

BTW Excellent Hack!!! Just need to get it working with cmps v2 ;)

EDIT: Nevermind I got it figured out.. It was an ID10T error on my part..

It happens. I missed something in the instructions for a hack yesterday, and even told the author he should add it.

But it was right there.

Go figure.

DemonJester 06-25-2005 12:58 AM

Quick question. I performed all of the template edits including the optional ones, and now everyone of my members has a DONOR button under the icons in their post. After looking at the template edits this makes sense as one of the edits puts it there.

Can I make a request for a possible future addition. Is there any way to add some kind of check at the postbit/postbit legacy and MemberInfo section and see if the user in fact has donated, and if so display the DONOR image. If they didnt donate, display a DONATE button. I am sure this probably wouldnt be too difficult since the DONORS are already stored in a table that can be queried to see if it matches the users id, problem is I am not a coder so I have no idea how to do it.

Of course if you add the new usergroup function you stated in a previous post that could also be used as a check.

Just a suggestion.

Thanks again for the great hack.

caimakale 06-25-2005 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by DemonJester
Quick question. I performed all of the template edits including the optional ones, and now everyone of my members has a DONOR button under the icons in their post. After looking at the template edits this makes sense as one of the edits puts it there.

Can I make a request for a possible future addition. Is there any way to add some kind of check at the postbit/postbit legacy and MemberInfo section and see if the user in fact has donated, and if so display the DONOR image. If they didnt donate, display a DONATE button. I am sure this probably wouldnt be too difficult since the DONORS are already stored in a table that can be queried to see if it matches the users id, problem is I am not a coder so I have no idea how to do it.

Of course if you add the new usergroup function you stated in a previous post that could also be used as a check.

Just a suggestion.

Thanks again for the great hack.

Actually, the donor button shouldn't show up in postbit unless the user has donated. It sounds like you missed part of the opening <if> statement.

Here is the code to show the "Donor" buttton for those that donated, and the "Donate" button for those who haven't donated.

In postbit or posbit legacy (edit the file you use for your forums, or both) find:

<if condition="$post['donor'] != '0'"><div><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_donor.gif" border="0"></a></div></if>
And replace it with:

<if condition="$post['donor'] != '0'"><div><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_donor.gif" border="0"></a></div><else /><div><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_button.gif" border="0"></a></div></if>
It's a very simple hack to cloudrunners existing code.

dsboyce8624 06-25-2005 05:39 AM

Is it me, or are they both the same?

caimakale 06-25-2005 05:51 AM

no...there is an <else /> statement in the second one.

dsboyce8624 06-25-2005 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by caimakale
no...there is an <else /> statement in the second one.

LOL, musta been really tired.

Cloudrunner 06-25-2005 04:20 PM

The all users showing as a donor is a verified bug folks, I am fixing that as I write this.

Sorry for the length of time in replies, had to play daddy for a week to satiate my wife (I cut my son's long two year old hair for the first time, let's just say she was less than pleased with me...).

Anyway, expect an interrim update shortly...

vonedaddy 06-25-2005 04:24 PM

Someone please help:

I love this hack and need help with two small things.

1) I cant get the pp_image.php to work. All the images dont show up.

2) Is there a way to clear the total every month?

I appreciate anyones help on this.

Cloudrunner 06-25-2005 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by vonedaddy
Someone please help:

I love this hack and need help with two small things.

1) I cant get the pp_image.php to work. All the images dont show up.

pp_image ONLY draws the graphics bars for the goal totals folks, that's all it does...if you are having problems with broken images check to make sure that you have uploaded the supplied images to the misc and buttons directories within the ./images directory, and have your style settings pointing to the correct directory for the buttons and the misc directory...

Originally Posted by vonedaddy
2) Is there a way to clear the total every month?

I appreciate anyones help on this.

Yes, you can go into your adminCP and edit the goal itself and set the total donated to '0'

Cloudrunner 06-25-2005 05:31 PM

Iterrim Update folks--

It seems that I added a small bug where all of your users were being identified as donors regardless of their donaiton status. This have been fixed, simply upload ALL of the new files and run the upgrader. After you have done this YOU MUST REDO ALL THE FILE AND TEMPLATE MODIFICATIONS!!!

Specifically the modifications to the files ./profile.php, and the templates modifyoptions, postbit/postbit legacy, and MEMBERINFO.

This will make the system correctly recognize the donors to your site, this is also inline with whether the users have chosen to be shown as a donor as well. You may want to tell your users to redo their show donor option to refresh their setting if they don't want their status publicly shown as the system will by default mark everyone as a donor after this upgrade until they choose otherwise...also, you will need to identify your donors again by setting their donor column in the user table back to '1'...side effect of the fix, sorry...

As always, Love and light to you all...

)O( Cloudrunner )O(

dsboyce8624 06-25-2005 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
The all users showing as a donor is a verified bug folks, I am fixing that as I write this.

Sorry for the length of time in replies, had to play daddy for a week to satiate my wife (I cut my son's long two year old hair for the first time, let's just say she was less than pleased with me...).

Anyway, expect an interrim update shortly...

Look, CR transformed his daughter into a son!!!!


guvner 06-25-2005 08:32 PM

Hi Cloudrunner :)

A few questions:

1. I'm sitting nicely on 1.04 and all is well. I have for some time manually added a sponsor gif to the legacy postbit (by adding an html image call in custom user titles) whenever someone donated and have continued to do that with your hack. Now that there is a postbit addon to automate this, could I please get a look (screenie) from anybody to see how it looks, just to make sure it won't spoil my legacy postbit's appearance?

2. Assuming that I upgrade to 1.06, and given that I have made a number of template changes (including the VBA templates), will the upgrade wipe all those? - and if so, is there an easy way to upgrade without having to redo the edits for the 3rd time :ermm:

3. Same as 2 but with phrases, does the upgrade reset all phrases to original?

I'm reluctant to upgrade ATM because I found that several of the changes to templates I needed to make turned out to be a combination of template and phrase in a single statement, also, I made AUD as the default currency in donatebits (I had a couple of locals donate in USD) :squareeyed:

So I guess my final question is, if I am going to have to redo all previous edits, would you have a an approximate ETA on the final, because I might simply wait for that to avoid having to do it all again?

BTW, congrats from me again on great work - and my members have made a lot of very complimentary remarks as well!


Mike :)

Cloudrunner 06-25-2005 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by guvner
...Assuming that I upgrade to 1.06, and given that I have made a number of template changes (including the VBA templates), will the upgrade wipe all those? - and if so, is there an easy way to upgrade without having to redo the edits for the 3rd time...

Unfortunately there were some extensive template changes with the upgrade to 1.05, not so many with 1.06, so you'd need to revert some of the templates, of course, you don't have too, but you'd lose functionality...

Originally Posted by guvner
3. Same as 2 but with phrases, does the upgrade reset all phrases to original?

The phrases if you have translated them will not goof anywhere, as long as you did a translation and not an edit.

Originally Posted by guvner
I'm reluctant to upgrade ATM because I found that several of the changes to templates I needed to make turned out to be a combination of template and phrase in a single statement, also, I made AUD as the default currency in donatebits (I had a couple of locals donate in USD) :squareeyed:

Now see, had you simply set your base currency to AUD in the settings when you upgraded to 1.04 and then followed the first post's instructions on how to get the system to react to a currency change, you wouldn't have to worry about this as the system does default to your chosen base currency (and sets the pricing accordingly) once you set it, it has acted this way as of 1.04, so you didn't need to do those template changes for the most part as it already does this for you ;). If you re-read the first post it explains in detail how to get the system to react properly to a base currency change.

Originally Posted by guvner
So I guess my final question is, if I am going to have to redo all previous edits, would you have a an approximate ETA on the final, because I might simply wait for that to avoid having to do it all again?

There will never be an ETA on a "final" as this will always be a work in progress depending on Paypal and VB, but for the most part 1.06 is the most stable version to date.

Originally Posted by guvner
BTW, congrats from me again on great work - and my members have made a lot of very complimentary remarks as well!


Mike :)

Thank you for the praise, I appreciate it.

)O( CR )O(

DemonJester 06-26-2005 12:51 AM

Thanks for the quick fix. Sorry if it was already posted as a known bug, this is a very large thread and I couldnt find any info on it..

vonedaddy 06-26-2005 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
pp_image ONLY draws the graphics bars for the goal totals folks, that's all it does...if you are having problems with broken images check to make sure that you have uploaded the supplied images to the misc and buttons directories within the ./images directory, and have your style settings pointing to the correct directory for the buttons and the misc directory...

All the images are uploads and the graphic bars still do not show up. All the other images are fine except that bar graph. Any ideas? I appreciate your help.

Cloudrunner 06-26-2005 01:28 AM

got an addy I can look at?

vonedaddy 06-26-2005 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
got an addy I can look at?

Sorry, www.hereyah.com

Snake 06-26-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Cloudrunner
The all users showing as a donor is a verified bug folks, I am fixing that as I write this.

Sorry for the length of time in replies, had to play daddy for a week to satiate my wife (I cut my son's long two year old hair for the first time, let's just say she was less than pleased with me...).

Anyway, expect an interrim update shortly...

Spikey! I like spikey hairs. :nervous:

Cloudrunner 06-26-2005 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by vonedaddy

Does your server have GD image libraries installed? Especially the GD libraries specifically to create PNG file images? If not you'll get blanks like I'm seeing there...you should be able to see this in your phpinfo();

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