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Mr. Brian 01-10-2004 12:25 PM

I... 'clicked', Install..

Meltingfire 01-10-2004 12:30 PM

Hi guys!
Yesterday i installed vBindex 3 RC 3 and its real sweet.

There is only one thing im missing ;) It doesnt seam to show my additional posticons?

Btw, you wrote in the installer that you have to use full path to smilies (http://domain/etc), is it the same thing with posticons?

EDIT: That was my bad, i updated the post-icon but not the thread-icon ;) stupid me.

Another question: Is it possible to parse the poll text for smileys? and other bbcode? Because the smileys show up in the forumpoll but not at the first page.

ceech 01-10-2004 04:01 PM

I having the same problem as Harlequin. The avatar will display in the memberlist; howver, in vbindex, when members with avatar logs in, his/her actual avatar image is missing.

any ideas as to why the actual avatar is not showing ?

Harlequin 01-10-2004 04:22 PM

Check my edit to that note -- see if that helps you a little. Make sure to double check the little things. :)

ceech 01-10-2004 04:51 PM

here is what i noticed

on vbindex, when it calls for the avatar image

on the memberlist page, it calls

guess we have to use "u" instead of "userid"

Harlequin 01-10-2004 05:10 PM

Holy crap, that worked excellent with the avatars.

Further detail --

In vbindex.php, find:

PHP Code:

['avatarurl'] = "$vboptions[bburl]/image".SCRIPT_EXTENSION."?user=$news[postuserid]&dateline=$news[customdateline]"

Replace with:

PHP Code:

['avatarurl'] = "$vboptions[bburl]/image".SCRIPT_EXTENSION."?u=$news[postuserid]&dateline=$news[customdateline]"

Worked for me like a charm and now everything is displaying AOK .. or appears to be anyway.

Ty Ceech.

But strangely, I'm still having the noshow of the news threads problem..

kcradio 01-10-2004 05:39 PM

I have the same issue as mentioned earlier in this thread.

My post icons are directed to:
instead of just once where it should work.

I checked my admincp for the path of the icon there, and it is just showing images/icons/icon1.gif and not that long string that is up there.

Anyone that has had this problem or if anyone knows what it is to correct it, please let me know!

NTLDR 01-10-2004 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Harlequin
However, when viewing under vBindex, the newsbit topic displays, the posting time displays.. everything.. except the avatar and the actual post.

Update the thread counters in the Admin CP, there seems to be issues regarding old posts from vB2 moved to vB3.

Avatar issues: u is the same as userid in the URL they both mean the same thing and should both work.


Originally Posted by AshAbed
is it possible to put content other than the news post in that section? and to make multiple pages?
if it is Ill probably switch over to this

Yes and yes. To change the middle content just edit the VBINDEX template and add your HTML. To create extra pages add a template called vbindex_extra_PAGENAME and view it via vbindex.php?page=PAGENAME (replacing PAGENAME with the name of your page).

NTLDR 01-10-2004 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by mas404
Is it possible to make the news with limit characters thin it will fallow with the link of the thread.

Like this way

vBindex 3.0.0 Release Candidate 3 has been released, the new version contains all the bug fixes from RC2 as well as a few new features which I'll be doing instructions for in the future
?.> more

Details of howto do this are avalible at Core Forums to members who've been marked as licenced as per the first post in this thread. Its not included as it has issues if the break is in the middle of some vBcode, however its generally pretty usable.

Harlequin 01-10-2004 05:58 PM

I've no clue why the change worked with u if that's the case, but it appears to be working with no errors now. ;)

And the update thread counters worked! :) Thank you, NTLDR. :) Excellent work.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-11-2004 06:03 AM

How Do I Add Custom Blocks? and by the way great job and making vbindex.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-11-2004 06:22 AM

nevermind about that question, i figured it out. lol now i feel dumb...

Davey-UK 01-11-2004 12:33 PM

I think i have the answer to your post icons not showing.

Look for this line in your vbindex_latestthreadbit template created by vbindex in your style manager.

Look for this line of text:

<img src="$vboptions[bburl]/$thread[threadiconpath]"

Remove this bit $vboptions[bburl]/

That cures the problem, as long as you have already changes your image paths as it says in the readme file.

Hope this helps

Morgalis 01-11-2004 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
You'll need to reverse all the queries found in the install files.

there are many people that do not understand what they are looking for

is it possible for you to list the queries need to remove vBindex?

edit: Big thanks to NTLDR for pointing me in the correct direction.. i am posting them here so if anyone else searches for the same help, it is right here


DELETE FROM template WHERE title like LCASE('vbindex%') AND title not like LCASE('vbindex_extra%');

DELETE FROM datastore WHERE title IN ('vbindex_setting', 'vbindex_version', 'vbindex_tdate', 'vbi_eventcache');

DROP TABLE vbindex_shoutbox;
thanks so much for your help NTLDR

NTLDR 01-11-2004 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Morgalis
there are many people that do not understand what they are looking for

is it possible for you to list the queries need to remove vBindex?

Please don't double post problems here and at Core Forums.

marcjd 01-11-2004 07:07 PM

Is it necessary to update the templates in all of the styles before this works? I wouldn't think so, but it isn't working for me. All I get is a blank page. The vbidex.php page at my site, uspoliticsonline.com

The install seemed to go okay after I realized why it wasn't working at first. Forget to upload the upgraded.php file. After doing that it went fine and took me to the vbioptions page. I filled in the page and clicked save. It reloaded with the new settings. Thank you for making the hack, I am anxious to see it in action. :)

NTLDR 01-11-2004 07:22 PM

The templates should go into each parent style and all of its children should inherit the templates. Can you see them in the style manager in the ACP?

Also make sure you edited vbiconfig.php as per the first page in the install process.

marcjd 01-11-2004 08:04 PM

I wanted to try it out first so I only added the template mods to the main default style. I need to make all of my styles the child of a main style because doing these little mods seem to take forever when I have several styles. Anyway, I did double-checkthe config file and it seems correct per the instructions.


// enter the path to your forums here that you were given during the
// first step of the install process
define('CHDIR_PATH', '/home/politics/public_html/forums');

// enter the extension you use with your vBulletin files
// this is most likly the default .php entered
define('SCRIPT_EXTENSION', '.php');

Thanks again.

marcjd 01-11-2004 08:08 PM

I don't imagine the upgrade files need to be deleted or anything for it to work? I could try the upgrade script again and re-install it. Thanks.

marcjd 01-11-2004 08:46 PM

I re-ran the install script and I get the index page now. Time to play with it. :) Thanks.

noonespecial 01-11-2004 11:40 PM

I am having a problem:

Every 4th or so time the index news page is pulled up in an iframe on my main page, it just plain doesn't load. 404.

Is there a reason you can think it is doing this? I think I am using RC2 of vbindex, I may upgrade to rc3 tonight


Mr. HillBilly 01-12-2004 01:24 AM

Hm, is there a way to add a "Forum" link to the portal page? Because theres NO way for a user to get to the forum index.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-12-2004 07:09 AM

Just add a custom block with links to your pages.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-12-2004 07:16 AM

By the way... great job on vBindex NTLDR, It works great. I was curious if you were gonna be adding a download page feature like vbportal did.

NTLDR 01-12-2004 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by noonespecial
Every 4th or so time the index news page is pulled up in an iframe on my main page, it just plain doesn't load. 404.

It seems to work fine for me. Are you giving it time to load? The how page seems a tad slow at loading for me.


Originally Posted by ???`S?LV?R???`
By the way... great job on vBindex NTLDR, It works great. I was curious if you were gonna be adding a download page feature like vbportal did.

I've not planned to so far but I will consider it. Its posible for you to create your own with the extra pages feature of vBindex.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-12-2004 10:59 AM

Didn't know about the extra pages feature, how would i go about doing that?

NTLDR 01-12-2004 11:04 AM

For non-dynamic pages add a template called vbindex_extra_PAGENAME and the visit it via vbindex.php?page=PAGENAME replacing PAGENAME with the name of the page. The template should only contain the content that you are replacing the news with.

???`S?LV?R???` 01-12-2004 11:13 AM

heh I'm sorta confused, could you write some more extensive instructions? :)

NTLDR 01-12-2004 02:13 PM

[high]How To Add Extra (Non-Dynamic) Pages With vBindex 3.0.0[/high]

Lets use the example of a copyright page. In the Style Manager create a template called vbindex_extra_copyright and add the following HTML too it:

HTML Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%">
                        <table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
                                        <td class="tcat">
                                                <div>$vboptions[bbtitle] Copyright Statement</div>
                                        <td class="alt1">
                                                        Replace this with your copyright statement text.
<br />

Then visit vbindex.php?page=copyright and you should see you copyright statement you have justed added :)

NTLDR 01-12-2004 02:13 PM

[high]How To Add Extra (Non-Dynamic) Pages With vBindex 3.0.0 RC3 or above.[/high]

This feature that allows you to easily add your own PHP to the extra pages (not custom blocks at present).

Lets say you wanted a top ten posters page:

Add a template called vbindex_extra_top10 with the folloing HTML:

HTML Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tborder" width="100%">
                        <table cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%">
                                        <td class="tcat">
                                                <div>Top 10 Core Forums Posters - PHP Driven vBindex Extra Pages Example</div>
                                        <td class="alt1">
<br />

This is the main HTML for the content area on the page. Now create a template called vbindex_extra_php_top10 this will contain the raw PHP code, just as if it was a PHP file. (NOTE: Upon saving this template you WILL get an error, ignore it and press continue. RC4 will contain instructions to prevent this). Add the following code to it:

PHP Code:

$users $DB_site->query("SELECT username, userid, posts FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."user ORDER BY posts DESC LIMIT 10");

$user $DB_site->fetch_array($users)) {
'<div><a href="'.$vboptions['bburl'].'/member.php?userid='.$user['userid'].'">'.$user['username'].'</a> ('.$user['posts'].')</div>';

Note that you need to echo the content out.

Then visit vbindex.php?section=top10 and you should see a list of the top 10 posters on your forum. Take alook at our demo here: http://www.coreforums.net/index.core?section=top10

???`S?LV?R???` 01-12-2004 02:28 PM

thanks alot, i appreciate it

Kars10 01-12-2004 04:03 PM

Hello Ntldr,
this is a fantastic hack, thanks. :)
But i get a 404 error by step=7 in the installer. How can i fix this?

Thanks in advance

NTLDR 01-12-2004 04:13 PM

What page is it trying to goto? IE whats the URL of the 404 page?

Kars10 01-12-2004 04:23 PM


NTLDR 01-12-2004 05:25 PM

Are you sure you uploaded the file? The path/filename/step are all correct.

Kars10 01-12-2004 05:33 PM

@ NTLDR, your right. I have forgot to upload a file. :(
Thanks... ;)

RapCheck 01-12-2004 09:01 PM

adding new pages doesn't seem to work for me. I followed your copywrite page example and the page is just like the index page, http://www.rapcheck.com/index.php?page=copyright

Also, I registered at the Core forums but never recieved an email to activate my account. Same name, 'RapCheck'.

NTLDR 01-12-2004 09:29 PM

Try the vbindex.php from the latest zip file, just upload and replace your existing one. I've also re-sent you activation email.

Mr. HillBilly 01-12-2004 10:02 PM

What bugs are fixed in build-7?

NTLDR 01-12-2004 10:06 PM

There are only two changes. The first is a fix for using CSS Stylesheets in post Gamma versions of vB3, the second is a small edit which should allow the extra pages to work if they stoped working with RC3.

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