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TECK 05-16-2002 02:14 AM

i have an idea. i already send an email to all vbHL users. i was wondering if any of you could post your add-ons? it will be a great help for everyone who is new here at vB.org.
thanks alot for your help. i would do it myself, but i'm overloaded in my schedule.

an example on how to do it without infringing the jelsoft copyright is listed here:

all the best,

Sadie Frost 05-16-2002 02:17 AM


Originally posted by Velocd
Looks nice, but I can't make up my mind of installing this one or Vbindex...they both look so similar..

I saw the screenshots of Vbhome, but does anyone actually have a live demo? (as in a forum running Vbhome?) Thanks ;)

I'm still working on the formatting, and I changed it quite a bit from what it looks like if you just install it, but you can look here:


or also


This second ones is more what it looks like when you first install, but I haven't upgraded that one to v 2.0 yet

MomofThree -

What helps me is to look at the directions for the hacks I want to add and then add the code I would add to index.php or whatever to the vbhome index.php page. Hope that helps a little.

TECK 05-16-2002 02:28 AM

sadie, one thing i want you to make sure:
check to see if all your new templates that you created are also added to the:
[high]templatesused = '...';[/high]
line. for every template you forget, you add an extra query.

so, if you created [high]home_pmloggedin[/high], you should also have it listed in templatesused.
let me know if you found any forgotten ones.. i'm sure you will get your page under 20queries. good luck.


Sadie Frost 05-16-2002 03:09 AM

Well, a little better - it's down to 33 after adding:

forumhome_welcometext,topref,forumhome_pmloggedin, forumhome_logoutcode,forumhome_newposts,calendar_s howbirthdays

Thanks for the help Floren - I didn't even know main.php?explain=1 existed :) Or anything about the number of queries.

TECK 05-16-2002 03:17 AM

good job isabel. well 'explain' will be gone on 2.2.6
but i plan on adding it into my vbMicrostats hack.

Sadie Frost 05-16-2002 03:24 AM

Then I will be doing your microstats hack :D

TECK 05-16-2002 03:30 AM

well vbMicrostats already show you the queries on the page.
take a look here:

Velocd 05-16-2002 03:36 AM

So what is your opinion on Vbportal? Just curious...since it looks very similar also, but does it create many queries like Vbindex?

TECK 05-16-2002 03:42 AM

i cannot pronounce myself on this. it depends how you use it. vbIndex also doesnt have alot of queries if you want it basic... around 20.
vbHL 2.0 have 6, when used basic. so you have alot more room for your addons.

about phpportals, i never use it, so i cannot tell you if is good or bad. i know from other users (firefly for example) that it ads alot of queries and also there are only few options that people use from it.

however, wajones did an amasing job on it. is up to you what you use, as long as you achieve your desired result.
vbHL 2.0 was built for low query usage. that's all.

MomofThree 05-16-2002 10:51 AM


go ahead and send me the info through PM. I'm frustrated here and really, really, really want your hack on my site. :(

Sadie Frost 05-16-2002 12:54 PM

I had vbportal (only for a couple of days though). I removed it because I didn't like how everything was set - I wanted to be able to just put what I wanted on it, which is why I like vbhome more. Maybe if I had played with it more I could have customized it better. I think it's good if you don't want to add any content to it - if you just want it to pull things from the forums. I didn't want a page that just reiterated everything that was already on the boards.

It probably just depends on what you want it to look like, and what your personal preference is :)

TECK 05-16-2002 01:44 PM

done momo. i send you the info.

MomofThree 05-16-2002 04:30 PM


Thanks for the PM, I pasted the code. So now I'm not getting any errors, so I guess that's good. But I'm getting a blank page.

Can anyone here offer this poor woman some help? Please?
<Shamlessly begging>

wooolF[RM] 05-16-2002 06:50 PM

u have a lot of pages as I can see in your root folder. Many SHTML files etc. Can this be your problem?

I would really like to help you but I don't think it's possible... There's way too much things that can stay on your way. Too many places where u can have errors. If I were you I have made an admin account and let look on of the persons that u trust to to look on the problem.

wooolF[RM] 05-16-2002 07:10 PM


Originally posted by nakkid
If you create a new template, make sure you also add it to:

templatesused = 'home,home_headinclude,...,[high]yourtemplatehere[/high]';
or else you will add an extra query for every template you missed.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

why u never said so before? :D

I just "cutted" 9 queries just with this SIMPLE step.

[high]* wooolF[RM] stabs nakkid :p[/high]

TECK 05-16-2002 07:17 PM

momo.. you didnt pointed the chdir to find global.php.
that's why you get a blank page.

MomofThree 05-16-2002 10:09 PM


I looked up trying the member2.php method in your install.txt and it gave me the following /home/www/theparentclub/forums/ and that is what I have on the vb home index.php

Is that still wrong?

bonnmac 05-17-2002 01:30 AM

Okay I'm feeling really stupid here. But I guess I won't learn if I don't ask. I get just a blank white page when loading the index.php.... What am I doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated. thanks.


pdmedia 05-17-2002 01:53 AM

I had the same problem this is what I did wrong...

you are supposed to enter the path to the root folder, I took this to mean the root VBHOME folder but you are actually supposed to enter the root to your main FORUMS folder.


TECK 05-17-2002 11:41 AM


Originally posted by MomofThree
I looked up trying the member2.php method in your install.txt
momo... you dont have the latest file downloaded. please download again the file. before you download clear all your temp and cookie files. you must set the path to point to the global.php location. in this way vbHL can use it's variables.

MomofThree 05-17-2002 12:59 PM

Ok I did this and I still get a blank page.

:( Shoot me :(

TECK 05-17-2002 01:30 PM

email me the vbHL index.php at nakkid@msn.com
i will look when i have time send it to you back. also upload the info.php file to your server into the forum folder and give me in that email the location of the file. thanks.

TECK 05-17-2002 08:03 PM

ok.. iliana.. i got your email... everything looks ok.
the only think i see is the templates? you didnt add them? it should work great everything.. the path is correct, the templates are set ok and the code also.

MomofThree 05-17-2002 08:49 PM

I added the templates through my control panel, am I supposed to add them on the index.php? I can give you access to my control panel, if you want to check. Let me know.

Velocd 05-19-2002 10:32 PM

By reading all these conversations its making this hack seem more and more complex, although I know it really isn't. I'm having a problem, and whaddaya know, its the same problem everyone else has been having. I'm getting a blank page for my http://www.diffusion4.com/index.php, because my guess is that chdir is not set properly. Here is what my chdir looks like in my index.php:

PHP Code:

// SET YOUR ROOT PATH (this is not your site URL)


Is that not correct? I have done something similar to this with a phpmychat integration hack. Yet for some reason, this is not working...I ran <?php phpinfo(32); ?> and that is the absolute link it gave me.

Also what is this question MomoofThree asked above, are you suppose to add the templates (all the ones with the prefix home) in index.php?

Take alook at my index.php please to see if I did set the directory correctly, I would really like to get this hack working cause it looks awesome ^_^

TECK 05-19-2002 10:43 PM

that is correct velocd. you see the line:

? is commented. uncomment that and you will see that you will not get a blank page anymore. it should look like that:

let me know if is ok everything.

Velocd 05-19-2002 11:25 PM

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/.....OMG! I can't believe--how the---?? uahh!! ......crap, that should have never been commented http://www.diffusion4.com/forums/ima...suspecting.gif but it was my mistake anyway. if this were my computer science class I would be the laughing stock of it, but luckily people here aren't as observent (muahahah, oh wait--yeah they are, d'oh!)

thnx for the help ^_^

Velocd 05-20-2002 01:06 AM

Anyway, it works very well, and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it just like I did when I first started Vbulletin. Nakkid, you need to make a webpage with resources and add-ons to Vbhome that people can post up, it would be a sweet idea ;) (thats unless you current webpage is partially for that purpose).

I have a small problem though, check out my homepage http://www.diffusion4.com, where the news shows it only says the title of my post and the date info, but not that actual post. what might be the cause of this?

TECK 05-20-2002 02:33 AM

just post one thread. it will updat, and show the content. try it and let me know.
btw, i'm glad you got it working.

Velocd 05-20-2002 03:01 AM

Well...I posted 1 thread as you said, and you can see the result at http://www.diffusion4.com ,yet for somereason nothing is being shown but who posted, the title, and avatar...:(

TECK 05-20-2002 03:08 AM

your are missing an install step from the newthread.php update. did you ran the table installer? it looks to me like it doesnt update the articleid field in thread table.

go ahead and review everything, just to make sure.

Velocd 05-20-2002 03:26 AM

Heh, another careless mistake..

PHP Code:

if ($forumid==47) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET articleid=$postid WHERE threadid=$threadid");

The real number was not 47 but 74.

Thanks once again for the help ;)

I have another question ^_^ Anyway to import a poll of some sort, like how vbindex has one. I'm not too sure myself of how to make one, and I mean a poll that any visitor can submit to, not just members. Or maybe I could just take alook at the vbindex code....

TECK 05-20-2002 03:31 AM

the tutorial is posted on the post no.1 of this thread. look for the poll add-on link. is written by wooolF[RM] and taken from phpPortals (credit to wajones).

TECK 05-20-2002 03:42 AM

also. make sure you check your added templates. you probably forgot to add some names to your [high]templatesused='';[/high].
it is really important not to miss any of them because for every single forgotten template, you will add a query.

Velocd 05-20-2002 03:55 AM

k, I'll be sure not to miss any
thnx once again ;)

Velocd 05-20-2002 04:37 AM

Now I've got another question, about that poll hack posted in here. I just installed it but there is one problem, I want guests to be able to vote in the poll also. I tried to modify the persmissions of the poll forum well enough so guests could post replies vote on forums, with leaving them unable to view the forums. But it still prompts a guest to register, anyway to fix this?

MomofThree 05-20-2002 11:10 AM

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! Mine if finally showing up. I had it commented as well, didn't know I had to remove it. The only thing is that it looks real odd and images not showing up. I'll have to play with it a bit more.

Thank you! :)

Velocd 05-20-2002 01:41 PM

I've got one more question and then I'll shut up, because I'm sure most of these things I can figure out myself, but I'm sorta compressed on time with school and stuff. The "new threads" list on the home page that shows up, it gives the name of the member who first started the thread, how can I make it give the name of the user who last replied to the thread instead? See post #318 for my other question also ;)

MomofThree 05-20-2002 04:49 PM

when I edit my image replacement code to my full url, I get broken images and I'm sure of the location of these files. The odd thing is, that not all the images show as a broken image. They are all located here: http://www.theparentclub.com/forums/images/
and that is what I'm putting in places of the "images".

Any ideas what could be wrong?

MomofThree 05-20-2002 05:58 PM

Ok I'm starting to get the hang of it, but not completely.
Here is my hompage: http://www.theparentclub.com/index.php

The threadbits is not showing up and neither is the PM information.

So if you want to be done with me ;) help me please! LOL

Thank you so much!

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