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herby 09-01-2002 11:09 PM

Magic. Fixed.

Looks like we're all set now. Very nice hack. We have a ton of forums and this makes it much easier for users to navigate.

Thank you very much from the time and effort to help a passing stranger in the night. Keep up the good work.


Buddha 09-02-2002 11:35 PM

i've installed this hack without any problems at all, and then i installed the 'seperate categories' from the 'design and tweak your frontpage'. it installed fine as well, however now, my collapsed catergories also has the additional tablerow which has forum / posts/ threads/ last post/ moderator.
(see attached image)

would you happen to know what i can do to get rid of this tablerow? i liked it better the other way where you only see the category table.

if you need to see any of the template code, let me know.


dabean 09-03-2002 12:56 AM


Originally posted by Buddha
i've installed this hack without any problems at all, and then i installed the 'seperate categories' from the 'design and tweak your frontpage'. it installed fine as well, however now, my collapsed catergories also has the additional tablerow which has forum / posts/ threads/ last post/ moderator.
(see attached image)

would you happen to know what i can do to get rid of this tablerow? i liked it better the other way where you only see the category table.

if you need to see any of the template code, let me know.


The "template_option.txt" file included in the main zip contains rough details of the changes you need to make.

FleaBag 09-03-2002 01:27 AM

Removed this from my board. It's a fab hack, I just have no real use for it.

Buddha 09-03-2002 12:21 PM

thanks dabean... will sift through it then.

finally got it! lol. thanks for all the help bud! i love this hack btw.

Sho 09-04-2002 06:56 AM

dabean, there's a hack by bira that lets you contract and expand postings in a thread, but it doesn't work with Gecko or Konqueror. Maybe you could help us with your own version?

N.B. 09-11-2002 08:19 PM

Hi !
Thanks for your hack ! It is really neat !
But I have a little problem :)
The hack itself works fine, so far ... the only problem i have: the user settings are not stored ... so yeah ...
Could you please take a look ?

Thanks !

dabean 09-12-2002 03:08 AM


Originally posted by N.B.
Hi !
Thanks for your hack ! It is really neat !
But I have a little problem :)
The hack itself works fine, so far ... the only problem i have: the user settings are not stored ... so yeah ...
Could you please take a look ?

Thanks !

Tested Mozilla 1.1 and IE6 winxp can't replicate on supplied url. Are you waiting a few seconds between each click, whilst the status is updated in the background?

Yes I know this is a pain but until ms fix a few problems with IE there is no way I can offer a reliable "status" message saying when your setting has been saved.

BetaMax 09-16-2002 05:36 PM

I have installed this hack. Great hack I gotta say but I am running into a problem with it.. I have 3 levels of forums. When they are all expanded it looks fine.. but once I collapse all of the 3 deep forums, my 1/2 deep forums lose the cellspacing information on half the table..

For example.. Here is how it looks normally:


and this is how it looks when I collapse the 3 deep forum:


You notice the cellspacing missing? It is like that for any 1/2 deep forums. But once I open a 3 deep forum it looks normal. Is this something with the Hack or did I mess up a template somewhere?

Any help would be appreciated..

phpinfo: v 4.4.2
mysql: v3.23.52

P.S. The forums are running on a local network not accessable to the internet for the time being while we wait for our new web server, so the forums cannot be accessed. If you need template information, please let me know and I will post it.

BetaMax 09-16-2002 07:08 PM

You can disregard my previous post. I restored my default templates and re applied the hack and my other changes.. it seemed to fixed it.

[email protected] vbmenu_register("postmenu_300032", true); 09-17-2002 01:16 AM

So what's the status of this hack? Is it reliable? Sounds great, but want to make sure I'm not heading for problems.

havefun 09-19-2002 07:36 PM

thanks 4 your great hack!

had no problems installing it :bunny:

lg, havefun

groovesalad 10-01-2002 09:00 PM

Unfortunately this hack doesn't work. Installed it, but all it does is give me working + & - signs that don't actually collapse the forums. Oh well.

groovesalad 10-01-2002 09:07 PM

and this doesn't make any sense whatsoever:

template: forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost
find the template you added the the Forum Posts Threads Last Post Moderator repeats per forum to and alter
<tr align="center">
<td bgcolor="

to read
<tr id="f$forum[forumid]z" $fhomeexpandstyle align="center">
<td bgcolor="

dabean 10-01-2002 09:52 PM


Originally posted by groovesalad
and this doesn't make any sense whatsoever:

template: forumhome_forumbit_level1_nopost
find the template you added the the Forum Posts Threads Last Post Moderator repeats per forum to and alter
<tr align="center">
<td bgcolor="

to read
<tr id="f$forum[forumid]z" $fhomeexpandstyle align="center">
<td bgcolor="

That section of template is from the "template_option" addition which is completely optional infact the fragment won't exist unless you a specific template mod.

Coming back to"it doesn't work". What exactly doesn't work? and in what browser?

Firstly check that "$expandcontractscript" exists within the "forumhome" template. Secondly check the "forumhome_expandjscript" template exists within your current style. Details of both items can be found in the readme.

groovesalad 10-02-2002 04:18 AM

You can check it out if you'd like. I think I did everything correct.


dabean 10-02-2002 03:49 PM


Originally posted by groovesalad
You can check it out if you'd like. I think I did everything correct.


You haven't modified your "forumhome_forumbit_level2_post" template.

groovesalad 10-02-2002 11:30 PM


Originally posted by dabean

You haven't modified your "forumhome_forumbit_level2_post" template.

The fact that you could figure that out just by looking at my site makes you a god!

:) Thanks man

adriandaz 11-02-2002 03:34 PM

I installed this, and now I cant see any forums :( please help.

Forums at: http://forums.downage.org - you said my code was ok, maybe its my templates, see mok to me though :(

adriandaz 11-02-2002 05:02 PM

ahh, got it to work abit, but it wont collapse it all now :(

Mithan 11-26-2002 06:36 AM

I installed this hack, you can view it at http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~ac2hq/forum/ and pick the Mithantest style from the front page (you dont need to register).

Im using Internet Explorer 6.0, but the settings will not save, so everytime I enter a forum and leave, its reset back to the expanded view, which makes it pretty much useless for me.

Now, is this the problem that IE users have? And is there any possible fix that will make it save? I have read this thread, but it has gotten so large...


dabean 11-26-2002 06:49 PM


Originally posted by Mithan
I installed this hack, you can view it at http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~ac2hq/forum/ and pick the Mithantest style from the front page (you dont need to register).

Im using Internet Explorer 6.0, but the settings will not save, so everytime I enter a forum and leave, its reset back to the expanded view, which makes it pretty much useless for me.

Now, is this the problem that IE users have? And is there any possible fix that will make it save? I have read this thread, but it has gotten so large...


updateindex.php needs to be in your forum's home directory.. e.g. http://dynamic5.gamespy.com/~ac2hq/forum/

The updateindex file is responsible for saving the collapsed/expanded state.

Mithan 11-26-2002 07:34 PM

Works great now, thanks a lot :)

Courage 11-26-2002 09:41 PM

Hmm I'm running 2.2.8 on http://www.softnews.ro/forum

I just installed this hack. It os OK, but it does not save any changes (collapsed forums)

Can you take a look ?



Gives me a blank html...

Erwin 11-26-2002 09:51 PM

This is still my favorite hack. :) Great for organizing my forumhome.

Colon33 12-22-2002 07:07 AM

Does this hack work for 2.2.9? Has anyone tested it?

naunun 01-02-2003 09:39 PM


Originally posted by Colon33
Does this hack work for 2.2.9? Has anyone tested it?
YES! Just installed it yesterday after doing a PHP upgrade on the server. Worked like a charm without a hitch!

Surprised myself . . . only been playing with vBulletin for a few days and this was my first hack!!! The instructions are excellent. If you read them carefully, you shouldn't have a problem. Thanks to dabean for providing it!

naunun 01-04-2003 11:38 PM

Note: intotheunknown (who originally wrote the previous message) is now naunun. Sorry for any confusion :)

drownedspirit 01-08-2003 05:53 AM

i've tried installing this but it turns out a blank page. my index page turns out blank. did anyone had this error too?

please help i am new to this stuff,

CFde 01-22-2003 12:37 PM

Does the "[vB v2.2.7] Collapsable forums on forum home" hack also work on the 2.2.6 version - cause I don't wanna update my 2.2.6 until v3 is released. THANX :-)

Zero Complex 02-10-2003 04:16 AM

would be nice if it memorized what forums you had minimized and all. So if you never really read those forums on a certain site, it'd just automatically minizmize them each visit or somethin =\

Erwin 02-10-2003 05:37 AM


Originally posted by Zero Complex
would be nice if it memorized what forums you had minimized and all. So if you never really read those forums on a certain site, it'd just automatically minizmize them each visit or somethin =\
Uh - it does memorize which forums you have minimized and which one you have maximized. You just have to be a registered member of the site. The settings for each member is saved in the database. Guests do not have this capacity because of this.

Zero Complex 02-12-2003 10:14 PM

i haven't installed it, just didnt read that in the features

dabean 02-13-2003 02:24 AM


Originally posted by Zero Complex
i haven't installed it, just didnt read that in the features
Quoting the first post on the thread and the hack database entry...

Each users preference is saved to the database

Serge 02-16-2003 04:55 PM

Ok I tried to install this hack and I got this error


Parse error: parse error in /home/surrix/public_html/forums/index.php on line 383
Could someone please help me out as to where I messed it up?

Serge 02-16-2003 06:41 PM

After further invistation my index.php is not corrupted and it seems to be having problems with this block of code.

PHP Code:

// expand collapse hack
if ($BrowserDOM==True) {
__if ((!isset($z)) or ($depth==1)) {
__} else {
__// get state of collapse
__if ($forum[parentid]==-1) {
__// auto collapse forums based on forum setting
__if ($collapsedstate==1) {
___$fhomeexpandstyle="style=\"visibility:hidden; display:none;\"";
__} else {
__// auto collapse forums for user
__if (getViewSetting($forum['parentid'])==1) {
___$fhomeexpandstyle="style=\"visibility:hidden; display:none;\"";
__} elseif (getViewSetting($forum['parentid'])==2) {
__// display correct item (this can not be simplified into the block above
__// due to CSS2 defining special display values for tables, eg display:table-row;)
if ($collapsedstate==1) {
___$divexpand "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
___$divcollapse "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
} else {
___$divexpand "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
___$divcollapse "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
if (
getViewSetting($forum['forumid'])==1) {
___$divexpand "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
___$divcollapse "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
__} elseif (getViewSetting($forum['forumid'])==2) {
___$divexpand "display: none;visibility: hidden;";
___$divcollapse "display: inline;visibility: visible;";
__eval("\$expandcontract = \"".gettemplate("forumhome_expandcontract")."\";");
// end expand collapse hack 

The line it says it has a problem with is
PHP Code:

if ((!isset($z)) or ($depth==1)) { 

I just recentally upgraded to version 2.3.0 of vbulletin but with what they said they changed this shouldn't be the problem.

Sliderx 03-09-2003 04:28 AM

hello a have instal that hack but i haven't all the line what i want to be collapse
you can see my test board here

and if in the anwser of dabean i join in a txt a copy of my templates :


thx for the futur answer of my problem

Baptizer 03-15-2003 05:09 PM

How do I uninstall this? For example, I have backups of the two php files and I can remove the addded templates(and remove the edits to the other templatews), however, because I ran the cx_install.php file to add to my database, do i need to run a command to remove the stuff that was added?

Edit: Also, does this add any queries? Does it have the potential to slow down the loading times at all? just curious.

ArN 04-26-2003 08:11 PM

great hack...works perfectly!

XP Kid 86 04-28-2003 11:37 PM

ok well first off .. the hack works ....


Problem 1 .. (view image) .. the whole bar is clickable .. i want just the text to be can i fix that?

Problem 2 .. (view image) you can't see the thigny cuz its well black and so is the background .. is that fixable ...

I think thtas alll the problems

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