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Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 2423127)
Chris, my classifieds "Similar Classifieds" don't link to the ad. They link to my sites homepage, regardless as to what ad I am viewing. Any thoughts?

I also have a stupid question, how/where do I edit an existing ad that someone else posted?

1.- I'll post an update later today fixing the Similar Ads
2.- You can't edit someone's else Classified. Is not a thread post where editing a text has no sense. Here we're talking about money. What if you change (even by mistake) the price from $1,000 to $100 and someone buys it? Only the owner can edit the classified. The only that you can is to reject the classified. Every time that the seller changes something it goes for approval. So if you don't like you reject it.


Disco_Dave 05-20-2013 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423125)
Hi Dave,

Without any meaning to appear smarty, those are calling Forum sidabar blocks. Widgets are reffering to CMS.
Yes, I can release something like this for forum sidebar, but tomorrow. Today I'm very busy.


No worries.... I wouldn't be totally up to speed with all the vBulletin terminology ;) No rush at all!

Rich 05-20-2013 02:44 PM

Well I was looking for a way to delete an existing ad and can't and I believe that is an issue. I also don't allow people to use the classifieds to market their website and would like the ability to edit an ad to remove things like that when I encounter them. The deletion of ads is actually pretty important though, at least for me. lol

Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Rich (Post 2423147)
Well I was looking for a way to delete an existing ad and can't and I believe that is an issue. I also don't allow people to use the classifieds to market their website and would like the ability to edit an ad to remove things like that when I encounter them. The deletion of ads is actually pretty important though, at least for me. lol

As I said you can delete them (unless if you've approve OFF). In the Menu Moderate Classifieds-> Approve Classifieds you can see all ads that are newly post or edited. You can click on the title to see the full ad (like a visitor sees an Ad). If you find something bad you select "Reject" from the action droplist on the right and the ad will delete. User will also get a message that his ad has rejected as does not meets the site's rules.

nhawk 05-20-2013 05:19 PM

Whenever a search engine spider uses the classifieds.php?do=searchresults link, a database error happens...

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM classifieds_items WHERE active=1 ORDER BY dateline DESC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dateline' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, May 20th 2013 @ 04:35:50 PM
Error Date : Monday, May 20th 2013 @ 04:35:50 PM
Script : http://www.xxx.com/classifieds.php?do=searchresults
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Perhaps some default values for a search submitted without any values are needed.

Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 05:47 PM

Classifieds version 1.8.0 released. In this version:
  1. There is code to show Latest Classifieds in Forum sidebar and not only in CMS widgets
  2. For easier use (as many users have found difficulties to use it), the Terms text is not in a text anymore but is in Classifieds General Settings
  3. Fixed a bug of missing link in Similar ads
  4. Improved RTL support by using the correct arrow icons
  5. I found a bug in extra fields (type checkbox) which I fixed it.
To upgrade:
  1. Upload all files
  2. Import product-classifieds.xml
  3. For Forum sidebar block read instructions in main post here or in the installation.txt in the zip file. Demo at:http://www.christeris.net/dev42/forum.php
Christos Teriakis
(aka ChrisTERiS)

Christos Teriakis 05-20-2013 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by nhawk (Post 2423204)
Whenever a search engine spider uses the classifieds.php?do=searchresults link, a database error happens...

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM classifieds_items WHERE active=1 ORDER BY dateline DESC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'dateline' in 'order clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Monday, May 20th 2013 @ 04:35:50 PM
Error Date : Monday, May 20th 2013 @ 04:35:50 PM
Script : http://www.xxx.com/classifieds.php?do=searchresults
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

Perhaps some default values for a search submitted without any values are needed.

Thank you. File Classifieds.php, Lines: 1250-1253:

if (empty($orderby1))
    $orderby1 = 'dateline';


if (empty($orderby1))
    $orderby1 = 'starts';

sadiq6210 05-21-2013 05:22 AM

Thanks Chris


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423214)
Classifieds version 1.8.0 released. In this version:
  1. For easier use (as many users have found difficulties to use it), the Terms text is not in a text anymore but is in Classifieds General Settings

I replaced all the files and I imported the xml product but still I am getting the old terms which is in term.php ! I tried to write our terms in admincp but nothing appeared

In "add item" page, I can see only this inside the terms box
Place your rules here.................

Which is the same text in (terms.php) and this is not what I wrote in admincp.

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2423280)
Thanks Chris

I replaced all the files and I imported the xml product but still I am getting the old terms which is in term.php ! I tried to write our terms in admincp but nothing appeared

In "add item" page, I can see only this inside the terms box
Place your rules here.................

Which is the same text in (terms.php) and this is not what I wrote in admincp.

Have you manually edited the template classifieds_addedit_item ? If yes revert it, otherwise you'll can't get the new changes. Also clear system cache and browser cache.

sadiq6210 05-21-2013 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423282)
Have you manually edited the template classifieds_addedit_item ? If yes revert it, otherwise you'll can't get the new changes. Also clear system cache and browser cache.

I already reverted, this is the template


<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin-editor.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:var vbcsspath}editor.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:var vbcsspath}bbcode.css" />
<script src="christeris/classifieds/includes/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function validateForm_vbform()
        if(document.forms["vbform"].title.value.length == 0) {
            alert('{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_title}');
            return false;
        if(document.forms["vbform"].location.value.length == 0) {
            alert('{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_location}');
            return false;
        if(document.forms["vbform"].categoryid != undefined){
            if(!isNaN(document.forms["vbform"].categoryid.value) == 0) {
                alert('{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_category_number}');
                return false;
            }else if(document.forms["vbform"].categoryid.value ==0){
                alert("{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_category_zero}");
                return false;
        if(document.forms["vbform"].days != undefined){
            if(!isNaN(document.forms["vbform"].days.value) == 0) {
                alert('{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_days_number}');
                return false;
            }else if(document.forms["vbform"].days.value ==0){
                alert("{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_error_days_zero}");
                return false;
        return true;
<script type="text/javascript">
    function AgreeToRules()
                    document.getElementById('agree2rules').style.display = "block";
                    document.getElementById('agree2rules').style.display = "none";
<script type="text/javascript">
        function showstuff(boxid){
        function hidestuff(boxid){
<script type="text/javascript">
        function CheckImageExt(fld)
                if (fld.value != '')
                        var image_ext = getFileExtension(fld.value);
                        var valid_images = new Array("jpg","jpeg","gif","png","JPG","JPEG","GIF","PNG");
                        if (valid_images.indexOf(image_ext) > -1)
                                return true;
                                alert('You can upload only .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png files.');
                                fld.value = '';
                                return false;
                        return true;
<script type="text/javascript">
        function getFileExtension(filename)
                return filename.split('.').pop();
<form class="block vbform" action="classifieds_usercp.php?do=saveupdate" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="vbform" onsubmit="return vB_Editor['{vb:raw editorid}'].prepare_submit(0, {vb:raw vboptions.postminchars})">
<vb:if condition="$editmode == 0">
        <vb:if condition="$adtype == 1">
                <h2 class="blockhead"><b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_new_forsale}</b></h2>
        <vb:if condition="$adtype == 2">
                <h2 class="blockhead"><b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_new_wanted}</b></h2>
        <vb:if condition="$adtype == 3">
                <h2 class="blockhead"><b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_new_fortrade}</b></h2>
        <vb:if condition="$adtype == 4">
                <h2 class="blockhead"><b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_new_freeoffer}</b></h2>
<vb:else />
        <h2 class="blockhead"><b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_edit} {vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_classified}</b></h2>
<div class="blockbody formcontrols settings_form_border">
        <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_general_info}</h3>
        <div class="section">
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="category">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_category}:</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                                {vb:raw selectcategory}
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_category}</p>
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="title">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_title}:</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                                <input type="text" name="title" style="width:100%;" value="{vb:raw title}">
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_title}</p>
        <vb:if condition="$adtype==2">
                    <div class="blockrow">
                            <label for="location">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_your_location}</label>
                            <div class="rightcol">
                                    <input type="text" name="location"  style="width:100%;" value="{vb:raw location}" />
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_your_location}</p>
        <vb:else />
                    <div class="blockrow">
                            <label for="location">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_location}</label>
                            <div class="rightcol">
                                    <input type="text" name="location"  style="width:100%;" value="{vb:raw location}" />
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_location}</p>
            <vb:if condition="$adtype != 4">
                        <vb:if condition="$adtype==1">
                                <div class="blockrow">
                                    <label for="price">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_ask_price}</label>
                                    <div class="rightcol">
                                            <input type="text" name="price"  style="width:50%;" value="{vb:raw price}" />&nbsp;{vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_cursuf}
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_in} {vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_cursuf} {vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_price}</p>
                        <vb:if condition="$adtype==2">
                                <div class="blockrow">
                                        <label for="price">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_offer_price}</label>
                                        <div class="rightcol">
                                                <input type="text" name="price"  style="width:50%;" value="{vb:raw price}" />&nbsp;{vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_cursuf}
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_in} {vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_cursuf} {vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_price}</p>
                        <vb:if condition="$adtype==3">
                                <div class="blockrow">
                                        <label for="price">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_trade_with}</label>
                                        <div class="rightcol">
                                                <input type="text" name="tradewith"  style="width:100%;" value="{vb:raw tradewith}" />
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_trade_with}</p>
        <div class="blockrow">
                <label for="days">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_expires_in}:</label>
                <div class="rightcol">
                <input type="text" name="days" value="{vb:raw days}" style="width:50%;">&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_days}
                        <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_days} ({vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_max}: {vb:raw maxdays} {vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_days_small})</p>
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="flagreserved">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_reserve_buynow}</label>
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                                <input type="radio" name="flagreserved" value="1" <vb:if condition="$flagreserved==1">checked=checked</vb:if> />&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_yes}
                                <input type="radio" name="flagreserved" value="0" <vb:if condition="$flagreserved==0">checked=checked</vb:if> />&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_no}
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_reserve_buynow}</p>
        <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_classified_details}</h3>
                                        <div class="wysiwyg_block">
                                                <div class="blockbody formcontrols">
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                                                                {vb:raw messagearea}
        <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_other_info}</h3>
        <div class="section">
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="katastasi">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_katastasi}</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                <select name="katastasi" size="1" style="width:100%;">
                <option value="0"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 0"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_select}</option>
                <option value="6"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 6"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_6}</option>
                <option value="5"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 5"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_5}</option>
                <option value="4"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 4"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_4}</option>
                <option value="3"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 3"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_3}</option>
                <option value="2"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 2"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_2}</option>
                <option value="1"<vb:if condition="$katastasi == 1"> selected="selected"</vb:if>>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_rating_1}</option>
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_katastasi}</p>
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="sellertype">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_youare}</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                                <input type="radio" name="sellertype" value="1" <vb:if condition="$sellertype==1">checked=checked</vb:if> />&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_individual}
                                <input type="radio" name="sellertype" value="2" <vb:if condition="$sellertype==2">checked=checked</vb:if> />&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_storeowner}
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_sellertype}</p>
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="keywords">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_keywords}:</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                                <input type="text" name="keywords" style="width:100%;" value="{vb:raw keywords}">
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_keywords}</p>
        <div class="blockrow">
                <label for="shipping">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_shipping}:</label>
                <div class="rightcol">
                <input type="text" name="shipping" value="{vb:raw shipping}" style="width:100%;">
                        <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_shipping}</p>
        <div class="blockrow">
                <label for="payment">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_payment}:</label>
                <div class="rightcol">
                <input type="text" name="payment" value="{vb:raw payment}" style="width:100%;">
                        <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_payment}</p>
                {vb:raw extrafields}
        <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_main_photo}</h3>
        <div class="section">
                <div class="blockrow">
                        <label for="tb_mainphoto">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_select_photo}</label>
                        <div class="rightcol">
                                <input type="file" name="logo" id="logo" onblur="return CheckImageExt(this)" size="30" />
                                <p class="description">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_h_main_photo}</p>
                <vb:if condition="!empty($oldlogo)">
                        <div class="blockrow">
                                <label for="tb_currentphoto">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_current_photo}</label>
                                <div class="rightcol">
                                        <a href="christeris/classifieds/photos/{vb:raw oldlogo}" rel="thumbnail">
                                        <img border="0" src="christeris/classifieds/photos/thumbs/{vb:raw oldlogo}" align="{vb:stylevar left}" /></a>&nbsp;
                                        <input type="checkbox" name="removelogo" value="1">&nbsp;{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_remove_photo}
        <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_additional_photos}</h3>
        <div class="section">
                <vb:if condition="$maxphotos>0">
                        {vb:raw html_photos}
                <vb:else />
                        <div class="blockrow" align="center">
                                {vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_no_more_photos}
        <vb:if condition="$totalphotos>0">
                <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_photo_gallery}</h3>
                <div class="section">
                    {vb:raw item_gallery}
        <vb:if condition="!empty($vboptions['classifieds_terms'])">
                <h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_terms}</h3>
                <div class="section">
                        <div class="blockrow">
                                <iframe name="rules" src="christeris/classifieds/includes/terms.php" width="100%" height="100" frameborder="1" marginwidth="5" marginheight="5" align="{vb:stylevar left}" scrolling="auto"></iframe>
                        <div class="blockrow">
                                <input type="checkbox" onclick="return AgreeToRules();" name="rulesagreement" id="rulesagreement" value="1">
                                &nbsp;<b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_agree_rules}</b>
<vb:if condition="!empty($vboptions['classifieds_terms'])">
        <div id="agree2rules" style="display:none;">
    <div class="blockfoot actionbuttons settings_form_border">
                <div class="group">
                        <vb:if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['permissions']['classifieds'] & $vbulletin->bf_ugp['classifieds']['moderate']">
                                <input type="submit" class="button" name="sbutton" value="{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_approve}" onclick="return validateForm_vbform()">
                                <a class="button" href="classifieds_usercp.php?do=deleteitem&itemid={vb:raw id}">
                                <b>{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_delete}</a></b>
                        <vb:else />
                                <input type="submit" class="button" name="sbutton" value="{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_submit}" onclick="return validateForm_vbform()">
                        <input type="reset" class="button" value="{vb:var vbphrase.classifieds_reset_fields}" tabindex="1" accesskey="r" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="{vb:raw id}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="adtype" value="{vb:raw adtype}" />
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                        <input type="hidden" name="urlid" value="{vb:raw urlid}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="starts" value="{vb:raw starts}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="oldlogo" value="{vb:raw oldlogo}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="editmode" value="{vb:raw editmode}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="s" value="{vb:raw session.sessionhash}" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="{vb:raw bbuserinfo.securitytoken}" />
<vb:if condition="!empty($vboptions['classifieds_terms'])">       

I tried from another browser and same problem, still it reads from term.php not from the admincp. I feel there is something missing in the code. :)

sadiq6210 05-21-2013 05:43 AM

This is the page source Chris


<div class="blockrow">
<iframe width="100%" scrolling="auto" height="100" frameborder="1" align="right" marginheight="5" marginwidth="5" src="christeris/classifieds/includes/terms.php" name="rules">
<font size="2" face="Tahoma"> Place your rules here................. </font>

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2423284)
This is the page source Chris

Ok, I forgot the "final touch".


<iframe ..................... /iframe>

{vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_terms}

sadiq6210 05-21-2013 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423291)
Ok, I forgot the "final touch".


<iframe ..................... /iframe>

{vb:raw vboptions.classifieds_terms}

Fixed :up: Thanks Chris

Christos Teriakis 05-21-2013 09:05 AM

The final (non Beta anymore) Classifieds version 1.8.1 has released fixing 2 reported bugs:
  1. Wrong variable name is search results (even if that value is very rarelly used)
  2. Terms in Add/Edit form was still pointing to iframe while the rest code has changed.
To upgrade:
  1. Upload classifieds.php to your forum installation
  2. Import product-classifieds.xml file checking Overwrite
As I said before this is the final version. No more improvements are in schedule. I believe that the currect features (with the extra CMS Widget and Forum Sidebar block) are making completes the average admin needs. Offcourse I'll continue supporting it for bug fixes.

Thank you for your support
Christos Teriakis
(aka ChrisTERiS)

Muhammad Rahman 05-21-2013 10:43 PM

Once the buyer make an offer, then the product will automatically disappear temporarily from the list of purchase ..

in some cases buyers making multiple offers different products ... for example, to 2, 3, 4 products and so on ....
  • Where buyers can see the list of products that already was bidding??

In trading activities would not only one vendor selling the product "X", there will be a lot of sellers who sell similar products ..

ie Person A sells its products this morning, then the product will be on top of the purchase list .. but when the afternoon could have been the product A will be on the bottom of the list in that category because many sellers who sell goods ..
  • How can make the A product could be back in the top of the list or on the first page of the purchase list .. because it makes the same products to the list are not good.,,
  • in my opinion, give the A feature that can update the product to get back on top, for example up to 5 update.

sorry, my english bad. :o
thank you ..

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2423445)
Once the buyer make an offer, then the product will automatically disappear temporarily from the list of purchase ..

I'm not sure if I understood you. Do you mean to hide the ad when a user "Makes an Offer"? This is not the right way. Making an offer means nothing. Why to hide it?


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2423445)
  • Where buyers can see the list of products that already was bidding??

This exists only in my Auctions mod. Maybe at a later time I'll add it to Classifieds.


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2423445)
In trading activities would not only one vendor selling the product "X", there will be a lot of sellers who sell similar products ..

ie Person A sells its products this morning, then the product will be on top of the purchase list .. but when the afternoon could have been the product A will be on the bottom of the list in that category because many sellers who sell goods ..
  • How can make the A product could be back in the top of the list or on the first page of the purchase list .. because it makes the same products to the list are not good.,,
  • in my opinion, give the A feature that can update the product to get back on top, for example up to 5 update.
sorry, my english bad. :o
thank you ..

Sorry, but this is something that really didn't understood. The only that I can say based "On many products... Many Sellers ...." etc etc. Have said that this is a simple mod. Works fine for sites that they've around 10 ads per day. If you expect more traffic, then it will not works for you. Most probably you need a standalone PHP Classifieds script to integrade with vB.


migratoria 05-22-2013 11:36 AM


This exists only in my Auctions mod. Maybe at a later time I'll add it to Classifieds.
Hi Chris

The integration of the auction he would have a good solution that would make complete your mod

migratoria 05-22-2013 12:24 PM

HI Chris

If I add the code to the rules of writing in vBSEO custom vBSEO:

'^classifieds\.php\?do=main&catid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/category-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=viewitem&itemid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=whatsnew&timeframe=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/new-days-back-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=seller&sellerid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/seller-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=search$' => 'classifieds/searchresults/'

I get this when I click on an ad


What could be wrong?

MoveOver.cc 05-22-2013 12:31 PM


Great mod.

When I upgraded to 1.8.1, I lost all my thumbnails on the classified from page. I reverted back to 1.6.1 and they are back again. Am I doing something wrong?


CharlieDelta 05-22-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by MoveOver.cc (Post 2423534)

Great mod.

When I upgraded to 1.8.1, I lost all my thumbnails on the classified from page. I reverted back to 1.6.1 and they are back again. Am I doing something wrong?


I had the same problem and it was a template that I had to edit. I just forget now what template it was but I believe it may have been "classifieds_view_item". The code was

{vb:raw logo}
and should have been

christeris/classifieds/photos/{vb:raw logo}
If you are unsure either paste the contents of that template here or give us the URL to your page.

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by MoveOver.cc (Post 2423534)

Great mod.

When I upgraded to 1.8.1, I lost all my thumbnails on the classified from page. I reverted back to 1.6.1 and they are back again. Am I doing something wrong?


1.- Be sure that you've uploaded all the files. Sometimes it takes some more minutes waiting to finish the upload, but you're always sure that you've an up to date installation.

2.- Import product xml checking overwrite

3.- If you see something not working as expected, clear the system cache (admincp), and browser cache. Also (if possible) try with anothre browser.

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by migratoria (Post 2423532)
HI Chris

If I add the code to the rules of writing in vBSEO custom vBSEO:

'^classifieds\.php\?do=main&catid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/category-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=viewitem&itemid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=whatsnew&timeframe=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/new-days-back-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=seller&sellerid=(.*)$' => 'classifieds/seller-$1/'
'^classifieds\.php\?do=search$' => 'classifieds/searchresults/'

I get this when I click on an ad


What could be wrong?

:confused::confused: Let's wait any SEO guru to help us. What I can say seeing the links they must redirect to classified 9 ....or ...8

MoveOver.cc 05-22-2013 02:41 PM

System cache cleared and works just fine. Thx.

Sorry if already asked but has anyone added this to vbadvanced as a module?

sadiq6210 05-22-2013 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423498)
If you expect more traffic, then it will not works for you.

Why Chris? What will happen in more traffic sites so this mod will not work? :confused:

Christos Teriakis 05-22-2013 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by sadiq6210 (Post 2423555)
Why Chris? What will happen in more traffic sites so this mod will not work? :confused:

Nothing bad don't worry. But usually admin with big boards need complicated features and as I said this has the basics only. Otherwise it can handle thousands of thousand ads, with better performance as it's lighware.
But as I said...... i haven't understood what he was asking......

sadiq6210 05-22-2013 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423569)
Nothing bad don't worry. But usually admin with big boards need complicated features and as I said this has the basics only. Otherwise it can handle thousands of thousand ads, with better performance as it's lighware.
But as I said...... i haven't understood what he was asking......

oh OK :rolleyes:
I like this mod because it is not complicated :up: Keep it lite

Rich 05-22-2013 09:46 PM

How difficult would it be to track how many users have viewed an ad? One of my testers asked where they could see that, so the end user is actually interested in that data.

sadiq6210 05-23-2013 05:59 AM

Is there a simple way to add color to ([for sale] - [wanted] - [for trade] - [free offer])

I mean how can I make [for sale] in green color everywhere and [wanted] in red color everywhere in the classifieds. (In main, categories, right menu, view items ...)

Christos Teriakis 05-23-2013 06:07 AM

For a coder is very easy... For an average admin is not. Needs additional code in php file (files for sadiq) and template (templates for sadiq).


sadiq6210 05-23-2013 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Christos Teriakis (Post 2423651)
For a coder is very easy... For an average admin is not. Needs additional code in php file (files for sadiq) and template (templates for sadiq).


It was there in the old classifieds, if you can copy the code from microclassified and give it to us with some hints we will appreciate that Chris.

However, I think it could be a good improvement if you add it in the lite classifieds. Although it is simple, it will make the life easy for our users :rolleyes:

I believe that searching by colors is always faster and more comfortable than reading :)

MoveOver.cc 05-23-2013 07:39 AM


I am getting a "Feed Code Error" when I click on the RSS Feed.

the link is http://www.mywebsite.com/forums/clas...s.php?do=feeds

Any ideas.


Christos Teriakis 05-23-2013 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by MoveOver.cc (Post 2423669)

I am getting a "Feed Code Error" when I click on the RSS Feed.

the link is www.mywebsite.com/forums/classifieds.php?do=feeds

Any ideas.


I've wrote in one of my posts that if you're using charset other than iso-8859-1 you must edit the file classifieds.php. Search for iso-8859-1 and replace it with the charset that you're using.

MoveOver.cc 05-23-2013 08:01 AM

Thanks. Ive checked that and it is correct. It seems to work in firefox but not IE9.

lazytown 05-23-2013 08:39 PM

Does or Can this work with
iTrader v2.8 - Powerful Rating System - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=232044

That way members can give feedback and trusted sellers/buyers will have higher ratings.

smirkley 05-24-2013 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by vissa (Post 2423787)
Does or Can this work with
iTrader v2.8 - Powerful Rating System - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=232044

That way members can give feedback and trusted sellers/buyers will have higher ratings.

I second that question.

If the iTrader could be used concurrently with the classifieds and auction system, ...

.... unless Christos has one in the works for this already?...??? ;)

Christos Teriakis 05-24-2013 05:07 AM

Currently I'm busy to build a simple site for me. After it (but without any written promise), I'll give a look on this addon. I know that it's Nexia's addon. If it's easy to implement, I'll do it.

Muhammad Rahman 05-24-2013 10:43 AM

after a buyer clicks "buy it", then the product will disappear temporarily from the list of "All Classifieds" and category.

the question;
where buyers can see the list of offerings.??

Christos Teriakis 05-24-2013 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Muhammad Rahman (Post 2423890)
after a buyer clicks "buy it", then the product will disappear temporarily from the list of "All Classifieds" and category.

the question;
where buyers can see the list of offerings.??

Currently only on their Inbox (PMs).

nivek911 05-24-2013 03:21 PM

My www.sitename.com/classifieds.php page looks good.
Users can add a new classified and it showes up great.

My problem is when clicking on a particular ad
The Ad links to a page that "Is not found"

The URL looks OK, but page doesnt exist.

Again, the front end and creation of an Ad is just fine

Christos Teriakis 05-24-2013 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by nivek911 (Post 2423930)
My www.sitename.com/classifieds.php page looks good.
Users can add a new classified and it showes up great.

My problem is when clicking on a particular ad
The Ad links to a page that "Is not found"

The URL looks OK, but page doesnt exist.

Again, the front end and creation of an Ad is just fine

1.- According to the link that you provided your .htaccess file must has a line like:
RewriteRule ^offer/([^/]*)/ ./classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid=$1 [L,NC]

2.- From the link is missing the extention .html . Try to add it manually and see if it works. If it does, then give me your real url to check it.

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