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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Steam Connect - Sign in with your Steam Account! [RC3] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=266883)

joshskeety 06-17-2012 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2340209)
Did you update the Steam Mini Profiles addon as well?

Nope that's no longer installed, only Steam Connect.

Disasterpiece 06-17-2012 11:39 AM

It should have been fixed... link to your forum?

joshskeety 06-19-2012 04:45 AM

PM'd you.

GamerPerfection 06-19-2012 09:54 AM

Installed, thanks.

Turbo Diesel 07-01-2012 01:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I have seen this topic has been talked about quite a bit (I think), but I haven't found a definite answer how to do it or if it is possible...

I want to get it to show the Steam ID somehow in the main profile of a user... I've included a pic of where I want it. I want it in the "About" section probably under occupation if possible. It may even be better if it had its own section and maybe include other information about the user from their steam account like hours played of certain games and things like that.

joshskeety 07-06-2012 03:28 PM

Hey DP,

Did you ever discover what may of been causing steam avatars to not display in the postbit properly? I see them all properly in the user manager so I'm not sure why this does that.

Disasterpiece 07-06-2012 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by joshskeety (Post 2345537)
Hey DP,

Did you ever discover what may of been causing steam avatars to not display in the postbit properly? I see them all properly in the user manager so I'm not sure why this does that.

Do they still make issues with not appearing sometimes?
Thought that has been fixed by now

joshskeety 07-06-2012 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2345561)
Do they still make issues with not appearing sometimes?
Thought that has been fixed by now

Yeah they don't all show for me.

joshskeety 07-07-2012 07:10 PM

Had another idea. Hopefully this one is good like my last one was.

Basically, take avatars and make them look like this:


When they're online in Steam, the border is Blue. When they're offline, it's gray. When you click the avatar, it sends you to their community profile.

What do you think, DP?

rockerzteam 07-08-2012 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2220946)
That's a negative sorry.
I don't use vb3 anymore and the architecture is Too different.
There's Not much benefit for me As Long As its a free addon

That's where alot of coders have gone wrong. They forgot about all the happy 3.8.7 users and moved onto only 4.x.x

I am happy with 3.8.7 and have the option to upgrade but I don't like the new vbulletin.

Even if you made this a paid mod and made it available to 3.8.x alot of users that run gaming sites like myself would buy it.

joshskeety 07-08-2012 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by rockerzteam (Post 2346109)
That's where alot of coders have gone wrong. They forgot about all the happy 3.8.7 users and moved onto only 4.x.x

I am happy with 3.8.7 and have the option to upgrade but I don't like the new vbulletin.

Even if you made this a paid mod and made it available to 3.8.x alot of users that run gaming sites like myself would buy it.

I stuck with 3.8.x for a while, because I didn't like how 4 looked style wise, but I've since found some nice styles for it and found it better than 3.8.x in many ways. You can't really fault a developer for only supporting the version he uses.

|Jordan| 07-11-2012 12:17 AM

This plugin is not compatible with:

Stop the Registration Bots

Whenever a user tries to register, they get the error:
You have left a required field blank.
Can you add a fix for this? Stop the registration Bots is really effective at stopping registration bots.

alex902602 07-14-2012 12:49 PM

For some reason this causes threads to load extremely slow and even time out. Yet if I disable it then they will load instantly. Anyone know what the problem is with that?

Disasterpiece 07-30-2012 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by joshskeety (Post 2345887)
Had another idea. Hopefully this one is good like my last one was.

Basically, take avatars and make them look like this:


When they're online in Steam, the border is Blue. When they're offline, it's gray. When you click the avatar, it sends you to their community profile.

What do you think, DP?

You can actually do this with a few adjustments. Just include a variable where the online status is saved which you can then use in the postbit template and set the border color accordingly.

If you don't know how to do this, I might put something together.


Originally Posted by rockerzteam (Post 2346109)
That's where alot of coders have gone wrong. They forgot about all the happy 3.8.7 users and moved onto only 4.x.x

I am happy with 3.8.7 and have the option to upgrade but I don't like the new vbulletin.

Even if you made this a paid mod and made it available to 3.8.x alot of users that run gaming sites like myself would buy it.

That's a big maybe. I just don't feel that my time is good invested in developing/porting a huge addon for an outdated vb version.


Originally Posted by joshskeety (Post 2346150)
I stuck with 3.8.x for a while, because I didn't like how 4 looked style wise, but I've since found some nice styles for it and found it better than 3.8.x in many ways. You can't really fault a developer for only supporting the version he uses.

The style and look&feel is for most vb3 users the main reason to stick with vb3 instead of vb4 and that's just not a valid reason in my opinion.


Originally Posted by alex902602 (Post 2348020)
For some reason this causes threads to load extremely slow and even time out. Yet if I disable it then they will load instantly. Anyone know what the problem is with that?

This has been fixed before. Are you 100% sure you're using the latest version and upgraded everything correctly?

joshskeety 07-30-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2352598)
You can actually do this with a few adjustments. Just include a variable where the online status is saved which you can then use in the postbit template and set the border color accordingly.

If you don't know how to do this, I might put something together.

Yeah I'd appreciate that. I still can't figure out why the avatar is not always pulled for the Steam Account but done 100% of the time in the manage user area of the Admin CP. I'd like for the avatars to always display the users Steam Avatar if they are linked and act as the link to their Steam Page (+ the Online / Offline borders)

joshskeety 08-04-2012 01:02 AM

Getting that slow down issue. Viewing threads or User Profiles is taking a *very* long time.

unit12stealth 08-04-2012 03:25 PM

This will work with 4.2.0, right?

Dinnoosaur 08-04-2012 07:30 PM

I'm new and testing vBulletin.
I got specials chars in my steam name. And when your add-on has created my user. Does is show my name like this: Ƈrazy Ƈhicken [Ɗƙ]
It should have been something like Crazy Chicken [DK].


Disasterpiece 08-05-2012 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dinnoosaur (Post 2354480)
I'm new and testing vBulletin.
I got specials chars in my steam name. And when your add-on has created my user. Does is show my name like this: Ƈrazy Ƈhicken [Ɗƙ]
It should have been something like Crazy Chicken [DK].


If that's the way steam transmits the username, then that's what's going into the username field. You can control which characters may be used in usernames in the vbulletin options.

Dinnoosaur 08-06-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Dinnoosaur (Post 2354480)
I'm new and testing vBulletin.
I got specials chars in my steam name. And when your add-on has created my user. Does is show my name like this: ?‡razy ?‡hicken [?Š?™]
It should have been something like Crazy Chicken [DK].


Solution found set "HTML Character Set" to "utf-8".
now my name is shown right: Ƈrazy Ƈhicken [Ɗƙ]

Disasterpiece 08-06-2012 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dinnoosaur (Post 2355054)
Solution found set "HTML Character Set" to "utf-8".
now my name is shown right: Ƈrazy Ƈhicken [Ɗƙ]

Where exactly did you change this setting?

CharlesSimeth 08-28-2012 08:13 PM

I have a Problem. The Steam button just shows up after a user has loged in. They cant login via steam. In the settings for Logfile Path I get an error message now "Error:
You did not enter a valid value for this setting."
Since now I have tryed every possible way to lead it to the File that keeps the record. but I still get the error message.

So what I am doing wrong here?
The file is on 777, and it is there.

Disasterpiece 08-28-2012 08:38 PM

What did you use as the cache path?

CharlesSimeth 08-29-2012 11:32 AM


Disasterpiece 08-29-2012 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by CharlesSimeth (Post 2360925)

That already looks wrong from here. Are you familiar with the directory system on linux? I suggest to look up some basic tutorials on unix filesystems and the difference between relative and absolute paths.

To spare you the trouble: Go into your vb admincp > Maintenance > Show PHP-Info
Look for the entry "SCRIPT_FILENAME"
My for example says "/var/www/vhosts/kmxxxxx.keymachine.de/mydomainname.de/forum/admincp/index.php"
which means the base path to my forum would be "/var/www/vhosts/kmxxxxx.keymachine.de/mydomainname.de/forum/" and if the cache directory was located in the forum root, the necessary path for the cache path would be: "/var/www/vhosts/kmxxxxx.keymachine.de/mydomainname.de/forum/steamlogins" (no trailing slash)

CharlesSimeth 08-29-2012 12:38 PM

Thx I´ll check it out

CharlesSimeth 08-29-2012 01:00 PM

Nope still got the error message.

I´ll checked my pathway with the catch setting. and is working there, but not with the login

SpikedRocker 08-30-2012 08:31 PM

We are getting a

Error 102 (net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED): The server refused the connection.
Error when trying to link or register accounts. Pretty much we get to the part where we log into steam then it returns a blank page. I got the error when using Chrome. Any thoughts on what is happening?

CharlesSimeth 09-01-2012 10:17 PM

I fixed the error, but there is still no way to use steam as login.
1. I can register via steam. and when i connect my selfmade account with steam it does say signed in with steam. But there is no connect via steam option.
So either there is no log in feature like the fb-connect button. Or it just wont work.

Please help me out.

Thank you.

CoZmicShReddeR 09-02-2012 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by CharlesSimeth (Post 2361829)
I fixed the error, but there is still no way to use steam as login.
1. I can register via steam. and when i connect my selfmade account with steam it does say signed in with steam. But there is no connect via steam option.
So either there is no log in feature like the fb-connect button. Or it just wont work.

Please help me out.

Thank you.

This Steam Connect isn't a website login like the Facebook one it's only a way to connect your Steam to your profile for future use and for use with Disasterpiece's mini Steam profile! If your not seeing the icon to connect then read back a bit there is information... And you can always manually add the button...

Disasterpiece is our only voice for the Steam Connect on VBulletin... And a few others created addons for it but so far its been really slow getting anything else going...

I am sure once Vbulletin 5 is released many others will flock back from xenforo and Vbulletin.org will get a lot busier! At least I am hoping... When I say busy I mean for stuff like this...:up:

Bruce1984 09-02-2012 02:17 PM

Nice, installed (almost) fine, now logged in and connected to Steam, however, I can't seem to be able to properly add the Steam icon in postbit.

I've been through the steps over and over again, the plugin 'Add Steam icon to postbit' is active and I've tried several places in the postbit area, on the default template as well as another I've installed, no joy.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Template postbit:

{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_start}
<li class="postbit postbitim postcontainer {vb:raw post.statusicon}" id="post_{vb:raw post.postid}">
        <div class="postdetails_noavatar">
                <div class="posthead">
                                <span class="postdate {vb:raw post.statusicon}">
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['announcement']">
                                                <span class="date">{vb:rawphrase x_until_y, {vb:raw post.startdate}, {vb:raw post.enddate}}</span>
                                        <vb:else />
                                                <span class="date">{vb:raw post.postdate}<vb:if condition="!$show['detailedtime']">,&nbsp;<span class="time">{vb:raw post.posttime}</span></vb:if></span>
                                <span class="nodecontrols">
                                        <vb:if condition="$post['postid'] AND $post['threadid'] AND !$show['moderated']">
                                                <a name="post{vb:raw post.postid}" href="{vb:link thread, {vb:raw thread}, {vb:raw pageinfo_post}}#post{vb:raw post.postid}" class="<vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">ie</vb:if>postcounter">#{vb:raw post.postcount}</a><a id="postcount{vb:raw post.postid}" name="{vb:raw post.postcount}"></a>
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['moderated']"><a name="post{vb:raw post.postid}"></a>{vb:rawphrase moderated_post}</vb:if>
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['inlinemod']">
                                                <label for="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}"><input class="postimod" type="checkbox" id="post_imod_checkbox_{vb:raw post.postid}" name="plist[{vb:raw post.postid}]" value="{vb:raw post.checkbox_value}" /></label>

                <div class="userinfo<vb:if condition="!$show['avatar']">_noavatar</vb:if>">
                        <div class="contact">
                                <vb:if condition="$show['avatar']">
                                        <a class="postuseravatarlink" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw post}}" title="{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['onlinestatusphrase']}, {vb:raw post.username}}">
                                                <vb:if condition="$post.avatarurl">
                                                        <img src="{vb:raw post.avatarurl}" alt="{vb:rawphrase xs_avatar, {vb:raw post.username}}" />
                                                <vb:else />
                                                        <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/unknown.gif" />
                                <div class="username_container">
                                        <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                                                {vb:raw memberaction_dropdown}
                                                {vb:raw post.onlinestatus}
                                        <vb:else />
                                                <span class="username guest">{vb:raw post.musername}</span>
                                        <span class="usertitle">
                                                {vb:raw post.usertitle}
                                        <vb:if condition="$post['rank']">
                                                <span class="rank">{vb:raw post.rank}</span>

                                        {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_left}
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
                                                <span class="postbit_reputation" id="repdisplay_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}" title="{vb:raw post.username} {vb:raw post.level}">
                                                        <vb:each from="reputationdisplay" value="row">
                                                                <img class="{vb:raw row.class}" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_reputation}/reputation_{vb:raw row.posneg}{vb:raw row.imgext}" alt="" />{vb:raw row.rowend}
                                        <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                                                <div class="imlinks">
                                                        {vb:raw post.steamicon} {vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}
                        <vb:if condition="$post['userid']">
                                <div class="userinfo_extra">
                                        <dl class="userstats">
                                                <vb:if condition="$post['joindate']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase join_date}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.joindate}</dd></vb:if>
                                                <vb:if condition="$post['field2']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase location_perm}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.field2}</dd></vb:if>
                                                <vb:if condition="$post['age']"><dt>{vb:rawphrase age}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.age}</dd></vb:if>
                                                <dt>{vb:rawphrase posts}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.posts}</dd>       
                                                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts}
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['infraction'] OR $show['reppower']">
                                        <dl class="user_rep">
                                                <vb:if condition="$show['infraction']">
                                                        <dt>{vb:rawphrase infractions}</dt>
                                                        <dd>{vb:raw post.warnings}/{vb:raw post.infractions} ({vb:raw post.ipoints})</dd>
                                                <vb:if condition="$show['reputation']">
                                                        <vb:if condition="$show['reppower']">
                                                                <dt>{vb:rawphrase reppower}</dt>
                                                                <dd id="reppower_{vb:raw post.postid}_{vb:raw post.userid}">{vb:raw post.reppower}</dd>
                                        {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_userinfo_right}

        <div class="postbody">
                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_messagearea_start}
                <div class="postrow">
                <vb:if condition="$post['title'] OR $show['messageicon']">
                <h2 class="posttitle icon">
                        <vb:if condition="$show['messageicon']"><img src="{vb:raw post.iconpath}" alt="{vb:raw post.icontitle}" /> </vb:if>{vb:raw post.title}
                                <vb:if condition="$post['isfirstshown']">
                                        {vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_start}
                                        {vb:raw ad_location.thread_first_post_content}
                                <vb:if condition="$post['islastshown']">
                                        {vb:raw ad_location.thread_last_post_content}
                <div class="content<vb:if condition="$show['first_ad'] OR $show['last_ad']"> hasad</vb:if>">
                        <div id="post_message_{vb:raw post.postid}">
                                <blockquote class="postcontent restore">
                                        {vb:raw post.message}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['attachments']">
                        <div class="attachments">

                        <vb:if condition="$show['thumbnailattachment']">
                                <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                        <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_thumbnails}</legend>
                                        {vb:raw post.thumbnailattachments}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['imageattachment']">
                                <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                        <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_images}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_images}</legend>
                                        {vb:raw post.imageattachments}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['imageattachmentlink']">
                                <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                        <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_images}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_images}</legend>
                                        {vb:raw post.imageattachmentlinks}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['otherattachment']">
                                <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                        <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attached_files}" /> {vb:rawphrase attached_files}</legend>
                                        {vb:raw post.otherattachments}

                        <vb:if condition="$show['moderatedattachment']">
                                <fieldset class="postcontent">
                                        <legend><img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/paperclip.png" class="inlineimg" alt="{vb:rawphrase attachments_pending_approval}" /> {vb:rawphrase attachments_pending_approval}</legend>
                                        {vb:raw post.moderatedattachments}

                        <!-- / attachments -->

                        <vb:if condition="$show['postedited']">
                        <!-- edit note -->
                        <blockquote class="postcontent lastedited">
                                <vb:if condition="$show['postedithistory']">
                                        {vb:rawphrase last_edited_link_by_x_on_y_at_z_postid, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date},
                                                {vb:raw post.edit_time}, {vb:raw post.historyurl}}
                                <vb:else />
                                        {vb:rawphrase last_edited_by_x_on_y_at_z, {vb:raw post.edit_username}, {vb:raw post.edit_date}, {vb:raw post.edit_time}}
                                <vb:if condition="$post['edit_reason']">
                                        <span class="reason">{vb:rawphrase reason}:</span> {vb:raw post.edit_reason}
                        <!-- / edit note -->
                        {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_start}       
                        <vb:if condition="$post['isfirstshown']">
                                {vb:raw ad_location.ad_showthread_firstpost_sig}
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                        {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_signature_end}
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                                <span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>
                                <vb:if condition="$post['replylink']">
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                                                      <span class="seperator">&nbsp;</span>
                                {vb:raw template_hook.postbit_controls}

                                {vb:raw post.iplogged}
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                                        <span class="reputationpopupmenu popupmenu popupcustom" title="{vb:raw post.postid}"><a class="popupctrl reputation" href="reputation.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=addreputation&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" title="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" rel="nofollow" id="reputation_{vb:raw post.postid}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/reputation-40b.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_reputation}" />-->&nbsp;</a></span>

                                        <vb:if condition="$show['infractionlink']">
                                        &nbsp;<a class="infraction" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=report&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/add-infraction_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase add_infraction_for_x, {vb:raw post.username}}" /> --> &nbsp;</a> &nbsp;
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                                                <img class="spam" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/spam_detected.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase spam_post}" />
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['deletedpost']">
                                                <vb:if condition="$show['managepost']">
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                                                <vb:else />
                                                        <img class="deleted_nolink" class="inlineimage" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/deleted_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase deleted_post}" />
                                        <vb:if condition="$show['redcard']">
                                                <a class="redcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}"><!-- <img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/red-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_infraction}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
                                                <vb:elseif condition="$show['yellowcard']" />
                                                        <a class="yellowcard" href="infraction.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=view&amp;p={vb:raw post.postid}" rel="nofollow" title="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}"><!--<img src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/yellow-card_sm.png" alt="{vb:rawphrase received_warning}" /> --> &nbsp;</a>
                                        <vb:if condition="$post['api_platform']">
                                                <vb:if condition="$post['api_platform_link']">
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                                                <vb:else />
                                                        <span class="mobile mobile_{vb:raw post.api_platform}">{vb:rawphrase {vb:raw post['api_platform_link_phrase']}}</span>
        <hr />
{vb:raw template_hook.postbit_end}

Boso 09-16-2012 06:07 AM

will this work with 4.2?

Bruce1984 09-16-2012 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Boso (Post 2365835)
will this work with 4.2?

I have gotten this to work with vB 4.2.0, except for the small icon in the postbit area.
The sign in/connect with Steam button appears at the top if you make the style adjustments as described, with the small Steam activity banner appearing on posts.

The only thing I still haven't gotten to work is the small icon, like the IM-icons, but the rest will work :).

Disasterpiece 09-17-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bruce1984 (Post 2365931)
I have gotten this to work with vB 4.2.0, except for the small icon in the postbit area.
The sign in/connect with Steam button appears at the top if you make the style adjustments as described, with the small Steam activity banner appearing on posts.

The only thing I still haven't gotten to work is the small icon, like the IM-icons, but the rest will work :).

The postbit icon sould work, I really can't imagine anything that could come with the new version which could break this plugin. Are you sure you uploaded the image to the right directory and all?

Bruce1984 09-17-2012 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Disasterpiece (Post 2366109)
Are you sure you uploaded the image to the right directory and all?

I believe so; the steam_icon.gif is in /images/misc/, I've added the {vb:raw post.steamicon} to the imlinks class as well, in all styles available on the forums.


<div class="imlinks">
                                                        {vb:raw post.steamicon} {vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}

I've left it in front of the rest, but no matter where I put it on that line, the button doesn't show up.
It's not a big deal, since the main thing, the connecting with Steam, works; the sign-in button appears in the header and the Steam Mini Profile from the add-on shows :).

So, if one way we can make the icon appear, great, if not, not a big deal :).

Are there specific files/bits I could share for inspection which could be the problem perhaps?

Disasterpiece 09-23-2012 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Bruce1984 (Post 2366184)
I believe so; the steam_icon.gif is in /images/misc/, I've added the {vb:raw post.steamicon} to the imlinks class as well, in all styles available on the forums.


<div class="imlinks">
                                                        {vb:raw post.steamicon} {vb:raw post.icqicon} {vb:raw post.aimicon} {vb:raw post.msnicon} {vb:raw post.yahooicon} {vb:raw post.skypeicon}

I've left it in front of the rest, but no matter where I put it on that line, the button doesn't show up.
It's not a big deal, since the main thing, the connecting with Steam, works; the sign-in button appears in the header and the Steam Mini Profile from the add-on shows :).

So, if one way we can make the icon appear, great, if not, not a big deal :).

Are there specific files/bits I could share for inspection which could be the problem perhaps?

The plugin which does that is called "Add Steam Icon to postbit" and it renders a template called "postbit_steam_icon" where it gets the html code from.

- Did you include the correct steam api key in your admincp > settings > steam connect settings ?
- Do you have multiple styles and somehow the template "postbit_steam_icon" is empty or hasn't been created in all styles and sub-styles?

Otherwise I can't imagine how it fails to set the post.steamicon templatevar.

If you still have problems, send me a pm with login credentials and I take a look myself if you like.

Skyrider 10-01-2012 08:58 AM

Hey Disasterpiece. Is there anyway if a user logins through the steam login on the forums, a password can be requested as well? Just in case the user's steam has been hijacked and attempts to login with it on the forums. Like an addional password request.

Disasterpiece 10-01-2012 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider (Post 2369942)
Hey Disasterpiece. Is there anyway if a user logins through the steam login on the forums, a password can be requested as well? Just in case the user's steam has been hijacked and attempts to login with it on the forums. Like an addional password request.

He can setup a password himself anytime when he feels like securing his access a bit more. I see no way of getting hacked if you're using the Steam guard feature, so I'm not sure if this is necessary. I'll add it as an option for the next version but I don't feel this has to be high priority.

Skyrider 10-01-2012 08:33 PM


He can setup a password himself anytime when he feels like securing his access a bit more. I see no way of getting hacked if you're using the Steam guard feature, so I'm not sure if this is necessary. I'll add it as an option for the next version but I don't feel this has to be high priority.
You have no idea how many steam accounts are being hijacked, even with the steam guard feature enabled. I've seen it happen many times. And with the future forums we are going to run, every additional security would be appreciated.

Also, a while ago I asked as a suggestion if it could be made impossible to unlink your steam account. Can this still be done?

joshskeety 10-12-2012 02:54 AM

Hey DP,

Does this currently remove users from the usergroup they're added to if they are no longer in the Steam group?

If not, could it?

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