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BirdOPrey5 02-24-2014 07:38 PM

I imagine it has to do with regular expressions and character encoding- unfortunately I don't know how to fix the issue. The issue has been mentioned in comments on php.net but there's no easy fix.

Mn3m0n1c 02-25-2014 12:51 PM

Thanks for the answer, i'll try to analyze encoding settings and regexp deeper.

tpearl5 02-25-2014 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2482446)
The mod is designed to not affect keywords already part of a link...

So if Amazon is a keyword

and you have a Link like-

Use Google to Search Amazon

Amazon should NOT be getting linked...

If it is please send me a URL where I can see it happen and the keyword(s) that are getting linked that shouldn't be.

Here's an example: http://nikonites.com/general-lenses/...up-%24400.html

These should all be links to amazon, but some are coming up with the links defined in this mod. The phrases are defined in a file. Maybe it has something to do with the dots and dashes?

Thangvip9x 03-09-2014 11:44 PM

Error when use this mod Add Alt Text to Linked Images by BOP5 (VB 4.1.10+)
If in alt images has a word link, this mod will error
Please fix it
Ex: In alt images is "i love vbulletin", i settings vbulletin is word link in admincp, it will display error "i love
HTML Code:

<a href="http://vbulletin.org">vbulletin</a>
in alter images
I forced uninstall this mod
Can you fix it!

BirdOPrey5 03-11-2014 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Thangvip9x (Post 2486124)
Error when use this mod Add Alt Text to Linked Images by BOP5 (VB 4.1.10+)
If in alt images has a word link, this mod will error
Please fix it
Ex: In alt images is "i love vbulletin", i settings vbulletin is word link in admincp, it will display error "i love
HTML Code:

<a href="http://vbulletin.org">vbulletin</a>
in alter images
I forced uninstall this mod
Can you fix it!

This is interesting- In the Settings for the Alt Text to Linked Images mod find the setting-

Image Resizer Code

And add this code-


Even if you're not using an image resizer just want to see if this stops the problem or not.

Thangvip9x 03-12-2014 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2486449)
This is interesting- In the Settings for the Alt Text to Linked Images mod find the setting-

Image Resizer Code

And add this code-


Even if you're not using an image resizer just want to see if this stops the problem or not.

I don't use mod "Image Resizer", i only use "Add Alt Text to Linked Images", i forced uninstall because error when setting word link by bop5

sonic83 03-31-2014 01:15 PM

Hello. This error only appears if the option setting:

Match Whole Words Only?
If "Yes" will link whole words only. Example: If "Jeep" is a keyword, "Jeeps" will not be linked. If "No" it will match partial words. Using the same example you'd see "<a href="http://www.jeep.com" target="_blank">Jeep</a>s."

This error appears on all post with quote:

<a> div class = "BBCode_Container">

And the quotes box is gone:


And in the post if you quote appears:



Help please.


PS: Sorry for my english

BirdOPrey5 03-31-2014 04:29 PM

What is the keyword causing the problem?

Can you provide a link to your site?

sonic83 04-01-2014 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2490649)
What is the keyword causing the problem?

Can you provide a link to your site?

Hi BirdOPrey5. I send you pm whit video. :)

sonic83 04-26-2014 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2490831)
Hi BirdOPrey5. I send you pm whit video. :)

Hello, I do not want it to look like I hit the topic, you could check for this problem occur?


Spangle 05-15-2014 08:43 PM

I loved the this MOD on VB4, is it likely you will be porting it for VB5 ?

BirdOPrey5 05-16-2014 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Spangle (Post 2497971)
I loved the this MOD on VB4, is it likely you will be porting it for VB5 ?

Do you have VB5 already? I will say of all my mods this would likely be the next one that goes to VB5, in truth I already had it virtually complete when VB 5 was still in beta, but I stopped working on it, like all VB5 mods, when it was clear there would be little demand.

addamroy 05-16-2014 11:11 AM

How do links created with this mod work with skimlinks?

BirdOPrey5 05-16-2014 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498024)
How do links created with this mod work with skimlinks?

Well if you link to Amazon, eBay, or anywhere Skimlinks has a deal with they will automatically turn these links into affiliate links just like any other links on your forum.

addamroy 05-17-2014 10:56 AM

I know, but I'm not sure if skimlinks will change these links AFTER your mod turns specific words into links, that's what I need clarification on.

For example, with your mod, if I have the word 'amazon', automatically create a link to www.amazon.com, will skimlinks still turn that into an affiliate link?

BirdOPrey5 05-17-2014 11:21 AM

Yes it does.

To be sure-

Make a new thread or reload a page if making a quick reply (skimlinks only works on links already on the page when the original page was generated- a limitation of the javascript)

Right click on an Amazon link, choose "Copy link URL" or "Copy Link Location" - whatever your browser has.

Now paste that link text into notepad, or some other text editor, or even just a text box on your forum....

rather than the simple http://www.amazon.com link you will have a very long URL that has the skimlinks affiliate code in it.

Note- this long URL is only visible by copying/pasting the URL. Mousing-over the URL will show the regular/original URL.

addamroy 05-17-2014 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2498153)
Yes it does.

... (skimlinks only works on links already on the page when the original page was generated- a limitation of the javascript)

That is a serious bummer...

Can you think of any way to circumvent that limitation?? Maybe by having your mod create the links BEFORE the skimlinks javascript executes? idk... wishful thinking maybe.

Can't believe how much revenue I'm missing out on because this won't work on existing posts, only new ones.


BirdOPrey5 05-17-2014 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498154)
That is a serious bummer...

Can you think of any way to circumvent that limitation?? Maybe by having your mod create the links BEFORE the skimlinks javascript executes? idk... wishful thinking maybe.

Can't believe how much revenue I'm missing out on because this won't work on existing posts, only new ones.


I think you have misunderstood...

This mod works fine with Skimlinks.

Regardless of this mod being installed Smimlinks has a limitation that it will not work on any posts added by quick-reply (added by ajax) until the page is reloaded.

In normal operating of your forum only the person posting the link would ever see the link before the page reloaded, there is very little actual traffic that might be affected.

I only brought it up because if you are testing the link as I suggested you might try to test a link you posted via quick reply, and I wanted you (or anyone testing) to understand why it may not work for you in that one case.

addamroy 05-17-2014 03:20 PM

Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Well what I did was, added the word amazon to the list of words, and set the URL to http://www.amazon.com

Then I did a search for threads with the word Amazon in it. I checked one out, a thread from a while back, has the word amazon in the first post. The word is definitely getting hyperlinked via your mod, however that link is not getting "skimlinked". So as of now I don't think ANY links created via your MOD are being changed by skimlinks.

BirdOPrey5 05-18-2014 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498179)
Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Well what I did was, added the word amazon to the list of words, and set the URL to http://www.amazon.com

Then I did a search for threads with the word Amazon in it. I checked one out, a thread from a while back, has the word amazon in the first post. The word is definitely getting hyperlinked via your mod, however that link is not getting "skimlinked". So as of now I don't think ANY links created via your MOD are being changed by skimlinks.

How have you been able to confirm if it was or was not "skimlinked" ?

For skimlink are you using the footer javascript code?

Can you post or PM me the URL to this post?

addamroy 05-18-2014 02:13 AM

I just right-clicked it like you said, and copied/pasted the URL into the browser manually to check. I'll PM you.

sonic83 05-18-2014 08:33 AM

Hello sir, I do not intend to hit this thread, but has been unable to resolve this problem?


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2490608)
Hello. This error only appears if the option setting:

Match Whole Words Only?
If "Yes" will link whole words only. Example: If "Jeep" is a keyword, "Jeeps" will not be linked. If "No" it will match partial words. Using the same example you'd see "<a href="http://www.jeep.com" target="_blank">Jeep</a>s."

This error appears on all post with quote:

<a> div class = "BBCode_Container">

And the quotes box is gone:


And in the post if you quote appears:



Help please.


PS: Sorry for my english

BirdOPrey5 05-18-2014 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498268)
I just right-clicked it like you said, and copied/pasted the URL into the browser manually to check. I'll PM you.

Take a look at my site-

In the last line of the first post is an auto-link to Amazon.

Right click on it and paste the URL and see what you see... so I am sure it should work.

I'm wondering if maybe you are using the built in Skimlinks integration rather than just putting the line of javascript code in your footer that skimlinks provides- I know the footer code affiliates all links no matter where they are on the page or how they were made.


You know what you could do- and in fact I do on most domains- use the Skimlinks URL shortener to create an affiliate link to Amazon and your other sites, then use that short URL as the URL in Word Links- this was the user clicks on Amazon and they go to http://buyth.at/j9ty2 (or whatever your short URL is.) Then you wouldn't need worry about changing the skimlinks integration and it would even work with people who block javascript.

BirdOPrey5 05-18-2014 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2498283)
Hello sir, I do not intend to hit this thread, but has been unable to resolve this problem?

Hello- I am going to need to know the exact word / URL combo that is causing that error- I am sorry but I can't look through dozens and dozens of words/links to determine which one(s) may be causing the issue.

addamroy 05-18-2014 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2498292)
Take a look at my site-

In the last line of the first post is an auto-link to Amazon.

Right click on it and paste the URL and see what you see... so I am sure it should work.

I'm wondering if maybe you are using the built in Skimlinks integration rather than just putting the line of javascript code in your footer that skimlinks provides- I know the footer code affiliates all links no matter where they are on the page or how they were made.

I checked that link on your site, and it only pastes as http://www.amazon.com
Looks like your site is having the same issue as mine.

BirdOPrey5 05-18-2014 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by addamroy (Post 2498297)
I checked that link on your site, and it only pastes as http://www.amazon.com
Looks like your site is having the same issue as mine.

It maybe your browser or maybe an extension you have? If you have adblock or the skimlinks editor installed on your browser it may be blocking the js code.

I had to disable the skimlinks editor to confirm it was working, and it is.

When i right click on the Amazon link i get this URL-

But when I right click on your Amazon link I get the Amazon URL.

naisho 05-20-2014 06:28 AM

Thanks for this very good mod. I might purchase the Gold version to be able to use it on the CMS as well.
I have a little issue though:
For words with accentuated letters it doesn't seem to work when I use a csv file.
Both database and csv files are saved with Unicode UTF-8 settings.

It does work when not using a csv file.
Any advice on how this could be fixed? (I have a list of 175 words and prefer to use the csv method).

BirdOPrey5 05-20-2014 12:12 PM

In your Language Manager for your language, in settings, what is the HTML Character Set set to? If it isn't UTF8 I would try encoding the csv file the same as this setting.

naisho 05-20-2014 12:41 PM

Perfect! I thought it was UTF-8 but it was ISO-8859-1.
Now everything is fine with my csv file.
Thanks a lot!

sonic83 05-20-2014 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2490649)
What is the keyword causing the problem?

Can you provide a link to your site?

Hi sir. He localizado las palabras que causan problemas.

What happens? Thank you

estrella de la ma?ana
estrella doji de la ma?ana

BirdOPrey5 05-20-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2498606)
Hi sir. He localizado las palabras que causan problemas.

What happens? Thank you

estrella de la ma?ana
estrella doji de la ma?ana

In your Language Manager for your language, in settings, what is the HTML Character Set set to?

sonic83 05-20-2014 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2498606)
Hi sir. He localizado las palabras que causan problemas.


Haha, sorry, I put this in Spanish haha. In English it is:

"I have located the words that cause problems"

Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2498685)
In your Language Manager for your language, in settings, what is the HTML Character Set set to?

To answer your question:


Thank you

BirdOPrey5 05-21-2014 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by sonic83 (Post 2498688)
Haha, sorry, I put this in Spanish haha. In English it is:

"I have located the words that cause problems"

To answer your question:


Thank you

OK, now is your database latin or utf8? If utf8 is the utf8 line enabled in your config.php file?

Also- Are links stored in a csv file or directly in the mod settings data boxes?

nektar 06-05-2014 02:37 PM


I'm trying to move my forum to a new server with php 5.4 and I'm getting this error when the product is disabled (running 4.2.1)


mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 576656709 bytes) ..... line 135
Any ideas?

nektar 06-05-2014 03:38 PM

This is the line which causes the error:


$bop_message = preg_replace ($bop_find_array, $bop_replace_array, $bop_message, $boplim, $bopcount);

nektar 06-05-2014 05:14 PM

After removing all Greek words from Words/Phrases To Link everything works ok.
So this is a combination of non-English characters with php 5.4?

nektar 06-06-2014 05:21 AM

As of php 5.4 default encoding for htmlspecialchars is UTF-8.
So if your forum is in another encoding (like ISO-8859-1 which is mine) then you will have all the above problems.
The solution is to use your encoding with htmlspecialchar:

First Define your encoding:

PHP Code:


And then replace

PHP Code:

$bopfind preg_quote (htmlspecialchars($bopfind)); 


PHP Code:

$bopfind preg_quote (htmlspecialchars($bopfind,REPLACE_FLAGSCHARSET)); 

shlomisa 12-03-2014 07:47 AM

hi. thanks for this mod, it is exactly what i was looking for.
my forum is in utf8 and users type their posts in Hebrew.

the mod works fine with english words but i cant make it work on hebrew words.

the language is in ut8 and also the db.

can you please advise what to do?

Marv 12-03-2014 11:53 AM

What really come in handy would be some sort of stats, that show how often a keyword has been turned into a link. Any chance that this could be added, Ozzy?

ozzy47 12-03-2014 09:50 PM

Ummm, not sure, as this is BOP's mod not mine. :)

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