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NLP-er 07-07-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1844425)
To combat them I set a new email in vb config and an outlook rule and now they all go to their own folder in outlook. No big deal.

What do you think Dave to write about it in mod description as known issues instead of telling new people about it over and over again... :) I saw question about this issue so many times... Also in PM.

NLP-er 07-07-2009 01:20 PM

Was asking about miracle - I give you miracle. I changed one query in deletion of duplicated data and now it is very fast. I will just tell that before changes 1 query on 100 000 rows with 1000 duplicated rows took 10 minutes before update, now it takes less than 1 second!!! :D

So cleaning each table has 5 queries. 2 are instant, 2 are very fast and one took me 7 seconds on 100 000 rows - this one cannot be optimized, there is no any subquery, we just need to ask DB about those data.

Hope now Dave will made new official release, which will not allow for data duplication in 2 of our 3 cache tables, and makes whole mod works faster, and your DB smaller.

Below you have again full and updated description how to clean duplicated data. I was able to run this by my browser client, but be aware, that in case of some large databases, server can go away by this client and in such case you will need to use some other client than www.

Also note that if you made changes described here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=242) which I hope will be included in official release, then you will not have to remove duplicated data from wt_cache_short and wt_cache_medium anymore (only once during described procedure). And after that only wt_cache will need to delete duplicated data from time to time.

So here you have again description and procedure, but much faster this time :):
If you would like to check do you have data duplication in your cache execute those queries (time consuming). Execute one by one - each one works on other cache table and tells you how many times and which data is duplicated (1st column duplication counter, 2nd for which originaltext, 3rd for which language):

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache_short group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache_medium group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

If you want to delete data duplication first need to create 2 tables for temporary data:

id INT,
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE cleaner (
id INT
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

And when you have those you can execute clearing queries - note those will leave first translation in your database and only remove next translations for same text and language.

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache USING wt_cache INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache.id = cleaner.id;

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_short group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_short cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_short USING wt_cache_short INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_short.id = cleaner.id;

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_medium group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_medium cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_medium USING wt_cache_medium INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_medium.id = cleaner.id;

racale 07-07-2009 01:33 PM

This product works with version 3.8.3
I tried but it does not work


CREATE TABLE wt_cache (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000),
translated TEXT,
INDEX(originaltext(323), tl)

CREATE TABLE wt_cache_medium (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(255),
translated VARCHAR(1000),
INDEX (originaltext, tl)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE wt_cache_short (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(50),
translated VARCHAR(255),
INDEX (originaltext, tl)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;


NLP-er 07-07-2009 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by racale (Post 1844487)
This product works with version 3.8.3
I tried but it does not work


CREATE TABLE wt_cache (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000),
translated TEXT,
INDEX(originaltext(323), tl)

CREATE TABLE wt_cache_medium (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(255),
translated VARCHAR(1000),
INDEX (originaltext, tl)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE wt_cache_short (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(50),
translated VARCHAR(255),
INDEX (originaltext, tl)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;


You already created table wt_cache :) If you want to update - just fallow update procedure, or drop table first (will lose all data if have any).

racale 07-07-2009 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1844492)
You already created table wt_cache :) If you want to update - just fallow update procedure, or drop table first (will lose all data if have any).

First of all I wanted to say that nn are very experienced

I'm running the full instructions ......
just that when I send Code: mida that error
I cancel the DB and tried to do anything but

I do not know how to do



NLP-er 07-07-2009 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by racale (Post 1844508)
First of all I wanted to say that nn are very experienced

I'm running the full instructions ......
just that when I send Code: mida that error
I cancel the DB and tried to do anything but

I do not know how to do



You aready have DB set. So what is the problem?

Dave Hybrid 07-07-2009 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1844479)
Was asking about miracle - I give you miracle. I changed one query in deletion of duplicated data and now it is very fast. I will just tell that before changes 1 query on 100 000 rows with 1000 duplicated rows took 10 minutes before update, now it takes less than 1 second!!! :D

So cleaning each table has 5 queries. 2 are instant, 2 are very fast and one took me 7 seconds on 100 000 rows - this one cannot be optimized, there is no any subquery, we just need to ask DB about those data.

Hope now Dave will made new official release, which will not allow for data duplication in 2 of our 3 cache tables, and makes whole mod works faster, and your DB smaller.

Below you have again full and updated description how to clean duplicated data. I was able to run this by my browser client, but be aware, that in case of some large databases, server can go away by this client and in such case you will need to use some other client than www.

Also note that if you made changes described here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=242) which I hope will be included in official release, then you will not have to remove duplicated data from wt_cache_short and wt_cache_medium anymore (only once during described procedure). And after that only wt_cache will need to delete duplicated data from time to time.

So here you have again description and procedure, but much faster this time :):
If you would like to check do you have data duplication in your cache execute those queries (time consuming). Execute one by one - each one works on other cache table and tells you how many times and which data is duplicated (1st column duplication counter, 2nd for which originaltext, 3rd for which language):

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache_short group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

select count(*) counter, originaltext, tl from wt_cache_medium group by originaltext, tl having count(*) > 1 order by counter desc;

If you want to delete data duplication first need to create 2 tables for temporary data:

id INT,
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE cleaner (
id INT
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

And when you have those you can execute clearing queries - note those will leave first translation in your database and only remove next translations for same text and language.

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache USING wt_cache INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache.id = cleaner.id;

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_short group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_short cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_short USING wt_cache_short INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_short.id = cleaner.id;

delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_medium group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_medium cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_medium USING wt_cache_medium INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_medium.id = cleaner.id;

That worked much better, will test and release shortly. Are you planning any more optimization? Or are we 100%? :up:

LoveStream 07-07-2009 04:09 PM

Thanks for your hack.

This is my first trial, but I encount below error.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_set_charset() in /home/hosting_users/www/forum/translate.php on line 35
My target goal is that;

our origin text is mainly Korean
other translate to all other languages.

Above line 35 is,


if ($enablecache) {
mysql_connect ($mysqlserver, $dbusername, $dbpassword);
mysql_select_db ($dbname);
#35: mysql_set_charset('utf8');

Though, our main lanuage is Korean, but I did not change it to "ko".

PHP Code:

// Global Translator API

global $enablesession$enablecache$originalEncoding$fl;
//        SETTINGS
$enablesession false//ignore
$enablecache true//true - enable cache setting, false - disable cache setting
$originalEncoding 'iso-8859-1'; - //refer to your forum source code for your base encoding
$fl 'en'//current language (original) - refer table for language varibles

I had tried this $originalEncoding = 'iso-8859-1'; to $originalEncoding = 'utf-8';, but it doesn't work with the same error.

My Server set is,
  • PHP 4.4.1
  • MySQL 5.0.19
  • cURL: enable
  • mysql character set : utf-8

What it's problem?
help me. Thank you.

1Unreal 07-07-2009 04:52 PM

Thanks for the updates :)

1Unreal 07-07-2009 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by 1Unreal (Post 1843565)
Would you be able to create something which will detect the users language. You can get it from $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']. It gives a list of their accepted languages.

Bumping my post.

I think this would be a very valuable feature

TurkeySub 07-07-2009 07:30 PM

Hi Guys,

First time using this and have run into a few different issues:

1) I am unable to get the flags to display on VBAdvanced, this is a first time I am unable to get a variable to call when on VBAdvanced, so I am not sure the issue.

I only editted the nav bits to include the flags, works on all other addons, except for VBAdvanced.

2) When you choose to translate a page, it is directing to: "www.domain.com/?hl=ar" when it should go to: "www.domain.com/index.php?hl=ar"

I am sure this issue directs right back at VBAdvanced, as I am using HTACCESS to make "portal.php" my default page instead of "index.php".

With that, I am assuming it won't work on "downloads.php, etc." for any other addons one might be running.

3) I am also using Zoints SEO, assuming item #2 can be fixed, will it then work with this?

Now for some questions:

1) Can we remove your link flag if we provide a link in our footer? I am thinking the extra flag is going to be hugely confusing.

2) Are the newly translated pages updated to the Sitemap? I am at a loss as to how this MOD will add new links to google if they are not really part of the site per say.

3) Is there a way so once you switch to a language it stays on that language, I am seeing it could be potential quite a challenge for viewers if they need to click the flag on every page.


NLP-er 07-07-2009 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1844577)
That worked much better, will test and release shortly. Are you planning any more optimization? Or are we 100%? :up:

As I wrote - some little changes could be done, but probably without significant improvement. So at least for some time I think It's done :)

So good news for everyone who is with us from the beginning and made all those weird things to update without any data lost - this it the last one :D

At least for now ;)

racale 07-08-2009 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1844546)
You aready have DB set. So what is the problem?

then you tell me that everything came out ok, even if error

Dave Hybrid 07-08-2009 11:24 AM

v2.4 Official Release

* More DB optimization, fastest ever read/write cache speed :)

Upgrade Info;

Open new translate.php file, add settings as detailed in install and disable cache, so $enablecache=false

Run the following MySQL querys one by one.


Alter table wt_cache_short collate utf8_bin;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache_short CHANGE originaltext originaltext VARCHAR( 50 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache_short CHANGE translated translated VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;


Alter table wt_cache_medium collate utf8_bin;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache_medium CHANGE originaltext originaltext VARCHAR( 255 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache_medium CHANGE translated translated VARCHAR( 1000 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;


Alter table wt_cache collate utf8_bin;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache CHANGE translated translated TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;
ALTER TABLE wt_cache CHANGE translated translated VARCHAR( 65000 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NULL DEFAULT NULL;


id INT,
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000)
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE TABLE cleaner (
id INT
) ENGINE = MYISAM, CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;


delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache USING wt_cache INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache.id = cleaner.id;


delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_short group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_short cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_short USING wt_cache_short INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_short.id = cleaner.id;


delete from cleaner;
delete from saver;
insert into saver (SELECT min(id) as id, tl, originaltext from wt_cache_medium group by originaltext,tl having count(*) > 1);
insert into cleaner (SELECT cache.id from saver, wt_cache_medium cache where saver.originaltext=cache.originaltext and saver.tl=cache.tl and saver.id<>cache.id);
DELETE FROM wt_cache_medium USING wt_cache_medium INNER JOIN cleaner ON wt_cache_medium.id = cleaner.id;


OPTIMIZE TABLE wt_cache, wt_cache_medium, wt_cache_short;

alter table wt_cache_short drop index originaltext;
create UNIQUE INDEX originaltext on wt_cache_short (originaltext, tl);

alter table wt_cache_medium drop index originaltext;
create UNIQUE INDEX originaltext on wt_cache_medium (originaltext, tl);

Some querys may take a few minutes to run, this is normal, just let them run until finished.

The set $enablecache=true; in translate.php and upload that file one last time.

NLP-er 07-08-2009 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1845065)
v2.4 Official Release

* More DB optimization, fastest ever read/write cache speed :)

You gave update procedure but forgot to change installation description in one detail - wt_cache has larger index since v2.3b - you set it back the short one ;)

It should be:

CREATE TABLE wt_cache (
tl VARCHAR(10),
originaltext VARCHAR(65000),
translated TEXT,
INDEX(originaltext(323), tl)

Dave Hybrid 07-08-2009 11:57 AM

My bad, thanks.

NLP-er 07-08-2009 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by racale (Post 1844989)
then you tell me that everything came out ok, even if error

You are trying to set up DB wich is already set up - error is good in this case :)

racale 07-08-2009 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1845079)
You are trying to set up DB wich is already set up - error is good in this case :)

x ok then look for something new to me because nothing works
no more what to do


puertoblack2003 07-09-2009 12:20 AM

thanks for the update..:up:

1Unreal 07-09-2009 12:47 AM

Thank you :)

TurkeySub 07-09-2009 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by TurkeySub (Post 1844712)
Hi Guys,

First time using this and have run into a few different issues:

1) I am unable to get the flags to display on VBAdvanced, this is a first time I am unable to get a variable to call when on VBAdvanced, so I am not sure the issue.

I only editted the nav bits to include the flags, works on all other addons, except for VBAdvanced.

2) When you choose to translate a page, it is directing to: "www.domain.com/?hl=ar" when it should go to: "www.domain.com/index.php?hl=ar"

I am sure this issue directs right back at VBAdvanced, as I am using HTACCESS to make "portal.php" my default page instead of "index.php".

With that, I am assuming it won't work on "downloads.php, etc." for any other addons one might be running.

3) I am also using Zoints SEO, assuming item #2 can be fixed, will it then work with this?

Now for some questions:

1) Can we remove your link flag if we provide a link in our footer? I am thinking the extra flag is going to be hugely confusing.

2) Are the newly translated pages updated to the Sitemap? I am at a loss as to how this MOD will add new links to google if they are not really part of the site per say.

3) Is there a way so once you switch to a language it stays on that language, I am seeing it could be potential quite a challenge for viewers if they need to click the flag on every page.


A bump for my questions....

LoveStream 07-09-2009 08:29 AM

As to me, it's not easy to solve the mysql_set_charset() error.


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_set_charset() in /home/hosting_users/www/forum/translate.php on line 43
Otherwise I installed this other domain, and I found the traslated text were stored in database, but it's take a log time while browsing it by national flags. It's hardly not used to browse.

I'm not sure these issues only to me.

I think this hack still under develop and so it must be to wait until more stable release.

But, I promote your works.

Thank you.

Dave Hybrid 07-09-2009 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by TurkeySub (Post 1845516)
A bump for my questions....

This is for standard vb or vb + vbseo, it says that in the install. It is not ok with zoints rewritten URLs.

kartik786 07-09-2009 01:57 PM

Simple noob question.

Why isnt LIVE DEMO site http://www.blogboost.org/ indexed in google in different languages?

TurkeySub 07-09-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1845746)
This is for standard vb or vb + vbseo, it says that in the install. It is not ok with zoints rewritten URLs.

So one question down, any chance you could take the time to do a real reply or would that be asking to much?

Thanks for the try . . .

Originally Posted by kartik786 (Post 1845765)
Simple noob question.

Why isnt LIVE DEMO site http://www.blogboost.org/ indexed in google in different languages?

I couldnt locate it in german, dutch or spanish. That is a good question and I asked the same in my post, I am thinking some of the claims of what this mod can do are allot of smoke.

It translate one page at a time, is about the extent of it.


NLP-er 07-09-2009 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by LoveStream (Post 1845649)
As to me, it's not easy to solve the mysql_set_charset() error.

Otherwise I installed this other domain, and I found the traslated text were stored in database, but it's take a log time while browsing it by national flags. It's hardly not used to browse.

I'm not sure these issues only to me.

I think this hack still under develop and so it must be to wait until more stable release.

But, I promote your works.

Thank you.

If you see this error it means that PHP doesn't know that function - it is not this mod cause. You have wrong version of PHP or not instaled propertly. See php manual:

First translation is always long, because google translates it so long and it cannot be skipped. After that it is cached and next generation of this page is very fast.

Dave Hybrid 07-09-2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by TurkeySub (Post 1845770)
So one question down, any chance you could take the time to do a real reply or would that be asking to much?

Thanks for the try . . .

I couldnt locate it in german, dutch or spanish. That is a good question and I asked the same in my post, I am thinking some of the claims of what this mod can do are allot of smoke.

It translate one page at a time, is about the extent of it.


LOL, clearly you don't have a clue buddy, blogboost is blocked via robots.txt as test sites have to be according to the vb license.

Oh, 5,000 indexed translated pages here on a users site.

I have forums with 10% of the total pages possible indexed and getting 1,000's of new daily uniques after just 2 weeks. If they had 100% of the translated pages indexed, which will take a few months as normal, they will get getting 10's of 000's of new daily uniques.

I don't have to prove anything, take it or leave it, it makes no matter to me. I dont gain or lose by making false claims do I lol it's free.

Dave Hybrid 07-09-2009 05:09 PM

To add, all the haters make me laugh. We are all here for mostly the same reason, traffic and profit. Someone comes along and says look try this it works real easy and requires little work and you all pull it apart.

It's free FFS! What have you to lose?

I really have nothing to gain from releasing this other than giving back to a community that has helped me. Stick with gaining the odd member here and there, writing articles and submitting to directories lol.

To get ahead online you need to think outside the box, the sooner you realise this the sooner you'll all get where you want to be.

LoveStream 07-09-2009 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by NLP-er (Post 1845818)
If you see this error it means thta PHP don't know that function - it is not this mod cause. You have rong version of PHP or not instaled propertly. See php manual:

First translation is always long, because google translates it so long and it cannot be skipped. After that it is cached and next generation of this page is very fast.

Thank you kindly direction to solve it.

I have two different server, MySQL and PHP version except Charset is utf-8.
As your comment, it seems to be caused by MySQL version. Accoring to mannual, that charset requres over MySQL 5.0.7 but my two server is lower than.

One of server has that

MySQL Version is 5.0.51a-log
PHP 5.2.5

and this desn't return any error messages, but when I tried other server has lower version than this, PHP 4.4.1 and MySQL 5.0.19.

In this server, it return Fatal error at mysql_set_charset; in translate.php

Well, How about this need to use cron job works in advanced before it run?
In my case, browising got stopped at last because it take too long time to translate and to stored cache table.


CThiessen 07-09-2009 06:06 PM

If I take a look in Google I am already satisfy seeing about 16.400 pages.
But we to have to be a little careful with this numbers.
At this point in time Google know about 16.400 pages but not all about the content, that need some time. So I will wait and see what?s happened in the next month.

I am using Woopra for statistics. There I am able to create Event notifications.
So I try to add whenever an URL within ??hl=? is called.
If this is working, I will try Combination with referrers.
But it is not working. :( Not in Woopra and not in the Forums Statistic.
Attachment 101764Attachment 101763

I did add my Link Spider to the Spider List and I see that he is going to every page 28 times but I do ever see the same URL without the ??hl=?.
In the Visitor (Woopra) tracking I am able to see strange Signs in the title, so this pages are tracked, but not the correct URL.
Have anybody an Idea how to make that visible? Might be very interesting to monitor that traffic over the next month.

Greetings Christian

PS.: If I cannot see the full URL, is it possible to add something to the title for all translated pages?
So let them start (or at the end) with ?<|> ?, than it will possible filter this out of the title.

1Unreal 07-09-2009 06:30 PM

I made a little jQuery thing for the flags, feel free to use it.

Demo - at the top

HTML Code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
                $("#flags a img").hover(function(){
                        $("#lang_text").text("Translate This Page");

<div style="margin: auto; width: 100%;" id="flags">
<a href="?hl=ar"><img src="/flags/Saudi Arabia.gif" alt="Arabic" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=bg"><img src="/flags/Bulgaria.gif" alt="Bulgarian" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=zh-CN"><img src="/flags/China.gif" alt="Chinese (Simplified)" border="0" /></a>

<a href="?hl=zh-TW"><img src="/flags/Taiwan.gif" alt="Chinese (Traditional)" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=hr"><img src="/flags/Croatia.gif" alt="Croatian" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=cs"><img src="/flags/Czech Republic.gif" alt="Czech" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=da"><img src="/flags/Denmark.gif" alt="Danish" border="0" /></a>
<a href="?hl=nl"><img src="/flags/Netherlands.gif" alt="Dutch" border="0" /></a>
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<span id="lang_text">Translate This Page</span>


nascimbeni 07-09-2009 06:54 PM

Hi for a while I have been trying to install this mod with no success - I was getting

"The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression"

I found the solution:

Turned off gzip in the Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Cookies and HTTP Header Options

I posted because I remember there was another member with the same issue.

NLP-er 07-09-2009 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by LoveStream (Post 1845912)
Thank you kindly direction to solve it.

I have two different server, MySQL and PHP version except Charset is utf-8.
As your comment, it seems to be caused by MySQL version. Accoring to mannual, that charset requres over MySQL 5.0.7 but my two server is lower than.

One of server has that

MySQL Version is 5.0.51a-log
PHP 5.2.5

and this desn't return any error messages, but when I tried other server has lower version than this, PHP 4.4.1 and MySQL 5.0.19.

In this server, it return Fatal error at mysql_set_charset; in translate.php

Well, How about this need to use cron job works in advanced before it run?
In my case, browising got stopped at last because it take too long time to translate and to stored cache table.


Glad you was able to run it afterall. In one of posts someone was giving instructions for spidering site so it will translate in background - just find it :) I also spider all pages, so now translations are very fast. And about first translation again - that is google who translates it - we just have to wait till google finish and give us translation...

NLP-er 07-09-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by nascimbeni (Post 1845967)
Hi for a while I have been trying to install this mod with no success - I was getting

"The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression"

I found the solution:

Turned off gzip in the Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> Cookies and HTTP Header Options

I posted because I remember there was another member with the same issue.

Great thanks for helping :D

1Unreal 07-09-2009 08:00 PM

A few pages back someone asked how to set the vBSEO rewrite rules to do this site.com/en/threadname

Could someone tell me the rewrite rules please :)

gwerzal 07-09-2009 10:26 PM

Just installed

working great

thank you very much

ShawneyJ 07-10-2009 04:56 AM

works good but my forum is going snail pase, cant think of any other hacks causing the slowness.

Dave Hybrid 07-10-2009 05:32 AM


Originally Posted by jaycob (Post 1846188)
works good but my forum is going snail pase, cant think of any other hacks causing the slowness.

Just disable the plugin and see if that changes, it shouldn't cause any major load but it could push you over the edge if you are already close to low server resources.

ShawneyJ 07-10-2009 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dave Hybrid (Post 1846200)
Just disable the plugin and see if that changes, it shouldn't cause any major load but it could push you over the edge if you are already close to low server resources.

yeah thanks, na it was not your hack, it seems to be the arcade for some reason.
once again, good work ;)

Sweeks 07-10-2009 12:32 PM

Donated to https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=267979 :) Installing this on our new forums ;)

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