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mrtroybaker 03-31-2009 08:51 PM

I am having a problem with the RSS feed. Its doesnt feed. I want to have vbullitens rss feeder make a post in my forum when a new ad is added.
This is the error I get when trying to run the feed
XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 385

Please Help!!

mrtroybaker 04-01-2009 09:07 PM

Anyone? Please!

powerful_rogue 04-02-2009 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by powerful_rogue (Post 1779235)
I must have had an older version which I installed then uninstalled.

When I try to install this version I get the following error: -

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.1:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE usergroup ADD classifieds INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'classifieds'
Error Number : 1060

Bump! Any help is really appreciated

imedic 04-02-2009 07:34 AM

Suggestion ,(but backup first!!!!!)
Edit the database by deleting the columns related to old classfields
Of course you lose all previous adds but you can install last version.
It happened to me to other mode with similar error.
Not guaranteed but you can try.

Did I mention to close forum and backup the database before !!! :)

Clinotus 04-02-2009 12:21 PM

Is there any option to change the 'Buy it!' feature to something other than paypal? Something like allowing the users to mail payment to eachother, or use another online service.

Keith_ 04-02-2009 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Keith_ (Post 1780602)
I am getting a error... "No input file specified."

I get this when I am in my admin trying to add a cat...

Any help?

Still having this problem...

Any help guys?

Andrew johnson 04-02-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Keith_ (Post 1782594)
Still having this problem...

Any help guys?

please patient - give 24 hours or 1 or 2 days - dark and pixel will respond

keharris53 04-03-2009 01:15 AM

Thanks for the mod. No issues far as I can tell. Works just fine. My needs are simple as am not using paypal and this is for members to post sale items then are contacted via email to work out the details between buyer and seller.
Been looking for something like this for quite a while. Again, thanks for all the work you put into this. It's much appreciated.

dvsDave 04-03-2009 05:45 PM

It looks to me like you, Mary, would have to move the classifieds.php to inside the classifieds directory. (I would rename it, listings.php or something) and redo links to the require_once lines in the file, but that should eliminate the issues that people with vbSEO are having.

mrtroybaker 04-05-2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by mrtroybaker (Post 1781331)
I am having a problem with the RSS feed. Its doesnt feed. I want to have vbullitens rss feeder make a post in my forum when a new ad is added.
This is the error I get when trying to run the feed
XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 385

Please Help!!


Keith_ 04-06-2009 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Keith_ (Post 1780602)
I am getting a error... "No input file specified."

I get this when I am in my admin trying to add a cat...

Any help?

Forums can be found here... www.scion-nation.org

Click the link for it and it comes up but I cant make cat's via the admin side...


bswanson 04-07-2009 06:26 PM

Can you limit people posting free classifieds? I am evaluating it and have not installed it.

Could I make it available to people to ad a classified if they more then say 15 post in the forum?

Thanks in advance.

smnet 04-09-2009 10:20 PM

Products that have been purchased are not being removed.....

Is this is a small oversight or has this recently been fixed?

DontWannaName 04-10-2009 05:27 AM

Expires at (laeve empty for no expiration):

Spelling error.

turtletracker 04-11-2009 12:45 AM

[QUOTE=smnet;1758073]I have tweaked the main 'item display' page because I felt the layout (especially the options) was badly arranged from a usability point of view.

Here is what I am using for the template classifieds_showad
It just makes all icons clickable and rearranges the template for much much better usability. I know you'll love it :)
Thank you so much for this! You fixed my classifieds! My "options" button was not working for whatever reason and so I could not access certain features. Now with your new code I can see everything:D

turtletracker 04-11-2009 12:47 AM

Anyone know how to change the font color in the categories under "Latest Classifieds"? The blue font is hidden because my category block has a blue background...

lstintxs100 04-12-2009 02:13 PM

Rss fix? it gives a misformed xml error.

Sofia 04-12-2009 03:29 PM

Thank you Maria. Very good hack ! :)

Just a question :

AdminCP >> Categories >> Allow posting directly into category

I don't understand this option. What really makes this option?

Because, I'm able to post into category, even if this option is "No"

Sofia 04-12-2009 09:18 PM

Ok, it's good for this option :p

Very good hack, Maria ;)

Sofia 04-13-2009 02:40 PM

Problem :

I sold an item but nothing appears in "My sales". Any idea, Maria ?

kahethu 04-13-2009 08:33 PM

This is an excellent plugin. I finally got it to work as I wanted.

For those who are still getting blank pages, try to remove the first line of VBSEO custom code; or even remove it altogether and start from there.

The seller can use Paypal IPN. I would bet members who post classifieds would also love such a feature where they enter their "thank-you-page.html". Once they receive payment, then their visitor is automatically redirected to the thank you page.

This way, their orders can be fulfilled automatically :)

Thanks for such a great plugin!


Boosted Panda 04-13-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by GoTTi (Post 1745133)
micro is the the same mod that you have for 3.7? didnt work for me if it is, or is anything changed?

I had problems with the 3.7 version too. I even paid for it, got no support, and then his support disappeared. :mad:

nalexandre 04-13-2009 10:40 PM

Hello and thank you for this work.

No icons apear, Can you help me?


PrincessFiona 04-14-2009 04:19 PM

I was wondering if we could get an add-on to this mod to let people know when a new ad has been posted.

For example, I have the groups mod installed that posts a topic in the forum of my choice anytime a new group is formed. It would be great if something like that was available for this mod!!!

Works great so far.


rule0 04-15-2009 08:06 AM

I was getting a blank page with classifieds.php (with or w/o vbseo).

this is how i solved it:
in classifieds.php i moved require directives starting at line 88, above require(CDIR.'/includes/init.php');

define('CDIR', getcwd());
// move up begin
require_once(DIR . '/classifieds/includes/functions.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_editor.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_image.php');
// move up end
require_once(CDIR . '/includes/init.php');

sross 04-17-2009 10:23 AM

I just removed all that stuff and it's working fine, not too worried about my classifieds being seo'd but I may try your fix.. So far this mod is working great, several of my members like it far better than photopost classifieds. I also like that it's a vbull mod and can be easily tweaked..

columbusgeek 04-18-2009 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by smnet (Post 1758073)
I have tweaked the main 'item display' page because I felt the layout (especially the options) was badly arranged from a usability point of view.

Here is what I am using for the template classifieds_showad
It just makes all icons clickable and rearranges the template for much much better usability. I know you'll love it :)

<script type="text/javascript">
function deleteAd(adid)


        window.location= 'classifieds.php?do=deletead&adid=' + adid + '&return=ad';


<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%" class="tborder">
    <td class="tcat" align="left" height="20">
      <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td align="left" height="20">
            <div class="smallfont"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;
            &nbsp;<a href="classifieds.php?do=showad&adid=$ad[id]">$ad[title]</a></div>
    <td align="left" valign="top" class="alt1">
      <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
          <td width="25%" align="center">
                <if condition="!empty($ad[photoname])">
                <a href="classifieds/photos/$ad[photoname]" rel="thumbnail">
              <img border="0" src="classifieds/photos/thumbs/$ad[photoname]" /></a>
                      <if condition="$ad[price]<>0">
              <br /><big>$vbphrase[classifieds_price]: <b>$ad[price]</b> $ad[currency]</big>

          <td width="75%" align="right">
            <div class="smallfont">
            <if condition="$ad[price]<>0">
            <else />
            <a target="_blank" href="member.php?u=$ad[userid]"><b>$ad[username]</b></a><br />
            <if condition="$print!=1">
              [<a href="classifieds.php?do=viewreviews&userid=$ad[userid]&title=$username"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_view_reviews]</b></a>]&nbsp;
              [<a href="classifieds.php?do=userforsale&userid=$ad[userid]&title=$username"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_other_ads]</b></a>]<br />

            <if condition="!empty($ad[subcatname])">
            <else />
            <br />

            $vbphrase[classifieds_viewed]: <b>$ad[viewcount]</b> $vbphrase[classifieds_times]

            <if condition="$canmod || $ad[userid] == $userid">
                        <br /><br /><a href="classifieds.php?do=editad&adid=$adid&return=ad"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/edit.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <a href="classifieds.php?do=editad&adid=$adid&return=ad"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_edit]</b></a> | <a href="javascript:deleteAd($ad[id])"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/delete.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <a href="javascript:deleteAd($ad[id])"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_delete]</b></a><br /><br /></if>

  <if condition="!empty($ad[description])">
      <td height="20" class="alt2" align="left">
        <div class="smallfont"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;$vbphrase[classifieds_general_info]</div>
      <td width="100%" align="left" valign="top" class="alt1"><div style="float:right; margin-left:10px; margin-bottom:5px;"><a target="_blank" href="classifieds.php?do=print&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/print.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="classifieds.php?do=print&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_print]</b></a></div>$ad[description]
<if condition="$ad[price]<>0">
              <br /><br /><big>$vbphrase[classifieds_price]: <b>$ad[price]</b> $ad[currency]</big>
    <if condition="!empty($extrafields)">
      <td width="100%" height="20" class="alt2" align="left">
        <div class="smallfont"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;$vbphrase[classifieds_extra_fields]</div>
<if condition="$ad[userid] != $userid"><tr><td class="alt1"><br /><br />
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=buy&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/buy.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=buy&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_buy]</b></a> |  <a target="_blank" href="private.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newpm&amp;u=$ad[userid]" rel="nofollow"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/contact.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                          <a target="_blank" href="private.php?$session[sessionurl]do=newpm&amp;u=$ad[userid]" rel="nofollow"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_contact]</b></a><br /><br /><br /></td></tr></if>
    <if condition="!empty($pictures)">
      <td width="100%" height="20" class="alt2" align="left">
        <div class="smallfont"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;$vbphrase[classifieds_gallery]</div>
        <td width="100%" valign="top" class="alt1">
      <td height="20" class="alt2" align="left">
        <div class="smallfont"><if condition="$canmod"><div class="smallfont" style="float:right;"><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;$vbphrase[classifieds_moderate]</b></div></if><b>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;Options:</b></div>
      <td width="100%" align="left" valign="top" class="alt1">
<if condition="$canmod"><div style="float:right;">
                        <if condition="$ad[editor]<>1">
                            <a href="classifieds.php?do=seteditchoice&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/editor.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <else />
                            <a href="classifieds.php?do=removeeditchoice&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/editor.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <if condition="$ad[editor]<>1">
                            <a href="classifieds.php?do=seteditchoice&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_set_editor]</b></a><br />
                        <else />
                            <a href="classifieds.php?do=removeeditchoice&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_remove_editor]</b></a><br />
                        <if condition="$ad[featured]<>1">
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=setfeatured&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/featured.gif" width="15" height="16" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <else />
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=removefeatured&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/featured.gif" width="15" height="16" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <if condition="$ad[featured]<>1">
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=setfeatured&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_set_featured]</b></a><br />
                        <else />
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=removefeatured&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_remove_featured]</b></a><br />

                        <if condition="$ad[bold]<>1">
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=setbold&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/bold.gif" width="15" height="16" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <else />
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=removebold&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/bold.gif" width="15" height="16" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <if condition="$ad[bold]<>1">
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=setbold&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_set_bold]</b></a><br />
                        <else />
                          <a href="classifieds.php?do=removebold&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_remove_bold]</b></a><br />
</div>    </if>
                    <if condition="$ad[userid] != $userid">
                          <if condition="!$bookmarked">
                              <a href="classifieds.php?do=savebookmark&adid=$ad[id]"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/bookmark.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                              <a href="classifieds.php?do=savebookmark&adid=$ad[id]"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_bookmark]</b></a><br />

                    <a href="classifieds.php?do=email&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/friend.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                    <a href="classifieds.php?do=email&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_friend]</b></a><br />

                    <if condition="$ad[userid] != $userid">
                        <a href="classifieds.php?do=report&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><img border="0" src="classifieds/images/report.gif" width="15" height="15" style="padding-right:3px;" /></a>
                        <a href="classifieds.php?do=report&adid=$ad[id]&title=$title"><b>$vbphrase[classifieds_report]</b></a><br />

Thanks. While I can't say I'm a fan of the tables, I certainly can appreciate the better usability. Good work to everybody who works on this mod.

merk_aus 04-18-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by rule0 (Post 1791575)
I was getting a blank page with classifieds.php (with or w/o vbseo).

this is how i solved it:
in classifieds.php i moved require directives starting at line 88, above require(CDIR.'/includes/init.php');

define('CDIR', getcwd());
// move up begin
require_once(DIR . '/classifieds/includes/functions.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_editor.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_user.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_image.php');
// move up end
require_once(CDIR . '/includes/init.php');

Thanks for this had been looking for about 2 days for a fix to my white page problem and your option worked - thanks so much now looking forward to messing around with it.

dollster68 04-19-2009 03:46 PM

Hello, and thank you for this awesome mod. Installed and is working fine except for 1 thing so far. I can't get the "Custom Fields" to work. I've added three custom fields, but they don't show up when I'm listing a new item. I would appreciate any advice.

Also, I have paid subscribers on my forum and I would like their ads to be listed always at the top (or in the sponsored section?). How do I do that? So far, the only editing areas I've found are in the "classifieds" section of admincp and the "usergroups" section. Are there any additional places to check?

turtletracker 04-23-2009 07:32 AM

Here is a photo of what I want to change. I want to change the font color in each blue rectangle so you can see the category titles.....

micheal332001 04-23-2009 09:08 AM

I have fixed this problem of a blank page

Open the file classifieds.php


PHP Code:

CDIR '/includes/init.php'); 

Before this add

PHP Code:

// ######################### REQUIRE BACK-END ############################ 
DIR .'/includes/functions_user.php'); 

This should fix the problem of the blank page showing up.

leeherron 04-23-2009 10:03 AM

Installed without issue on a 3.8.1 site; love it, very nice work.

Have you considered adding a field, or giving the option to add a field that would allow linking to images hosted externally? This could be used to reduce the storage space required by actually hosting the images.

Hope this makes sense .. it's way past my bedtime.

Anyway, very nice project.


MaryTheG(r)eek 04-24-2009 09:33 AM

Today I decided to let all my modules here unsupported, as I seen that most members dosen't respects my work, the time that I spent to develope and support them. Worst of all they don't respect even the laws.

I didn't asked anything in exchange. No money, not even to register in my site as most other developers ask for. What I asked, and I was expecting to find from their side, is a small gredit to me as a person, by letting my copyright in place.

Unfortunatelly, doing a simple search in Google (anybody can check it) for "vbulletin memberindex" I found dozens of sites having removed my copyright. Thank you all of you my dear. You're giving a shit to the only rule that I put. But I'm wondering why you don't dare to remove Jelsoft's copyright. Because it's a big company while I'm just a single person, much more, a woman. My congratulations men!!

One of them was so cool that registered in my site and post:

i saw this on vbulletin.org and thought i'd like to point something out here.
copyrighting a vbulletin addon? and trying to charge to remove the link?
heres a tip for you, rewrite the copyright to ITS FREE, DO WHAT YOU WANT. and go for a donation based system.
because guess what, thats just shitty. ++++ copyrights. specially for a addon to a forumsoftware.
Of course I don't plan to punish all other honest members who respected me. I'll continue posting most of my modules for free, I'll continue supporting them, but on my site only or to sites which accept encoded modules. Free yes... But not with visible source code any more. It's my intellectual property and I'll protect it.

Classifieds and MemberIndex will continue unencoded as they're right now. But unsupported.

Thank you for your understanding (this goes to honest users).

MaryTheG(r)eek 04-24-2009 04:14 PM


After my post:

I decided to give to all those who installed Classifieds a file to remove (legally) my copyright link.

Download ClassfiedsBF.php and upload it to classifieds/includes/


WavMixer 04-24-2009 05:05 PM

Thank you for offering this program to all of us for free. I have installed it on one of my clients sites leaving your copyright intact. I do appreciate you making the copyright removal tool available to everyone. I would like to make your link invisible as the members of the portal have no vBulletin modification knowledge nor desire to learn what makes their site work. With your permission I would rather leave your copyright notice, but have the text and link the same white color as the background. This way it can still be seen by the search engines, giving you credit for people that are interested in your work.

macc 04-24-2009 07:47 PM

Maria, i agree with you and hope that you will continue with your mods.



htscpl 04-24-2009 08:44 PM


It is sad that some people always take and think they deserve everything for nothing (I could go on but I think there is a character limit, LOL).

I will continue to support your work and that of other coders who make all this better.

You go girl! :up:

metalguy639 04-24-2009 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1797998)
Today I decided to let all my modules here unsupported, as I seen that most members dosen't respects my work, the time that I spent to develope and support them. Worst of all they don't respect even the laws.

I didn't asked anything in exchange. No money, not even to register in my site as most other developers ask for. What I asked, and I was expecting to find from their side, is a small gredit to me as a person, by letting my copyright in place.

Unfortunatelly, doing a simple search in Google (anybody can check it) for "vbulletin memberindex" I found dozens of sites having removed my copyright. Thank you all of you my dear. You're giving a shit to the only rule that I put. But I'm wondering why you don't dare to remove Jelsoft's copyright. Because it's a big company while I'm just a single person, much more, a woman. My congratulations men!!

One of them was so cool that registered in my site and post:

Of course I don't plan to punish all other honest members who respected me. I'll continue posting most of my modules for free, I'll continue supporting them, but on my site only or to sites which accept encoded modules. Free yes... But not with visible source code any more. It's my intellectual property and I'll protect it.

Classifieds and MemberIndex will continue unencoded as they're right now. But unsupported.

Thank you for your understanding (this goes to honest users).

Mary, for what its worth I understand what you are going through on this. Its very frustrating that some people think that just because we offer these things for members at no cost that we automatically will do everything at no cost. People that make posts like that are just +++++++s and you are right a good majority of them are most likely men. I've run into quite a few men who really have a problem with a women who is better than them at something. But keep this in mind its something that I've discovered through my years of being a designer. When they make these hurtful comments to you it because they feel inferior and they know that you are better than them. The only way they see to bring you down is to try and break you down, make fun of you, be an +++++++ etc. Keep in mind the only time they will do this is when they feel threatened, if they "feel" threatened then you are doing something right IMO. It just means they cannot handle you being good at this when they are not. Any one who is truly good as this stuff will not be threatened by you. Instead I would think it would be better to help you & treat you with respect.

Unfortunately those who remove copyrights are always going to be around and do that. Its hard to keep up with it and do anything for them. I personally have always found your work top notch. :)

ndahiya 04-24-2009 11:32 PM

Mary, Please please please add the optional/mandatory option on fields so that i can use it... Please... :)

Dr. Bantham 04-25-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1797998)
Today I decided to let all my modules here unsupported, as I seen that most members dosen't respects my work, the time that I spent to develope and support them. Worst of all they don't respect even the laws.

I didn't asked anything in exchange. No money, not even to register in my site as most other developers ask for. What I asked, and I was expecting to find from their side, is a small gredit to me as a person, by letting my copyright in place.

Unfortunatelly, doing a simple search in Google (anybody can check it) for "vbulletin memberindex" I found dozens of sites having removed my copyright. Thank you all of you my dear. You're giving a shit to the only rule that I put. But I'm wondering why you don't dare to remove Jelsoft's copyright. Because it's a big company while I'm just a single person, much more, a woman. My congratulations men!!

One of them was so cool that registered in my site and post:

Of course I don't plan to punish all other honest members who respected me. I'll continue posting most of my modules for free, I'll continue supporting them, but on my site only or to sites which accept encoded modules. Free yes... But not with visible source code any more. It's my intellectual property and I'll protect it.

Classifieds and MemberIndex will continue unencoded as they're right now. But unsupported.

Thank you for your understanding (this goes to honest users).


This is an unfortunate situation, but I respect your decision. I do hope you decide to develop these mods in the future, as they are quite useful. I would personally be interested in purchasing Classifieds, if development and support were provided.

As for the copyright removal from microMembers, some users might have removed it due to the hard coding of the link colors. This is no excuse, of course, but it may have been a factor in the number of offenses. The stock link can look unsightly within some custom styles. Instead of deleting the link, I took the time to delete the color references from memberindex.php.



$copyright = "<p><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\"><b><u><font color=\"#091B63\">micro</font><font color=\"#0081D6\">MEMBERS</font></u></b></a> &copy 2008 by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\"><b><u><font color=\"#091B63\">Micro</font><font color=\"#0081D6\">Hellas</u></b></font></a></p></div>";

  $copyright = "<p><div align=\"center\" class=\"smallfont\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\">microMEMBERS</a> &copy 2008 by <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.microhellas.com\">MicroHellas</a></p></div>";

Regardless of your decision, I thank you for your hard work! I do hope that at some point in the future you somehow find the time and inspiration to follow through with these wonderful mods, whether they be as commercial releases or otherwise.

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