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nikosb 06-10-2009 10:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
how to make the original size smilies (see attach)

dimthan 06-10-2009 12:02 PM

Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

do you know why this can happen ...???

cjwinternet 06-10-2009 01:43 PM


Could someone post up the list of default text colours please, I deleted them and the users demand colours !



nikosb 06-10-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by cjwinternet (Post 1826960)

Could someone post up the list of default text colours please, I deleted them and the users demand colours !




Gold, Khaki, Orange, LightPink, Salmon, Tomato, Red, Brown, Maroon, DarkGreen, DarkCyan, LightSeaGreen, LawnGreen, MediumSeaGreen, BlueViolet, Cyan, Blue, DodgerBlue, LightSkyBlue, White, DimGray, DarkGray, Black

cjwinternet 06-10-2009 03:42 PM

Thanks for that.

I added these to to the list.

Now, the colors are presented to use in the chat screen. When you compose a message it is formatted with the correct color text.

However, when you post the message, there is just pure code:

[c olor=Red]damn thing[/color]
[c olor=Red]test[/color]

(like that, without the spaces)

I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice, using overwrite and don't overwrite options.

What's up with it?

cjwinternet 06-10-2009 03:51 PM

Forget it, Color BB Code was disabled.

street tactic 06-12-2009 06:44 AM

I really tried everything to get this to function on the ipbarcade page including auto insert through the Admin, disabling the auto insert and manually inserting the call into the arcade template, then the nav template, and it just wouldn't load.


street tactic 06-12-2009 12:43 PM

Reinstalled, I finally figured it out. AGH!

For those of you having issues with it not showing up in the ipbarcade.

open file /root/arcade/functions/functions.php

1) Search for:


        global $vba_options;
        // add additional needed variables here

2) add right below:


        global $cybchatbox;
3) Save & Upload.

Cyb's mods are GOLDEN, so I knew there had to be a way to get this thing to work. Definitely pleased! Re-clicking Installed.

ctrlbrk 06-13-2009 04:08 PM


Fantastic job. Loving it.

You know those other add-ons that let you create a new private message or a new forum post when a new user registers, welcoming them?

I'd love to see this in the next ChatBox -- when a new user registers, have it send a chat message out welcoming them. That is much cleaner to me, since it can be seen by everyone in chat (and they will say Hi!) and will draw the new user in...

Thank you,

ctrlbrk 06-13-2009 05:22 PM

Sorry one more thing. A couple users on my site were used to the old cbox.ws chatbox I had on my blog before I created a forum. It had the ability to show the total # of users viewing/chatting.

Any way to do this with your ChatBox?



tycoel 06-18-2009 02:44 AM

This is great, just what my users wanted. As a previous member said, we'd love for it to be able to show all present users.

ukste09 06-22-2009 05:11 PM

thank you nice shoutbox

MonCher 06-22-2009 08:38 PM

vB Version 3.8.2

Originally installed Cyber Chat Box 2.3

I've received the following error code and was told in the general forums that I need to completely uninstall this hack. I believe it was just the xml file. So, if anyone can help me. Do I just go to Manage plug-ins and try to download the file. Is there anything else that I should remove? Do you think I did something wrong when I installed it originally to receive this error code?

Update: Chatbox is uninstalled. If you know what caused this please let me know
what I did wrong when I installed it. I'd love to have a chatbox on my site.

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.2:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Moderators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Your Friendly Moderator',
`opentag` = '',
`closetag` = '',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '12320767',
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`groupiconmaxsize` = '50',
`mgc_cb_evo_permissions` = '0',
`mgc_cb_evo_refreshrate` = '30',
`mgc_cb_evo_nbmsg_show` = '',
`mgc_cb_evo_nbmsg_perday_show` = '',
`mgc_cb_evo_max_chats_perday` = '0',
`vbblog_general_permissions` = '521214',
`vbblog_customblocks` = '5',
`vbblog_custompages` = '5',
`vbblog_entry_permissions` = '8191',
`vbblog_comment_permissions` = '974'
WHERE usergroupid=7;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'mgc_cb_evo_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Saturday, June 20th 2009 @ 06:14:23 PM
Error Date : Saturday, June 20th 2009 @ 06:14:23 PM
Script : http://www.4datetalk.com/forums/admi....php?do=update
Referrer : http://www.4datetalk.com/forums/admi...&usergroupid=7
IP Address :
Username : admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard-log

Valter 06-23-2009 11:17 AM

mgc_cb_evo_permissions is part of another hack. :-)

MonCher 06-23-2009 03:14 PM

Oh no! I took the wrong hack out!!! I have no idea what hack that was!

snake-boy 06-27-2009 04:53 PM

Why are custom BBcodes not parsed? (like Strikethrough for example) Is there a fix for this?

abadired 06-27-2009 05:36 PM

Simply awesome, thanks!
btw, how do we change the word "ChatBox Full" in navbar?

snake-boy 06-27-2009 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by abadired (Post 1838505)
Simply awesome, thanks!
btw, how do we change the word "ChatBox Full" in navbar?

Check the 6th post on the first page of this thread... someone has addressed it there.

abadired 06-29-2009 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by snake-boy (Post 1838520)
Check the 6th post on the first page of this thread... someone has addressed it there.

Thanks buddy

niktaal 06-29-2009 12:03 PM

Part of my guests have a problem Saytm
When guest users to enter in my site are all part of the chat box Mnvys?h and Archive users who are online with different IP site have statistics, but users online during the next 24 hours are Nmynvysd For example, users party during the 24 hours into my site are 1000 users and users of lot 130 and when guests ها Online new IP will be different to the list of statistics users online during the next 24 hours are not shown be.
And change the size of 10 or 15 with the 15

site url : http://www.sat4ir.com

a9eel 07-03-2009 05:25 PM


does have any big lode

contemptx 07-04-2009 09:58 AM

Ok Strange Error:

On all of my forums, Cyb - Chatbox usually works perfectly fine,
However this time I have a very strange issue, and I cant see why its happening,

When I install: Cyb- Chatbox OR Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics

I cannot navigate to users profiles OR second pages of forums or threads?

I have disabled all other plugins and the same thing happens,
Im running 3.8.3, recently upgraded from 3.7.2
Ive tried using the default theme, create a new theme etc..

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

RedSpiral 07-09-2009 08:34 AM

Help :D

Everytime a users uses a BB code for a link or text colour it works fine when u post it but after someone posts after u the BB codes break and appears like:
HTML Code:


love. 07-09-2009 01:21 PM

Nice thank u

willy888 07-11-2009 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by RedSpiral (Post 1845650)
Help :D

Everytime a users uses a BB code for a link or text colour it works fine when u post it but after someone posts after u the BB codes break and appears like:
HTML Code:


SAME problem

applebeef 07-12-2009 03:14 AM

Hi is there any update of perhaps having a "Who's Chatting?" function on the forum home?

It's the one thing that would make this mod legendary!

willy888 07-12-2009 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by RedSpiral (Post 1845650)
Help :D

Everytime a users uses a BB code for a link or text colour it works fine when u post it but after someone posts after u the BB codes break and appears like:
HTML Code:


disable if you have the Advanced BBCode Permissions mod

hbalagh1 07-13-2009 11:17 PM

i have a mobile style on my forums and wanted to know how i can exclude this from showing up on it

fiveflat 07-14-2009 01:21 AM

I got this chatbox installed and working on my system, but there's one problem. I don't want it on my forums pages. I only want it showing on the front page of my vbadvanced cmps. Once I place it on my vbadvanced page, it doesn't work. I had the "loading" error mentioned somewhere. I added the [bburl] stuff as mention, and the "loading" went away, but if I try to post is sits there and hangs at "posting message" only on the cmps page. It works fine on the forums.

I have two sites. One site, it's working perfectly, so I know I set it up properly. The other website it doesn't work in vbadvanced. Both sites are hosted by the same host....

KaitenV 07-14-2009 07:06 AM

I like how easy it was to install, to think I've been puttin it off. Oh and it's more dynamic and looks cleaner than expected. Good job!

exportforce 07-15-2009 11:51 AM


I love your addons a lot!
Would it be possible to add a function, that in the chatbox certain usergroups can NOT take special colors ?

I like to have it this way (as I already do)
Admins have red
Mods have green
SuperMods have Yellow

No other usergroup is allowed to take one of the signalcolors.
Can you somehow integrate this ?

Also I'd like to ask, if you could "check" if VBSeo is running and then to use the VBSeo Rewriterules for the names ?

thx and keep up the work!

Warion 07-15-2009 10:45 PM

I was wondering if it is possible to change the colors for this mod. Change the standard colors is what I want to do.

Evans Performan 07-16-2009 01:34 AM

i did a search and could find anything. i was the disable the img code in the chatbox. is there a way to do that? i would also like to disable the youtube code. people putting that stuff up just ruins the chatbox usage.

Kimberley 07-16-2009 08:45 AM

I have it blank so it appears on all pages, however I don't want it when you look at PMs etc as people are going to type in the chatbox by accident and it might be a bit embarassing :S

Can anyone help me remove it from this but leave it on all other forums please

colochris 07-16-2009 06:32 PM

Is there a way to change the time from what seems like military time to a different time? Like 5:30 or something

Calisto 07-16-2009 08:31 PM

I having problems with the time in the chatbox.
I tried everithing but it still shows up as 16-07, 23:%i
The date and the hour is correct but the minutes don't show up.
Can you help me?

Valter 07-16-2009 08:53 PM

I really don't know.


exportforce 07-17-2009 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by exportforce (Post 1849164)

I love your addons a lot!
Would it be possible to add a function, that in the chatbox certain usergroups can NOT take special colors ?

I like to have it this way (as I already do)
Admins have red
Mods have green
SuperMods have Yellow

No other usergroup is allowed to take one of the signalcolors.
Can you somehow integrate this ?

Also I'd like to ask, if you could "check" if VBSeo is running and then to use the VBSeo Rewriterules for the names ?

thx and keep up the work!

Quoting myself ^^

Valter 07-17-2009 04:57 PM

Feature requests are taken into consideration when new version is to be released. I must not answer every single question about this...

dre 07-17-2009 05:24 PM

Great addon! How do i change where it displays? I have a side bar and i want it to be 100% with ABOVE my side bar

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