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-   -   Major Additions - Zoints LOCAL 2.0 - Enhanced profiles, social portal, networking, blogging, and more (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=183559)

Zoints 10-09-2008 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU (Post 1640864)
hmm.... a lot to consider.... to be honest, I real WANT to be able to justify zoints again. The PR value and extra features are great. but right now, I'm still trying to weigh the sacrifices as is (like tags, as of yet--non existent custom blocks) .

I'm keeping a very close wathc on this...

is there a way or recommend somehow to test this without full conversion?
thank you for the reply....

The Zoints Tags plugin does have an autotagging feature for thread tags - just a thought there as far as mitigation of sacrifice. Not a perfect solution, by any means, but definitely an improvement over nothing.

As far as Custom Blocks go, one thing to remember is that if everyone just waits for someone else to design them, and nobody wants to dig in and work on the blocks that they want for their site, the collection of blocks won't grow very fast at all. So, if you're interested in specific blocks, I'd encourage you to give it a shot and get your hands dirty :)

You can install the Zoints Local plugin files and not import the vBulletin product. That will put the profile system in place, but not do the vB integration, so you can browse directly to yoursite.com/forum/z/, but none of the links will be in place for your users to click.

boiboi 10-09-2008 07:12 PM

there should be a myspace type landing page with user profiles instead of the forum.

AN-net 10-09-2008 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by boiboi (Post 1641321)
there should be a myspace type landing page with user profiles instead of the forum.

Zoints now includes ZCentral which is similar to MySpace's homepage.

Mrdby 10-09-2008 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by AN-net (Post 1640769)
what page are you on? what were you doing? permission errors like vbulletin permission errors are throughout the system.


vbboarder 10-10-2008 03:19 AM

I have 2 bugs to report for the "gold" release:


Originally Posted by Zoints
Zoints Local for vB doesn't come with a photo album of it's own. Your users can continue to use the photo album solution of your/their choice. The 'My Albums' block links to the users vBulletin album(s).

1. The "Photos" link url is bad in the header tab for page links. The browser reports page/ object not found. It probably should link to VB user's albums, similar to the "My Albums" block as you mentioned.

2. When editing a page title at Zoints Admin Area > Pages > Edit A Page, the new page title is not saved even if "apply style to all member pages" is selected. After saving the new title, the old title still shows in the menu & tab links.

vbboarder 10-10-2008 03:30 AM

Feature Request: Allow admin to prevent users from editing the page titles. Note that when the Zoints setting "allow regular members to edit styles?" is disabled, users can still edit the page titles. The option to prevent users from editing page titles should be independent of the option to prevent users from editing styles since page titles are not stylistic but convey content and should be consistent among users for most types of websites.

vbboarder 10-10-2008 03:41 AM

I can not get any new photo albums to show in the Zoints Community page. I set my album to "public" and set the Community page to show "new photo albums." The albums block appears, but with no albums. I tried caching and not caching the albums block in the Zoints settings page; when caching, the cron task is enabled and also I manually ran the Zoints cron task to make sure the data was cached; when not caching, still no photo albums are displayed. Any other settings I forgot about or is this a bug?

vbboarder 10-10-2008 03:48 AM

I noticed the tour folder & file in the "gold" release. When I tried accessing the tour's index.php file, Zoints reports "fatal error - no tour was found." Is this feature to show users a tour of Zoints functionality? Is this feature work in progress, or a bug, or do I have some settings wrong?

xadoa 10-10-2008 11:33 AM

Hi Zoints group,

i finally made it worked with the portal, but i can't put the recently updated profile block which display on the forum home to the frontpage of the portal, the phpporat which i am talking about. is there a way that we can display this recently or newly create profile on the phpportal frontpage, right now it's only the forum home ..


vbboarder 10-10-2008 04:06 PM

Version Question: In the product xml file, the version says 2.2.2. All other 2.x Zoints Local releases have said 2.2.3. Is this just a typo or did you include the wrong product xml file? Just checkin'....

P.S. Thanks for fixing the favicon bug that was in the RC releases.

Zoints 10-10-2008 05:23 PM

Thanks for all the feedback, vbboarder!

I'll pass all of the bug/problem reports along to our engineers, and get back to you with answers as I get them :)


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1641616)
Feature Request: Allow admin to prevent users from editing the page titles. Note that when the Zoints setting "allow regular members to edit styles?" is disabled, users can still edit the page titles. The option to prevent users from editing page titles should be independent of the option to prevent users from editing styles since page titles are not stylistic but convey content and should be consistent among users for most types of websites.

I can mention this as well, but to be honest, we're not really working on feature requests for Zoints Local at this point. You're referring to the page titles like Blog, My Profile, etc. right? And you're wondering if you can lock this down so nobody can change page titles?

vbboarder 10-10-2008 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Zoints (Post 1642103)
Thanks for all the feedback, vbboarder!

I'll pass all of the bug/problem reports along to our engineers, and get back to you with answers as I get them :)

I can mention this as well, but to be honest, we're not really working on feature requests for Zoints Local at this point. You're referring to the page titles like Blog, My Profile, etc. right? And you're wondering if you can lock this down so nobody can change page titles?

Ok, I'll wait for your answers.

Yes, I'm referring to the page titles. As mentioned before, page titles, at least the default page titles, are not stylistic but convey content and they should be consistent among users.

ehsanix 10-10-2008 07:27 PM

why i get error while i'm trying to register on http://zoints.com/forum.z ?
it doesn't allow me to register at all
says ur username was token by somebody else
also i've tried wierd usernames such as "adfjkhasdhqwiouydamasdfg" and still says token by somebody else

Zoints 10-10-2008 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by xadoa (Post 1641850)
Hi Zoints group,

i finally made it worked with the portal, but i can't put the recently updated profile block which display on the forum home to the frontpage of the portal, the phpporat which i am talking about. is there a way that we can display this recently or newly create profile on the phpportal frontpage, right now it's only the forum home ..


I apologize, but I've reread this a couple times, and I'm not quite sure what you're asking.


Originally Posted by ehsanix (Post 1642174)
why i get error while i'm trying to register on http://zoints.com/forum.z ?
it doesn't allow me to register at all
says ur username was token by somebody else
also i've tried wierd usernames such as "adfjkhasdhqwiouydamasdfg" and still says token by somebody else

What's your site url?

ehsanix 10-10-2008 10:31 PM

thanks finally i completed the registration process and worked
but isn't it possible to use unicode characters in editors ?

imported_Visions 10-11-2008 06:03 AM

I seem to be having a problem after the install, everything appears to be fine except when I go to look at my profile, I get this error.

I ran through the install without any issues, If someone could help it would be much appreciated.


Invalid SQL: SELECT blog.*, category.title As cattitle, blogoptions.options, mood.imagename As moodimage, mood.title As moodtitle, group_concat(tag.tag) as blogtags, tagassoc.tagid FROM zp_blog_entry AS blog LEFT JOIN zp_blogcategory As category ON(blog.catid = category.catid) LEFT JOIN zp_mood As mood ON(blog.moodid = mood.moodid) LEFT JOIN zp_tagsassoc As tagassoc ON (blog.entryid = tagassoc.itemid AND tagassoc.entity = 'ENTRY') LEFT JOIN zp_tags As tag ON (tag.tagid = tagassoc.tagid) LEFT JOIN zp_blogoptions As blogoptions ON(blogoptions.userid = blog.masterid) WHERE blog.masterid = 3 AND blog.private = 0 GROUP BY blog.entryid ORDER BY blog.dateline DESC LIMIT 10

mysql error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(tag.tag) as blogtags, tagassoc.tagid FROM zp_blog_entry A

mysql error number: 1064

Zoints 10-11-2008 06:11 PM

Our engineers are researching a very similar looking issue for another user right now. Let me have you submit a support ticket here:
Make sure to include the error message and the following site info:

Zoints Local version

vBulletin Version

Server Information:
PHP version
MySQL Version

xadoa 10-12-2008 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by Zoints (Post 1642196)
I apologize, but I've reread this a couple times, and I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

hi Zoints,

I am trying to display a page on phpportal frontpage instead of forum forumhome frontpage .. "Display Profiles on FORUMHOME
You can select certain types of profiles to display on FORUMHOME."

i would like to display like 10 new person newly created on the phpportal frontpage. right now you guy already have forum forumhome's page ... my question is, can I have a code or anything that able to display a block on the phpportal that show about 10 members just created?

here is the directory structure:


thank you for your product

here is some code i tried but it's not working well, it's either show only the empty avatar or the user's avatar, not both. i wanted to show the noavatar.gif for members doesn't have avatar and the image.php?u=xxx for the user that has the avatar.

$new_members = mysql_query("SELECT zuser.userid, zuser.username, fuser.avatarid, fuser.avatarrevision, avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(filedata) AS hascustom, customavatar.dateline, customavatar.width, customavatar.height
FROM zp_user AS zuser
LEFT JOIN user AS fuser ON fuser.username = zuser.username
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON avatar.avatarid = fuser.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON customavatar.userid = zuser.userid
WHERE zuser.lastmodification = 0
ORDER BY zuser.jointime DESC
LIMIT 10");

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($new_members))

$pavatar = "noavatar.gif";
$pavatar2 = "http://domain.com/forums/image.php?u=$row[userid]";
if (!$this->post['avatarurl'])
echo ("<a href='/forums/member.php?u=$row[userid]'><img src='$pavatar'</img></a>");
} else {
echo ("<a href='/forums/member.php?u=$row[userid]'><img src='$pavatar2'</img></a>");
echo ("<br>");

vbboarder 10-12-2008 04:25 AM

I have 4 bugs to report:

1. I can not get the TinyMCE editor to appear/ work in IE7 (it shows up fine in FF2).

2. The my Quotes block does not have a link to add quotes. Instead, the user must activate the page editor mode, then click on the wrench edit icon to add new quotes.

3. When adding a URL to the my Links block, Zoints shows an error page when adding the very first link (subsequent links do not result in errors; bug is reproducible by creating a new user and adding the very first link). The problem may be related to adding the link to a folder other than the default "Suggested Links". Even though an error is reported for the first link, when you re-edit the my Links block, you'll see that Zoints actually added the first link.

4. When editing the my Links block, the "# of Links to Display" is not shown so the user does not know if it was saved, even though the user previously saved a value.

trstudent 10-12-2008 03:45 PM

I have translated to Zoints Local into Turkish here ıt is the files to translate it to turkish. If you already installed Zoints Local Profiles ;
Firstly you must change the files which is located in "/z/lang/en" in the file "en" (it is in the uploaded file) then you must upgrade the product with the "Zoints Local T?rk?eleştirilmiş Hali By Darkpain"

If you did not installed yet. You Can upload "en" file to your ftp before installing and you must import the product "Zoints Local T?rk?eleştirilmiş Hali By Darkpain"

it is all folks :=)

Sonunda Zoints Local'i t?rk?eleştirmem bitti. Eğer Zoints'i daha ?nceden kurdu iseniz upload ettigim dosyanin icindeki "en" klas?r?ndeki dosyalari sizin ftpnizdeki ".../z/lang/en" klas?r? icindekilerle degiştirmeniz gerekiyor. Ve de y?netim panelinizin de t?rk?e olmasini isterseniz gene upload etmiş oldugumuz "Zoints Local T?rk?eleştirilmiş Hali By Darkpain" ?r?n?n? ?r?n y?neticinizden "?r?n?n ?zerine kaydet" Se?enegi Evet işaretli iken import ediniz.

Eğer daha ?nce kurmadi iseniz "en" klas?r? yerine benim upload etmiş oldugum klas?r? upload edin ftp nize. Daha sonra ?r?n olarak da benim vermiş oldumum ?r?n? import ederseniz %95'i t?rk?eleştirilmiş olan Zoints Local forumunuza kurulmuş olacaktir.

Download Link :http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/1/...20Darkpain.rar

Indirme linki : http://www.fileden.com/files/2008/1/...20Darkpain.rar

MentaL 10-12-2008 05:25 PM


Im really only interested in using this for the enhanced profile for my forums, am I able to disallow all other features and just keep the enhanced profile features? Also, how does this effect server performance, given I own a fairy large forum.


ambrosious 10-12-2008 10:56 PM

Really confused now, I installed the template modifications, no navbar link. I re-installed the product, nothing, I tried to copy a navbar code from the site that is working but I can't find the Zoints menus on that navbar at all. Doesn't it mean that without the Zoints menu programming, it shouldn't be there??? It is. Then the site that has the code, well, no menus.

Can someone help?

Zoints 10-13-2008 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by MentaL (Post 1643460)

Im really only interested in using this for the enhanced profile for my forums, am I able to disallow all other features and just keep the enhanced profile features? Also, how does this effect server performance, given I own a fairy large forum.


I'm not sure which features you would consider to be part of the profile and which you are looking to disable, but you have a wide range of options as far as customizing what your users can actually access.
As far as server performance, I don't have metrics, but I've seen Zoints running on some pretty large sites without any noticeable changes in performance.

ambrosious 10-13-2008 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by ambrosious (Post 1643674)
Really confused now, I installed the template modifications, no navbar link. I re-installed the product, nothing, I tried to copy a navbar code from the site that is working but I can't find the Zoints menus on that navbar at all. Doesn't it mean that without the Zoints menu programming, it shouldn't be there??? It is. Then the site that has the code, well, no menus.

Can someone help?

Sorry for the bump, but I am lost...

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Zoints 10-13-2008 08:00 PM

No need to be sorry :) But, we'll probably need to actually look at your site to get an idea of what's going wrong, so please go ahead and submit a support ticket with your site info.


pein87 10-13-2008 08:13 PM

I have a question my members did a test on your demo forum they loved it so much but now I cn get your product to load right in my server. I`ve chmod the files to 777 but it still wont work right. i`m very intreseted in using your mod so i can replace all the others I`ve installed that weight down my forum.

Zoints 10-14-2008 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by pein87 (Post 1644403)
I have a question my members did a test on your demo forum they loved it so much but now I cn get your product to load right in my server. I`ve chmod the files to 777 but it still wont work right. i`m very intreseted in using your mod so i can replace all the others I`ve installed that weight down my forum.

There's really not enough detail in your post for me to even begin troubleshooting. Can you tell us a bit more? Where are you getting hung up? Are you getting an error message?

Zoints 10-14-2008 09:30 PM

Note to anyone getting the following SQL error:


blog.*, category.title As cattitle, blogoptions.options,
mood.imagename As moodimage, mood.title As moodtitle,
group_concat(tag.tag) as blogtags, tagassoc.tagid
FROM zp_blog_entry AS blog
LEFT JOIN zp_blogcategory As category ON(blog.catid = category.catid)
LEFT JOIN zp_mood As mood ON(blog.moodid = mood.moodid)
LEFT JOIN zp_tagsassoc As tagassoc ON (blog.entryid = tagassoc.itemid AND
tagassoc.entity = 'ENTRY')
LEFT JOIN zp_tags As tag ON (tag.tagid = tagassoc.tagid)
LEFT JOIN zp_blogoptions As blogoptions ON(blogoptions.userid =
WHERE blog.masterid = 1
AND blog.private = 0
GROUP BY blog.entryid
ORDER BY blog.dateline DESC
mysql error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '(tag.tag) as blogtags,
FROM zp_blog_entry A
mysql error number: 1064

This is a compatibility issue with your MySQL version: as of now we require MySQL 4.1 to be installed on your server. We're looking to see if we can bypass this requirement with alternative solutions, but for now - please don't install unless you meet the system requirements posted in the first post:


***System Requirements***

Zoints Local requires the following:

- A linux or windows based webserver. Windows in ISAPI mode is not currently supported.
- vBulletin forum software (additional platforms will be added soon).
- PHP 4.3.3 or greater.
- MySQL 4.1 or greater.
- Your server must allow port 80 post and get requests to be made to Zoints.com
- Safemode is not currently supported.

Zoints 10-15-2008 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by vbboarder (Post 1642034)
Version Question: In the product xml file, the version says 2.2.2. All other 2.x Zoints Local releases have said 2.2.3. Is this just a typo or did you include the wrong product xml file? Just checkin'....

P.S. Thanks for fixing the favicon bug that was in the RC releases.

Hey again! Just wanted to touch base. Our engineers have duplicated and fixed some of these issues, and are still investigating at least one (the TinyMCE issue). A couple of the things you mentioned are functioning as designed, and are not bugs, but we're working on all of the ones that are bugs :)

Thanks again for all of your feedback!!!

vbboarder 10-16-2008 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Zoints (Post 1645779)
Hey again! Just wanted to touch base. Our engineers have duplicated and fixed some of these issues, and are still investigating at least one (the TinyMCE issue). A couple of the things you mentioned are functioning as designed, and are not bugs, but we're working on all of the ones that are bugs :)

Thanks again for all of your feedback!!!

Thanks for the update, much appreciated :) Can you at least let us know if the most recent product xml file is correct? Its version states 2.2.2, while all other 2.x releases have stated 2.2.3.

Zoints 10-16-2008 01:58 AM

It's correct, just a typo. :)

Preech 10-16-2008 11:47 AM

So is the updated.

dianna 10-16-2008 06:07 PM

Does this work on 3.7.3??

Zoints 10-16-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by dianna (Post 1646529)
Does this work on 3.7.3??

Yes :)

dianna 10-16-2008 08:17 PM

OK I tried to upload the product but, it says its not compatible :confused:

pein87 10-17-2008 12:17 AM

OK I`m sorry for the lack of info. I`ve tested this on my test server and it worked fine but when i tried to do an install on my forum i got a messed up html install page and it didnt not install the tables into my data base. I`ve tried to chmod 77 but my ftp client says its not recognized. I really like your feature and I`m very interested in installing this on my forum. My board is http://www.anime-dreamz.com/forum please dont mind the mess i`m re-installing it my host keeps moving my files and there messing up my database. Thanks in advanced for your help.

dianna 10-17-2008 02:43 AM

ok need help please I have everthing installed and finally got the product to upload however when I am in the admincp it says cannot find config file. I re-uploaded all teh files again to make sure I didn't miss anything and it is still saying that.

Zoints 10-18-2008 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by dianna (Post 1646824)
ok need help please I have everthing installed and finally got the product to upload however when I am in the admincp it says cannot find config file. I re-uploaded all teh files again to make sure I didn't miss anything and it is still saying that.

I responded to your ticket :)

Zoints 10-18-2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by pein87 (Post 1646759)
OK I`m sorry for the lack of info. I`ve tested this on my test server and it worked fine but when i tried to do an install on my forum i got a messed up html install page and it didnt not install the tables into my data base. I`ve tried to chmod 77 but my ftp client says its not recognized. I really like your feature and I`m very interested in installing this on my forum. My board is http://www.anime-dreamz.com/forum please dont mind the mess i`m re-installing it my host keeps moving my files and there messing up my database. Thanks in advanced for your help.

When you say CHMOD 77, do you mean 777?

vbboarder 10-18-2008 07:40 AM

Bug Report: When a user has a new private message, a "New Message" icon button appears along the top icon buttons bar. However, the "New Message" icon button can only be seen on admin pages only (ie: Admin Area, Member Control, Profile Pages, & Profile Blocks); it can not be seen on profile pages where it would be more useful (ie: Profile, Blog, Activities, etc.).
The "Zoints Profile Blocks" link in the adminCP should link to the same page as the "Blocks" link at the top of the "Zoints Admin Area" page; instead it links to a less useful page.

Feature Needed: The admin should have the ability to set default privacy permissions for each type of profile page. Currently there is no ability to do that.

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