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michael5472 07-08-2008 04:39 PM

ok got it all working - uninstall and reinstall worked fine.

I have set myself up and i have not received the confirmation message i am on 02 in the UK.

Can anyone confirm if they have had this working ???

Also i do not have this section in my Plugin Manager

Originally Posted by ReadMe
For smaller forums with little traffic, the best way to fix this is to go to the Plugin Manager in the Admin CP and edit the two plugins that send out the emails (one for PMs and one for the sendmail form). Find the vbmail() function and change it from vbmail to mail. This will only work if your server is configured to be able to send mail through PHP, in most cases it is though. This will email instantly and make the text messages more real time. It is not recommended for larger forums because sending email takes a lot of resources, and larger forums send them in batches (using the vbmail function) to save on them.

Astrof 07-08-2008 06:36 PM

Great mod.

Any chance Croatian mobile operators will be supported too (VIP, T-Mobile, TELE2, Tomato)?

robwoelich 07-09-2008 03:55 AM

I've finally gotten v1.2 done, or so I think. It's installed on my development forums at http://www.robwoelich.com/business/testforum/ if you want to try it out. I'm going to let it run there a day or two as well as have a few friends of mine test it before I release it to make sure everything is ok. Feel free to test it out on my development forum and follow the instructions in the beta testing thread there if you run into any snags. :)

The sooner it gets tested, the sooner you can use it! :p In the meantime, I'm going to spend some time verifying some of the cell company emails through the company websites. v1.2 includes cell phone emails that are marked as "Confirmed" if it's known that they're working properly. :) This will save some hassle in picking the right email.

Blackheart_72 07-09-2008 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by michael5472 (Post 1570208)
ok got it all working - uninstall and reinstall worked fine.

I have set myself up and i have not received the confirmation message i am on 02 in the UK.

Can anyone confirm if they have had this working ???

Its working for me on 02 in the UK but some people have had trouble with it.

squishi 07-10-2008 09:06 AM

There are many pitfalls with this product.

You use "sms.de" for the German t-mobile customers. They have a limit of only 30 free messages per month. Besides, I am a t-mobile user and tried sending an email with the format you use and I did not receive the sms.

What you should add to the description of the mod is that some (or all?) companies will charge the cell phone users for receiving such emails, if you use the email address of the cellphone company directly.
For t-mobile in Germany, the address will be +49XXXXXXXXXXXX@t-mobile-sms.de, if I remember it correctly.

CThiessen 07-10-2008 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by CThiessen (Post 1559553)
For Germany you should make some changes:
Let the ?preemail? Field empty
Put in the ?email? @t-mobile-sms.de
Tested and working.

Mannesmann Mobilfunk:
Called now Vodafone (a couple of years)
Let the ?preemail? Field empty
Put in the ?email? @vodafone-sms.de
NOT tested, regarding Website

Let the ?preemail? Field empty
Put in the ?email? @smsmail.eplus.de

NOT tested,


Originally Posted by squishi (Post 1571790)
For t-mobile in Germany, the address will be +49XXXXXXXXXXXX@t-mobile-sms.de, if I remember it correctly.

it is working for me with "t-mobile-sms.de" but without "+49" maybe it works also with "+49" i did not tested that. You may change the settings direct in the Database.


TheInsaneManiac 07-11-2008 01:47 AM

Can't wait!

klaush 07-11-2008 11:16 AM


Mannesmann Mobilfunk:
Called now Vodafone (a couple of years)
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email” @vodafone-sms.de
NOT tested, regarding Website
Working just fine.

I changed the product file to Vodafone; enjoy!

robwoelich 07-11-2008 11:24 PM

Alright, v1.2 is released! :)

Please use this form to let me know about any problems, and this form if you want to request a new company be added/report a company that does or doesn't work.


BigDog56 07-12-2008 01:04 AM

Updated, no problems, thank you!

TheInsaneManiac 07-12-2008 08:29 AM

Great work!

Raptor 07-12-2008 03:51 PM

since updating i now get this msg when selecting Edit SMS

you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

however im super admin ?

edit: im stupid - all usergroup permission were set to no as default

okhissabigfish 07-12-2008 04:18 PM

Yeah...I made the same mistake, as I went in and set the user groups that could use the mod and didn't think that, as the Site Admin, that I too was a member of a group. The Site Admin Group.

Works great now!

Voted MOM and MOY :)

lapmonkey9 07-12-2008 09:24 PM

I can't seem to get a pin number to my UK O2 number

any advice Rob?

robwoelich 07-13-2008 03:49 AM

There were some instructions earlier in the thread on getting O2 working posted by somebody. May want to check them out. :)

I'm trying to get a database together of what settings work, which don't, and which require special setup with your phone company before you can use the MMS service if you need it. This is why you leave autoreporting on ;) and have your users report working or non-working numbers. Once a good database is built, this will all be included and displayed when someone sets up their number as necessary.

Kaycee123 07-13-2008 05:16 AM

It took a bit of fiddling to get this to show up properly under my User CP, but its working perfectly now!!

Thank you very much!!!:D:D:D

TsirhCitna 07-13-2008 05:20 AM

I don't really understand how to use the custom headers. I would like to change the from.

Astrof 07-13-2008 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by robwoelich (Post 1573178)
Alright, v1.2 is released! :)

Please use this form to let me know about any problems, and this form if you want to request a new company be added/report a company that does or doesn't work.


I would like to suggest a couple of cell phone companies in my country, but I have no idea what cell phone company MMS/texting e-mail is. How do I find that out?

Also, what should I write in the cell phone number lenght field?

Thanks in advance.

zigojacko 07-13-2008 12:09 PM

I have installed the latest updated version and am still not receiving my test text message on O2 :(

robwoelich 07-13-2008 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by TsirhCitna (Post 1573984)
I don't really understand how to use the custom headers. I would like to change the from.

Google for "PHP mail headers" or something like that for explanations on how to use headers. Remember, though, that even if you specify custom headers, sometimes cell phone companies ignore them.


Originally Posted by Astrof (Post 1574079)
I would like to suggest a couple of cell phone companies in my country, but I have no idea what cell phone company MMS/texting e-mail is. How do I find that out?

Also, what should I write in the cell phone number lenght field?

Thanks in advance.

If you can find the email, it would be helpful and the fastest way for me to add it. A lot of countries outside of mine don't have English sites so it makes it hard for me to find information. Otherwise, just fill out the company name and country and I'll see what I can come up with. All of the fields on that form are optional.


Originally Posted by zigojacko (Post 1574179)
I have installed the latest updated version and am still not receiving my test text message on O2 :(

Search in this thread for the instructions on activating M-Mail or MMS on O2. You have to do that before you can use it.

Hornstar 07-14-2008 07:29 PM

I was just wondering, will you be adding more options to this? for example: The ability to enable/disable sending of sms messages when you subscribe to a thread.

Bounce 07-14-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by lapmonkey9 (Post 1573787)
I can't seem to get a pin number to my UK O2 number

any advice Rob?


Originally Posted by robwoelich (Post 1573962)
There were some instructions earlier in the thread on getting O2 working posted by somebody. May want to check them out. :)


Originally Posted by zigojacko (Post 1574179)
I have installed the latest updated version and am still not receiving my test text message on O2 :(


Follow the link but basically you do this for o2

With Mmail you can send and receive emails from your mobile without any complicated set up or subscription charges.

How Do I Send an Email?
You can send an email form your mobile in exactly the same way as sending a text message. The only difference is that you must type the email address then a space at the start of the text message. Then type your message and send it to shortcode 212.
e.g. 'your.name@o2.co.uk Hi there. Hope you're having a good day ...'.

How Do I Receive an Email?
For people to send an email to your mobile they must send it to your Mmail address - see below. You will receive the email in the form of a text message. The email can be as long as you like but it will be delivered in messages of up to 160 characters. The first message will also contain the sender's name, title of the email and the start of the email. In order to get the rest of the email you will need to request to read the next section. The number of the email you are reading will be shown at the bottom of the message. To read the next part of the email text the number of the email to shortcode 212.

How Can I Set Up Mmail?
Compose a text message with the word, 'ON' and send it to shortcode 212. Then simply follow the on-screen prompts. If, at any point, you want to cancel this service simply send the word 'OFF' to shortcode 212.

What's My Mmail Address?
Your Mmail address will be your mobile number with country code (+44 for UK mobile numbers) combined with '@mmail.co.uk' e.g.+447711123456@mmail.co.uk.

How Much Will It Cost?

It will cost the same cost as any text message to send a message or request additional parts. Any messages received will be charged at 10p (Inc Vat).

Bounce 07-14-2008 08:30 PM

Oh and thanks for the update rob:up:

myrhoto 07-14-2008 08:59 PM

I think it would be great to have a notification if someone comments on your pictures in your album in 3.7! Any chance this could happen?

geevest.com 07-14-2008 09:51 PM

how about indonesia?

jeffinj 07-14-2008 10:48 PM

There was a typo:
Instead of saying 'try clearing your message'
it said 'try clearking your message'

Great mod btw but it did not work on my optus phone in Australia. May be its the phone/optus settings.

Lady Divus 07-15-2008 05:55 AM

Awesome! Installed and works purrrfectly! Thank you for this amazing Mod. Cant wait to introduce my members to it...Be well -

Lady Divus

gpc10347 07-15-2008 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by jeffinj (Post 1575469)
There was a typo:
Instead of saying 'try clearing your message'
it said 'try clearking your message'

Great mod btw but it did not work on my optus phone in Australia. May be its the phone/optus settings.

cellemail_explain has this one in it's phrases. Try editing it and it will be happy.

gpc10347 07-16-2008 03:41 PM

I just KNOW I read it somewhere but is there a stock response to users inquiring about who all can 'see' their actual phone numbers?

I'd like to say it works much like passwords but won't use those words just yet...

Lady Divus 07-16-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1565237)
I reinstalled and it fixed itself.

EDIT: Can you add Cricket to the list? email is number@mycricket.com

ALSO: How do I make US at the very top as my forums are for US.

My members have told me that they have not received a PIN yet!

Rob, if you add 10digitnumber@mms.mycricket.com it will work for Cricket. I recieved this info strait from a friend of mine who works for Cricket...Most of my members live in the area/town that i do, and most of them use Cricket...I would appreciate it if you could update this for me. Thaxamillion in advance. Be well -

Lady Divus

robwoelich 07-17-2008 04:31 AM

Hello all,

I'm in the process of moving and will be offline for a short while. Whenever I'm around a computer, I'll provide what support I can, but I can't really make any changes to the modification until I get all of my stuff moved over and my main computer unpacked. I will look into all of the above issues/info as soon as I can.

Thanks for being patient while I work through all this fun. :p Donations are appreciated, as this mod takes time and moving sucks. :D

- Rob

indie2industry 07-17-2008 08:44 PM


SMS 1.2
mms problem repaired & tested

overwrite (yes)

TheInsaneManiac 07-17-2008 10:55 PM

Cricket changed their email sms.mycricket.com

indie2industry 07-18-2008 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by TheInsaneManiac (Post 1578059)
Cricket changed their email sms.mycricket.com

Actually NO... It's mms.mycricket.com

I just tested it for the 8th time.

indie2industry 07-18-2008 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by indie2industry (Post 1578218)
Actually NO... It's mms.mycricket.com

I just tested it for the 8th time.

Apparently cricket uses both mms & sms. sms seems to work better so I have the sms version attached.

and the sms version works a LOT better.

Captain Tycoon 07-20-2008 01:33 PM

Is it possible for a member to be able to block everyone from viewing the option to send them an SMS other than members in their friends list?

chrissmith 07-20-2008 01:52 PM

Can anyone confirm that "Austria" providers work ?

thanks in advance

ps.: test t-mobile in progress ...

aktifnet 07-20-2008 04:41 PM



Prober 07-20-2008 08:13 PM

Little update for Czech Republic:
  • Vodafone
  • T-Mobile
  • 02

Vodafone (Oscar):
xxx@vodafonemail.cz (ex. - prober@vodafonemail.cz)

02 (Eurotel):
00420xxxxxxxxx@sms.cz.o2.com (ex. 00420728123456@sms.cz.o2.com)

T-Mobile (Paegas):
xxx@click.cz (ex. - prober@click.cz)
xxx@t-email.cz (ex. - prober@t-email.cz)

Lady Divus 07-21-2008 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by indie2industry (Post 1578247)
Apparently cricket uses both mms & sms. sms seems to work better so I have the sms version attached.

and the sms version works a LOT better.

It appears that sms version works for me...I tried the mms version and it wouldnt work. Could it depend on the area, where Cricket is provided? Can both mms and sms be added to the mod so peeps can choose which works best for them?

sms.mycricket.com is CONFIRMED working for myself and my members...Nice Mod. We love it...Thank you

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