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Hitterman 09-30-2008 12:59 PM

Really a nice hack. Just installed it.

RedFoxy 09-30-2008 01:24 PM

there is no way to connect my paypal account with that mod to recevie the confirmations about the donations? I mean like a shoping cart with paypal?

NoPretender 09-30-2008 04:10 PM

This looks like a great mod, and will be trying it out on my new site, but have a question/request.

I don't know how difficult it would be and I saw someone has already asked this question but didn't get an answer. I think it would be great if there was an expire option, whether it would email you expiring donations, or demote the user to a lower usergroup. I want to set it up so if a user was to donate, they get some type of privelaged access for 1 year, after that year they can donate again, or be demoted. Hope that makes sense, feedback on this idea would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

redlabour 10-02-2008 03:20 PM

Small Bug - Link at Quick Links is not longer present at vBadvanced. At Forum it is still there.

jmurrayhead 10-05-2008 02:19 PM

This didn't automatically add the user to the user group specified after I confirmed a donor. Is this a cron job that takes place a later time or is it supposed to be instantaneously?

GateKeper 10-05-2008 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by jmurrayhead (Post 1637852)
This didn't automatically add the user to the user group specified after I confirmed a donor. Is this a cron job that takes place a later time or is it supposed to be instantaneously?

That used to work on my board, but for some reason it has stopped doing this, we now have to manually add the ones who donated to the donators group we created, I am not sure why it has stopped doing this as well, it only confirms the donation but does not move the member.

ScattorShot 10-05-2008 02:40 PM

Don't know if this has been mentioned, but when someone clicks the Donate link, the entire forums moves over about 5 pixels to the right. Is there a fix for this?

Great mod BTW

jmurrayhead 10-05-2008 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by GateKeper (Post 1637854)
That used to work on my board, but for some reason it has stopped doing this, we now have to manually add the ones who donated to the donators group we created, I am not sure why it has stopped doing this as well, it only confirms the donation but does not move the member.

Perhaps in the latest update this stopped working. It has never worked for me...I just installed it. Mine is set to add a user to a group, not move, and that doesn't work :(

RedFoxy 10-06-2008 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by jmurrayhead (Post 1637852)
This didn't automatically add the user to the user group specified after I confirmed a donor. Is this a cron job that takes place a later time or is it supposed to be instantaneously?

you must use confirm+add to vip group

jmurrayhead 10-06-2008 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 1638458)
you must use confirm+add to vip group

I do...it doesn't add to VIP group...

RedFoxy 10-06-2008 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by jmurrayhead (Post 1638522)
I do...it doesn't add to VIP group...

have you a vip group in your acp? if you don't put the right number in the panel it cannot add the user in right group.

That mod need 2 groups, first for the user that can donate and sencond for the vip group

jmurrayhead 10-06-2008 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 1638529)
have you a vip group in your acp? if you don't put the right number in the panel it cannot add the user in right group.

That mod need 2 groups, first for the user that can donate and sencond for the vip group

Yeap, I have a VIP group and have triple-checked the group ID is correct. All user groups have permission to donate except for banned, coppa and waiting for confirmation. One of my moderators donated and was not added to the group.

RedFoxy 10-06-2008 12:11 PM

I use that mod from 2006/7 and i've 4 vip group (one for each years from 2005) and every new year i change the vip group id... it's so strage...

jmurrayhead 10-06-2008 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by RedFoxy (Post 1638539)
I use that mod from 2006/7 and i've 4 vip group (one for each years from 2005) and every new year i change the vip group id... it's so strage...

Nevermind...I now know what you meant by "you must use confirm+add to vip group"..

The drop down to confirm donations has that as an option...whereas before I just confirmed it....my bad..:o

GateKeper 10-07-2008 01:33 AM

it's still not working, if I confirm and move to donators list, it will not, ohh well

anderow 10-07-2008 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Cybernetec (Post 1630356)

Thanks Cybernetec :)

That seems to have fixed it :up:

Riccardo83 10-09-2008 02:14 PM

hey guys, when i try adding the donation bar to display on private messages

my setting for

Show DonBar on (comma separated THIS_SCRIPT locations)
Blank to show on all pages (not recommended because of server load)

profile, usercp, private
i get this error:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PRIVATE, expecting ')' in /home/riccardo/domains/alizee-forum.com/global.php(611) : eval()'d code(41) : eval()'d code on line 1

danhaga 10-09-2008 03:30 PM

Can move my donations bar from under the nav bar to the bottom of the page above the footer?


yarb 10-09-2008 09:39 PM

Thanks for the great mod.

I hate to ask a dumb question, but here it is.

I would like the confirmed donations to be a different color, but I am using a custom theme / style and the confirmed donations are not showing up a different color. Where do I got to edit this? I've looked in a few places, but being new to vBulletin I'm just not finding it.


redlabour 10-11-2008 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1635695)
Small Bug - Link at Quick Links is not longer present at vBadvanced. At Forum it is still there.


AdrianH 10-11-2008 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by GateKeper (Post 1639018)
it's still not working, if I confirm and move to donators list, it will not, ohh well

You have to put a tick in the check box (far right of form) then press confirm. Look at the screenshots,last image but one the white box needs a tick/checkmark just as you would have when moderatring a post.

Neutral Singh 10-12-2008 04:06 PM

Is it possible to show the donation bar in vbadvanced module. That would be ultimate.!!

Riccardo83 10-13-2008 02:47 PM

Does anyone know what hack/mod this is vbulletin.org is using in their USerCP for "Edit Donation Options' ?

ForumsMods 10-13-2008 02:58 PM


Julio 10-13-2008 03:45 PM


I have installed the mod... the link shows in my Navbar, and it seems to be working (Haven't fully tested it) but the Donation Bar is not showing up. I have edited the Navbar template as well.. and still not showing up.

GateKeper 10-14-2008 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by CareyCrew (Post 1642828)
You have to put a tick in the check box (far right of form) then press confirm. Look at the screenshots,last image but one the white box needs a tick/checkmark just as you would have when moderatring a post.

Yes thanks, I do this, I put a tick in all the ones I want, be it one or many, I then go to bottom of the screen, and chose the option, to confirm and move to donators group, but it does add them to the donators group but it does not update their user title and rank, as it used to before, I now have to manually go to Control Panel and run manually from the Maintenance option Update User Title and Ranks, this then gives the user the correct User Title of Site Donator, a rank I have created, and associated to this hack as per instrucitons


Usergroup/Membership Change (Optional)

Your Donator/VIP usergroup ID = 18
Move or Add confirmed donator to your VIP/Donator usergroup? = move user to vip/donator group
Also change user's "Display Usergroup" to VIP/Donator usergroup = YES
It used to be done automatically, as soon as I clicked confirm and move, if you looked at the user it would show them no longer as a regular member, but as a site donator

24hourForum.com 10-14-2008 04:54 AM

can someone tell me why this error shows up

The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details

how can i change this?

littefire 10-14-2008 01:11 PM

In donation list, Can we have one column for show wether this donation is confirmed or not? so we do not need to click edit to check.

Trek 10-14-2008 08:32 PM

Can't get this to work. The install went fine, I setup the config as directed.

However, the navbar isn't updated. I checked the default style and it's not there either.

I then added in the link as shown in the "OPTIONAL" section and the it only returns to the index page.

I'm using vbAdvanced incase this is an issue?

In anycase, I'm completely stuck at the moment so any help would be great!

Trek 10-14-2008 08:44 PM

Ok, all of the links are now working. Looks like it was a caching issue or something as they just appeared...

I did a sample donation and all worked well, except the return link it takes me to after the donation is made and you click the "return to Merchant" link, it takes me to this URL: /misc.php?merchant_return_link=Return+to+Merchant

Which displays the smiley page (Smiley FAQ) on my site for some reason.


Originally Posted by Trek (Post 1645140)
Can't get this to work. The install went fine, I setup the config as directed.

However, the navbar isn't updated. I checked the default style and it's not there either.

I then added in the link as shown in the "OPTIONAL" section and the it only returns to the index page.

I'm using vbAdvanced incase this is an issue?

In anycase, I'm completely stuck at the moment so any help would be great!

Julio 10-15-2008 01:06 AM


Do you get the Donation Bar displayed? For some reason mine does not shows up.

redlabour 10-15-2008 07:12 AM

Bug Link at Quick Links is not present at vBadvanced. At Forum it is still there.
Happens in this Case if vBadavanced is installed in / and not in /forum.

Feature Request I:
Can we have a Option to to add manually Donations that are not payed with PayPal?

Feature Request II:
Can we have a Link for Admins to switch to Donationlist in the Donationbar?

24hourForum.com 10-15-2008 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by 24hourForum.com (Post 1644643)
can someone tell me why this error shows up

The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details

how can i change this?


ANYONE??????????????????????????????????????????? :confused::confused::confused:

Andyrew 10-15-2008 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by 24hourForum.com (Post 1644643)
can someone tell me why this error shows up

The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details

how can i change this?

Thats a setting in your paypal profile, you must have setup Website Payment Certificates.

Log in to paypal, then go to my account > profile > Selling Preferences > Encrypted Payment Settings

Valter 10-15-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour (Post 1645426)
Bug Link at Quick Links is not present at vBadvanced. At Forum it is still there.
Happens in this Case if vBadavanced is installed in / and not in /forum.

Feature Request I:
Can we have a Option to to add manually Donations that are not payed with PayPal?

Feature Request II:
Can we have a Link for Admins to switch to Donationlist in the Donationbar?

1. There is already option to add donations manually:

2. This may be added in future versions.

dataman 10-16-2008 12:51 AM

I've installed this mod, and it's great. My only issue is an inability to see the donator list. I get a PM saying there's been a donation, and it provides a link to the donator list. When I click it, I get a list of my smilies! Something isn't right; any ideas?

Trek 10-16-2008 01:25 AM

I get the same page, but when a donation is completed and the member is returned from PayPal to my site. No idea how to fix it...


Originally Posted by dataman (Post 1646068)
I've installed this mod, and it's great. My only issue is an inability to see the donator list. I get a PM saying there's been a donation, and it provides a link to the donator list. When I click it, I get a list of my smilies! Something isn't right; any ideas?

Andyrew 10-16-2008 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by dataman (Post 1646068)
I've installed this mod, and it's great. My only issue is an inability to see the donator list. I get a PM saying there's been a donation, and it provides a link to the donator list. When I click it, I get a list of my smilies! Something isn't right; any ideas?

Getting a list of smiles normally happens when a mod has been turned of and you go to the known url for the mod.
EG: if i set this mod to off and go to the url do display donators page i get a list of smilies.

24hourForum.com 10-16-2008 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1645841)
Thats a setting in your paypal profile, you must have setup Website Payment Certificates.

Log in to paypal, then go to my account > profile > Selling Preferences > Encrypted Payment Settings

Thank You very much :rolleyes:

dataman 10-16-2008 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 1646533)
Getting a list of smiles normally happens when a mod has been turned of and you go to the known url for the mod.
EG: if i set this mod to off and go to the url do display donators page i get a list of smilies.

But the mod is not off; I'm trying to see donators immedieately after someone has used the Paypal link, and the mod is still 'on'.

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