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-   -   Major Additions - Email Integration (New Threads/Replies by and through email!) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=169247)

BigJohnny 08-14-2010 01:18 PM

I have an as of yet un-live board, but this installed and is working great (so far) on 3.8.3 with HostDiscovery.

BigJohnny 08-14-2010 01:45 PM

it doesn't seem to work when I reply to an email. Nothing gets posted to the forum/topic, and Ive run the cron script manually.

I don't see the admincp nav options either, but ive uploaded the CPNAV file. <-- fixed this, the cpnav file need to be edited it points to the product emilint, but the product name is emailint37 so it needs to be changed in the cpnav file.

still can't get it to post replies to the emails.

BigJohnny 08-21-2010 11:11 PM

I guess the author isn't supporting or working on it anymore then.

ecraig 08-31-2010 05:00 PM

I've created a signature block in my profile on the discussion board and when I reply to a thread, or create a thread, it appears as it should. However, when I receive the email from my reply or thread, the signature block is not present. Also, when I reply to an email, the signature block I have in Outlook doesn't appear. Since I'm not real enthused about the idea of re-typing my signature block on every message, is there some setting I can adjust that will let it show and pass it through?

BigJohnny 09-06-2010 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by lbernstein (Post 1844338)
Still not able to get the replies to post to the board. My host sees the reply coming into the mailbox, but when I perform a manual cron job, the email is purged (and fails to get posted to the forum).

The cron job log usually says that there are no emails in the box, but at times the cron log gives me the following:

"Email Integration results Opened mailbox for General Discussion Blocked from xxxx57@gmail.com Opened mailbox for Touchworks v11 No messages found for Touchworks v11 Opened mailbox for Modules No messages found for Modules"

The reply is originating from the address xxxx57@gmail.com.

I would be willing to pay someone to help get the mod working. PM me if you're interested.


Originally Posted by UKDarkstar (Post 1844341)
Sounds like you've got the security feature turned on to block free email accounts such as gmail - have you checked that ?


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 1844451)
in the cron file there is this code:
PHP Code:

    // checks for blocked subject lines
$blocks explode(','$vbulletin->options['ei_block_list']);
$blocks as $block)
     if (
preg_match("/(.*)" $block "(.*)/i"$subject$subjectnothin))
     if (!
$eilog .= "Blocked from " $fromaddress "\r\n";

In your admincp -> vbulletin options -> email integration settings

You need to correct this entry

Blocked Subject Text
Please enter the list of any text you wish to search for in the subject that you will reject any emails for having. Separate each one by a comma.
No Title,(no subject),Your email requires verification,Mail delivery failed,Autoreply,Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender,failure notice

You've added something in there that is causing the issue.

Ok this is all the same problem I'm having. I keep seeing this in my logs

Email Integration results Opened mailbox for Offers Blocked from ......

Im the admin, the board is not public and has no members right now. I've checked through those options and I have nothing set for "Blocked Subject Text", there is no email banning, and it still will not post the emails back to the board, but it will delete them from the server.


BigJohnny 09-06-2010 01:05 PM

well it seems to work now. I guess you have to have some kind of filter in the "blocked subject text" I put "sex" as a banned subject and now they will post.

The ONLY small problem I have is with thread prefixes, If I create a new email and send it off to be posted as a new thread, it does indeed post back as a new thread but it lacks a prefix.

Anyway to enable users who reply/post by email to have the thread prefix?

toivo 09-15-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by lbernstein (Post 2071289)
Is there a way to increase the default number of "subforums" and email addresses I can add to EI? I'd like all of the forums on my site to be able to have the functionality of EI.

I have two forums with EI, each with their own mailbox and over 500 email subscribers in total, and it is working all right.

lemonadesoda 09-15-2010 09:36 PM

Any plans for 4.x compatibility?

Budget101 10-28-2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by lemonadesoda (Post 2098831)
Any plans for 4.x compatibility?

I was wondering the same thing, judging by the fact that no one could be bothered to reply to you in over a MONTH, I would say the answer is No.

Mr Chris 11-19-2010 05:13 PM

I would LOVE to have this for VB4

luluk 11-21-2010 01:52 AM

yay..!! i need this...!!
is it work on vB 4.0.8 ???

Phototrope 11-21-2010 06:10 AM

Yes, any chance of upgrading to VB4 ?

kevinh 02-02-2011 08:33 PM

I wonder if some of the successful users of this mod could suggest some things to try to resolve a problem I am having.

I have been using EI successfully for over a year now with a forum of around 500 users, most of whom had "instant email notification" for new posts selected (that was the default autosubscribe for new users).

For a variety of reasons I recently decided to disable EI for most users, so I removed the "Registered Users" usergroup ID in the EI settings for each of my forums. However, when a new post was made in one of the forums and email notification still went out to all Registered Users.

Can anyone suggest any reasons why this might happen?

gagan007 02-03-2011 07:23 AM

The same mod for vb4.x.x. would be wonderful...

amphicar770 02-05-2011 07:17 PM

At this point I think it is reasonable to assume that this mod has been abondoned by the author and is no longer supported.

I certainly do not expect any mod to be supported for eternity. At the same time I do think the author has a responsibility to make his users aware that it is being killed off. I, like others, made multiple contributions to support an effort that was already dead.

I do think this was one of the best mods ever. Unfortunately, it has now become a nightmare as it leaves me stuck on VB 3.7.

saxman2008 03-06-2011 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by amphicar770 (Post 2159138)
I do think this was one of the best mods ever. Unfortunately, it has now become a nightmare as it leaves me stuck on VB 3.7.

I have only just found this mod and I was already on VB 3.8.3
The mod has installed and works on my VB 3.8.3
I have only done basic testing so I do not yet know of any problems but at least I can confirm that the 2.6 version of this mod for VB 3.7 does install and work on VB 3.8.3

Cybertims 03-25-2011 10:29 AM

Installed and working on 4.1.2 Beta, with a wee tweak here and there.

toivo 03-31-2011 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by Cybertims (Post 2177277)
Installed and working on 4.1.2 Beta, with a wee tweak here and there.

Well done. Have you thought about publishing your tweaks in the 4.x Mods forum?

nick_h 04-18-2011 06:37 PM

I was setup with Vb 4.1.2 and i meet an error . Warning: array_merge() Argument #1 is not an array in ....

toivo 04-18-2011 07:05 PM

Does that warning stop EI from functioning? Where precisely in the code is the warning reported?

You can also off the reporting of warnings in the PHP settings. Warnings should be logged, not displayed.

nick_h 04-18-2011 07:28 PM

Forum still work fine , but i have a warning at the top of forum .

SimCityForum 05-15-2011 08:28 PM

This error is begin caused by line 238 in the file product-emailreplyint.xml, which is:


                        <phpcode><![CDATA[$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('bbcode_quote'));]]></phpcode>
I haven't yet figured out what to do about it.

SimCityForum 05-16-2011 12:55 AM

Here is a listing of changes I made to try and get Email Integration working again.

Deleted line:238

<phpcode><![CDATA[$globaltemplates = array_merge($globaltemplates, array('bbcode_quote'));]]></phpcode>
Modified line: 781

WHERE postid = $postid

WHERE contentid = $postid
If I find more changes that need to be made I'll post them, but it appears these changes get this plug-in working again on vB4.1.3

Cyricx 05-17-2011 08:10 PM

I'll be working on this in the next few days to come and dig over what others have found and what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

filipo 09-13-2011 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 2196865)
...what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

Cyricx, any updates on the status of your mod for VB4?

dybrn 09-14-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 2196865)
I'll be working on this in the next few days to come and dig over what others have found and what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

I am looking forward to testing the release for vb4.

Baja 10-11-2011 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 2196865)
I'll be working on this in the next few days to come and dig over what others have found and what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

Yes, I too would love to see a vb4 version! I'm thinking of using this to create threads in an admin forum for notifications that are only available via email (firewall alerts, itrader alerts, etc).

Cat Terrist 12-05-2011 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Cyricx (Post 2196865)
I'll be working on this in the next few days to come and dig over what others have found and what I can figure out to get a new release for vb4 sent out.

Any luck with this? I would love to have this mod up and working for my users

RickMeyer 01-06-2012 06:07 PM

We need this functionality as well so I took the 2.6.1 beta release and made some pretty heavy changes. It seems to be working so I documented the changes I made and repackaged it as a dot release, hope I'm not stepping an any toes. Here is a summary of what I did:
  • Moved the 'subscribeforums.php' code into a plugin, EI_SubscribeForums, using the usersub_start hook location.
  • Also had to add a plugin, EI_EnableSubscription, using the usersub_add_complete hook point to enable the proper options in the drop-down when subscribing to the form.
  • Templates, USERCP_SUB_MGR and usercp_sub_mgr_forumbits, modified to use the vB4 layout methods.
  • Changed the USERCP_SHELL mod in the instructions to use a list instead of tables.
  • Modified the template, subscribe_choosetype, changing the first if condition to look at "$type=='threadid'" to determine if this is a thread or a forum.
Note - this is still largely untested but it seems to be working as originally designed.

filipo 01-06-2012 08:06 PM

Thanks very much, Rick! Anyone testing Rick's mod, please post your experiences here.

mtn-niche 01-26-2012 12:48 AM

Rick, I'm trying to get your version of the mod working on vBulletin 4.1.10 and I'm seeing a few problems:

When viewing any page of the forum as a user, I get the following PHP warning at the top of the page:


Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(1366) : eval()'d code on line 1
Also, the Settings > General Settings page (my user profile area) is showing formatting errors such that stuff on the main section of the page is overlapping itself. I've attached a screen shot so you can see what I mean.

And a basic question about the mod installation: in Step 6 (Template EDIT) of the install.txt file, the second template edit says to find "<vb:if condition="$show['subscribetothread']">" and replace it with something else, but there are two instances of the string. Should I replace both instances or just the first?

Thanks for your work on this, and any help you can provide.

RickMeyer 01-26-2012 01:50 PM

I have not seen any of these issues, a few others that I'm working on but not these.
What version of vB are you using?
I'll take a look at these when I get a chance, might be a few days though.

mtn-niche 01-26-2012 03:26 PM

Rick, I'm using V4.1.10. I found a bunch of other reports of problems when upgrading from 4.1.3 to 4.1.4 due to them moving the message editor from one path to another. I just copied the install package for version 4.1.3 to my server and I plan to try it with that version today. Can you tell me which vBulletin version you are working with? Also, do you know of any browser related issues with vBulletin (I'm currently using Firefox 4.01, so I'm a bit out of date there)?


mtn-niche 01-28-2012 06:30 PM

Update: I've made some progress getting this to work using Rick's 2.6.2 Beta version of the mod with vBulletin V4.1.3 Patch Level 6. I was able to get a post to be created from an email reply (reply to an email from the Instant email Notification.)

I was getting the "array_merge" warnings until I deleted the line from product-emailreplyint.xml as SimCityForum mentioned in post #303, however it was a different line in my file (not line 238). Also, I found three cases of the "WHERE postid = $postid" code in the product-emailreplyint.xml but since the line numbers were different I was not sure if I should change any or all of them. In my version of the file, the code is found on lines 354, 438, and 765 (this is after deleting the one line earlier.) I assume this change is due to a table structure change but I have not tried to figure out the details yet. Anyone else tried this?

mtn-niche 01-28-2012 08:32 PM

Another update: Seems one needs to go back through every post in this thread as well as the thread for the mod for V3.6 to get this working!

I ran into the problem with the cron job failing and found the solution here:
(see post #843 on that page)
This involves an edit to the emailintegration.php file . Without this fix the processing of the mailbox for the forum would sometimes fail and not delete messages that had been turned in to posts resulting in duplicate posts from one email (and get stuck in a loop). You can see the problem when you manually run the Email Integration task from the Scheduled Task Manager. After this fix when you run the task manually you get a nice report of what was done.

I'll keep testing and post anything else I find. I am surprised there is not more interest in this mod.

Simon Lloyd 01-31-2012 06:20 PM

Anyone have any issues with this and vb3.8.7 PL2? it's sending out the notifications instantly but not recognising the email replies, could it be to do with vBSEO?, if so anyone got a fix for it?

Simon Lloyd 01-31-2012 08:16 PM

Also this
HTML Code:

require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_threadprefix.php');
in emailintegration.php should read
HTML Code:

require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_prefix.php');
in vb3.8.x so i'm still puzzled that some folk have reported it working in vb3.8 ?

saxman2008 03-05-2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by filipo (Post 2284567)
Thanks very much, Rick! Anyone testing Rick's mod, please post your experiences here.

Yes, thanks Rick. I am trying to get this working for a new project and no email integration is a show stopper for me. I did have it working with 3.8.4.
I tried Rick's 2.6.2Beta with VB4.1.11 but had various problems there.
I am now trying Rick's 2.6.2Beta with VB4.1.3Patch6 and have it working with one warning.

I am getting;
Warning: mysql_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 727
The above warning is coming from subscription.php?do=dosubforums when I click "Add Subscription" in "Edit Forum Subscriptions". Despite this error it seems forum subscriptions are saved.

UPDATE: 7 March 2012
In VB4.1.5 I did get rid of the above error with a small change in EI_SubscribeForums plugin.
I today decided to try the same thing with VB4.1.11 and I see that EI is now working without any error and without having to edit the EI_SubscribeForums plugin.

Cat Terrist 04-11-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by filipo (Post 2284567)
Thanks very much, Rick! Anyone testing Rick's mod, please post your experiences here.



Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in [path]/includes/class_bootstrap.php(1353) : eval()'d code on line 76
But I have also gotten a lot further with EI working in the main - I see soemone else got the same error I did so I'll apply that fix and see how I go

Cat Terrist 04-11-2012 09:24 AM


I was getting the "array_merge" warnings until I deleted the line from product-emailreplyint.xml as SimCityForum mentioned in post #303, however it was a different line in my file (not line 238). Also, I found three cases of the "WHERE postid = $postid" code in the product-emailreplyint.xml but since the line numbers were different I was not sure if I should change any or all of them. In my version of the file, the code is found on lines 354, 438, and 765 (this is after deleting the one line earlier.) I assume this change is due to a table structure change but I have not tried to figure out the details yet. Anyone else tried this?
Also note I applied the remove line and change all three instances of "where postid". Errors I had have gone. I will presume that since what I had in vb 4.1.8 is the mirror so far of your results, I will likewise apply your fixes.

Thanks for your work Rick, much appreciated, after the fixes noted it looks like it's working well.

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