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tubedogg 12-09-2001 12:03 PM

OK here's what I added lately:

-- Choose which style to use for colors/fonts
-- Additional content boxes:
-- -- Use up to 3 areas
-- -- Provide both an HTML formatted and a plain text version of each item for use in each format of newsletter
-- Different subject per email format
-- *All* HTML is in templates :D (I'm so proud of this one)

I'm beta testing it now and am looking at a release probably by next weekend. If you want other features, now's the time to speak up!

Oh BTW, to make it easy to come over from Christec's version, I am using the same field names in the user table. Does anyone want to see an announcement/news-type thread(s) inclusion like he has, where it puts in up to like 400 characters of the post?

RobAC 12-09-2001 12:40 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
OK here's what I added lately:
Oh BTW, to make it easy to come over from Christec's version, I am using the same field names in the user table. Does anyone want to see an announcement/news-type thread(s) inclusion like he has, where it puts in up to like 400 characters of the post?

Yes yes! :D

Steve Machol 12-09-2001 03:58 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by RobAC
Yes yes! :D

FWC 12-09-2001 04:13 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
Oh BTW, to make it easy to come over from Christec's version, I am using the same field names in the user table.
Thank you, Tubedogg! :)

DarkReaper 12-10-2001 12:07 AM

Swank! :D

When can we expect to see the new version?

trainer 12-10-2001 01:03 AM


Originally posted by tubedogg

Oh BTW, to make it easy to come over from Christec's version, I am using the same field names in the user table. Does anyone want to see an announcement/news-type thread(s) inclusion like he has, where it puts in up to like 400 characters of the post?

yes i would like to see this as an option

thanks for everything! this is a great hack

tubedogg 12-10-2001 07:22 AM


Originally posted by DarkReaper
Swank! :D

When can we expect to see the new version?

*Hopefully* by next weekend although it might be the weekend after next. By Christmas at the abosolute latest. :)

trainer 12-10-2001 02:13 PM


Originally posted by tubedogg
*Hopefully* by next weekend although it might be the weekend after next. By Christmas at the abosolute latest. :)
come on now tubedogg for the amount of $ we are paying for this hack you should deliver it faster than that... oh ya it is free :stupid:

can't wait for the release. i just stumbled across this thread and can't believe what i great idea it is.


trainer 12-14-2001 11:12 PM

didn't want this thread to disappear on us. any news of a release date? i was going to setup this now but if a new version will be released this weekend i will hold off


trainer 12-17-2001 02:01 AM

tubedogg any updates on when this hack might be ready? also the updates you talk about on page 17-18-19 of this thread have they been added to the download on page 1?

thanks really looking forward to the next release

Guru 12-21-2001 03:45 PM

If the number of days for birthdays goes past the end of the year the block is not included.

Here's some offending code:
PHP Code:

    $btoday date("m-d");
    if (
$daysaffect == "1") {
$bdaysprune date("m-d",(time()+$eventdays*86400));
    } else {
$bdaysprune date("m-d",(time()+200*86400));

The dates need to be changed to include the year.

Lionel 12-22-2001 08:22 AM

How can I automatically include headers and footers in the generated email?

Guru 12-28-2001 06:33 PM

Here's the repaired code. I tested it on my board, and found and fixed another flaw.
  • Changed birthday code to correctly handle end of year roll-over
  • Separated the date headline and age calculation code

PHP Code:

    // do birthdays
if ($numbirthdays) {
// Accomodate end of year roll-over
if ($btoday >= $bdaysprune) {
$users $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>'00-00' AND (SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='$btoday' OR SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='$bdaysprune') ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,$numbirthdays");
        } else {
$users $DB_site->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE SUBSTRING(birthday,6)>='$btoday' AND SUBSTRING(birthday,6)<='$bdaysprune' ORDER BY SUBSTRING(birthday,6) LIMIT 0,$numbirthdays");
        if (
$DB_site->num_rows($users)) {
$thisyear date("Y");
$birthdayspreview "$dashes\nFORTHCOMING BIRTHDAYS:\nto view the calendar, click the link below:\n$bburl/calendar.php\n$dashes\n";
// $birthdayspreview .= "DEBUG: btoday: $btoday   bdaysprune: $bdaysprune\n";
while ($user $DB_site->fetch_array($users)) {
$datebits explode("-"$user[birthday]);
                if (
substr($user[birthday],6) != substr($lastbirthday,6)) {
$currentdate date($calformat2mktime(0,0,0,$datebits[1],$datebits[2],0));
$birthdayspreview .= "\n$currentdate:\n";
                if (
$datebits[0] != "0000") {
$age " (".($thisyear $datebits[0]).")";
                } else {
$age "";
$birthdayspreview .= $lic $user[username]$age - $bburl/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=$user[userid]\n";
$lastbirthday $user[birthday];
$birthdayspreview .= "\n\n";

tubedogg 12-29-2001 05:03 AM

Due to some personal/computer problems (namely my hard drive trying to eat itself) this is not going to be out for a while. I am setting a target of the end of January but no promises.

Gutspiller 01-04-2002 01:13 AM

I installed this hack and have two problems.

Problem 1: The icon for the post is a dead image link, you know the white with the red X. That's what I am getting on the post. I set it to also post the update to a post, and that's when it gives this error.

Problem 2: I have a user (a mod in fact) that has a }{ and in the update that was posted into a thread it did this:

-- Threads with the most replies --

Title: "Ye' ol' Word Association Thread (aka Noum's house)" (posted 09-05-2001 by BenTech)
o 2065 replies, 6548 views, last post: 06:23 PM, 01-03-2002 by Giraffe }---------------------------------------------------------------------------
To unsubscribe from the community updates, click this link:
and change "recive community updates" from yes, to no.

Currently, community updates are sent weekly.
Best regards, The TheForumz.com Administrators.

So it started that line of ---- without finishing his name. Can this be fixed? It looks like it cutout most of the actual message, because I set each block to ten posts and it didn't do it, so I think his name caused it to not show MOST of the community update.

Can somebody please help me on this?

Thanks in advance.

xug 01-13-2002 01:01 AM

Dear tubedogg or somebody else !!

Can you help me with the following:

I use this generator also to mail a weekly newsletter with several articles in it made by my members.
There is also a game review in this newsletter.

What I want and my members too, that I can submit graphics with the articles in this newsletter to all my members.

I think that the picture(s) doesn't need to be actual submitted in this newsletter, maybe with a link trick where the pictures are on my server so that they still show up in the newsletter.
I hope you understand what I try to ask here.

Please help me out on this, we want this option so badly.

trainer 02-04-2002 11:16 PM

any news on the next release? maybe someone else can take over where these guys left off if they don't have time to finish it up

xug 02-04-2002 11:34 PM

When I go to my edit panel to unselect the option of getting this bulletin I don't see any dot in the circle of the radio button, when I click on it the dot will be placed, after storing the settings and going back to the edit panel the dot is gone !

Anybody has an idea where this error could be ?

aldamon 03-07-2002 12:50 PM

2.2.3 approved!

DarkReaper 03-24-2002 11:27 PM

tubedogg...where's the new release? :(

Rcooper 04-12-2002 01:51 PM

2.2.5 approved Only change is to Admin.php


makenavoption("Email Users","email.php?action=start","<br>");

makenavoption("Send Community Bulletin ","commbull.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>","<br>");

tanster 05-01-2002 04:31 AM

Thank you, tubedogg, this is wonderful!

:) Jennie

pran 06-12-2002 01:12 PM

On vBulletin version 2.2.6, the password being sent is in encrypted form.

Gholsie 06-14-2002 04:30 AM

Hi all,

Please forgive me if this has been discussed already. I did a search and couldn't see many things about it. But, here it is:

How does this community bulletin generator compare to the generator by Christec? I've got that one installed and it seems to run pretty good. Does this have better features or does the email look better?

On that same note, is it a pretty easy upgrade from Christec's generator?

I guess I'm really trying to determine why there are two bulletin generators on this site unless someone wanted to make changes on their own.

Anyway, help on this is appreciated. A sample email is also cool. Any links?

christec 06-15-2002 03:06 AM

The version that I released of the community bulleitn generator is based on this version.

Gholsie 06-15-2002 04:49 PM


Originally posted by christec
The version that I released of the community bulleitn generator is based on this version.
Ah, ok. Thanks Christec. Straight from the developer himself. :bunny:

I found it confusing that we have all these comm bulletin generators on the site all 'sort of' related to each other in some way.

dprice 07-08-2002 09:37 PM

Is there a fix for this? On 2.26 it sends the password encrypted...

DestyNova 07-08-2002 11:55 PM


Are you still work on this or what? I d like to use this hack whenever it update with some modifications as you stated at your few latest posts.


DestyNova 07-09-2002 12:13 AM

aw, never mind.. I didnt see christec's last post, thanks anyway =P

Floris 07-19-2002 06:18 PM

Uhm, what do I need to do in order to have the option included in the register page? So when someone registers on the forum, they can choose to receive the bulletin or not?

By the way, installed it without any problems, and it works great on vB2.2.6 with php 4.2.1

And to the user who asked about the encrypted passwords, on 2.2.x version of vB all passwords are stored in a md5 hash, and therefor are in the email as encrypted. They can't be decrypted and shouldn't be. The password is only for the user and should remember it in his head :)

I hope tubedogg could explain to me (or someone else) how to include this on the registration page. Would be great!

Floris 07-19-2002 10:54 PM


I have installed it and it works perfectly, I opened up the comm* php file and wanted to preset a few options, like the board number and user who is posting the thread .. but I have no idea how to do it, because the code is too confusing! Could someone help me with a few examples or explain how to handle the syntax?

Floris 07-19-2002 11:54 PM

Another question ..

I came pretty far with finding out how to tweak the config so I didn't had to select stuff in the future each time, which would be preset.

I removed the line from the .php file for the encrypted password, so the user doesn't get his hashed send to him.
But I wish to include 2 more lines.
Username: $username
E-mail: $email
Threads started: You started $threadsstarted threads.
just like with posts: You have $totalposts posts.
THis would be great, but putting in $email just doesn't do it, what do i need to update in order to have this going?

Learner29 09-01-2002 01:12 AM

wow !

that is a real real amasing hack !!!

I am going to install it now, but wanted to thank both Kier and Tubedogg for their amasing work!!!

Rick 10-16-2002 01:12 AM

I can't find the references to the code needed in admin/index.php in 2.2.8

When I upgraded to 2.2.8 my board stopped sending out email notifications and I was thinking this hack had something to do with it.

Help please.



Rick 10-16-2002 01:20 AM

One more thing... In the user control panel neither box is checked now for recieving community bulletin updates.

I did redo the /admin/user.php hacks but that's all.

pgowder 11-19-2002 12:58 PM

I have some users that are complaining because they turned off the option to get, but are still recieving it???

What could be causing that?

Steeldolphin 11-21-2002 09:42 PM

I am running 2.2.8 and I am attemptinmg to install this hack, however in admin/index.php I cant find:


<a href="email.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>"> Email users </a><br>
Am I blind or doing somthing wrong? I see this was created for v2..2.1 b8ut I was hoping it would work with the later versions.


NTLDR 11-21-2002 10:01 PM

That code is pre Version 2.2.x therefore you won't find it in there, search for "Email Users" instead ;)

Steeldolphin 11-21-2002 10:08 PM

ah okay...then i find this:


makenavoption("Email Users","email.php?action=start","<br>");
Can I just add the:

<a href="commbull.php?s=<?php echo $session[sessionhash]; ?>"> Send Community Bulletin </a><br>
After it? or is there a newer equivalent....sorry I am not a script guy. :(

NTLDR 11-21-2002 10:11 PM

Add the follwing line:

PHP Code:

makenavoption("Send Community Bulletin","commbull.php?","<br>"); 

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