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MaryTheG(r)eek 02-11-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by aacircle (Post 1179080)
Ok, I'm undecided now between this product and WebTemplates.

WebTemplates is free and been around longer, but Mary's product looks snazzier. Has anyone looked at both offerings? Are both SEO friendly?

I couldn't find the answer, but does this product allow replies to articles?


I think that there is no comparization, not in the meaning that mine is best or something like this, but because these are totally different modules. WebTemplates (as the name says) are mostly templates where you can add anything you want. vbArticles has specific scope which is Rating and Reviews, or Articles, which means that someone posts something for Rating.

No, current version of vbArticles is NOT vbSEO friendly, and there are only very FEW chances to add it in the future. The reason is simple. I can't add third party code in my code, when I'm not sure what this code is doing there. I admit that I'm totally novice in everything about search engine optimazition.

And why vbArticles isn't Free? Believe me the Free version contains nearly 85% of the commercial's version features.

wrang 02-11-2007 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1179248)
I've an idea:) Send me your vbarticles.php file to modify it. I don't know why, but even if I'm using the normal vb function:

vbdate($vbulletin->options['dateformat'], $top10article['postdate'], '', '');
In some French installations and now in Swedish, appears this problem. My email is here (10/02/2006 is ok format for you?)

I have the same problem with the date format
I think this is better 2006/02/10
I haved send you a email

best regards from sweden

Rickeo 02-11-2007 01:31 PM

Sweet just what I have been looking for your a star thanks


Bacon Butty 02-11-2007 02:29 PM

Fantastic mod, will definitely use it if could somehow set up an RSS feed for it?

Would if be possible to create an RSS feed displaying all the articles? if so, how would I do it?


MaryTheG(r)eek 02-11-2007 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Bacon Butty (Post 1179923)
Fantastic mod, will definitely use it if could somehow set up an RSS feed for it?

Would if be possible to create an RSS feed displaying all the articles? if so, how would I do it?


I don't like to give promises on the air or to appear as the super coder, so it's not bad to admit that I'm totally novice on how RSS system is working, so no chance to include something like this at least in the near future.

firstrebel 02-11-2007 06:11 PM

I think Maria's priority would be to enhance this great product rather than sort out RSS. Remember that RSS is fairly new and a lot of people just don't know what it is. Only three browsers can read RSS at the moment anyway, otherwise you need a Feed Reader.

You would be better off creating your own. Something like this


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
        <title>Volvo Articles</title>
        <description>Articles from our forum</description>
        <lastBuildDate>Sun, 11 Feb 2007 20:02:53 +0000</lastBuildDate>
        <managingEditor>robert.isaac@domain.com (Robert Isaac)</managingEditor>
        <pubDate>Sun, 11 Feb 2007 20:00:20 +0000</pubDate>
        <webMaster>robert.isaac@domain.com (Robert Isaac)</webMaster>
            <title>Engine Oil Development From 1997-2005</title>
            <description>This article is by Gavin Scott who is technical sales manager of Delta Oil Ltd. This article addresses the development of motor oil between 1997 and 2005.</description>
            <author>robert.isaac@domain.com (Robert Isaac)</author>
            <guid isPermaLink="false">503932B9-0F2C-4353-BEBC-F35BA827FC1A</guid>
            <pubDate>Sun, 11 Feb 2007 20:01:22 +0000</pubDate>

Save it as articles.xml and put the link code in your header.

Just add more <item></item> as you need to. There are some nifty RSS feed generators around like FeedForAll


Allan 02-11-2007 07:34 PM

Hey Maria, some questions

This hack doesn't to BBcode and Smilies for Articles ?
The editor is your's, no vBulletin's ?

Legende 02-12-2007 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1179750)
Could you please follow the steps:
  1. Uninstall product vbarticles
  2. Open product-vbarticles.xml
  3. Search for <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
  4. Replace it with <plugin active="1">
  5. Re-import product-vbarticles.xml

thank you very much ;) it's working now .. but i'm wondering where the german translation file has gone?


WNxWakko 02-12-2007 10:37 AM

I noticed that META Tags and title are not updated according to the article you are viewing. Is this active in the full version? It is important for search engines.

sandrodz 02-13-2007 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1180523)
I noticed that META Tags and title are not updated according to the article you are viewing. Is this active in the full version? It is important for search engines.

I'm interested in this too, thx

sandrodz 02-13-2007 12:13 AM

is it possible to show fraction of the text to users, whole text to SEs and full text for members only?

blueberry 02-13-2007 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1179750)
Could you please follow the steps:
  1. Uninstall product vbarticles
  2. Open product-vbarticles.xml
  3. Search for <plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
  4. Replace it with <plugin active="1">
  5. Re-import product-vbarticles.xml

Guys ............ i need help....

I did this step and i lost all of the articles posted before... anyone can tell me what to do? :(

And now if i want to add a new article, the Full article area is gone :(:(

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-13-2007 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by blueberry (Post 1181279)
Guys ............ i need help....

I did this step and i lost all of the articles posted before... anyone can tell me what to do? :(

And now if i want to add a new article, the Full article area is gone :(:(

??? How you lost the articles while you haven't been able to install it before?:confused: I wrote you uninstall the product (which means loosing any data), because you had problem on initial installation.

John1uk 02-13-2007 01:24 PM

I have installed this great mod.......it looks fab and i know will come in handy on our new forum.......but i am scratching my head here? why do i keep getting a box show " Not Enabled in free version"?

i thought everything works...excuse my ignorance?

also i have done a test and added a picture through the browser button and it aint showing the pic.....sorry to be a noob and all but advice would be very much appreciated :D

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-13-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by John1uk (Post 1181504)
I have installed this great mod.......it looks fab and i know will come in handy on our new forum.......but i am scratching my head here? why do i keep getting a box show " Not Enabled in free version"?

i thought everything works...excuse my ignorance?

also i have done a test and added a picture through the browser button and it aint showing the pic.....sorry to be a noob and all but advice would be very much appreciated :D

Unfortunatelly the editor is a commercial one and it's lincence prohibits to be including in a free software. The reason is simple. You can't include for free something that is selling for $99. Finally in a special agreement with it's author I got permission to include it with some limitations like prohibited uploads (only).
As for the pic, are you sure that you've set 777 permissions to directories:
/thumbs (under photos)

John1uk 02-13-2007 02:47 PM

thanx for letting me know........ pics sorted...was my fault :D

Legende 02-13-2007 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Legende (Post 1180518)
thank you very much ;) it's working now .. but i'm wondering where the german translation file has gone?


*bump* ;)

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-13-2007 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Legende (Post 1181555)
*bump* ;)

*bamp* *bumb* :) I found the French transaltion. Most probably you dont need it:D I'm trying for the German one.

sandrodz 02-13-2007 05:20 PM

final issue before I make myself pay money for this mod. Can I upload powerpoint presentations as attachments?

what about flash movies?

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-13-2007 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by sandrodz (Post 1181664)
final issue before I make myself pay money for this mod. Can I upload powerpoint presentations as attachments?

what about flash movies?

Attachments (of any type like .zip, .pdf etc) will be available on version 1.6 which means by the end of March. But till tomorrow there is a promotion to those who will buy vbArticles to get for FREE vbNews which is a clone of vbArticles for News Publishing. Get an idea at:


pcoskat 02-13-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1181678)
Attachments (of any type like .zip, .pdf etc) will be available on version 1.6 which means by the end of March. But till tomorrow there is a promotion to those who will buy vbArticles to get for FREE vbNews which is a clone of vbArticles for News Publishing. Get an idea at:


I'm VERY intersted in vBNews, but I'm unclear as to how it is different (or works with) vBArticles...

BTW, vbClubs? PLEASE create this mod! PLEASE!

bts420 02-13-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1179025)
I apologize for my mistake but I've forgotten to include editor's stylesheet in my templates which causes problems on it (eg inactive buttons etc). Also maybe this caused incompatibilities with some browsers.

Zipfile updated

So what is the scoop? You don't respond to the threads on your own site that identify problems with the editor on the free version, theres many people that are having trouble with the editor, and now you say you have updated the zip file but yet the version nuber remains the same?

If there are problems with your code and you make corrections you need to update the version numbers. How else can people tell if they have the most current version of the zip file or not??? Should we constantly download it and run comparisons of the files to find out on our own?

WNxWakko 02-13-2007 09:26 PM


I am interested in purchasing the full version. My biggest issue is when you create a review, the VB 3.6.4 breadcrums, title and META Tags is not reflecting the category or article names. These are critical to me for search engines and would be required for me to invest in this script.

1. Does the full have this working?
2. If not do I have permission to modify the tags to include that info?
3. How much flexibility to I have to make changes which would not be distributed, shared and used only for my own personal use?
4. I have one forum where I store game reviews. I have hundreds. Is there a way to port them all into this script and retain author names without manually doing it one by one?

bts420 02-13-2007 10:55 PM

With the bugs in this program and the price she is charging I would steer clear of this until it is working. Even then $37 is a lot of money for a mod that is in reality still in development.

wacodep 02-14-2007 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1181678)
Attachments (of any type like .zip, .pdf etc) will be available on version 1.6 which means by the end of March. But till tomorrow there is a promotion to those who will buy vbArticles to get for FREE vbNews which is a clone of vbArticles for News Publishing. Get an idea at:


According to this msg, there should be a special "promotion" at your site TODAY (see date of quoted post + date of THIS post) -- but I see nothing.

How can we buy vbArticles + free vbNews if you do not show this on your website on the day YOU say there will be a "promotion"? :confused:

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by bts420 (Post 1181829)
So what is the scoop? You don't respond to the threads on your own site that identify problems with the editor on the free version, theres many people that are having trouble with the editor, and now you say you have updated the zip file but yet the version nuber remains the same?

Is this your real problem? The version number? I've updated the zipfile and after it I sent update via the system to those who have installed it. And when I didn't respended to my forums?


Originally Posted by bts420 (Post 1181829)
If there are problems with your code and you make corrections you need to update the version numbers. How else can people tell if they have the most current version of the zip file or not??? Should we constantly download it and run comparisons of the files to find out on our own?

Why you care so much while you haven't installed my mod? And why you spent your valuable time talking for something that you're not using?

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by bts420 (Post 1181910)
With the bugs in this program and the price she is charging I would steer clear of this until it is working. Even then $37 is a lot of money for a mod that is in reality still in development.

Can you count these "bugs" my dear? And then I can count for comparization all new features that I've added in just 3 weeks. The only "bug" which found it was the editor which didn't worked in Mac with FF and finally it was a setting that has to be turn off on the browser. The 2nd "bug" was that some users couldn't uploaded images as they have forgotten to cmod the directories. And finally the 3nd and last bug was because a user have upload the file in wrong directory (in forums/includes instead vbarticles/includes).
So can you tell me which of the above is real bug?

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 03:37 AM


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1181834)

I am interested in purchasing the full version. My biggest issue is when you create a review, the VB 3.6.4 breadcrums, title and META Tags is not reflecting the category or article names. These are critical to me for search engines and would be required for me to invest in this script.

As I've wrote in my forums, I'm developing mods having in mind communities operating for fun and not for business, that's why Meta are not important for me. If you check my site, I haven't even add meta to my own site. That's why if you're seeing it as an investment, my opinion is not to buy it.


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1181834)
1. Does the full have this working?

Sorry, No


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1181834)
2. If not do I have permission to modify the tags to include that info?

You've my permission even for the Free version.


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1181834)
3. How much flexibility to I have to make changes which would not be distributed, shared and used only for my own personal use?

As long as it's for your own use, you've full control and permission even in the free version.


Originally Posted by WNxWakko (Post 1181834)
4. I have one forum where I store game reviews. I have hundreds. Is there a way to port them all into this script and retain author names without manually doing it one by one?

If you sent me the structure of the table, I can help you to port them, even for the Free version.

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by wacodep (Post 1181990)
According to this msg, there should be a special "promotion" at your site TODAY (see date of quoted post + date of THIS post) -- but I see nothing.

How can we buy vbArticles + free vbNews if you do not show this on your website on the day YOU say there will be a "promotion"? :confused:

Sorry, it was my mistake this post here. Promotions are valid only for my site's member, whose I have informed by email for this promotion. I apologize.

Eagle Creek 02-14-2007 05:40 AM

Looks sweet! Im going to check it out! Thanks Mary.

blueberry 02-14-2007 07:23 AM

ok.. let me clarify.. so basically vbarticles was working for me. when i updated it, the full article space disapeared and then i couldnt submit any article... so i decided to follow the procedure of uninstall/reinstall... obviously this was a mistake and i lost all of my articles...

I accept this fact...

Now can anyone solve the new problem... the space for the full article disapeard... how to get it back?

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by blueberry (Post 1182164)
ok.. let me clarify.. so basically vbarticles was working for me. when i updated it, the full article space disapeared and then i couldnt submit any article... so i decided to follow the procedure of uninstall/reinstall... obviously this was a mistake and i lost all of my articles...

I accept this fact...

Now can anyone solve the new problem... the space for the full article disapeard... how to get it back?

Can you give me your installation URL?

blueberry 02-14-2007 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1182169)
Can you give me your installation URL?

sure.. the link is: http://www.gossipdubai.com/forum/vbarticles.php

For testing purposes you can use the account: test123 password test123

Thanks for your help. i apreciate it...

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by blueberry (Post 1182201)
sure.. the link is: http://www.gossipdubai.com/forum/vbarticles.php

For testing purposes you can use the account: test123 password test123

Thanks for your help. i apreciate it...

Inside vbarticles directory there is subdirectory "editor". Are you sure that you've uploaded it? I tried to fetch it by direct linking to it:
and I got error 404 page not found.


wacodep 02-14-2007 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1182058)
Sorry, it was my mistake this post here. Promotions are valid only for my site's member, whose I have informed by email for this promotion. I apologize.

So even if I go register right now, I can NOT get the promotion of "buy vbArticles and receive vbNews free?"

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-14-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by wacodep (Post 1182538)
So even if I go register right now, I can NOT get the promotion of "buy vbArticles and receive vbNews free?"

If you register now and buy vbArticles with invoice date 14/2/2006 you'll get vbNews for free as all the others.


3z3k3l 02-14-2007 05:03 PM

No, I think that is going on through Feb 14th.

If you guys are looking at asking for features, I created a feature request page for the next versions of VBArticles. I think this is an excellent start to a great mod, Give credit where credit is due. 37$ is a drop in the bucket when you see all the stuff you get with it.


We should be encouraging people to create new modules for VBulletin paid or not, it gives all of us more choices. If you don't want to spend the money then don't but don' t put an author down after they have spent lots of time and energy creating something like this for the community. The pickings are slim for true Articles hacks... this one has a lot of potential!

pcoskat 02-14-2007 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1181687)
I'm VERY intersted in vBNews, but I'm unclear as to how it is different (or works with) vBArticles...

BTW, vbClubs? PLEASE create this mod! PLEASE!


WNxWakko 02-15-2007 03:36 AM


Originally Posted by MicroHellas (Post 1182055)
If you sent me the structure of the table, I can help you to port them, even for the Free version.

The game reviews I have are in no special mod, they are simply normal VB Threads. So all i need to be able to do is port the threads into your system. Basically Title, Author(that keeps the memberid for linkback to profiles) and Post body.

MaryTheG(r)eek 02-15-2007 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by pcoskat (Post 1182857)

Sorry. My eyes stayed at your comment for vbClubs and I didn't seen your question about vbArticles. Well vbNews is a clone of vbArticles. The main difference is that vbNews is targeting to News Publishing that's why it will not have rating, just comments and also it should support subcategories. Also there are no Top Authors.
Most of the parts in main page are configurable by admin. Finally unlike my other modules vbNews can be install in any directory and the main file itself (vbnews.php) can be rename to anything you want (even index.php if you want to use it as your index page).

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