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XFSImperial 09-20-2006 09:16 PM

I am curious, my bot seems to be excessively mentally challenged.



What is your name?
Are you asking about my ?
Anyway to make this thing not so stupid, or is it due to my upgrade to 3.6.1?

Spikeman 09-20-2006 11:02 PM

Never thought I would have so much fun talking to a bot! Thanks Tim :)

hotwheels 09-21-2006 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by XFSImperial
I am curious, my bot seems to be excessively mentally challenged.

Anyway to make this thing not so stupid, or is it due to my upgrade to 3.6.1?

I too have been wondering that.......Hopefully when extremetim get's done with a few other mod's he is working on, he will be able to put some more time into this mod and get the bot, truly to learn as it did back in the 3.0vb series......Right now my bot truly doesn't make much sense, alot of jibberish when you are chatting.

hotwheels 09-21-2006 01:08 AM

I am pretty sure, if tim get's a chance and goes through this code, or someone with coding experience, they can get our bot to learn and remember.......with this https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...ight=talkerbot

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 04:02 AM

everybody just calm down take a deep breath and start posting your support requests and issues over here http://extremewebtech.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=8. Where I can better handle everything and keep things in a more structured and organized fashion.

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 04:13 AM

Additional AIML Files: http://extremewebtech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 08:17 AM

<br></br> bugfix: Located Here

TTG 09-21-2006 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
<br></br> bugfix: Located Here

thanks for all the updates and hard work with this Tim

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 11:35 AM

Currently working on a centralized learning system. You can all feel free to go and start adding in knowledge while I develope on the system.


Feel free to post requests for additional training genres that you would like to see added. (post them here http://extremewebtech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20)

Gizmo5h1t3 09-21-2006 04:08 PM

Tim, this hack is AMAZING mate!!

reminds me of the bots on IRC...lol

ppl should note, if u take the "executionorder" commands out of the product file, this works a dream on 3.5........

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 04:09 PM

Yea thats what i keep doing for the 3.5 thread i have going. Problem is I keep not getting around to it lol.

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 04:10 PM

Also.... The Centralized Training System Is Under Going Developement Testing. :) It is successfully working for my sites. :)

We need you the users to start sending people to this forum: http://extremewebtech.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=17 Where the centralized training system resides. The more people adding training material the smarter all our bots become. ;)

Also if you see a new training genre you would like created please let me know and I will create it.

bashy 09-21-2006 04:17 PM

Can someone ellaborate on this please?
what would i need to do and what effect does it have please?


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
Tim, this hack is AMAZING mate!!

reminds me of the bots on IRC...lol

ppl should note, if u take the "executionorder" commands out of the product file, this works a dream on 3.5........

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 04:20 PM

If you edit the product xml file and find all instances of executionorder="5" and remove them you can install the 3.6 product file on 3.5 without errors. You then also use the ewt_talkerbot.php file from the 3.6 install package. This is all I have been doing to maintain the 3.5 release. ;)

bhall23 09-21-2006 04:43 PM

my quick reply no longer works on 3.6.0 once i installed this :( it posts, but doesnt refresh the page. any ideas?

bashy 09-21-2006 05:16 PM

Ah right ok, no probs i was just wondering if it made any difference with regards to the bot making better sense, as i have 3.6 this does not apply to me!!


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
If you edit the product xml file and find all instances of executionorder="5" and remove them you can install the 3.6 product file on 3.5 without errors. You then also use the ewt_talkerbot.php file from the 3.6 install package. This is all I have been doing to maintain the 3.5 release. ;)

eXtremeTim 09-21-2006 05:30 PM

Centralized Talkerbot Learning Addon Released: http://extremewebtech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37 Enjoy. ;)

Sparky_s 09-21-2006 05:34 PM

My bot does not seem to respond to anything when using talk.html

As far as the forum posting is concerned, all it says is "Im sorry but I was not able to form a reply right now", I assume that's a generic responce if something's wrong.


I had worked when it was on 3.6.0 and I am now on 3.6.1

Would it be best to try and reinstall all again?


moonclamp 09-21-2006 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by eXtremeTim
If you edit the product xml file and find all instances of executionorder="5" and remove them you can install the 3.6 product file on 3.5 without errors. You then also use the ewt_talkerbot.php file from the 3.6 install package. This is all I have been doing to maintain the 3.5 release. ;)

Cool. That was easy enough thanks :)

Neal-UK 09-22-2006 08:22 AM

Any way to remove this with the phrases or whatever it inserted? I like it in a way, but most are getting annoyed at it.

Gizmo5h1t3 09-22-2006 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by moonclamp
Cool. That was easy enough thanks :)

ive noticed removing it in all the 3.6 releases on here so far has enabled mke to use 3.6 hacks on 3.5

SportsZone 09-22-2006 06:49 PM

I keep getting this error now and then when I go to make a new post or thread

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/sportszo/public_html/alice/src/graphnew.php on line 72

If i refresh the page, the error goes away, but I'd prefer that the error didn't appear at all!!

How do I fix this?

BTW I installed the additional aiml files yesterday, and this started to hapen...

Cheers :)

Gizmo5h1t3 09-22-2006 06:54 PM

i think it might be the startup.xml file thats causing it...
tim advised all on his board not to use it.
do u have the original one still??

replace it with that, and try again

btw, is it causing you to double post on here as well??
heh heh

SportsZone 09-22-2006 06:58 PM

I used a startup.xml he posted on his site, not the one in the file. I think I have the original startup.xml file, should I upload that file then?

lol nah my wireless connection briefly went at a snails pace!

eXtremeTim 09-23-2006 12:23 AM

That problem is a problem more then likely with your server being slow. Since this should never take 30 seconds to generate a response.

bashy 09-23-2006 07:45 AM

Deffo not 30 seconds, More like 0.0001 milliseconds
Its funny when new members make thier introduction post, They think there being followed by the fastest poster in the west lol

lucky64 09-23-2006 06:45 PM

Installed the bot, edited the db file, without touching the user/pass entries.


I imported all the new stuff, NOT using the files Tim said to not use yet because of bugs (start etc)

Did the loader thing, brought up lots of entries, thousands.

Setup the bot, but he never posted. Tried the 'talk' test thing, his replies were very simple and didn't make sense.

I figured perhaps I needed the database stuff entered (user/pass etc) so I did and redid the load, no entries added, still doesn't post, and now the talk test is blank.

chmod is 777, and it DID appear to upload all the database entries....is there something in phpmyadmin I need to adjust from 0 to 1? I recall reading that somewhere...

I've done all the available addons including the recent learner one.

I finally reverted my db file back to normal, without the db entries, but the root still there. Still nothing, and its still blank on the talk.html

Any ideas of what I could have missed?

(vbb 3.6 rc1 btw...)

hotwheels 09-23-2006 07:19 PM

start from scratch lucky, redo all of your upload files, run the learner bot.......don't change

Just the 2 lines

$rootdir= "/home/geek/public_html/alice/aiml/";

and make sure you overwrite the files plugin stuff.......

You will also have to ensure that all of the files and folders in alice are 0777....... should work.

lucky64 09-23-2006 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by hotwheels
start from scratch lucky, redo all of your upload files, run the learner bot.......don't change

Just the 2 lines

and make sure you overwrite the files plugin stuff.......

You will also have to ensure that all of the files and folders in alice are 0777....... should work.

I'll do that now.

lucky64 09-23-2006 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by lucky64
I'll do that now.

Finally got it working, don't know what I was missing....

Bot doesn't make a whole lot of sense really. Is this normal?

hotwheels 09-23-2006 08:23 PM

yes it's normal..........there is supposed to be a learning mod for it, but the only one available at this point is at extremetims' website......that one will have to work for now, until someone can figure out the coding for the botlearner figured out.

Right now i am close

Loading learnwhat.xml
Loading data aiml file: http://******/forums/external.php?type=AIML
Inserted 0 categories into database

WARNING! You should password protect the admin directory or remove the botloader.php script or people may be able to abuse your server.
Click here to talk to the bot
i have gotten most of the function's working, i just need to be able to finish a few details yet........ But tim's world knowledge bot is pretty kewl, just takes sometime before he updates.

paldo 09-23-2006 09:55 PM

mine wasnt neither but after i read this whole thread and did wat was said it works great .. nice hack :)

paldo 09-23-2006 09:56 PM

mine wasnt til i read this whole thread and did what it said.. thanks for the entertaining hack :)

eXtremeTim 09-23-2006 10:25 PM

P.S. I you wait a bit I will be releasing the code in use on my site. ;)

warnmar10 09-24-2006 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by dilbert
Yikes, 300,000 queries! :confused:
It's 300,000 table rows.
I can't get it installed, so I have no idea if I can uninstall it.
I believe there are only a few new tables created, so they would be simple enough to delete.

I am hoping in the next version, there is a way for us folks on shared servers with set timeouts, to upload the files.

I'm on a shared server and the problem with my host and all the other shared hosts I've checked out is that the database user is limited to 50,000 questions per hour.
After 50,000 records are imported the database user is locked out for up to one hour.
I am able to get around that limitation on things like re-indexing my search tables because I have 50 database users defined. In includes/config.php I have this:

$randomNum = rand(0,49);
if($randomNum == 0){$dbuser = 'db_user0';

if($randomNum == 1){$dbuser = 'db_user1';

if($randomNum == 2){$dbuser = 'db_user2';

if($randomNum == 3){$dbuser = 'db_user3';

//you get the point

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = $dbuser;
$config['MasterServer']['password'] = 'all_db_users_have_same_password';

Fifty users is mondo-overkill but since my randomizer is a bit on the crude side it is cheap insurance.

If the botloader could be made to import records 1,000 or even 10,000 at a time in conjunction with the multiple db user mod mentioned above, many shared host problems might go away.

Romeos Tune 09-24-2006 01:00 AM

Every time I try to run the bot loader I get this:

Loading data aiml file: I.aiml
Loading data aiml file: M.aiml
Loading data aiml file: R.aiml
XML error: no element found at line 1479

Is something missing?

hotwheels 09-24-2006 01:10 AM

you have an error in r.aiml

nitro 09-24-2006 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Romeos Tune
Every time I try to run the bot loader I get this:

Loading data aiml file: I.aiml
Loading data aiml file: M.aiml
Loading data aiml file: R.aiml
XML error: no element found at line 1479

Is something missing?

Perhaps your R.aiml got corrupted during the upload ?

Seems to have installed ok for me, thanks Tim it finally got there. :)

From the messing I did with the old version getting it running in 3.5.x the only real way I could see getting delayed responses would be to cache the bot output to a temp table or file and process this by cron every so often to copy the output to the real table and clear any it has copied from the temp table, just in case this has a limit option, large boards it may seem strange if its replied to 50 threads in a minute. :)

hotwheels 09-24-2006 01:13 AM

awesome info nitro. You should try this too nitro extremetim I haven't gotten it to work yet, but i know i am close.

Basically you need to start a new thread and keep the number of that thread, then start a post and keep the number of that post.....
$trainingid = xx;
$trainingfirstpid =xx;
$learnedid = xx;
$learnedfirstpid = xxx;
ad you thread and post in the above xx's and you should be able to teach your bot the info you want it to learn.....i am very excited about the possibilities of this code........woot

Romeos Tune 09-24-2006 01:59 AM

Of course that's it. Can't believe I didn't check that...... lol.... Thanks guys! :) Trying it again now.

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