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-   -   Forum Home Enhancements - Shoutcast Status 2.0 (VB3.6) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=126007)

woody200456 05-11-2007 07:34 PM

If you are broadcasting, and your mod isn't showing your server as online, then the problem is that your HOST is not allowed the SHOUTCAST SERVER IP:PORT in the firewall, so you will have to contact them and ask them to allow your shoutcast server IP in the FORUM HOSTING SERVER firewall . . .

Hope this makes sense.

yeku 05-12-2007 08:04 PM

I do not know that I make bad, but am not able to install it.

I am preparing a new forum...

I have upload all the archives the directory of my forum:

In the directory image/misc:

im_qt.gif, im_winmp.gif, im_winamp.gif, im_real.gif, im_genre.gif, im_mirc.gif, radio.gif, shoutcast_off.gif

In the directory includes:

I create a called folder shoutcast, upload two archives:


In the root directory upload scast_home.xml and I give permissions 777

In forumhome_shoutcast options:

I place my password, is necessary to add or to change something more?

What mess, that I am not able:erm:

Zachariah 05-17-2007 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by tanyeri24 (Post 1245060)
Hiho Zachariah this would be great, I am waiting for it.

:up: :up: :up:

Hello, I have the standalone hosted else ware as it is not vBulletin related.

Zachariah 05-17-2007 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Belder (Post 1231301)
Slight problem here - although I'm pleased to say it's the first one I've had with this hack.

I changed the hook start to global_start. Changed the display location to Custom and placed it (below navbar) on several further pages on my site. Problem now is that neither the Stats or History will display. Is this a trade-off because of using a custom setting, or am I missing an edit somewhere?

There is a few things that must be done.

AdminCP => Plugins & Products => Plugin Manager
- Shoutcast Status Full - Main

Edit and move this plugin to hook location:
- parse_templates


Hash out line 2 and line 13

//if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'index'){


AdminCP = > vBulletin Options => Shoutcast Forumhome
- Location
-- Select: Custom

You can edit navbar, header, or footer (a template that shows on every page)
- place $scast where you want the display to be

DJ XtAzY 05-17-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by XtAzY (Post 1220180)
i was wondering if the next version can let u add multiple shoutcase server, like some peeps have one shoutcast server for a specific genre of music. I setup up like 3 different shoutcase server on 3 different ports.

just curious if this is possible

Zachariah 05-18-2007 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by XtAzY (Post 1249837)
just curious if this is possible

YA !!!

I am working on this.
- DB interface - this will hold station info
- stats - songs played, times played, more
- post thread in forum of choice or poll of song title.

I have a lot of ideas in the mix.

yashua 05-18-2007 03:10 AM

Does this work with shoutcast v1.9.8 coz there are no downloads for the shoutcast that this one supports =(

yashua 05-18-2007 04:17 AM

whats going on i got the right server version now my friends can play my radio on winamp fine but when you go to my forums i have everything set up grade admin pass in server ip ports right but it still says server offline?????????????????????????????????

yashua 05-18-2007 07:12 AM

?OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK forget my last to posts i found the problem but now i got a new one could you please tell me a way to chmod that file to 777 if i just chmod it to 777 anyone can edit it is there a way to stop that?

Zachariah 05-18-2007 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by yashua (Post 1250033)
?OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK forget my last to posts i found the problem but now i got a new one could you please tell me a way to chmod that file to 777 if i just chmod it to 777 anyone can edit it is there a way to stop that?

Should work on CHMOD 666 also.

digital3 05-18-2007 01:03 PM

For those who have never used this before it would probably be nice if usage instructions were included. "Currently our shoutcast server is down" gets a little dull on forumhome. Just some simple instructions on how to add stations and get it going would be nice.

Is there something I have to install from shoutcast.com *other* than this mod? How do I set my site to tune into certain stations I want, etc?

OK Never mind. I see now that the server has to be installed and has a 25 KB readme with a lot of complex linux instructions that have to be executed in SSH that I don't have time to hassle with.

yashua 05-18-2007 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah (Post 1250135)
Should work on CHMOD 666 also.

yah but doesnt that mean anyone can go in my server and edit the file if its chmod has allows anyone to write on the file or does not letting anyone execute it stop them from doing it?

Zachariah 05-18-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by digital3 (Post 1250164)
For those who have never used this before it would probably be nice if usage instructions were included. "Currently our shoutcast server is down" gets a little dull on forumhome. Just some simple instructions on how to add stations and get it going would be nice.

Is there something I have to install from shoutcast.com *other* than this mod? How do I set my site to tune into certain stations I want, etc?

OK Never mind. I see now that the server has to be installed and has a 25 KB readme with a lot of complex linux instructions that have to be executed in SSH that I don't have time to hassle with.

You do not need SSH access unless you plan to install Shoutcast server on your webhost.
Make sure you have Unlimited Bandwith on your web package.

The bandwith useage depends on "# of users connected" and the quility of the song in kbps.

uploadspeed / bitrate = max listeners , always leave some for overhead

Example: 256k upload speed / 56k bitrate = max 4 listeners ( 4* 56 = 224kbps ) keep in mind that your provider says he gives you 256kbps upload, the actual speed might be much lower.

The shoutcast server and where it is hosted is up to you.
- I have one sitting on a windows 2k system and a cable modem.
- I have one sitting on freebsd server and a T1.

**SHOUTcast Server is available for the following platforms: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Linux, and Solaris

Install is not to hard.
In the zip build.

- upload
-- scast_home.xml
-- includes
---- shoutcast
------ scast.php
------ cache_templates.php
-- images
---- misc
-------- shoutcast_off.gif
-------- radio.gif
-------- im_winmp.gif
-------- im_real.gif
-------- im_qt.gif
-------- im_mirc.gif
-------- im_genre.gif

When you upload the files to your web server you want to keep the folder structure in tact.

Everything in the "upload" folder will be placed in the root of your vBulletin install.



The forums/includes/shoutcast folder will be made and the php files uploaded.

The images by default will upload where the default style is installed. /forums/images/misc/. If you have a custom style with a different location then upload the images to the custom /images/misc/.

$stylevar[imgdir_misc] - style_location/images/misc

In your Admin Control Panel

Admincp => Plugin System => Manage Products
Click [Add/Import Product]
Browse for the file "product-shoutcast_home_full.xml"
Allow Overwrite

Admincp => vBulletin Options => Shoutcast Forumhome
[ EDIT ]

dmyre 05-19-2007 04:24 AM

Has anyone been able to get this to work on vb3.6.5?
I installed/reinstalled numerous times, and still have had no luck.
I did set the CHMOD to 777.

Within my "installed products" page, this is not underlined, like the rest of my mods are...
Any help would be appreciated...

krazycivik 05-21-2007 03:36 AM

yeh how to you CHMOD somthing? not everyone knows.. im a newb anyone? i installed everything right but it gives me a server error.. help

Stereo123456 05-23-2007 08:26 PM

ok how do i add multiple ips so that i cn have more than 1 person broadcasting at different times, without having to keep changing the details. Thanks

Zachariah 05-23-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by krazycivik (Post 1251826)
yeh how to you CHMOD somthing? not everyone knows.. im a newb anyone? i installed everything right but it gives me a server error.. help

CHMOD is usaly built into the FTP program you use to upload file to your webserver.
- properties of the XML file should allow you to change the permissions.


Originally Posted by Stereo123456 (Post 1253447)
ok how do i add multiple ips so that i cn have more than 1 person broadcasting at different times, without having to keep changing the details. Thanks

I am working on a database version to allow the admin to add multi IP's , Ports, Passwords, ect ..

Client side display will be a default station and the rest in a dropdown or something. I have not designed the front end yet.

dmyre 05-23-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by dmyre (Post 1250606)
Has anyone been able to get this to work on vb3.6.5?
I installed/reinstalled numerous times, and still have had no luck.
I did set the CHMOD to 777.

Within my "installed products" page, this is not underlined, like the rest of my mods are...
Any help would be appreciated...


Zachariah 05-24-2007 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by dmyre (Post 1250606)
Has anyone been able to get this to work on vb3.6.5?
I installed/reinstalled numerous times, and still have had no luck.

Within my "installed products" page, this is not underlined, like the rest of my mods are...
Any help would be appreciated...

I have it working on all 3.6.x versions. The underline or not is choice of the developer during assembly.
I will update in the next build. Thanks. :)

To put less load on the shoutcast server and to speed up page loads. The shoutcast info the script gets is cached to your local webserver in a XML file. The XML file is called up when there is a request to show the data. If your cache file does not update then you are not connecting to the shoutcast server. (cache file is always "zero" kb)

9 out of 10 times this is because of settings (port,ip,password) or your webhost has blocked ports in their firewall. Many hosts only allow queries for data on port 80 (http, rss, xml feeds). This hack will pull the XML feed from your shoutcast server port. I have seen many webhosts designate a port for "other" needs of their clients.

If you are 100% sure your setting and install is correct.

Send a ticket to your webhost and see if ports are blocked (ie:8000). If so they may give you another port you can use. Reset your shoutcast server to output on that port. Lastly, if there is nothing that your host will do, you can move the shoutcast server to output on port 80 vs. 8000 and your webhost should read the feed.

tirol07 05-28-2007 02:15 PM

very nice "for: 3.6.7"

dmyre 05-28-2007 07:28 PM

So the port, is that through your webhost, or the audio stream company?
I'm using hostgator as my host, and midweststreaming for the audio server.

I've been using the ip/port provided to me by the audio server. Is that right?

citroenar 05-28-2007 09:48 PM

It works fine on 3.6.7

I have the same problem with "station down" . reason for that was blocked port on my webhost.

dmyre 05-31-2007 05:24 AM

So, your webhost (where VB is installed) was blocking the port to your audio server (where shoutcast is broadcast)? If that's the case, I may just need to contact my regular host...

citroenar 05-31-2007 05:33 AM

Si I did. I ask them to open ports 8000 and 1221.

Sparticus_V2 06-11-2007 05:20 PM

is the scast_home.xml file supposed to be 0 bytes when uploaded from install package?

yaoren 06-18-2007 02:43 AM

Ok I installed this hack a while ago and found out my hosting company wouldn't allow it...so I switched to one that would. I've read through the threads posted here and I'm still unable to get it to work correctly. Yes my hosting company has checked the ports and they're all open. I've tried chmod 777 and or 666 and still nothing. I'm also pretty sure that I installed the mod correctly but it still says server down on my forum. We are connected and streaming but it's still not working on the forums. Any ideas as to what else I could try since I really want to have this mod running on my forum.

Output congfig address is
Port 8000

Oh I'm also running VB 3.6.7 PL1

krazycivik 06-24-2007 06:01 PM

does this work on windows based server cause i cant get it to work :S any suggestions?

NovemberRain 06-30-2007 11:27 AM

always says station down :confused:

benjaminbih 06-30-2007 11:32 AM

dear coder, is it possible to include the ability to add various stations or ports for the player in admincp

ChampJames 07-01-2007 07:15 AM

It alwyays says there is no dj or server down now evemn if there is :S

sezmar 07-01-2007 02:08 PM


Any updates on this nice hack?

aacircle 07-04-2007 12:24 AM


I use the vbShoutbox mod at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=147346 by placing <!--{%SHOUTBOX%}--> into the forumdisplay template. My shoutcast currently shows on every page. Does someone know what IF statement to use in order to have the shoutbox appear ONLY when $scast is playing?

Thank you.

oicyu8chu 07-04-2007 07:12 PM

This may sound stupid but how do you find your ShoutCast server IP? Thanks.


sezmar 07-07-2007 01:58 AM

How do I get it to refresah automatically?

I have the setting at 20, but still I have to refresh the page to get it to change.

sezmar 07-15-2007 02:51 AM

I think this needs to be removed https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2010/06/10.gif

there are too many un-answered questions.

I know your a mod here Zach and you have taken on responsibility, but come on!

m002.p 07-25-2007 08:43 PM

I have a problem where the "Now Playing" now displays "abcwnt98" when it used to display correctly. I dont remember any changes being made on my side.

Anyone know of this?

Thanks in advance

ToKey 07-28-2007 10:27 PM

It isn't showing the media players as images, it is just listening them. How do I make them show as images instead? www.forums.711clan.net

ToKey 07-28-2007 11:42 PM

Never mind, I figured it out, I was supposed to put those images in the actual style image/misc directory. Anyways, thanx for this product!!

Jeordie015 08-07-2007 10:39 PM

I'm having troubles. My stream is working fine. If you go to, the file loads. I have set in the admin CP, but I'm not getting anything on the forumhome page showing that the server is up.

Zachariah 08-09-2007 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jeordie015 (Post 1312272)
I'm having troubles. My stream is working fine. If you go to, the file loads. I have set in the admin CP, but I'm not getting anything on the forumhome page showing that the server is up.

This is a local IP address from your router/firewall that your cable/DSL plugs into.
- linksys ?

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