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taydu 02-11-2007 03:27 AM

Can someone help??? I Did an upgrade and got the message above, but if I install on a fresh test board then it work great.

Smoothie 02-12-2007 01:54 AM

Has the safari bug been fixed and if so, does the file download reflect the change?

Zia 02-12-2007 03:02 AM

didnt find any option for sigs..

hope it wont effect on sigs..

if image is smaller than given dimension...image will not be enlarged >??????
like dimension is : 320 X 480 pix
if posted image is 300 X 400 pix. then image wont be enlarged ....right?

fly 02-12-2007 06:42 PM

I have a user who keeps getting this error with IE7:

stop running this script? a script running on this page is causing internet explorer to run slowly. if it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive.
Its definently the resizer, because if I disable it the error goes away...

Tralala 02-14-2007 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by Spleasure (Post 1176800)
The lightbox effect is something I consider for a future version.


Originally Posted by JohnBee (Post 1176964)
Totally looking forward to the lighbox on this, your mod would become the cream of the crop with such features.

Hell yeah, this mod got me thinking the same. Check out this demo! The "zoom" transition is sexy.

If "lightboxing" was an option for enlarging images with this hack... I think I'd faint from excitement. :D

Smoothie 02-14-2007 11:14 AM

Highslide rocks! Just installed it last night. There is some talk of trying to get it to work with vB's img code.

fly 02-14-2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1180873)
I have a user who keeps getting this error with IE7:

Its definently the resizer, because if I disable it the error goes away...

I can now consistantly recreate this 'bug' in IE by setting my forum to 100 posts per page on a page with a lot of images. Can this be fixed?

Eagle Creek 02-14-2007 02:37 PM

Dude.. You are making it so confusing with all those seperate files and then the zip file.. I just want to make in in Dutch, what should I do. Where could I upload the seperate Dutch file? Or the zip Dutch file? Why is there a size difference??

KURTZ 02-14-2007 02:43 PM


wacodep 02-14-2007 06:16 PM

Works great.

Except ... the banner bar above my images does NOT include the information about the size and weight of the resized image.

All it says is "Click this bar to view the full image".

Any ideas? Thanks.

wacodep 02-14-2007 06:19 PM

Nevermind ... I see ... the resized image was too small ... ;)

wacodep 02-14-2007 07:33 PM

I would like to send a few bucks, but your PayPal link goes to the a non-English/non-US display. I don't have any Euros to send you, and can't read it anyways ... :)

Can I just PayPal some $US from the US PayPal to jorrit [at] ncode [dot] nl ??

Smoothie 02-15-2007 01:12 AM

Just checked a site that was running this mod and the text is not viewable when browsing with safari. Any chance of getting that fixed?

ReQueM 02-15-2007 06:50 PM

thank u

Eagle Creek 02-16-2007 12:15 PM


http://www.nucia.nl/forum/showthread.php?p=222209 (post #4 and #10)

As u can see, the picture isn't resize properly. It looks like the resize to keep the height-width-ratio. Can somebody confirm this?
That shouldn't happen because I gave up a MAXIMUM height and WIDTH in my ACP. So it shouldn't be wider then X, even if that means the picture isn't shown "nice" anymore.

I fixed it jusing this code in the JS file:

NcodeImageResizer.prototype.scale = function() {
        var cs = 0;
        cs += NcodeImageResizer.MAXWIDTH  > 0 && this.originalWidth  > NcodeImageResizer.MAXWIDTH  ? 1 : 0;
        cs += NcodeImageResizer.MAXHEIGHT > 0 && this.originalHeight > NcodeImageResizer.MAXHEIGHT ? 2 : 0;
        if (cs == 3) cs -= this.originalWidth / NcodeImageResizer.MAXWIDTH > this.originalHeight / NcodeImageResizer.MAXHEIGHT ? 2 : 1;
        switch (cs) {
              case 1:
                        resized = true;
                        this.img.width = NcodeImageResizer.MAXWIDTH;
                        this.img.height = (NcodeImageResizer.MAXWIDTH / this.originalWidth) * this.originalHeight;
                case 2:
                        resized = true;
                        this.img.height = NcodeImageResizer.MAXHEIGHT;
                        this.img.width = (NcodeImageResizer.MAXHEIGHT / this.originalHeight) * this.originalWidth;

        this.warning.width = this.img.width;
        this.warning.onclick = function() { return this.resize.unScale(); }

Spleasure 02-16-2007 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Eagle Creek (Post 1182429)
Dude.. You are making it so confusing with all those seperate files and then the zip file.. I just want to make in in Dutch, what should I do. Where could I upload the seperate Dutch file? Or the zip Dutch file? Why is there a size difference??

The -nl file contains just phrases, it should be imported separately in the language manager.

Originally Posted by wacodep (Post 1182650)
I would like to send a few bucks, but your PayPal link goes to the a non-English/non-US display. I don't have any Euros to send you, and can't read it anyways ... :)

Can I just PayPal some $US from the US PayPal to jorrit [at] ncode [dot] nl ??

Yes you can, and I have updated the paypal links. Thanks by the way :) I really appreciate it

Tralala 02-16-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Spleasure (Post 1176800)
The lightbox effect is something I consider for a future version.

Spleasure, another coder by the name of mini2 (who uses this ncode image resizer, BTW) has the best lightbox effect for vBulletin, called highslide. It works really nicely for attachments.

mini2 has posted that he's trying to make it work with the [img] tag... and I thought your two scripts might be a marriage made in vb modding heaven.

Just throwing out the idea and good karma.

Paypal donation is also on the way. :)

Spleasure 02-16-2007 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1184022)
Spleasure, another coder by the name of mini2 (who uses this ncode image resizer, BTW) has the best lightbox effect for vBulletin, called highslide. It works really nicely for attachments.

mini2 has posted that he's trying to make it work with the [img] tag... and I thought your two scripts might be a marriage made in vb modding heaven.

Just throwing out the idea and good karma.

Paypal donation is also on the way. :)

I like the effects definitely :) I don't like the fact that for his mod you have to do all kinds of edits yourself, I like to make everything as easy as possible for users. I will have a look into integrating highslide after 1.0. I want to have 1.0 finished soon with the current features and as stable as possible.

fly 02-16-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Spleasure (Post 1184080)
I like the effects definitely :) I don't like the fact that for his mod you have to do all kinds of edits yourself, I like to make everything as easy as possible for users. I will have a look into integrating highslide after 1.0. I want to have 1.0 finished soon with the current features and as stable as possible.

Did you happen to see my message regarding the 'bug' with IE?

Spleasure 02-16-2007 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by flypaper (Post 1184085)
Did you happen to see my message regarding the 'bug' with IE?

yes, and the slowdowns at posts with many small images which do not have to be resized anyway is gone in the upcoming version.

Originally Posted by mini2 (Post 1184086)
The only file edits you have to do yourself are if you want extra functions. Sadly hooks are not in the right places for some things such as altering pre-defined bbcodes.

You also have to customise the highslide files to match your own URLs, no more difficult than setting your preferences in the admin control panel.

The template mods could maybe be packaged up as a product though, I'm not generally a mod releaser, I just thought the highslide thing worked well and seemed to fill a demand.

I'm not sure how highslide would help this mod really, as it's just a resizer, maybe if you shrank every attached image above the limits down to a thumbnail with a highslide zoom code that could work, but the thing I like about this image resizer is it's very simple in the way it works. Does what it should with little fuss.

Regarding rewriting predefined tags: I rewrote the img tag, and that's quite possible. I'm still thinking how this should be done.

BlackCode407 02-16-2007 06:31 PM

This is very useful and necessary hack! Thank you.

fly 02-16-2007 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Spleasure (Post 1184091)
yes, and the slowdowns at posts with many small images which do not have to be resized anyway is gone in the upcoming version.

Regarding rewriting predefined tags: I rewrote the img tag, and that's quite possible. I'm still thinking how this should be done.

Awesome. Thanks again man.

Tralala 02-17-2007 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by mini2 (Post 1184086)
I'm not sure how highslide would help this mod really, as it's just a resizer, maybe if you shrank every attached image above the limits down to a thumbnail with a highslide zoom code that could work, but the thing I like about this image resizer is it's very simple in the way it works. Does what it should with little fuss.

IMHO (and it sounds like you agree,) this resize hack already handles the shrinking aspect perfectly. And most of us prefer for users to post images inline in their posts with the [img] tag, linked from their own webspace, and not as attachments which bog down server filespace (which is how highslide works currently... only with attachments.)

I'd leave Spleasure's script intact for the shrinking... I was thinking more along the lines of simply integrating and offering highslide.js as one choice for presenting the larger sized original. It is highslide's animation "zoom" effect, slide show controls, and dragability of the enlarged image that gets the oohs and aahs.

And so, a perfectly integrated mod would be just as Spleasure's is right now, but offers these as choices for the user in UserCP's Edit Options:

-Keep Original Size
-Enlarge via highslide/lightbox effect
-Enlarge in same window, using original javascript (<-- might not be necessary option)
-Open in new window
-Open in new window

Regardless... let it be known... both of you guys rock. Thanks for sharing your brilliance! :)

Smoothie 02-17-2007 02:26 AM

What about the Safari bug?

rjmjr69 02-17-2007 02:52 AM

Can I use this to adjust just the avatars?

Spleasure 02-17-2007 03:20 PM

Next week I will release a new version which fixes installation problems, the safari bug, and slowdowns. I'm waiting for one possible bugreport which I would like to address in this release.

Avatar resizing is not included in this mod.

Smoothie 02-17-2007 10:45 PM

If you need a tester for the Safari bug, I am available to help.

Tralala 02-17-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1184887)
If you need a tester for the Safari bug, I am available to help.

I've tested for him... and it works great. :)

Smoothie 02-17-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1184909)
I've tested for him... and it works great. :)

Yea, but what version of safari are you testing with?:)

Tralala 02-18-2007 01:25 AM

Lets just say, I tested on quite a few. What bug in particular are you talking about, the display of text in the yellow title bar?

Smoothie 02-18-2007 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1184992)
Lets just say, I tested on quite a few. What bug in particular are you talking about, the display of text in the yellow title bar?

There are 2 bugs. One is the missing text, the other is the large horizontal scroll bar when the page is loading, and when clicking to show smaller image. 50/50 when clicking to show smaller image the scroll goes away.

Tralala 02-18-2007 03:31 AM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1185029)
There are 2 bugs. One is the missing text, the other is the large horizontal scroll bar when the page is loading, and when clicking to show smaller image. 50/50 when clicking to show smaller image the scroll goes away.

Which version of Safari? I haven't seen that, so maybe that is fixed too.

Spleasure 02-18-2007 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by mini2 (Post 1185196)
(Only) just realised this myself. :o

Would be very good to work around this as I like to be "valid".

Anyone worked out a sollution (or working on one)?

I didn't know that onload is no longer valid ... Doing an onload will have the negative side effect that you have to wait for all the images to load before the images are resized.

Smoothie: do you have a link to the page where that large scrollbar occurs?

Smoothie 02-18-2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Tralala (Post 1185059)
Which version of Safari? I haven't seen that, so maybe that is fixed too.

I am using the latest version, with OS X (10.4.8)

Smoothie 02-18-2007 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Spleasure (Post 1185201)
I didn't know that onload is no longer valid ... Doing an onload will have the negative side effect that you have to wait for all the images to load before the images are resized.

Smoothie: do you have a link to the page where that large scrollbar occurs?

Large scroll bars when the page loads? Or when you click to resize the image to the resized state?

Spleasure 02-18-2007 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1185430)
Large scroll bars when the page loads? Or when you click to resize the image to the resized state?

Both? I don't have a clear idea of what the problem is, so if you could explain this by giving a screenshot and perhaps the link to the thread I can investigate this.

Smoothie 02-18-2007 07:50 PM

ok, here's the link. Until page finishes loading, horizontal scroll bar, Safari 2.0.4.

Clicking on image to see original size, then clicking to see resized image leaves the scroll bar, but it does not happen 100% of the time.

Spleasure 02-18-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Smoothie (Post 1185518)
ok, here's the link. Until page finishes loading, horizontal scroll bar, Safari 2.0.4.

Clicking on image to see original size, then clicking to see resized image leaves the scroll bar, but it does not happen 100% of the time.

The horizontal scrollbar is logical: while the image is loading, it's not resized yet and it occupies the total width. Not mucht I can do about that. I don't know why the scrollbar doesn't disappear, but I think it's a browser issue.

Tralala 02-18-2007 10:06 PM

FWIW, I registered on that forum, checked the link, and refreshed the page about 10 times experimenting. The horizontal scroll bar was there while loading, but goes away when the page is done loading, just as the javascript has kicked in and shrunken the large image. The horizontal scroll bar appeared again when I clicked the yellow toolbar to expand the image, and disappeared when I toggled it back to small. In short, it worked exactly as it seems it should. I tried my damndest to recreate the behavior Smoothie is talking about, but could not.

I am using Safari 2.0.4 on a MacBook Pro. I also have Saft installed but I don't think that would have any effect on something like this.

Smoothie 02-18-2007 10:36 PM

I'm wondering if maybe it was a user error. I may have clicked 2 images to show full size and only clicked 1 to return back to resized state.....but I could have sworn it was on a page that only had 1 image. Dunno, but it seems to be working ok now.

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