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4Prometheus 11-21-2006 11:26 PM

Thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to share a working hack.

Happy Holidays!


TheBlackPoet 11-24-2006 05:40 AM

this is a great contribution... none of my uploads have worked using other hacks...but this one does what it says.. and i am a happy writer for it...

DPSR 11-24-2006 11:49 AM

Can somebody please confirm if this hack is working on vb 3.6.4?

johnstires 11-24-2006 06:57 PM

THis is a great add-on. Is there a way to create 2 separate folders to upload to?

HappyPike 11-26-2006 12:06 AM

I do hope beebi would continue to update the addon. It's truly useful and awesome!

Originally Posted by johnstires (Post 1124420)
THis is a great add-on. Is there a way to create 2 separate folders to upload to?

The addon gives each user its own folder (folder name is user id). :)

stryka 12-30-2006 05:28 AM

doesn't work for me on 3.6.4... the fileupload center page after upload just stays blank and doesn't redirect anywhere... and files do not appear on server or within ACP...

any ideas?

I ran the diagnostics without error... confirmed CHMOD was done...

Tyegurl 12-30-2006 06:36 AM

fullt reinstall it...works on my 3.6.4 but it didn't on the first install. i had to reinstall mine

stryka 12-30-2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Tyegurl (Post 1147394)
fullt reinstall it...works on my 3.6.4 but it didn't on the first install. i had to reinstall mine

Tried the reinstall without luck... question for any 3.64 installs... when i click the FILEUPLOAD link from the forum... it takes me to the upload page but the style isn't carried over... its just a white page with my header but my background color is gone...

Any ideas on how else i can trouble shoot... when i uninstalled i just reimported the xml.... setup the FTP info and that was it....

BTW>>> is beebi still around? Cuz it looks like another kewl hack has been abandoned... does anyone want to pick this up? The major difference with this hack and vb's attachments is the FTP option... unless you can do the same with vb's attachments...

UPDATE: I reverted the following templates after reinstall and its just complaining about "Not able to upload File"... so I will review this thread

uploader, uploader_result

UPDATE #2: Did the CHMOD on UPLOADER and everything works good now... only having trouble uploading large files.... will check max size

IrDVB 01-17-2007 09:42 PM

I downloaded your hack and followed the instructions exactly and carefully, but unfortunately it didn't work.

It used to work fine when I installed it some months ago - I tested it uploading files on my own server. But as I tried configuring settings for an external server, it failed to upload files, while it was connected to the FTP (I made sure I used an FTP account as described in your instructions). Anyway, from that moment on, I have been unable to upload files even on my own server.

Here is the message I receive: "Sorry, I'm not able to upload the file
Please inform the Administrator."

I would be greatful if you could help me. :)

beer4life 01-22-2007 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by stryka (Post 1147616)
Tried the reinstall without luck... question for any 3.64 installs... when i click the FILEUPLOAD link from the forum... it takes me to the upload page but the style isn't carried over... its just a white page with my header but my background color is gone...

Any ideas on how else i can trouble shoot... when i uninstalled i just reimported the xml.... setup the FTP info and that was it....

BTW>>> is beebi still around? Cuz it looks like another kewl hack has been abandoned... does anyone want to pick this up? The major difference with this hack and vb's attachments is the FTP option... unless you can do the same with vb's attachments...

UPDATE: I reverted the following templates after reinstall and its just complaining about "Not able to upload File"... so I will review this thread

uploader, uploader_result

UPDATE #2: Did the CHMOD on UPLOADER and everything works good now... only having trouble uploading large files.... will check max size

G'day everyone,
I'm a newbie at this game, and was all set to install this.
However, going by the latest comments, is fraught with danger.
If the Author is no longer supporting the upgrades to VB, then I think it should be removed. I'm totally disappointed in what looked to be a very good Mod for our board.
Kindest Regards, Bill. :confused: :( :eek:

zlos 01-22-2007 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by beebi (Post 955392)
yes it can

but u need to set out ftp and some modfiy. I rely have not test it yet

Would you please be a bit more accurate? What modifying did you mean?
I want to keep my attachments on a separate subdomain (+separate pipe to save the bandwidth)...

Anyhow: looks great :) Well done - guys from vB can't really understand it since at least 2 years, that out there are people with a need to have attachments somewhere else that a forum location ;) A point for you :D

abhimation 01-23-2007 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by beebi (Post 955189)

2- don't you ever try to upload max then PHP Maximum Upload Size Attachment 46164.

Thats a great hack.

What happens if someone tries to upload more than max ?? Just quirious before i install it.

JohnBee 02-02-2007 12:42 PM

Hi is it possible to move files into filesystem?

Subah 03-06-2007 06:44 PM

Good one , but one problem only i try to make account for the uploader put it does not creat folder for the users i must creat them manually ??

MelH 03-08-2007 03:26 AM

I've installed this (in 3.6.5) and it seems to work fine but I have a few questions.

I would like to upload a library of images (in folders by category) for users to choose from as well as upload their own if they wish. Can this be done?

The image information can be copied and pasted into a post after an upload but how does a user get the image information again so that they can use the image somewhere else without uploading it again?

When you put the image in some text there is a white space beside the image with text above and below it. How can you make text wrap around the image?

Can this program do any of these things?

littleone 03-08-2007 05:37 AM

Can I have a progress bar, while uploading?
Also I have found a great uploader that works on cgi and can upload huge files even on shared server. www.encodable.com - filechucker .

If we can integrate these together it would be nice as php uploading seems to be a great headcahe on server limits.


Subah 03-11-2007 05:46 PM

Why you remove the option of 3 file upload in the same time ???

Leecher24 03-19-2007 07:27 PM

I have an Question. Can some one Code an Addon for mod_rewrite ?

TomasDR 03-22-2007 01:57 AM

I found a minor "bug", feel free to add the correction to your next release.

The "bug" is when an user is a member of multiple groups that has different permissions. The original code only picks up only the permissions from the primary usergroup. I have a few secondary groups including a paid subscription group but everyone remains a primary member of "Registered Users" except for SuperMods & Admin.

The change allows the best permissions to take effect.
Registered Users = 64MB folder size
Picture members = 128MB folder size

The new code would allow a secondary member of Pictures to have a 128MB folder size. It also saves a query.

In uploaderglobal.php remove (or comment out) the line

$uploaderperm = $db->query_first("SELECT uploadermaxfilesize, uploadermaxfoldesize, uploaderfilestypes FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "usergroup WHERE usergroupid = " . $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] . "");
In uploaderglobal.php add the line:


Then change ALL instances of $uploaderperm to $permissions in all files including templates.

Checked & verified to be working.

ozkorallah 03-25-2007 06:13 AM

HI all,

how to show all uploaded files to all members?

thank you

dellow 05-26-2007 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by beebi (Post 957123)
I'll add these in Version 3.4
1- multi upload (May be).
2-Thumb img.
3-improve viewing files.
4-Image watermarker.

Beebi, when 3.4 will be released ?

NJTackle 05-31-2007 07:01 PM

I need a module that can upload 15mb - 20mb. Can this be done with PHP if the maxfilesize variable is set higher and using this module?

How about time-outs?


rjmjr69 05-31-2007 07:34 PM

Whens the update coming?

noreturn 07-31-2007 07:57 PM

Hello - I am receiving this error.
"You are almost over quta
Please delete unnecessary files"

File Maximum sise : 7.72 MB
Private folder Maximum size: 10.00 MB
Your folder content size: 8.67 MB
Allowed file types:
wmv mp3 jpg jpe jpeg png gif txt swf rar zip doc

However, I do not have any private folder created.
I only created "uploaded" folder.
I have "Private folder for each user" as NO
I have "Create user private folders using FTP" as NO

How do I increase the Maximum size to be larger than 10.00 MB? I just don't see a selection. Sorry if I am blind :)


Kick me in the butt
I forgot about the user group settings.

AzaDiyaR 09-24-2007 11:24 PM

thank you so much :D this working very nice :D

neopet001 09-28-2007 02:50 AM

@beebi : could you pls tell me how can I out an automatic watermark function into this great upload mod?

city-love 10-08-2007 03:09 AM

جزاك الله خير
Ask Allah to help you

CP, 11-05-2007 06:00 PM

great hack but i tried external server so many times in so many different ways but it still does not work??

Hellpp please bebe pleeaase

m.a.b 11-15-2007 08:14 AM


Twilkey 11-18-2007 02:59 AM

How would we go about restricting who can see the uploaded files. Id like all usergroups to see and use the upload form but only a couple userids, or usergroups if userids is to hard to see the files.

Konstantinos 12-28-2007 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Twilkey SRT (Post 1384754)
How would we go about restricting who can see the uploaded files. Id like all usergroups to see and use the upload form but only a couple userids, or usergroups if userids is to hard to see the files.

put the usergroup id in the banned settings.

Is this reliable for mp3 files 15-20 mb without timeouts?? i tred to upload mp3 sometimes it worked other time i got You did not select a file

calvis 12-31-2007 04:39 AM

beebi: What's preventing you from updating the program? Time/Money/Respect? It was a good hack that provided a necessary function for some people and it would be respectful to your users to let them know what the status of the hack is.

rizelim 01-12-2008 09:12 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO uploader
(userid,file_name,file_size,fileurl,dateline, description)
VALUES ('22','183530.zip',2163382,'http://www..net/uploaded/22_1200158022.zip',1200158022, '');

MySQL Error : MySQL server has gone away
Error Number : 2006
Date : Saturday, January 12th 2008 @ 07:14:05 PM
Script : http://.com/forum/uploader.php?do=doupload
Referrer : http://.com/forum/uploader.php?langid=1
IP Address :
Username : rizelim
Classname : vB_Database

CP, 01-26-2008 07:06 PM

does anybody know how i can prevent time outs? I can upload upto 7.5mb but any higher it says You did not select a file..

Also two bugs ive discovered, if you have two different files but are of the same size it will upload one but it wont upload the other because they are the same size. This is a problem for users as they are only able to upload sizes which they havent uploaded already regardless of what names the files are..

I'd really appreciate it if somebody can take away this hack and fix the bugs and allow upto 10mb upload.


Konstantinos 01-27-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by CP, (Post 1429525)
does anybody know how i can prevent time outs? I can upload upto 7.5mb but any higher it says You did not select a file..

Also two bugs ive discovered, if you have two different files but are of the same size it will upload one but it wont upload the other because they are the same size. This is a problem for users as they are only able to upload sizes which they havent uploaded already regardless of what names the files are..

I'd really appreciate it if somebody can take away this hack and fix the bugs and allow upto 10mb upload.


i had the same issue but here is the fix

ask your host to set

1) PHP Max Post Size 120.00 MB

2) PHP Maximum Upload Size 100.00 MB

3) MySQL Packet Size 32.00 MB

ToKey 01-31-2008 09:52 PM

Anyone help me out? I would like to change "Files Upload Center" to say something else on all the pages, how would I go about doing this?

HaydnH 05-18-2008 10:33 AM

Hi All,

I'm a bit new to vBulletin but have been helping out with a web site that uses it recently. The site uses the file upload center product and I'm having a problem with it! Every time a user clicks the File Upload Center link when posting they get the permission denied message. I've searched all through the admincp & upload ctr cp and I can't see anything wrong!

Please would someone give me some advice on how to debug the problem?



Konstantinos 05-25-2008 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by HaydnH (Post 1523329)
Hi All,

I'm a bit new to vBulletin but have been helping out with a web site that uses it recently. The site uses the file upload center product and I'm having a problem with it! Every time a user clicks the File Upload Center link when posting they get the permission denied message. I've searched all through the admincp & upload ctr cp and I can't see anything wrong!

Please would someone give me some advice on how to debug the problem?



check usergroup permissions

twilighthush 06-06-2008 04:27 AM

Tried to install on 3.6.7, but the menu doesnt show up on the navigation side of admincp. Not sure what's going on.

zorag 06-06-2008 03:59 PM

Is this ok with v3.7.1

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