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-   -   How much do you earn on your big board? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=110887)

ultraname 02-25-2008 03:14 PM

Making average 20-25 per day with adsense only.

Average Unique visit per day - 7500
Average Page View per day - 60k

sinfull 02-26-2008 05:05 PM

I don't own a big board, yet anyway ;), but I remember my friend (He owns a 30k member forum) Saying that with ads and donations he still doesn't break even.

I on the other hand. own a small 500 member forum, and I break even with adsense :)

lasto 02-26-2008 06:09 PM

serious would`nt know how to make money from my forum.I have about 8000 users but i tried google ads and only made about $22 per month so i removed the code as it was`nt worth having adverts everywhere.I know google does work and it proberly me not being good at placing the ads in the correct space but running a site to me is not all about making money but it does help if one manages to earn something back from all their hard work etc.

Amenadiel 02-26-2008 08:51 PM

Yes Lasto, but when you find yourself spending USD 500 or more each month for housing costs, then you cannot go philantropic any more. The board should at least pay its costs.

Deriel 02-27-2008 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1451582)
serious would`nt know how to make money from my forum.I have about 8000 users but i tried google ads and only made about $22 per month so i removed the code as it was`nt worth having adverts everywhere.I know google does work and it proberly me not being good at placing the ads in the correct space but running a site to me is not all about making money but it does help if one manages to earn something back from all their hard work etc.

I've been in this side of the situation too. The money I get from AdSense were few and I opted to remove the Ads and do what ehere in Brazil we call "vaquinha" (little cow, in english): every month each one give the $ ammount he could. Worked for a while...


Originally Posted by Amenadiel (Post 1451676)
Yes Lasto, but when you find yourself spending USD 500 or more each month for housing costs, then you cannot go philantropic any more. The board should at least pay its costs.

... until the costs get over $100/month (the visitation, users and posts increased too). Then I put the AdSense back and it worked.

lasto 02-27-2008 03:03 PM

so without hijacking the thread (i have an adsense account) where is the best place to put it etc and ive seen a program called SEO or something - is it worth purchasing this as well ??

Deriel 02-27-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1452174)
so without hijacking the thread (i have an adsense account) where is the best place to put it etc

In my forum the best places, by far, are the archive and below navbar.


Originally Posted by lasto (Post 1452174)
and ive seen a program called SEO or something - is it worth purchasing this as well ??

vbSEO? There are mixed feelings, but the consensus seems to indicate that it do not help your pagerank but the human readable URLs are very atractive. Something like it. Anyway, too expensive to my pocktes :)

Amenadiel 02-29-2008 07:18 PM

VBSeo is more than just nice urls.

In my forum the best place for adsense, by the way, is a 720x90 leaderboard below navbar. That one alone has more than 100 clicks a day. Latin surfers are not so eager when it comes to adsense.

altunozara 03-01-2008 03:02 AM

i just cant get ppl onto my site...there are never guests and its empty i have put int in hundreds of searches aswell....im losing a few hundred a year :-( sigh

csalbuchi 03-01-2008 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by altunozara (Post 1454158)
i just cant get ppl onto my site...there are never guests and its empty i have put int in hundreds of searches aswell....im losing a few hundred a year :-( sigh

I?m far away from being an expert, but it seems that your forum needs a little more content so new users and google :p feels interested.

Pretty nice Lineage 2 icons, i love that game

noox 03-01-2008 02:07 PM

I've a Site about mountain biking (downhill, freeride), consisting of a "main" site and the forum. 30,000 uniques/m, 450,000 pi/m, 530,000 posts, 8,600 members, 1200 active.

700 Euro per month by CPM ads from online shops and bike parks. 100 Euro through eBay (I modify links from my marketplace to eBay to go through an affiliate programm. Additionally some eBay relevance ads). 80 Euro paid links. 30 Euro Adsense. Additionally I'm now getting some high priced CPM campaigns from an ad network which concentrates on selected extreme sports sites.

-100 Euro for the server (thanks to the USD/EUR exchange rate). But I need a new one, as it becomes 5 years now.

commandoone 03-10-2008 03:22 AM

I just migrated over to VBulletin and had to dump all my users (500+). Bad idea I won't do that again. I used to have SMF but it was garbage.

But my AdSense revenue actually didn't change at all.

My stats are:

+ Average 200 unique visits a day
+ Around 2000 impressions per day
+ CTR around 1.5
+ Adsense makes an average of 3$/day

I looovveee VBulletin. I 'm glad I could finally afford it.

I've really worked hard to "tweak" the way I present ads. It's a really young site but if you look at the ratio of dollars to visits you'll see I'm a fan of making your visits really count.

I'm also a huge proponent of, "don't pay for something you don't need". I only pay like 4$ a month for my hosting service and I'm nowhere close to maxing out on anything. PM me if you want to know who it is. I don't want to post it and it look like I'm advertising.


Al Gregory 03-10-2008 07:25 PM

I have about 12000 members on one forum but its still 3.09 because I am no good at code. No hacks :( Your forum may be slow but you have all the stuff on it I wish I could put on mine.


Originally Posted by altunozara (Post 1454158)
i just cant get ppl onto my site...there are never guests and its empty i have put int in hundreds of searches aswell....im losing a few hundred a year :-( sigh

Vtec44 03-10-2008 10:05 PM

Big Board requires you to have at least 500,000 posts to be listed on their database. I'm about 1/2 way there but I earn a little bit with Google Adsense and Text Link Ads. Text Link Ads require you have a decent PageRank score and Alexa rank.

MissKalunji 03-10-2008 10:17 PM

what's so special in being in "big board" database?

Text Link ads? my page rank are completely 0 i don't even know how to fix that

Vtec44 03-10-2008 10:36 PM

Bragging rights and exposure I guess. Check http://www.textlinkads.com, and no I don't work for them. I've been there for 2 months, and so far it's performing on par with my Google Adsense.

MissKalunji 03-11-2008 12:18 AM

ah i see Cool Thanks for answering

HypedGaming 03-11-2008 12:59 AM

My forums get around 2k unques per day and 10k page views, but I only get less than $1 per day. Right now I only have ads under the first post that show up for guests only. I don't know why but I can't bring myself to put ads on the forums

I purposely made the postbit visible so I could get more users to register ("Register to get rid of this advertisement") so I guess that doesn't really help. But you'd think it would make more than it does (on some days it only makes less than 20 cents LOL)

Deriel 03-11-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by HypedGaming (Post 1461947)
Right now I only have ads under the first post that show up for guests only.

That's not the best place: try under navbar and in the archives

MissKalunji 03-11-2008 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Deriel (Post 1462168)
That's not the best place: try under navbar and in the archives

i co sign navbar is the best

chompychan 03-11-2008 09:04 PM

$500/mo from adbrite

also ~$50-100 varying a lot for a Jlist affiliation

covers server fees anyway.

p.s. my site isn't an official "big board", it just gets lots of traffic (~7000 on alexa)

GTX2 03-13-2008 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Gharibe (Post 1400854)
Forums will not really make money

Sorry bumping this reply, but just check this website: http://blogger-hits.blogspot.com/200...-earnings.html
250.000 USD per month is not money?

Digitalpoint was earning in 2005 at their vbulletin forum, $10.000 USD per month.
Now same people say they are earning $40.000 per month just from adsense, which is pretty possible. I wouldn't mind to receive that amount.... :)

--------------- Added [DATE]1205417121[/DATE] at [TIME]1205417121[/TIME] ---------------

in my vb forum i have 100k unique visitors per month, 40k registered members and 8 milion hits per month (webalizer stats). Active users are more than 5.000...
From adsense i get about 4-6 usd per day, which i think its very poor... don't know how to increase click rate...

volitian 03-14-2008 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by GTX2 (Post 1463773)
From adsense i get about 4-6 usd per day, which i think its very poor... don't know how to increase click rate...

Stick a whole page add in between the most accessed forum/content/download etc.. only as a trial and see what happens? perhaps change the adds to different topics?..

MissKalunji 03-14-2008 05:08 AM

something else i believe we have to keep in mind...

adsense search the page for keywords to show related ads

if there's no words on the page don't expect to have good add = no clicks

like volitian said most access page and make sure they are good content and that should help or else you'll see the same boring ads

Amenadiel 03-14-2008 04:30 PM

Thing is, if you have low CTR, you'll earn little no matter how relevant the ads.

If you don't have relevant ads, you'll earn little no matter how hight the CTR

Finally, Google is on an all time low these days, they got really cheap on CPC.

MissKalunji 03-14-2008 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Amenadiel (Post 1464682)
Thing is, if you have low CTR, you'll earn little no matter how relevant the ads.

If you don't have relevant ads, you'll earn little no matter how hight the CTR

Finally, Google is on an all time low these days, they got really cheap on CPC.

i dunno i notice my earnings raised up a LOT this month :-/

budatalk 03-14-2008 07:02 PM

7.36 $ from adsense over half a year! :D

z3r0 03-15-2008 07:07 AM

Using adsense and kontera, i'm getting between $250-300 per day from 45k uniques.

GTX2 03-15-2008 08:22 PM

maybe changing the colours of the ads.. which colours would be better to use? text, background etc?


Originally Posted by volitian (Post 1464266)
Stick a whole page add in between the most accessed forum/content/download etc.. only as a trial and see what happens? perhaps change the adds to different topics?..

anakayam.us 03-16-2008 03:13 AM

i have adult community,but i want make money,Google adsense reject my application form.

Vtec44 03-16-2008 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by anakayam.us (Post 1465819)
i have adult community,but i want make money,Google adsense reject my application form.

You may want to try textlinkads.com (no I don't work for this company). I have them on my site and it's pretty decent.

Amenadiel 03-17-2008 11:01 AM

TLA doesn't harm your Google PR?

punchbowl 03-17-2008 11:09 AM

just about cover costs through adsense but ad blockers are a major issue these days. Not a big board as such more a busy board.

what annoys me is some advertisers supplying graphical ad units only. A text link that I can pimp is far more worthwhile.

B.Edward 03-17-2008 06:35 PM

Anyone combine site sponsorships with google adsense or other such 2nd source advertising scheme?

Bellardia 03-17-2008 08:30 PM

I'm finding a lot of claims made by some people to be crazy, especially the ones with only ~500 members.

Currently, I run an ad-free forum, and use a very good host (unlimited bandwidth for about $20 a month). Some people are claiming hosting costs 200 a month for 500 active member forums (how?). The server has gone down maybe once in 2 years, and otherwise runs very smoothly.

Really, I'm just wondering how much people think I could make if I added some moderate ad-hosts. Maybe a single banner on the side or top, I'm not really willing to make the site ugly for profit.

Here are some stats:
2,500 unique hits a day
50,000 page loads per day
3000 member forum

Since july 2007, we've had 42 million hits, 88 million page views and 412,000 unique visits.

Any modest estimates of possible revenue based on these statistics?

MissKalunji 03-17-2008 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by Bellardia (Post 1467349)
I'm finding a lot of claims made by some people to be crazy, especially the ones with only ~500 members.

Currently, I run an ad-free forum, and use a very good host (unlimited bandwidth for about $20 a month). Some people are claiming hosting costs 200 a month for 500 active member forums (how?). The server has gone down maybe once in 2 years, and otherwise runs very smoothly.

Really, I'm just wondering how much people think I could make if I added some moderate ad-hosts. Maybe a single banner on the side or top, I'm not really willing to make the site ugly for profit.

Here are some stats:
2,500 unique hits a day
50,000 page loads per day
3000 member forum

Since july 2007, we've had 42 million hits, 88 million page views and 412,000 unique visits.

Any modest estimates of possible revenue based on these statistics?

I think the best way to find out is to test it yourself....whatever people tell you could be right or wrong each person is different. I have someone with the same amount of traffic killing his site with adds and making triple what i make while i have less making (fair) not enough but i rather that way then filling up a page. Best way is to try yourself each person is a different case

Bellardia 03-17-2008 11:46 PM

I suppose I really could test it, but I've always been anti-ads. I think they kill the visual look of sites. To test them I'd have to leave them up for about a month and I'd rather not put my users through that if it won't be worth it.

teenhut 03-18-2008 11:56 AM

I make $1500+

its 20,000+ member forum



RobDog888 03-19-2008 07:54 PM

<font color="darkgreen">Whats the best source of revenue for you? Ads or member subscriptions etc?</font>

Satoshikai 03-19-2008 08:32 PM

I don't make anything yet. I'm trying to get members to donate or subscribe. Also, I'm trying to find an ad system

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