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MorrisMcD 03-29-2006 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by ReadOrDie
Thanks for the link but I don't even know what half the stuff means. Does anyone else have any help? Instead of telling me to extract the.rar file when there is no .rar file

You arent going to get much help acting like this... With WinRar you can extract just about anything... If you dont have it.. Get it.. rarlabs.com

Once installed, grab the file (gz, rar, zip, WHATEVER) with you right mouse button.. Drag it somewhere and tell it to extract to whatever folder you want. If you cant figure this out, I seriously worry about the condition of your board once you attempt a few hacks

(has installing hacks become THAT easy where unzipping is more challenging?)

ReadOrDie 03-29-2006 11:50 PM

I go to winrar I have the file listed there, I click the "extract to" button. It gives me a whole bunch of options and I leave them as they are which would be the default. It then gives me a diagnostic message saying something like C: documents/owner could create geocitylite.dat then there's a whole bunch of wierd characters I don't understand. After that I look in my documents folder and I have a geocitylite.dat file that's 0 bytes.

MorrisMcD 03-30-2006 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by ReadOrDie
I go to winrar I have the file listed there, I click the "extract to" button. It gives me a whole bunch of options and I leave them as they are which would be the default. It then gives me a diagnostic message saying something like C: documents/owner could create geocitylite.dat then there's a whole bunch of wierd characters I don't understand. After that I look in my documents folder and I have a geocitylite.dat file that's 0 bytes.

Try extracting it to a different location.. Sounds like a permissions issue

DementedMindz 03-30-2006 12:03 AM

ok why click extract why dont you drag and drop like i have said?? do you know how to drag and drop? its really not that hard open the folder up drag the file inside out... upload that file you cant be any more clearer then that...

ReadOrDie 03-30-2006 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
ok why click extract why dont you drag and drop like i have said?? do you know how to drag and drop? its really not that hard open the folder up drag the file inside out... upload that file you cant be any more clearer then that...

There is no drag drop.

I'm still getting the error because I cannot change the destination path, I've chosen every destination path on my computer it won't change.

Another solution would be for someone to send me the file at my email afterlifex@gmail.com

DementedMindz 03-30-2006 01:22 AM

like i asked do you know how to drag and drop? how long have you used a pc for? its not hard open the folder click the dat file so its highlighted hold your right mouse key down and drag it to your desktop and drop it there... that is drag and drop..... ok now that we have that down then open your ftp and upload that dat file... the file is over 23 mbs its a big file... if you cant get it your next option is to uninstall it

ReadOrDie 03-30-2006 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
like i asked do you know how to drag and drop? how long have you used a pc for? its not hard open the folder click the dat file so its highlighted hold your right mouse key down and drag it to your desktop and drop it there... that is drag and drop..... ok now that we have that down then open your ftp and upload that dat file... the file is over 23 mbs its a big file... if you cant get it your next option is to uninstall it

I did that and this is the file that I get after opening the .gz file then dragging it to the desktop:
GeoLiteCity.dat L?_?%??5_????׾kۚ???zwֶm۶m۶m۶?ݯn??__oDEFVuvV V??s??_h_P

The file is 0 bytes.

Lazarous 03-30-2006 08:12 AM

Fantastic hack, many thanks...

Quick question. I have some users that are having problems using this as the map is expanding too much (please see attached screen shot).

Is there anyway I can reduce the size that it expands. It appears I have some laptop users with laptops that are clearly as old as the dawn of time!

Darat 03-30-2006 08:18 AM

In the install instructions in the template edits section there is a line that looks like this:

<td class="alt1"><a href="#" onmouseover="wmpsu('wmp_wol', 1080, 539)" onmouseout="wmpsd('wmp_wol', $vboptions[wmp_defaultsize])">

I think changing the "1080,539" will alter the zoom amount.

Lazarous 03-30-2006 09:11 AM

Darat, thanks for the quick reply. I tried changing this and it did not seem to work, so am a little lost!

Darat 03-30-2006 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Lazarous
Darat, thanks for the quick reply. I tried changing this and it did not seem to work, so am a little lost!

It also appears in a template that the hack adds - "wmp_maps", I've just tried changing it in that template and that seems to work.

ReadOrDie 03-30-2006 10:13 AM


Darat 03-30-2006 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by ReadOrDie

ReadOrDie - I've just read your posts above and I would suggest that if you cannot download a compressed file and uncompress it without guidance then you should not be attempting to hack your forum. I'm really not trying to be insulting but the download and uncompressing of the geo data are probably the most straightforward aspects of getting this hack to work.

However if you are still wishing to go ahead with it I would suggest you contact MaxMind - they are the people responsible for that file not the creator of this hack.

phonexpo 03-30-2006 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by phonexpo

I just have a white screen here - http://phonexpo.net/worldmap.php

And the red X here - http://phonexpo.net/online.php

bump ???

DementedMindz 03-30-2006 02:11 PM

you must not of uploaded something or edited something...

phonexpo 03-30-2006 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
you must not of uploaded something or edited something...

I can't see what I've done wrong - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=241

Done many a hack/code edit with no problems.

ReadOrDie 03-30-2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Darat
ReadOrDie - I've just read your posts above and I would suggest that if you cannot download a compressed file and uncompress it without guidance then you should not be attempting to hack your forum. I'm really not trying to be insulting but the download and uncompressing of the geo data are probably the most straightforward aspects of getting this hack to work.

However if you are still wishing to go ahead with it I would suggest you contact MaxMind - they are the people responsible for that file not the creator of this hack.

I've installed hacks before with no problem. And I followed everyones directions but the only .dat file I get is one with 0 bytes. It would be nice if someone could send it to my email afterlifex@gmail.com or at least put the file somewhere where I can download it. I tried extracting with five different programs, they all produce the same results can someone help me? All I need is this file.

ConqSoft 03-30-2006 07:09 PM

Do you have telnet or SSH access to your server?

ReadOrDie 03-30-2006 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Do you have telnet or SSH access to your server?

Don't think so. But then again I don't know what neither are.

DementedMindz 03-30-2006 07:56 PM

easiest thing would be to uninstall this... we have told you how to do it... its not like its that hard ... drag and drop its very simple really... Conqsoft i dont think he would know that he more then likely dont have root access server level... esp if he dont know how to drag and drop...

ReadOrDie 03-31-2006 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
easiest thing would be to uninstall this... we have told you how to do it... its not like its that hard ... drag and drop its very simple really... Conqsoft i dont think he would know that he more then likely dont have root access server level... esp if he dont know how to drag and drop...

I dragged and dropped and I get a file with 0 bytes.

Morrighan256 04-02-2006 02:47 AM

Almost scared to ask the stupid question, but...I can't find the styles navbar template to save my life. Promise I'll be good to go after I find it. :ermm: :ermm:

Edited to add: running 3.5.4. Are these named something different? Looked while I was waiting and I don't see a whosonline template or a styles memberlist template. Yes, I am just barely competent enough to run my own forum.

DementedMindz 04-02-2006 02:49 AM

you just need to add that to the navbar ... its in your Styles & Templates then Style Manager then after that go to edit templates in the drop down and search for Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates its in there :)

Morrighan256 04-02-2006 02:57 AM

Ah, thanks! I'm so used to having to actually find files and go into them, then upload through my FTP. *kisses vBulletin*

DementedMindz 04-02-2006 03:07 AM

no problem lol i take it your coming from php or phpbb

Morrighan256 04-02-2006 03:32 AM

Yes, for my sins. I've got it working now, and this is fantastic. :banana:

GoNz00 04-02-2006 12:09 PM

/uninstalled, not accurate at all.. sorry all members on my site complained about the pointlessness of it, cant view any detail or anything, sorry, not for me and my members :(

MorrisMcD 04-02-2006 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by GoNz00
/uninstalled, not accurate at all.. sorry all members on my site complained about the pointlessness of it, cant view any detail or anything, sorry, not for me and my members :(

Not accurate at all??? Sounds like you have the permissions set wrong

ConqSoft 04-02-2006 02:28 PM

It's actually very accurate, even with the free version of the IP location database. As for detail, it's not meant to show a lot of detail for each member. If you want that there's a Google Map hack or www.frappr.com.

This is to show your member spread over the world.

phill2003 04-02-2006 03:13 PM

Awesome thanks :)

ReadOrDie 04-03-2006 01:35 AM

Ok, so 215 people installed this hack. And yet no one can put the file somewhere, where I can download it?

ConqSoft 04-03-2006 01:38 AM

I guess tha also means that 215 people were able to figure out how to extract a gzip file.

phill2003 04-03-2006 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by ReadOrDie
Ok, so 215 people installed this hack. And yet no one can put the file somewhere, where I can download it?

Good grief, if 215 people can manage it its not going to be that hard eh!

Download the file and use winrar to extract it, then you will find a .dat file in the folder winrar creates, Upload this file to the requisite folder on your server then follow the rest of the instrucions.

It takes at most 10 mins to install this it is an awesome hack made very easy to install by the developer, you coming here with attitude does not make people want to go out of their way to help..

DementedMindz 04-03-2006 07:26 AM

lol hes still tryin to extract it lol well if in a week you didnt do it dont you think its time to move on?

GoNz00 04-03-2006 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
Not accurate at all??? Sounds like you have the permissions set wrong

i think its because most members live in the uk, and the crappy isp's route you halfway round the country and back so the locations were totally out for nearly all members..
I got fed up of the PM's telling me it was out and asking why they coudn't click for more details, no pleasing some people :(

ConqSoft 04-03-2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by GoNz00
i think its because most members live in the uk, and the crappy isp's route you halfway round the country and back so the locations were totally out for nearly all members..
I got fed up of the PM's telling me it was out and asking why they coudn't click for more details, no pleasing some people :(

Strange. I have a lot of members in the UK also, and they show up:


Darat 04-03-2006 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by ConqSoft
Strange. I have a lot of members in the UK also, and they show up:


We do as well and it doesn't seem a major problem - see: http://forums.randi.org/worldmap.php and after all isn't this just a bit of fun? Doesn't need to be incredible accurate to give some sense of the distribution of the members of your board?

(Plus it seems to match up very closely with the other non-public trackers we have on our forum.)

MorrisMcD 04-03-2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by GoNz00
i think its because most members live in the uk, and the crappy isp's route you halfway round the country and back so the locations were totally out for nearly all members..
I got fed up of the PM's telling me it was out and asking why they coudn't click for more details, no pleasing some people :(

that stinks.. I was just guessing maybe you had the same problem as me.. I had the permissions set wrong so whos online looked the same for a week.. lol

ReadOrDie 04-04-2006 02:28 AM

I had someone give me the file because none of you were friendly enough to do it. But I still get the same error.

MorrisMcD 04-04-2006 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by ReadOrDie
I had someone give me the file because none of you were friendly enough to do it. But I still get the same error.

*edit* Actually I prob shouldnt do that.. lol

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