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S@NL - BlackBik 01-15-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
You don't need to uncomment those. Just either download latest copy of vb3.5.3 or fix that bug with the db being closed manually.

Yes, that is what everyone keeps telling me.
But i upgraded to the latest version of vB 3.5.3 and I don't have the line that created the bug and I still get messages about not being authorised to lock/unlock tables. That's why I commented out those lines.
The update seemes to work perfect without those lines. It's the only bug I've found and I'm not sure it's a bug on your side ;)

Thanks again for sticking with us and developing this hack.

georg1000 01-15-2006 08:33 PM

Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

MySQL-Fehler :
Fehler-Nr. :
Datum : Sunday, January 15th 2006 @ 09:25:24 PM
Skript : http://www.xxxxxxxxxxx//cron.php?&rand=331446
Referrer : http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx/showthread.php?t=39
IP-Adresse :
Benutzername : Unregistriert
Klassenname : vb_database

Please help me

S@NL - BlackBik 01-15-2006 08:40 PM

The sollution is in this thread.....

redtailboa 01-15-2006 08:41 PM

I am wanting psistats to also track url's for my VBportal pages. (http://www.vbportal.com), is there a easy way to do this? I was thinking of adding this to the P_themeheader template:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie = "psistats_screenwidth = " + self.screen.width;
document.cookie = "psistats_screenheight = " + self.screen.height;
document.cookie = "psistats_screendepth = " + self.screen.colorDepth;

But I am not sure it will work. My board is in /forums and the portal is in /.

firstrebel 01-16-2006 03:48 PM

Well, after a number of issues last week, Psionic said he would fix this hack over the weekend, and he did. Working well.

Thanks for your time.


MooMan65 01-16-2006 08:21 PM

Great work Psionic! This update solves all of the problems I had. :)

As something extra, I've also never personally liked how the Bots and Unknowns are mixed in amongst the legitimate browsers and operating systems, so I've done a quick modification to my download putting them at the bottom. I'd thought I'd share it if anyone else wants to do it.

NOTE: This works with both numerical sorting and alphabetical sorting, depending on the option you've chosen.

Step 1:
Make the following file edits:

Open: psistats.php


PHP Code:

eval('$browserbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_browserbit') . '";'); 


PHP Code:

if (substr($browser['browser'], 03) == 'Bot' || $browser['browser'] == 'Unknown')
'$unbrowserbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_browserbit') . '";');
} else {
'$browserbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_browserbit') . '";');


PHP Code:

eval('$osbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_osbit') . '";'); 


PHP Code:

if ($os['os'] == 'Unknown')
'$unosbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_osbit') . '";');
} else {
'$osbit .= "' fetch_template('psistats_osbit') . '";');

Step 2:
Make the following template edits:










That's it! I'm quite new at coding so I apologise if this is not the most effecient way to do this. If you have a better way, please post it here so it benefits all of us. :)

akanevsky 01-16-2006 09:00 PM

That's actually a nice and clean way to do this, although I'm sure it could be done without creating extra variables :) In the next version I'll separate the bots from regular agents.

GamerJunk.net 01-16-2006 09:03 PM

What were the file edits and template edits of the old version? I deleted the stuff from class_core but this still does not update...even after changing the headerinclude

GamerJunk.net 01-16-2006 09:09 PM

Nevermind it all of a sudden started working.....

georg1000 01-17-2006 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
The sollution is in this thread.....

If it isn't too much work, could you please give me the link or the number of the posting where I can find the solution? You know, the thread is already quite long....
The problem came up after the last update, it worked fine before.


akanevsky 01-17-2006 09:20 AM

So thread is too long and you want me to re-read it for you?

MPDev 01-17-2006 01:49 PM

Do people really expect solutions to be re-posted over and over again because they are too lazy to skim the thread (or even try search?)?

Come on people....

tendo 01-17-2006 05:52 PM

^^ yeah that is pretty lame

I have one question thats related to this hack and more...

Do 3.5.2 hacks work on 3.5.3?

akanevsky 01-17-2006 07:28 PM

That is another questions that has been answered many times.

tendo 01-17-2006 07:51 PM

oh.... ok i'll just go read twenty pages real quick

a simple yes or no would have been easier for you to type. :P

i may be nubbing on this tip but im catchin up quick and trying to RTFM, the F'ing M just hasnt answered all my questions yet.

For instance, I cannot for the life of me figure out why if you quote a post and say something, and someone else quotes your quoted quote, the original quote dissapears.

How the hell do you search for that lol :)

Peace and respekt!

vau7 01-17-2006 07:55 PM

Hey vB-Admin why dont u use the "search tis thread"-Function?

akanevsky 01-17-2006 07:55 PM

This is certainly not a place to ask that question (just like your previous one). Another offtopic post and you'll get straight into my ignore list.

georg1000 01-17-2006 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by MPDev
Do people really expect solutions to be re-posted over and over again because they are too lazy to skim the thread (or even try search?)?

Come on people....

Hello my friend,
I hope your german is as perfect as my english. I think the hack of Psionic Vision is great, but my school-english and my php - abilities are quite limited. So I think that your comment was more than unfair.
If this hack has been intended just for pros, and you feel annoyed by the questions of a beginner, please make a note in the instructions for the hack.

I didn't want to bother anyone with searching the correct posting for me, but if someone knew the right passage in the text, he/she coud have given me a hint.

Just for info: I found the posting and now, after changing functions_cron.php, it works.

Sch?nen Abend und noch viel Erfolg mit diesem Hack

akanevsky 01-17-2006 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by georg1000
Hello my friend,
I hope your german is as perfect as my english. I think the hack of Psionic Vision is great, but my school-english and my php - abilities are quite limited. So I think that your comment was more than unfair.
If this hack has been intended just for pros, and you feel annoyed by the questions of a beginner, please make a note in the instructions for the hack.

I didn't want to bother anyone with searching the correct posting for me, but if someone knew the right passage in the text, he/she coud have given me a hint.

Just for info: I found the posting and now, after changing functions_cron.php, it works.

Sch?nen Abend und noch viel Erfolg mit diesem Hack

It does ask not to re-ask the same question over and over in the second post. And no, this hack is not just for pros.

tendo 01-17-2006 09:57 PM

I'm not sure just how stupid this question is. I installed your hack and everything went perfectly ! I read the instructions and followed them to the letter! Everything went fine, no errors.

My question is (and yes I read the manual), once I've added your Product in the Project Manager, do I have to add it in the "Add New Plugin" also

This thing:

And if so, I have no idea what the code should be. Maybe you should include that in the readme?

Rickie3 01-17-2006 11:30 PM

its a product not a plugin,go to your admincp/manage products/ scroll to the bottom and click [Add/Import Product] click browse and find the product-psistats xml then click import

akanevsky 01-17-2006 11:46 PM


misuse 01-18-2006 02:48 AM

Uninstalled this hack. It worked fine for 3 days then went haywire. php-cgi started loading up 60-70 at a time, cpu's started running hot, my whole site started running very slow. I did have a shoutbox installed and it wouldn't even load when I had this hack installed. 1/2 of the features of the stat program did not work. Yes I read all the pages on this hack. No I will not EVER install this mod again.

This is the first hack I have uninstalled in 2006.

Hint Change the admin email address in the config.php before you do anything with uninstalling this mod. 17,000+ error messages spammed instantly to my email when I "uninstalled" this product. MAKE SURE TO delete the psistats.php or errors will still fly through the email. Clean up the rest of the files that were copied over. Ohhh my server runs sooo smooth once again.

Thanks for the try Anthony K.

Rickie3 01-18-2006 04:15 AM

such negativity, a simple i uninstalled would have be more appropriate,what 1/2 the features didnt work?????? ive had this installed from the time Anthony released this hack and used every update he's released,and must say the last update has been really stable,and all my features are working and have not noticed any changes to my site and is definatley not running slow,"shakes head"

Lizard King 01-18-2006 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by Rickie3
such negativity, a simple i uninstalled would have be more appropriate,what 1/2 the features didnt work?????? ive had this installed from the time Anthony released this hack and used every update he's released,and must say the last update has been really stable,and all my features are working and have not noticed any changes to my site and is definatley not running slow,"shakes head"

He gave his opinion and he is totally right. I installed this hack and 15 minutes later i decided to uninstall also because of high cpu usage. When i installed it was dead time on my board (5 am). I cannot comment on features if they are working or not because i didn't want to check it after the high server load.

We all need a good statistics hack for our boards but not this one .

Loki12 01-18-2006 05:34 AM

Getting loads of database errors again...

rasp187 01-18-2006 11:34 AM

This is an excellent hack, I just wish there was a "Lite" version that would just display statistics in text form only, and without the pictures and bars. Overall, a great forum addition, though. Easy installation and no problems as of yet. Great job.

firstrebel 01-18-2006 03:05 PM

This hack is working OK on my server, no extra load at all. I suppose you have to consider that any hack can conflict with other hacks. After all, vB support always tell those with problems to remove all hacks as the first stage of troubleshooting. So maybe it is a bit unfair to blame this hack as the sole cause. There are many possibilities.


tendo 01-18-2006 03:57 PM

Wow after reading these new responses I'm glad it isn't fully installed. *REMOVES*

silurius 01-18-2006 04:17 PM

I'm sad to say that I must uninstall as well. Was somewhat limited on features to begin with, failed to pull certain types of stats, began generating similar errors to those listed above and I'm concerned that it might not be getting the attention it really deserves. I do like some of your other mods, though, so I'll keep this bookmarked for the time being.

firstrebel 01-18-2006 04:52 PM

Here is the flag for Aruba, add it to your flag directory.


S@NL - BlackBik 01-18-2006 09:28 PM

Let's post something positive :)

Anthony, this hack is great. We have no problem with serverperformance and since your last update all the stats seem to be OK.
I'm gonna release it to our population :)

And I'll be sure to follow this thread for future developments.
Keep up the good work! Thanks.


Rickie3 01-18-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by tendo
Wow after reading these new responses I'm glad it isn't fully installed. *REMOVES*

shouldnt you try it first????? you didnt even fully install it lol,so how will you ever know,if it didnt work for you how hard would it be to uninstall???

akanevsky 01-18-2006 10:29 PM


This is an excellent hack, I just wish there was a "Lite" version that would just display statistics in text form only, and without the pictures and bars. Overall, a great forum addition, though. Easy installation and no problems as of yet. Great job.
Then why don't you click the button? :) As for lite version, see FAQ post.


17,000+ error messages spammed...
Getting loads of database errors again...
Read the FAQ post before you post your concerns. Both of you have been added to the ignore list because you broke the rules of this thread.


We all need a good statistics hack for our boards but not this one.
High server load may only occur because there is something wrong with YOUR board, not this hack. Congratulations, you too have been added to the ignore list. Reason: if you have uninstalled the hack and have not checked out even the latest version(s), you have no valid say, thus please do not intervene with other peoples' business. Thank you.


Here is the flag for Aruba, add it to your flag directory.
Thank you, but what is the abbreviation of Aruba?

@S@NL - BlackBik, @Rickie3

KayDEE 01-18-2006 11:06 PM

nice to see the regions and countries stats got fixed :)

for those ppl complaining about this hack ... we have 3.5.3 running with way above 20+ hacks installed and it runs smooth without any "high" cpu loads or sql erros.

read close and get a bit knowledge of php/sql and vB itself ... (you might be surprised how easy it can be to fix some things yourself, without +++++ing)

silurius 01-19-2006 12:47 AM

Saw the update & thought I'd give it another go. What's the upgrade process? Did not see that in FAQ, initial post or in readme file.

akanevsky 01-19-2006 12:49 AM

Upgrade instructions come with an update. You gotta find the post which came with the last update. I am not doing that for you.

You, however, won't have much trouble finding the last of those posts, because each of the posts contains bananas in them.

misuse 01-19-2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Then why don't you click the button? :) As for lite version, see FAQ post.

Read the FAQ post before you post your concerns. Both of you have been added to the ignore list because you broke the rules of this thread.

High server load may only occur because there is something wrong with YOUR board, not this hack. Congratulations, you too have been added to the ignore list. Reason: if you have uninstalled the hack and have not checked out even the latest version(s), you have no valid say, thus please do not intervene with other peoples' business. Thank you.

Thank you, but what is the abbreviation of Aruba?

@S@NL - BlackBik, @Rickie3

Wow. Very mature response. How about taking criticism as a positive to making your product better and more compatable with a wide usergroup. I even gave you a hint. OOOPS I forgot I am on your ignore list.

Lizard King 01-19-2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Then why don't you click the button? :) As for lite version, see FAQ post.

Read the FAQ post before you post your concerns. Both of you have been added to the ignore list because you broke the rules of this thread.

High server load may only occur because there is something wrong with YOUR board, not this hack. Congratulations, you too have been added to the ignore list. Reason: if you have uninstalled the hack and have not checked out even the latest version(s), you have no valid say, thus please do not intervene with other peoples' business. Thank you.

Thank you, but what is the abbreviation of Aruba?

@S@NL - BlackBik, @Rickie3

Are you 6 year old ?

silurius 01-19-2006 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Psionic Vision
Upgrade instructions come with an update. You gotta find the post which came with the last update. I am not doing that for you.

You, however, won't have much trouble finding the last of those posts, because each of the posts contains bananas in them.

Nice. I'm curious, have you ever dabbled in Sales? :ermm:

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