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Snake 11-26-2005 02:36 PM

Wow works like a charm!


samu2 11-26-2005 02:37 PM

Been working on this all day but nothing happens :( not even a menu for the arcade comes up in admin CP

I uploaded the /arcade file and admin php to my public_html/forum folder is it in the right place? I was told that it was but I am wondering if the files are going in the wrong place and this is only my first big mod so I am new to this,any help would be apreciated please

Snake 11-26-2005 02:39 PM

Zero my arcade skin is looking really bad. It's probably because of the skin having different tables and all that. Take a look man - www.metalgearforum.net/arcade.php

I can give you ACP access to fix it and make it to look even better, please. Thanks in advance! :)

SuperFly 11-26-2005 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by samu2
Been working on this all day but nothing happens :( not even a menu for the arcade comes up in admin CP

I uploaded the /arcade file and admin php to my public_html/forum folder is it in the right place? I was told that it was but I am wondering if the files are going in the wrong place and this is only my first big mod so I am new to this,any help would be apreciated please

Did you go to product manager in admincp and upload the product?

micheal332001 11-26-2005 02:40 PM

Hi there

I use CPMS as my main index.php file too and i have added this code to it to save the scores of the arcade.

PHP Code:

if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames"){
$_GET[act] = "Arcade";
$_GET['module'] = "arcade";
$_POST['func'] == "storeScore"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";
$_POST['func'] == "saveGame"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";
$_POST['func'] == "loadGame"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";
$act $_GET[act];
$act == "Arcade") {
$showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;

Just put that at the top of the cmps index.php file under <?php
Then upload it and all should be fine

kewl1uk 11-26-2005 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by samu2
Been working on this all day but nothing happens :( not even a menu for the arcade comes up in admin CP

I uploaded the /arcade file and admin php to my public_html/forum folder is it in the right place? I was told that it was but I am wondering if the files are going in the wrong place and this is only my first big mod so I am new to this,any help would be apreciated please

The arcade folder and everything in it has to be in your vbulletin root folder - the same folder that contains your VB admincp folder. If all appears to be correct, check that the XML files are uploaded in ASCII mode.

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
Zero my arcade skin is looking really bad. It's probably because of the skin having different tables and all that. Take a look man - www.metalgearforum.net/arcade.php

I can give you ACP access to fix it and make it to look even better, please. Thanks in advance! :)

It looks fine to me. If you want to edit the layout, the skin_arcade file is what you want in the skins dir. Just edit the html code. ;)

Gizmo5h1t3 11-26-2005 02:50 PM

got this working fine...apart from 2 things...

on some games, after u have played...whether u have the top score only, or all scores to be saved...it tells u that the score has not been saved...????

also...the categories arent working correctly.
i created 4 categories.....yet when i go into the admin cp, and trey to move a game into a category...the cat box is just a narrow box, with no category titles in it??

apart from that....a top conversion.

Rich 11-26-2005 02:51 PM


Thanks michael332001, that did the trick.

samu2 11-26-2005 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by SuperFly
Did you go to product manager in admincp and upload the product?

Yep and it saved fine,I logged out and then in again but nothing there

I uploaded the file that was in includes called ibporarcade programme xml

And also tried typing in ./includes/xml/product-ibproarcade.xml but neither worked,well it showed up in my prouduct manager but that was it

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
got this working fine...apart from 2 things...

on some games, after u have played...whether u have the top score only, or all scores to be saved...it tells u that the score has not been saved...????

also...the categories arent working correctly.
i created 4 categories.....yet when i go into the admin cp, and trey to move a game into a category...the cat box is just a narrow box, with no category titles in it??

apart from that....a top conversion.

Did you enter the category name in the Add Category at the bottom of the page? And also, did you number the categories for how you want them to display? Make sure they are set to show on the right. ;)

And make sure you have the Use Categories setting turned on in the Arcade Main Settings. ;)

Snake 11-26-2005 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
It looks fine to me. If you want to edit the layout, the skin_arcade file is what you want in the skins dir. Just edit the html code. ;)

I'm afraid that I'm not too good at editing HTML skin stuff. :rolleyes:

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Aftermath
I'm afraid that I'm not too good at editing HTML skin stuff. :rolleyes:

Join the crowd. :(

It looked fine to me. What were you wanting to change about it?

Gizmo5h1t3 11-26-2005 02:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Boofo
Did you enter the category name in the Add Category at the bottom of the page? And also, did you number the categories for how you want them to display? Make sure they are set to show on the right. ;)

And make sure you have the Use Categories setting turned on in the Arcade Main Settings. ;)

all done mate, and nothing shows??

Sooner95 11-26-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by JTyson
I found the easiest way to verify the tar folder are'nt corrupt before uploading isto select them all then right click and "Extract All" using winrar, you will then get a dialogue box pop up listing all the corrupt files. Just make sure there not uploaded as the mass install will fail.

that did it. Run across an occasional pho error in a few other games, i just delete them,then rerun the install again. works like a champ. will have over a 1,000 by days end.

Boofo 11-26-2005 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
all done mate, and nothing shows??

If you want, set up an account and PM me the details and I will take a look. ;)

Gizmo5h1t3 11-26-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
If you want, set up an account and PM me the details and I will take a look. ;)

edited my post two posts up with images m8...have a look

Vizionz 11-26-2005 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Everybody, please read the last line in the first post. We chose not to discuss games or where to get them in here as that is a volitile issue with many people. Zero provided the arcade, we would like to leave it at that. Thank you all for understanding. ;)


davidw 11-26-2005 03:05 PM

<font color="SeaGreen">* christianb clicks install</font>

Snake 11-26-2005 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Join the crowd. :(

It looked fine to me. What were you wanting to change about it?

Almost the whole thing, if possible?

puertoblack2003 11-26-2005 03:11 PM

[QUOTE=micheal332001]Hi there

I use CPMS as my main index.php file too and i have added this code to it to save the scores of the arcade.

PHP Code:

if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames"){
$_GET[act] = "Arcade";
$_GET['module'] = "arcade";
$_POST['func'] == "storeScore"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";
$_POST['func'] == "saveGame"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";
$_POST['func'] == "loadGame"){
$_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";
$act $_GET[act];
$act == "Arcade") {
$showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;

Just put that at the top of the cmps index.php file under <?php
Then upload it and all should be fine[/QUOT

love you guys that worked, i guess we need to let guys know when they change the file name from cmps_index.php to what ever they name it to add that script that was useful now i think everything is straaight all ineed is to add games once they get to it i guess... :banana: :banana: :banana:

Boofo 11-26-2005 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Vizionz

And that is exactly why we are staying away from that subject in here.

I pity John when you install his arcade and go after him with your bs.

micheal332001 11-26-2005 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by iguanairs

Thanks michael332001, that did the trick.

Glad it worked for you.

redlabour 11-26-2005 03:36 PM

Thx - but there a different german Translation Errors :


2 du brauchst mehr Beitr?ge zum spielen.
"Du brauchst 2 Beitr?ge mehr zum spielen."


spiele Pacman
"Spiele Pacman"

Are the german Templates still Beta and at http://www.vbhacks-germany.com/ there will be the german Finalversion ?

And how can i make it to work integrated at MKPortal ? This Arcadehack ignores the include.php from vBulletin where the navbar of MKPortal is inserted ?

At the moment i only linked it at MKPortal with opening in another window but this is not a real Solution.

Synth 11-26-2005 03:38 PM

Works like a charm here!


AshokForums.com 11-26-2005 03:44 PM

Which is better this or v3arcade? v3arcade is gonna release pretty soon? Sorry for posting this here.. but i am confused as to whihc to install..

Mark.B 11-26-2005 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by AshokForums.com
Which is better this or v3arcade? v3arcade is gonna release pretty soon? Sorry for posting this here.. but i am confused as to whihc to install..

It's like one of those Burger King/McDonalds things....both have equal merit, but everyone tends to like either one or the other.

You won't really go far wrong whichever you install...so just test them both out first and see which you feel most comfortable with.

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 03:57 PM

Can someone please tell me why I am getting a strange output for the footer?? We is that information called from? My footer in the forums looks different that the footer in the arcade.

Some help please :) Thank you!!

Jenkins 11-26-2005 03:59 PM

can I get some help with this??? It shows when I go the the arcade page.

Notice: Undefined index: sessdo in m:\xxx\xxx\FOURMS.FBODYPAGES.COM\forums\arcade.php on line 26

Notice: Undefined index: sessdo in m:\xxx\xxx\FOURMS.FBODYPAGES.COM\forums\arcade.php on line 33

AshokForums.com 11-26-2005 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mark.B
It's like one of those Burger King/McDonalds things....both have equal merit, but everyone tends to like either one or the other.

You won't really go far wrong whichever you install...so just test them both out first and see which you feel most comfortable with.

Ya i will do that.. vbaracde is releasing today..

so will try both on my localhost.. 2 arcades in 2 days.. these guys have put in hella of a lot of work in this... :)

Thanks Zero.. You rock man.. :)

redlabour 11-26-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by AshokForums.com
Which is better this or v3arcade? v3arcade is gonna release pretty soon? Sorry for posting this here.. but i am confused as to whihc to install..

Of course this one ! It handles both Types of Games and has both Styles !

amykhar 11-26-2005 04:05 PM

Is anybody else having problems commenting on scores? On the comment screen, the links in the header don't point to the right place and if I submit a score, I get a file not found error.

puertoblack2003 11-26-2005 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
Is anybody else having problems commenting on scores? On the comment screen, the links in the header don't point to the right place and if I submit a score, I get a file not found error.

i did use the post above that solve my problem


[QUOTE=micheal332001]Hi there

I use CPMS as my main index.php file too and i have added this code to it to save the scores of the arcade.

PHP Code:
 if($_POST['module'] == "pnFlashGames"){
 $_GET[act] = "Arcade";
 $_GET['module'] = "arcade";
if($_POST['func'] == "storeScore"){
 $_GET['do'] = "pnFStoreScore";
if($_POST['func'] == "saveGame"){
 $_GET['do'] = "pnFSaveGame";
if($_POST['func'] == "loadGame"){
 $_GET['do'] = "pnFLoadGame";
$act = $_GET[act];
$showuser= $_GET[showuser];
if($act == "Arcade") {
include "arcade.php";
if(!empty($showuser) && $showuser >= 1) {
$u = $showuser;
$_GET[u] = $showuser;
include "member.php";

Just put that at the top of the cmps index.php file under <?php
Then upload it and all should be fine[/QUOT

Boofo 11-26-2005 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jenkins
can I get some help with this??? It shows when I go the the arcade page.

Notice: Undefined index: sessdo in m:\xxx\xxx\FOURMS.FBODYPAGES.COM\forums\arcade.php on line 26

Notice: Undefined index: sessdo in m:\xxx\xxx\FOURMS.FBODYPAGES.COM\forums\arcade.php on line 33

You need to chmod your arcade directory and the directories under it to 777.

kewl1uk 11-26-2005 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by amykhar
Is anybody else having problems commenting on scores? On the comment screen, the links in the header don't point to the right place and if I submit a score, I get a file not found error.

No. In fact I'm feeling a bit left out because I don't get any of the errors and problems described in this thread.

dieselpowered 11-26-2005 04:11 PM

Ok games are not being saved...I inserted the code that Micheal placed in the vB CMPS that that did not help.

Also, avatars are not showing when displaying high scores?? Shows default no-avatar image??

Boofo 11-26-2005 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by redlabour
Thx - but there a different german Translation Errors :

"Du brauchst 2 Beitr?ge mehr zum spielen."

"Spiele Pacman"

Are the german Templates still Beta and at http://www.vbhacks-germany.com/ there will be the german Finalversion ?

And how can i make it to work integrated at MKPortal ? This Arcadehack ignores the include.php from vBulletin where the navbar of MKPortal is inserted ?

At the moment i only linked it at MKPortal with opening in another window but this is not a real Solution.

As far as making this work with any portals or outside programs, we can't offer any assistance on that. We don't run them so we can't, and won't, test them. There are jusy too many out there to set them all up and run them. There are others in the thread that have run into these problems and hopefully they will be able to lend a hand. ;)

Boofo 11-26-2005 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by xtremeoff-road
Ok games are not being saved...I inserted the code that Micheal placed in the vB CMPS that that did not help.

Also, avatars are not showing when displaying high scores?? Shows default no-avatar image??

Did you have another arcade installed before this one? And did you upgrade to 3.5 from 3.0 with an arcade on 3.0?

b6gm6n 11-26-2005 04:14 PM

I am using v3 (beta) and .......wow this is...holy jebus! well amazing! - i paid for a branding free version of v3 so i'll stick with it, but hey great mod, fantastic!


dieselpowered 11-26-2005 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Did you have another arcade installed before this one? And did you upgrade to 3.5 from 3.0 with an arcade on 3.0?

Nope, no arcades installed prior...actually this site was a fresh 3.5.1 install??

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