The coders on this site make this site work in every aspect because they are needed. Giving them a little recognition in a simple usertitle is by far the LEAST this site could do. The fact that you would even consider removing such a mild thing would be a slap in the face to those that contribute regularly to the site.
The only people complaining about this are those that haven't contributed to this site! Who cares if you can code or style. If you haven't coded a release or style for this site, don't expect a title. Period! Its not a difficult concept.
Well said. Since your status is a first-level status ("Coder"), I especially respect you two for saying that.
Here is my opinion on this:
In any community, one must work one's way up to earn a higher title. Of course, that excludes a communist community which lacks any titles whatsoever and therefore does not provide for moving up the social ladder, but due to the nature of an average man, communism can never work. In a non-communist community, it would make no sense to drop a person back the level of origin, because those who are at the level of origin have done far less than those who have been promoted. Title, therefore, serves a purpose of communicating vitally important information about a person. As an example, in an army, you cannot expect a soldier to have the same combat or leadership skills as an army general. One, therefore, has greater chances of winning a war when led by a 5-star general than when led by a baselevel soldier. If one is to drop all generals back to the status of a soldier, an army would be deprived of its leaders and would thus be unable to continue functioning properly. Likewise, there is a higher probability that a coder ranked "Master" will have higher level of knowledge than coder ranked "Advanced". The frequency of bug occurence is also more frequent among "Coders" than "Advanced Coders", and among "Master Coders" than "Advanced Coders". The probability of receing valid information on a given topic from an "Advanced Coder" is, once again, higher than the probability of receing valid information on the same topic from a "Coder". If ranks are to be eliminated, the direct result will be a dramatic drop in contribution from coders of all levels, and - given what's currently going on in the vb.org community - many advanced and master coders will withdraw their hacks and leave.
Since, as certain ungrateful people have the impudence to state, "coders are replaceable," I am sure that withdrawal of hacks is not going to pose a problem for non-coders.
My point is now, our community is divided, We've got non coders, coders, and staff. Everyone seems to be on edge with each other, some take elitist attitudes toward others. In order to negate this, we should be a group of people working together toward common goals. The separation of special user titles is not helping.
Usertitles are not the cause of the problem. The disrespectful attitude of certain people and the fact that the staff here at vb.org fails to create and impose certain rules is the cause. The "certain people" I am referring to take the presence of hacks for granted. They forget the fact that hacks require a lot of time and effort and the fact that, nevertheless, these hacks are being released for free. These people, therefore, do not bother to apply censure - both linguistic and moral - to what they post.
I cannot be speaking for everybody here, but I can say for sure that if both coders and non-coders would show a least bit of respect towards other coders in their posts, I would, provide support in a much friendlier fashion than you can currently observe me do. On the contrary, if usertitles and coder recognition are to be completely eliminated... refer to the last sentence of the previous paragraph.