KrisP |
10-22-2009 03:45 AM |
Just did a fresh install. My problem is:
Any variable containing text such as $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview]
- that is placed in the content quotes, in the meta description like this fx: <meta name="description" content="$threadinfo[title]" />
- gets the strange caracters. Note that if $threadinfo[title] or $threadinfo[preview] are placed right outside the metatag they are translated just fine and all caracters are good.
So what goes wrong inside content=" ... " ?
EDIT: If I edit vbenterprisetranslator_functions.php
function vbet_getReEncoded(&$text) {
global $stylevar;
return ($stylevar['charset'] != 'utf-8') ? iconv($stylevar['charset'], 'utf-8', $text) : $text;
function vbet_getReEncoded(&$text) {
global $stylevar;
return ($stylevar['charset'] != 'utf-8') ? iconv($stylevar['charset'], 'iso-8859-1', $text) : $text;
then everything inside meta name descrition is suddenly ok, but hen post text is translated as if ??? never was in the source... (posts are encfoded in iso-8859-1)