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crkgb 10-13-2008 11:19 PM

Thank you very much. It fixed the issue.

I also have a general question/idea.

I don't know if such an addition to v3arcade exists but here is something to ponder on.

I understand that we already have the LEADERBOARD modification. But it only considers the titles.

It would be nice to eventually get something like a SCOREBOARD, where the overall performance of the player is considered. Games played. Tries, etc.

1 place - 10 points
2 place - 8 points
3 place - 6 points
4 place - 5 points
5 place - 4 points
6 place - 3 points
7 place - 2 points
8 place - 1 point


TheLastSuperman 10-14-2008 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by skhms (Post 1644193)
Only v3Arcade games are listed at the New Challenge page.
I am guessing you have installed IBPro games.

I have explained how you can fix it with an edit of arcade.php earlier.
Take a look here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=2929


Thanks as well!

I'm going to try IBpro games so this will help!


crkgb 10-15-2008 06:43 AM

In the v3Arcade settings I have it set up so that only the best result counts. it works for all the cases but when the same user gets the same score. Then there are 2 results for the same user listed.

Is there a way to fix this?

skhms 10-15-2008 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by crkgb (Post 1645416)
In the v3Arcade settings I have it set up so that only the best result counts. it works for all the cases but when the same user gets the same score. Then there are 2 results for the same user listed.

Is there a way to fix this?

I fixed it this way, see below.
Note that I don't really take any responsibility for this code. It might be some much better way to do it...

In arcade.php
Find this chunk of code:
PHP Code:

    // Time for the scores.
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username, user.arcadeoptions" iif($vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], ", " iif($game['isreverse']==1'MIN''MAX') . "(arcade_sessions.score) AS score") . " FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
    WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
iif($vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], "GROUP BY arcade_sessions.userid") . "
    ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
    LIMIT " 
    if (
$scorecache = array();
        while (
$score $db->fetch_array($scores))
$scorecache[] = "(arcade_sessions.score=$score[score] AND arcade_sessions.userid=$score[userid])";
$scorecache implode(' OR '$scorecache);
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username, user.arcadeoptions FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
        LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
        WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
$game[gameid] AND ($scorecache)
        ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
        LIMIT " 

Replace it with this:
PHP Code:

    // Time for the scores.
    // Replaced code for finding scores, so it won't show duplicates on players with the same score. /SK
$scores $db->query_read"SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username, user.arcadeoptions FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
    WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
    ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
iif( !$vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], "LIMIT " $vbulletin->options['scoresperpage']) );
    if (
$sk_usedusers = array();
$scorecache = array();
$score $db->fetch_array($scores) )
$sk_usedusers$score[userid] ] ) continue; 
$sk_usedusers$score[userid] ] = true;
$scorecache[] = "arcade_sessions.sessionid=$score[sessionid]";
$scorecache implode(' OR '$scorecache);
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username, user.arcadeoptions FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
        LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
        WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
$game[gameid] AND ($scorecache)
        ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
        LIMIT " 

also find this: (there is some small differences from the code above)
PHP Code:

    // Time for the scores.
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username" iif($vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], ", " iif($game['isreverse']==1'MIN''MAX') . "(arcade_sessions.score) AS score") . " FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
    WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
iif($vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], "GROUP BY arcade_sessions.userid") . "
    ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
$start, " $vbulletin->options['scoresperpage']);
    if (
$scorecache = array();
        while (
$score $db->fetch_array($scores))
$scorecache[] = "(arcade_sessions.score='$score[score]' AND arcade_sessions.userid=$score[userid])";
$scorecache implode(' OR '$scorecache);
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
        LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
        WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
$game[gameid] " iif($scorecache"AND ($scorecache)") . "
        ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
        LIMIT " 

Replace it with:
PHP Code:

    // Time for the scores.
    // Replaced code for finding scores, so it won't show duplicates on players with the same score. /SK
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.*, user.username FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
    LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
    WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
    ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
iif( !$vbulletin->options['distinctscores'], " LIMIT $start, " $vbulletin->options['scoresperpage']) );

    if (
$sk_usedusers = array();
$scorecache = array();
$score $db->fetch_array($scores) )
$sk_usedusers$score[userid] ] ) continue; 
$sk_usedusers$score[userid] ] = true;
$scorecache[] = "arcade_sessions.sessionid=$score[sessionid]";
$scorecache implode(' OR '$scorecache);
$scores $db->query_read("SELECT arcade_sessions.userid, arcade_sessions.*, user.username FROM " TABLE_PREFIX "arcade_sessions AS arcade_sessions
        LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON (user.userid=arcade_sessions.userid)
        WHERE arcade_sessions.valid=1 AND arcade_sessions.gameid=
$game[gameid] " iif($scorecache"AND ($scorecache)") . "
        ORDER BY score " 
iif($game['isreverse']==1'ASC''DESC') . ", arcade_sessions.finish DESC
$start, " $vbulletin->options['scoresperpage']);


crkgb 10-15-2008 10:10 PM

Thanks a lot. Worked perfectly

crkgb 10-28-2008 12:18 AM

It's so sad that there is no continuation to what could have been the best vb mod ever.

d3rf 10-28-2008 01:12 AM

so when is it coming out for 3.7 ?
Where can i get games?
Any one ? ? ?

Nadeemjp 10-28-2008 06:16 AM

would this work with 3.7.3 too?

crkgb 10-28-2008 10:42 PM

tabbed solution for Categories is good but it limits the number of categories you can have. Anybody ever faced the same problem? Is there an alternate solution for it?

Thank you

UltraFanatics 11-09-2008 05:04 PM

Does anyone know why im getting this message, i cant get into the arcade now

Sorry, no access granted here

But you may want to donate for this fantastic Arcade-Hack

skhms 11-09-2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by UltraFanatics (Post 1662450)
Does anyone know why im getting this message, i cant get into the arcade now

Sorry, no access granted here

But you may want to donate for this fantastic Arcade-Hack

That sounds like a ibProArcade message to me. This is the v3Arcade thread.

You should try over at the ibProArcade support forum


minty_fresh 11-20-2008 12:42 AM

Em, i have uploaded the files to the correct location i believe on my server. however, upon importing the xml file i have come across this error.


Warning: require_once([path]/includes/class_database_analyse.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in [path]\admincp\plugin.php(1986) : eval()'d code on line 3

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'G:\websites\jdmtas\htdocs\forum/includes/class_database_analyse.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in G:\websites\jdmtas\htdocs\forum\admincp\plugin.php (1986) : eval()'d code on line 3
this means nothing as my vB isnt the best.. Any advice? I havent gotten to step 3 of the install yet. Thanks.

crkgb 11-20-2008 11:20 PM

After installing the below modifications (almost all for the exception of a few) the time spent in the Arcade feature - stopped working. Any ideas?

* v3arcade Who's Online in the Arcade?
* v3arcade Manually Add Game via Admin CP
* v3arcade Change Game Resolution
* v3arcade Alternative Layout
* v3arcade Game ImpEx System
* v3arcade reduce scores to keep arcade competetive
* v3arcade Add Game Category when you Mass Game Import
* v3 arcade High-score Champs on Forum Home
* v3 Arcade Challenges Champion
* v3 Arcade Tournament
* v3 Arcade Member Stats
* v3arcade Champs on Forum Home v2

crkgb 11-24-2008 08:17 PM

I hope support comes back to this modification... one day.

skhms 11-24-2008 08:35 PM

I'm not really sure what you mean with 'the time spent in the Arcade feature'.

I only know of the 'Length' column on the highscore list, that shows how long time you played.
If it's something with that you should know that it only works and shows on v3arcade games and not IBPro games.

If thats not it, then please explain a bit more...


crkgb 11-25-2008 08:00 AM

This is exactly what I am talking about "Time Played"

GlamRockTalk 11-25-2008 11:39 AM

So, is this working for those of you running 3.7? If so, is there a lot of tweaking to do or does it work 'out of the box', so to speak? :)

oldfan 11-29-2008 11:29 AM

I just read through this whole thread looking for new games and all the long I had a shit load backed up on a cd. Anyone looking for games drop me a email supportATmetallifukincaDOTCOM.
I'm just looking for new games myself, maybe we can help each other :)

crkgb 11-29-2008 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by GlamRockTalk (Post 1672644)
So, is this working for those of you running 3.7? If so, is there a lot of tweaking to do or does it work 'out of the box', so to speak? :)

Works on 3.8.0 and no tweaking was required.

It's just amazing how far ahead of it's time this mod was when it came out. I wonder what the original author would have come up with, was he to make this modification today.

I am a very happy person ho transferred from ibparcade to a v3arcade.

Though it is missing some features I would love to have.

I .e. Leader score board based on points system and the list of the games popularity based on the number played.

kalleklorin 12-01-2008 07:38 PM

gonna install this

Daky 12-05-2008 04:23 AM

i was using v3 then i switched to ipbro, i don't know why, but i hate it know!
can i convert back to v3 and how.
pls let me know users are complaining big time!

Warlord 12-06-2008 02:56 AM

Looked through this thread but haven't found any answers.

Has anyone gotten this awards to display on the usercp/usercp_shell or memberinfo templates yet? Thought I could figure it out but it's kicking my butt.

slinkyman 12-06-2008 02:19 PM

I'm having and issue with the News & Events column. The first news/event shows up as:

slinkyman is the new Ants champion!

The others show up as:

[b]slinkyman[ /b] is the new [b]Techno Curveball[ /b] champion!

(added spaces to display what is happening)

Anyone know how to fix this?

chick 12-07-2008 02:21 PM

The default game background color is black, I need to change this color. I have many games already installed.

I can see when you manually install 1 game at a time where to change it per game.... but where in the already installed games can one mass change the game background color????

slinkyman 12-20-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by slinkyman (Post 1679629)
I'm having and issue with the News & Events column. The first news/event shows up as:

slinkyman is the new Ants champion!

The others show up as:

[b]slinkyman[ /b] is the new [b]Techno Curveball[ /b] champion!

(added spaces to display what is happening)

Anyone know how to fix this?

Anyone know? :confused:

skhms 12-21-2008 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by slinkyman (Post 1679629)
I'm having and issue with the News & Events column. The first news/event shows up as:

slinkyman is the new Ants champion!

The others show up as:

[b]slinkyman[ /b] is the new [b]Techno Curveball[ /b] champion!

(added spaces to display what is happening)

Anyone know how to fix this?

The news/events list is only parsed at one place and it is the same code for all items.
So I can't really understand how this is possible.

Only reason I can see is that the phrase 'x_is_the_new_champion' has been changed after that first entry was made and that the parsing fails for some reason for the new phrase.


slinkyman 12-21-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by skhms (Post 1690126)
The news/events list is only parsed at one place and it is the same code for all items.
So I can't really understand how this is possible.

Only reason I can see is that the phrase 'x_is_the_new_champion' has been changed after that first entry was made and that the parsing fails for some reason for the new phrase.


It's very puzzling. Do you know a way that we could remove that section (News & Events) or maybe a file should be uploaded again? It makes the arcade look very unpleasing. lol

skhms 12-21-2008 08:08 PM

You can of course always edit the 'arcade_main' template and remove that part.

Personally I would try and change the phrase I mention above and not use BB codes.
If bold text is a must use html instead.


slinkyman 12-21-2008 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by skhms (Post 1690579)
You can of course always edit the 'arcade_main' template and remove that part.

Personally I would try and change the phrase I mention above and not use BB codes.
If bold text is a must use html instead.


I looked inside the "arcade_main" template and never found the phrase "x_is_the_new_champion" - If it is suppose to be in there, could that be causing some of my issues?

I can't figure out a way to physically edit the phrase either. (still new at all this)

skhms 12-21-2008 09:32 PM

That phrase is not used in the template, only in the code when the news event is saved to the database.

To edit a phrase use the Phrase Manager in the AdminCP. (Languages & Phrases => Phrase Manager)

Select the Phrase Type 'Arcade' and you will see all the phrases that v3 Arcade use.
Just browse through the pages and select edit on the phrase.


slinkyman 12-21-2008 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by skhms (Post 1690636)
That phrase is not used in the template, only in the code when the news event is saved to the database.

To edit a phrase use the Phrase Manager in the AdminCP. (Languages & Phrases => Phrase Manager)

Select the Phrase Type 'Arcade' and you will see all the phrases that v3 Arcade use.
Just browse through the pages and select edit on the phrase.


I put it in HTML and it now works. Thank you so much!

xjuliox 12-23-2008 04:40 AM

Does v3 arcade work with vb 3.7.4?

Mario.D 12-23-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by xjuliox (Post 1691734)
Does v3 arcade work with vb 3.7.4?

It should work, im using it with vb 3.8rc2.

slinkyman 12-25-2008 06:01 PM

I'm having an issue with Security Token for people editing permissions in their UserCP. I saw a post in this thread, but it didn't say how you fix it. Anyone know?

skhms 12-25-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by slinkyman (Post 1693537)
I'm having an issue with Security Token for people editing permissions in their UserCP. I saw a post in this thread, but it didn't say how you fix it. Anyone know?

I haven't checked this to 100% but I think it's all you need to do.

In the template 'arcade_usersettings'.

Find this (should be the first line)
HTML Code:

<form action="profile.php" method="post" id="profileform">
Below it just add the following:
HTML Code:

<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />

slinkyman 12-26-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by skhms (Post 1693569)
I haven't checked this to 100% but I think it's all you need to do.

In the template 'arcade_usersettings'.

Find this (should be the first line)
HTML Code:

<form action="profile.php" method="post" id="profileform">
Below it just add the following:
HTML Code:

<input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" />

Thanks it works!

mortydot 12-27-2008 12:12 PM

I have an error wit saving scores... when a game trys to submit a score, tha the url ends in http://www.doodsaai.nl/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore and not at the same page arcade.php

I'm using vbseo (Dont know if that makes differents)

What can be the problem?

neof 12-27-2008 02:04 PM

i want to use this mod. does it work on 3.6.8 ?

skhms 12-27-2008 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by mortydot (Post 1694699)
I have an error wit saving scores... when a game trys to submit a score, tha the url ends in http://www.doodsaai.nl/index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore and not at the same page arcade.php

I'm using vbseo (Dont know if that makes differents)

What can be the problem?

IBPro games sends their scores to index.php
Normally this is handled in the hook forumhome_start.

If you have a custom index.php (lika a portal or something) you need to add that hook or the code in the hook.

Try adding the code in this post it has worked before.


Clayton 12-27-2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by neof (Post 1694762)
i want to use this mod. does it work on 3.6.8 ?

it certainly should

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