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-   -   vbHome (lite) - your vBulletin(powered) main homepage (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=36756)

beta_e 04-21-2003 09:20 PM

Okay - I'm a serious newb so bear with me.

I want to include the left column features in vbhome (search, recent articles, hello user, etc) across all my vbulletin forums. Obviously from reading what is already in this thread, all it requires is to incorporate vbhome code into my vbulletin templates. Problem is since I'm seriously green at this, I'm not sure how to go about this or if it will even work.

VBhome features are great, hence I want them in my entire forums - but is it modular enough to allow me to paste into vbulletin templates??

Sharg 04-22-2003 03:00 PM

I installed the vbhome hack, and I must congratulate the author for the simplicity and powerfulness of the system.

However I have a little suggestion.
On the author own site, there is a "Source link" that seems to be built in in the hack, which is not in the vbhome script I downloaded.

I think a built in "Source" link, with a link pointing to the full article would be very usefull for people who report what is going on other sites. This would come as a new field when admins submit articles to their board. I'd like also this "source link" to be templated so I could insert it in forumdisplay (for users who want to bipass our own link and go directly to the source) and also anywhere on vbhome home page.

I think it would be a simple yet interesting option to the system to increase its news management capabilities and user friendliness.


deepdark 04-22-2003 05:33 PM

why the threads with attached image in news section cant show the image file on the vbhome main page is showing a link PLEASE HELP ME PLEASE????????? :(

Baccillus 04-22-2003 06:43 PM


I moved my server and i am getting this error now.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare archive_nopermission() (previously declared in /home/coupons/public_html/global.php:378) in /home/coupons/public_html/coupons/admin/functions.php on line 2468

i uninstalled the vbhomelite + the indexer and reinstalled it again..
i am not able to figure out the error..

any help/guidance is appreciated..


the url is http://www.couponsnext.com


btw the indexer + the forums works fine..


the url is http://www.couponsnext.com/coupons/archive/index.php

i am really confused now

TECK 04-22-2003 06:55 PM

This is explained on the Support Forums.

Baccillus 04-22-2003 07:15 PM

well, the problem is solved.. i installed other one instead of the addon. :)

TECK 04-22-2003 07:20 PM

It looks like you actually installed the vbHome add-on:

Baccillus 04-22-2003 07:36 PM

Thanx teck.. it is working fine now.. i installed VBarchive instead of the addon..but now i changed it..

Bad..you don't have a paypal donate box on your site.. You have done an awesome job and people like me know its worth :)

TheEnd 04-24-2003 12:45 AM

umm where do i get full version?

Floris 04-24-2003 02:13 AM

In the ACP you set use BB code to yes, but [img] still shows as a link, is this a missing feature, bug in feature or should adding images be done differently ?

cmaz44 04-24-2003 05:08 AM

I have installed the vb home hack but now my page is all warped. The button at the top are just x's and the center and the right column have nothing going on. What is the next step for me to get things going?

Floris 04-24-2003 10:50 AM

Check the path to the images, and see what it says 'hover over an image and right click > properties' - you will see what it is and what it actually should be, change the path. You could also just edit the home page template: home_header and set the path manually, this is what I did to get them to work without spending too much time on it. Once the header buttons are correct, the rest will fall in place too probably.

cmaz44 04-24-2003 01:43 PM

I can find all the properties and files and it seem like the path is what it say in the properties. What else can I do? THe button just have text and then an x and they look awful.

212rikanmofo 04-24-2003 03:21 PM

is there a way to make it so that when i post articles with [img] tags or attachments that they will automatically show up and not just the link? please help, how do i do this? also my headers and footers are sort of messedup looking and not aligning right, any ideas? not bad though only some stuff isnt aligning, this is weird cause under vb they look fine, but not under vbhome, whats wrong?

TheEnd 04-24-2003 07:23 PM

HOW DO I DO THIS! The Instructions said to edit Admin/forum/function.php or something and its not THERE! Is that First Post with the attachment the wrong zip? Can someone PLEASE help

TheEnd 04-24-2003 08:35 PM

I got it now, how do I do step 4, do I need to upload an edited file?

Open vBulletin Admin Control Panel and a new {imageshome} replacement variable to your full website URL, like that:
Replacements > Add

and enter the following information:REPLACEMENT SET
(your choice here)

Change the code to insert to match your forum location. Save the replacement variable.

Im stuck... :-/


I skipped step 4, did EVERYTHING else and www.rec0n.com/index.php is broken(where is the user info for the database thing located?) , and I don't see any thing in Control Panel Home called "vbHome Page"

TheEnd 04-25-2003 04:46 AM


Tigga 04-25-2003 05:00 AM

Have you tried asking for help on Teck's support forums?

Sanjiyan 04-25-2003 06:59 AM


Yesterday at 09:35 PM TheEnd said this in Post #2856
I got it now, how do I do step 4, do I need to upload an edited file?

Open vBulletin Admin Control Panel and a new {imageshome} replacement variable to your full website URL, like that:
Replacements > Add

and enter the following information:REPLACEMENT SET
(your choice here)

Change the code to insert to match your forum location. Save the replacement variable.

Im stuck... :-/


I skipped step 4, did EVERYTHING else and www.rec0n.com/index.php is broken(where is the user info for the database thing located?) , and I don't see any thing in Control Panel Home called "vbHome Page"

You need to do step 4.

Goto your Admin Control Panel, go to the Replacements Link at the bottom of the Menu, and click Add.

And enter the following:

Code to find: {imageshome}
Code to insert: forums/images

(change forums to what ever your forums directory is called)


The vbHome control panel part is under the:
Options -> vBulletin Options
Its listed in the link list as: [Front Page]

Section, and is called: Front Page


I have copy'n'pasted the installation section of the readmefirst.html page, which is included in the zip file, you need to do all the installation in the order specified and then upload the relevent files, and run the vbhlinstall.php

Tell us if this helps?

Open template.php file (located in /admin/forum folder) and perform the code change listed below.
$only['getinfo'] = 'User Info Display';
$only['home'] = 'Home Page';

Save the file.

Open newthread.php file (located in /forum folder) and perform the code change listed below.
if (in_array($foruminfo['forumid'], explode(',', $articleforum))) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET articleid=$postid WHERE threadid=$threadid");

Save the file.

Open vbHome (lite) global.php file and change the default admin path:
$adminpath = 'forum/admin';

to your actual admin path, for example:
$adminpath = 'board/admin';

Save the file.
Open vBulletin Admin Control Panel and a new {imageshome} replacement variable to your full website URL, like that:
Replacements > Add

and enter the following information:REPLACEMENT SET
(your choice here)

Change the code to insert to match your forum location. Save the replacement variable.

Still in your vBulletin Admin Control Panel, create a new forum, called Web Site News (or whatever is more appropriate for your site).
Upload all files onto your folder. The following order is recommended:

[ROOT] - upload here your vbHome (lite) index.php, backend.php and global.php files
---[FORUM] - upload here your vbHome (lite) printarticle.php and vBulletin newthread.php files
------[ADMIN] - upload here your vbHome (lite) vbhlinstall.php and vBulletin template.php files
------[IMAGES] - upload here your arrow.gif, article.gif, articleemail.gif and articleprint.gif files
---------[POLLS] - upload here your bar.gif, bar-bk.gif, bar-l.gif and bar-r.gif files
Run the vbHome (lite) vbhlinstall.php script installer.
It will update the database with all needed settings to work together with your vBulletin forum.

deepdark 04-25-2003 01:31 PM


Yesterday at 06:21 PM 212rikanmofo said this in Post #2854
is there a way to make it so that when i post articles with [img] tags or attachments that they will automatically show up and not just the link? please help, how do i do this? also my headers and footers are sort of messedup looking and not aligning right, any ideas? not bad though only some stuff isnt aligning, this is weird cause under vb they look fine, but not under vbhome, whats wrong?

i have the same problem !!!!!!!!!!!1

TheEnd 04-25-2003 06:08 PM

Sanjiyan, thanks. I finsihed step 4 last night and I see what your talking about now under options. www.rec0n.com/index.php does work now, thanks. I got some work to do with the style though :)

Sanjiyan 04-25-2003 06:56 PM

Anyone know how to set up the trilliian integration?

I've got the news plugin installed under trillian pointed it to the backend.php

Yet I'm not getting any feed.

TheEnd 04-25-2003 08:52 PM

Whats all this talk aboot a Tril integration?

cmaz44 04-25-2003 11:27 PM

How do I change the buttons? Can I edit the script from the control panel?

DigitalDesktops 04-25-2003 11:53 PM


Yesterday at 08:56 PM Sanjiyan said this in Post #2862
Anyone know how to set up the trilliian integration?

I've got the news plugin installed under trillian pointed it to the backend.php

Yet I'm not getting any feed.

point it to:


TECK 04-26-2003 08:24 PM


Yesterday at 08:56 PM Sanjiyan said this in Post #2862
Anyone know how to set up the trilliian integration?

I've got the news plugin installed under trillian pointed it to the backend.php

Yet I'm not getting any feed.


Sanjiyan 04-26-2003 09:09 PM

its pointing to the backend file, but its not getting any feed from that..

If I put in for example the one teck gave me into trillian or even a browser it works (ie the feed from tecks site)...

and in a browser I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE rss (View Source for full doctype...)>

yet if I point to my backend.php via a browser I just get a done message and nothing displayed...

hence I know its not picking up anything or making a feed.

deepdark 04-27-2003 02:07 PM

@TECK please can you help me m8 please .... :(
i have this problem:

is there a way to make it so that when i post articles with [img] tags or attachments that they will automatically show up and not just the link? please help, how do i do this? also my headers and footers are sort of messedup looking and not aligning right, any ideas? not bad though only some stuff isnt aligning, this is weird cause under vb they look fine, but not under vbhome, whats wrong?

Floris 04-27-2003 02:21 PM

Give me the url to your forum (feel free to just PM me) and I will have a look.

I know how to display [img] inline on the frontpage, so if you want more details, please contact me on PM.

Sanjiyan 04-27-2003 03:12 PM


Today at 04:21 PM xiphoid said this in Post #2869
Give me the url to your forum (feel free to just PM me) and I will have a look.

I know how to display [img] inline on the frontpage, so if you want more details, please contact me on PM.

Its http://theborg.cjb.net/backend.php


Floris 04-27-2003 04:03 PM

I was talking to deepdark

deepdark 04-27-2003 05:44 PM

xiphoid sat-hack.org is the url and my e mail is deepdark@mt.net.mk please

Sanjiyan you can send me a PM about the details please

David_McPherson 04-27-2003 06:25 PM

Nice work Tech!! Works fine on my soon to be new home page and forum...


gengar003 04-27-2003 07:34 PM

How can I change the width of the content tables?

212rikanmofo 04-28-2003 03:21 AM

okay did anyone here figure out how to make the [img] tags show up the image instead of a link yet? please... i cannot seem to get this working right...

and why are the headers messed up on vbhome, im using the same exact code from my vbulletin, but yet on vbhome it comes out messedup...

TheBlueFalcon 04-28-2003 03:12 PM


For the life of me I cannot get the darn text fo the post to display on the home page...

Just the artical link.

What have I missed?????

gerlando 04-28-2003 05:28 PM


Just some feedback. I had the toughest time finding the article indexer link. I didn't even see the links at the top of the install file and the threads here said it was added to the /admin directory but never mentioned it was in the install file. Symantics I know, but making the links red or something might help make them more obvious since so many other people have been having problems finding it.

Otherwise, kick ass hack! :)

TECK 04-28-2003 07:49 PM

Done, I added a more visible link. :)

TheBlueFalcon 04-29-2003 03:28 PM


I have FIRED Vbportal....kept crashing my site.....can you believe that>> LOL!!!!

Avenger4 04-29-2003 06:57 PM

what are you talking about? it is a great hack that takes just a little bit of brain work to figure it out. Not hard...just be patient

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