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Scalemotorcars 07-20-2017 09:36 PM

Has anyone figured out how to display this on Photopost? Works great with everything else. Maybe some way to add a THIS_SCRIPT to one of the files....

y2ksw 07-21-2017 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Scalemotorcars (Post 2588748)
Has anyone figured out how to display this on Photopost? Works great with everything else. Maybe some way to add a THIS_SCRIPT to one of the files....

Photopost does not use the standard page rendering, thus the banners are entirely skipped from their pages.

bazookajoe 07-21-2017 12:14 PM

Is there a modification that would allow a banner or banners to be placed in specific spots on every page in a thread?

y2ksw 07-21-2017 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by bazookajoe (Post 2588770)
Is there a modification that would allow a banner or banners to be placed in specific spots on every page in a thread?

not that I know of ... except inbuilt advertising ...

SWSUSA 10-13-2017 04:54 PM

Hi! Prompt how to make two banners in rotation on the homepage?


Привет! Подскажите, как сделать два баннера в ротации на главной странице?

y2ksw 10-13-2017 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by SWSUSA (Post 2590447)
Hi! Prompt how to make two banners in rotation on the homepage?


Привет! Подскажите, как сделать два баннера в ротации на главной странице?

You would use one placeholder (location) and 2 entries for that placeholder in the database.

designguy 11-29-2017 09:17 PM

This is similar to what I'm trying to do. I want to put a banner in between every 2nd post so I have the code inserted into the postbit template. Now, here's my problem: The group I'm pulling the banners from only has 3 banners in it. On a long thread, this only fills up the first three locations and then all the rest of the potential spaces are blank. I want these banners to repeat in these spaces down the page, not just show them once on the page. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with this mod. Is there any way we can get a modification that allows a banner to be repeated on a page without entering multiple instances of the same banner?



Originally Posted by rhody401 (Post 2450042)
It'll do it if you change the postbit code and insert the trigger(s). I have it display with this mod every 5th post, and also after the last post. This is the code I used, which I believe I found from a previous post in this thread:

PHP Code:

BANNER AFTER LAST POST HACK Added this mod to our forum on 3/1/12 

Admin Console -> Styles Templates -> Style Manager -> edit template ->  postbit templates -> postbit_legacy  

......at the END add this, if you want it to display random ad after the LAST post:

vb:if condition="$post['islastshown']">
div align="center"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div><br />

at the VERY END add this:  (puts random ad after 5th and 10th posts)

vb:if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' AND (($post['postcount'] % 15 == 10) OR $post['postcount'] == 10)">
div class="thread_controls">
div style="width: 100%; text-align: center">
vb:elseif condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread' AND (($post['postcount'] % 15 == 5) OR $post['postcount'] == 5)" />
div class="thread_controls">
div style="width: 100%; text-align: center">

Hope this is helpful! We LOVE the RBS add-on!

y2ksw 11-30-2017 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by designguy (Post 2591321)
This is similar to what I'm trying to do. I want to put a banner in between every 2nd post so I have the code inserted into the postbit template. Now, here's my problem: The group I'm pulling the banners from only has 3 banners in it. On a long thread, this only fills up the first three locations and then all the rest of the potential spaces are blank. I want these banners to repeat in these spaces down the page, not just show them once on the page. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with this mod. Is there any way we can get a modification that allows a banner to be repeated on a page without entering multiple instances of the same banner?


It's a rotating banner plugin and thus the only way to repeat contents is to duplicate banners and give them eventually a different weight because grouping of similar banners is more unlikely.

nxtgen 09-15-2018 12:42 PM

I know this is an older mod but it still works great.. Has anyone else run into the issue of Google marking the links as phishing? My site now shows up as phishing constantly.

djbaxter 09-15-2018 12:52 PM

I'm using it on two forums and have for years. I've never run into that problem at all.

What is the link structure you are using in your ads?

y2ksw 09-25-2018 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by nxtgen (Post 2596362)
I know this is an older mod but it still works great.. Has anyone else run into the issue of Google marking the links as phishing? My site now shows up as phishing constantly.

I never heard about problems of this kind.

I know however, that compromised sites may use links provided by Google as a trigger to move away from the original site, but has nothing to do with any application. It's just the way how the WORM works.

I suggest to change passwords for FTP, check plugins and also the styles (save one of them in order to refresh the plugin and style cache). During fixing compromised forums, I found plugin code in the plugin cache, but not in the plugin table.

nxtgen 09-25-2018 10:16 AM


y2ksw 09-26-2018 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by nxtgen (Post 2596500)

The mail notification showed me some code which is typical for malware. They change urls or text in the style cache, while the original style seems ok. In the specific case, they injected a script tag, which then moves the visitor away from your site. You can remove erratic style information in the cache by saving or reverting one template.

However, if you host an offending plugin, they can get in again and again. A good place to look at is the misc.php script, which offers a few entry points for highly advanced coders.

Turbe 01-27-2019 12:47 AM

I'm running vBulletin Version 3.8.9 Patch Level 1 (last vB 3.x version that will run on my current OS).

Will Rotating Banner System v2.4.2 run on vB v3.8.9 pl1?

Or do I need to install an earlier RBS Version (and if so, what RBS Version)?


y2ksw 01-27-2019 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Turbe (Post 2598250)
I'm running vBulletin Version 3.8.9 Patch Level 1 (last vB 3.x version that will run on my current OS).

Will Rotating Banner System v2.4.2 run on vB v3.8.9 pl1?

Or do I need to install an earlier RBS Version (and if so, what RBS Version)?



Compatibility: from vBulletin 3.6.5 onwards
... thus it should run on 3.8 ... if it doesn't, it is safe not to use :)

slowstreamer 03-11-2019 08:31 PM

I used this on vB 3.x.x, but now we have jumped up to 5.4.5. Will this mod work with new vB5 ?

y2ksw 03-12-2019 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by slowstreamer (Post 2598760)
I used this on vB 3.x.x, but now we have jumped up to 5.4.5. Will this mod work with new vB5 ?

I'm sorry, no.

TheAllusionist 04-05-2019 02:08 PM

Does anyone have this working on PHP 7 it seems to have broken a lot of extensions including this one.

TheAllusionist 04-05-2019 04:47 PM

Nevermind, I got it to work.

y2ksw 04-06-2019 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by TheAllusionist (Post 2599012)
Nevermind, I got it to work.

What did you fix? :)

In Omnibus 04-06-2019 12:20 PM

No one should still be using flash code from six years ago. Flash was one of the biggest security risks going at the time.

y2ksw 04-06-2019 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by In Omnibus (Post 2599023)
No one should still be using flash code from six years ago. Flash was one of the biggest security risks going at the time.

This is the reason, why it is optional to use :)

TheAllusionist 04-06-2019 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2599024)
This is the reason, why it is optional to use :)

I just re-uploaded the files and over wrote the install XML file and it seems to work. It is on a vBulletin 4 forum that I have converted to xenForo and wanted the banner system up and running so I could mimic it what I had in vBulletin.

The addon seems to work OK now and Isee no reason why if you are running the antiquated vBulletin 4 why you wouldn't run this addon, especially if you went to all the trouble of custom coding your templates to locate the banners where you want. IMHO

y2ksw 04-08-2019 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by TheAllusionist (Post 2599027)
I just re-uploaded the files and over wrote the install XML file and it seems to work. It is on a vBulletin 4 forum that I have converted to xenForo and wanted the banner system up and running so I could mimic it what I had in vBulletin.

The addon seems to work OK now and Isee no reason why if you are running the antiquated vBulletin 4 why you wouldn't run this addon, especially if you went to all the trouble of custom coding your templates to locate the banners where you want. IMHO

Thank you very much! :)

morrow 06-11-2019 06:11 PM

Today, my banners all stopped working and I get a link without a photo. I can still click on the link but the actual banners have disappeared. I asked my host if anything changed and he's assured me that nothing has changed.

Any ideas as to where to check?

djbaxter 06-11-2019 06:46 PM

What's the source for your banners? e.g., are they all AdSense?

morrow 06-11-2019 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by djbaxter (Post 2599511)
What's the source for your banners? e.g., are they all AdSense?

Nevermind. I installed a google ad blocker. I disabled it and can now see the ads.

Scream And Fly 06-12-2019 04:49 PM

I still use and depend on this addon, which is fantastic. My only issue is I can only get four banners to appear. If I assign banners to additional slots, they simply don't appear. If anybody has any ideas, I'd be very grateful.

My site is at: https://www.screamandfly.com/forum.php

y2ksw 06-13-2019 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Scream And Fly (Post 2599525)
I still use and depend on this addon, which is fantastic. My only issue is I can only get four banners to appear. If I assign banners to additional slots, they simply don't appear. If anybody has any ideas, I'd be very grateful.

My site is at: https://www.screamandfly.com/forum.php

If you get 4 slots to work, all others should really work as well.

Hawk7173 12-29-2019 05:06 PM

Will this work on 4.2.5?

djbaxter 12-29-2019 05:27 PM

Yes. Works fine on 4.2.5.

Hawk7173 12-30-2019 01:54 AM

Thank you!

Bulent Tekcan 12-21-2020 10:44 AM

Is this code works with vBulletin 5 version ?


y2ksw 12-22-2020 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bulent Tekcan (Post 2605266)
Is this code works with vBulletin 5 version ?


Unfortunately not.

jnrdavo 01-06-2021 10:16 PM

Hi Guys,
I've been relying on this add-on for many years.
I'm finally looking to go to VB5 from 4 and want to ensure a similar experience for my members.
Does anybody know if there is similar functionallity in VB5, or a add-on (are they still called that?) that I can use/purchase to replace this fantastic one?
Mostly I want to be able to show random sponsor banners based on values/weight. I also want to be able to track how many times it's been shows and clicked.

yilmaz 01-07-2021 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by jnrdavo (Post 2605618)
Hi Guys,
I've been relying on this add-on for many years.
I'm finally looking to go to VB5 from 4 and want to ensure a similar experience for my members.
Does anybody know if there is similar functionallity in VB5, or a add-on (are they still called that?) that I can use/purchase to replace this fantastic one?
Mostly I want to be able to show random sponsor banners based on values/weight. I also want to be able to track how many times it's been shows and clicked.

Such plugins are no longer needed in vb5.
There is an ad placement module, you can add a banner to the position you want.

jnrdavo 01-07-2021 09:07 PM

Thanks yilmaz,

I'm yet to work out how to have 'rotating' banners based on weight.

As an example, I might have 5 sponsors on my site. 2 x sponsors are 'gold' level, that get more 'placements' of their banners than others.

In this plugin, you can do that.

Above and beyond weighting, can you put in 5 rotating banners in VB5? (ie, when one person is logged on to the site, they see banner 1, when another user at the same time is logged on, they see banner 2 and so on)?

yilmaz 01-07-2021 09:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Whichever level you see, you create a special user group for that level

y2ksw 01-08-2021 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by yilmaz (Post 2605622)
Such plugins are no longer needed in vb5.
There is an ad placement module, you can add a banner to the position you want.

Good to know :)

jnrdavo 01-09-2021 07:38 PM

yes, but I want to have 5 banners (as an example).

All users to see all banners, in rotation, based on weight.

Does that make sense? If you look at this plug-in, look at the configuration options and it will show you want it can do.

I can see a way to do this in VB5.

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