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dreck 04-12-2006 11:09 PM

Will this allow you have more than 1 drop down menu?

dreck 04-13-2006 02:00 AM

I found the answer to my question.
Be nice if you could. :(

Very great hack... love it

kif 04-13-2006 06:39 PM

Great hack, thanks. Worked great on my 3.5.4 install.

Is there any way to rename the Extra drop down menu to something else?



Never Mind I found it here:


Killer_Charge 04-13-2006 10:41 PM

<td id="custom_links" class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#custom_links">$vbphrase[custom_links_link]</a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("custom_links"); </script></td>

dude, help me plz i realy need this! it just dont work, my site is www.neronix.com/forum/index.php

please help, all that i see is the extras bit, then it drops down to reveal notin

harmor19 04-14-2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Killer_Charge
<td id="custom_links" class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#custom_links">$vbphrase[custom_links_link]</a> <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("custom_links"); </script></td>

dude, help me plz i realy need this! it just dont work, my site is www.neronix.com/forum/index.php

please help, all that i see is the extras bit, then it drops down to reveal notin

You must've fixed it because it works for me.

b6gm6n 04-21-2006 02:22 AM

All workin... just wondered about the images... they show, but have a small border to them...though this might be my css, but it's there with the default style to... just a small black border appears to each image on the bottom and to the right... and thats it... very odd, see attached... i may just need to remove the <img> link info for the images....


EDIT - sussed that is was the image sizes....mine were 15x15... the plugin called them up to 16x16 thus the graphical glitch!

sandalwood 04-24-2006 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by cmbehan
Yes, I refreshed my Admincp, logged out and back in, cleared all temp internet files, etc...

I'm still only getting "Announcement Manager" and "Add New Announcement" under the Announcement menu.

I have the exact same problem. I came here installed, I have installed maybe 20 addons or plugins and ALL worked perfect 100% the first time every time, because I am a smart user who follows all the directions.

This extension is broken. It FAILS to add a link in the admincp to be able to access from the acp.

I added it myself manually, but you should know your software has a bug and looks like several other users here reported the same thing.

harmor19 04-24-2006 06:59 PM

The only think I can think of is that the people who cannot see the category in the Admin CP didn't upload the cpnav xml file to the correct location.

sandalwood 04-24-2006 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by harmor19
The only think I can think of is that the people who cannot see the category in the Admin CP didn't upload the cpnav xml file to the correct location.

what kind of weird sht are you pulling here buddy? you must not be thinking very hard if the "only thing you can think of" is that we must have failed to follow directions. we all followed the directions perfectly. the flaw is yours.

1. by default it DOES NOT add a link in the admincp. it just doesn't. all the people who installed this but *didn't* complain either have some nonstandard setup, or they just uninstalled it and didn't bother to post about their experience.

2. you have a PERMISSIONS mask set

that is totally un-FCKING-documented anywhere, so it won't even show up unless you have that set.

i finally tracked down what you did:

MOST PEOPLE DONT HAVE THAT VARIABLE SET and that code installed! :(

the only people who this could have possibly ever worked for are people like me who had to go in an change everything manually and force it... or people who had for some warped reason set up further admin privelege settings as per that other thread, and only if they used the EXACT phrase "canadminmyhack" and set it up in advance.

SOME OF US don't want that extra sht "custom admin persmissions" crap that is a whole SEPARATE thing and extremely unwelcome! I'm pissed that you tried to jam that crap in with your mod.

sandalwood 04-24-2006 07:41 PM

ok look sorry perhaps i have a hot temper.

the solution is easy.

remove the text i quoted, from cpnav_custom_links.xml

so remove

then it will show up in cpadmin

sandalwood 04-24-2006 07:43 PM

you probably just made an honest mistake, which messing with custom admin permissions and left that in there. canadminmyhack was the EXAMPLE string used in the post about that, so i can see now thinking about it you were just experimenting and accidentally left it in. i'm sorry i jumped all over you but i hate it when i see a mod include stuff that messed with core things like admin permissions and such.

hope i didn't ruin your day. thanks for taking the time to make this mod and for putting up with confrontational loud people like myself! :)

sandalwood 04-24-2006 07:49 PM

i understand now what happened. you are admin your board as SUPERADMIN, that overrides all access masks.

i am a normal admin.

this is why you custom access mask stopped me, but not you, and why you missed it in your testing.

please remove your custom access mask, or change it to actually work thank you.

MarcusTangh 04-24-2006 09:46 PM

Here's my problem:

The link doens't look right AND id="navbar_search" isn't found in any of the "Right click" Source code
I did however find:
<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="navbar_search_menu" style="display:none">

Just incase, I decided to try "vbmenu_popup" ironicly enough, it didn't work.

I just thought of something else I should inform you of, in any template aside from default I could not find:
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>

nor anything to do with Calander.php
so I just stuck it in there somewhere

harmor19 04-24-2006 10:17 PM

Thanks sandalwood.
I had no idea that permissions="canadminmyhack" cause conflict that's why I didn't remove it.

I'll edit the XML and re-upload

sandalwood 04-24-2006 11:48 PM

minor bug

if you go to "show new posts"
and there are no new posts so you see the error message, then if you click the Extras menu, your items are not listed the menu is empty.

also if you do a search, and there are no results
Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

all other places i could test, the menu works fine. its just those two error type pages, the menu becomes empty there.

harmor19 04-24-2006 11:50 PM

Someone else reported it and I thought it's to small to worry about.

bashy 04-26-2006 06:01 PM


I have 17 drop links and i take it this means i have added 17 queries to my forum
custom_droplinks (17) or am i totally wrong?

Please advise?

harmor19 04-26-2006 08:48 PM

That is correct.

bashy 04-27-2006 05:13 AM


39 queries, 17 from this hack, damn, must remove some links lol

Brandon Sheley 04-27-2006 05:22 AM

how do we upgrade ? just upload the plugin ?
I see this

Q: Where are all the upgrade files located?
A: I have created a seperate folder in the archive specifically for upgrades
################################################## ###############

but I looked all over the file I downloaded from the first post.. and I don't see this ?


Renae 04-28-2006 03:36 AM

I'm having a strange problem.

I've had this mod installed for awhile now, and I love it, completely cleans up the navbar. Just today I decided to get a new style (two of them so far). I was worried my template changes wouldn't take effect.

The first new template, I put the custom links code into the right area in the template, and it works great. But, the second style, I put in the code, the link shows up, but when I click my features, nothing shows up. I'm confused as to why one new style works, all my old default styles work, but the second new style will not work.

Any ideas?

BeaLzeBuB 04-29-2006 02:17 PM

thx you.


can we add catagories ?

harmor19 05-06-2006 04:08 AM

I forgot, I try to remember next time

I went to your site and it works on all your styles. I take it that your fixed it.

You can't add categories on this release.

5wayshosting 05-06-2006 04:47 AM

hi there,

can someone point to the direction where to change two files for this mod.


harmor19 05-06-2006 05:30 AM

What two files?

5wayshosting 05-06-2006 06:52 AM

Theres something to edit below the navbar ??

hilfe-forum 05-06-2006 05:17 PM

first thanks for this great Hack ans sorry for my bad english...

What must i do that unregistered Users can Use de Extra Nav bar??


harmor19 05-07-2006 02:02 AM

To find the navbar template log into your Admin CP
On the left frame open the 'Styles & Templates' category and click on 'Style Manager'.
In the drop down menu select "Edit Templates".
Find "Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates" and double click it.
Now double click on "navbar".

Unregistered users can use it. Do you mean that you don't want them to use it?

5wayshosting 05-07-2006 02:07 AM

Cheers, thanks for that..

hilfe-forum 05-07-2006 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by harmor19

Unregistered users can use it. Do you mean that you don't want them to use it?

ok sorry...
I try it with Firefox..(dont work)
with IE is everything ok!!

Thanks for this Hack!!

louth 05-17-2006 08:47 PM


In your CMPS settings under Portal Output Global Variables place:

Excuse my ignorance, but where exactly is this located?

I've been able to change the name of 'Extras' and added my links, but they won't show up on my CMPS. Obviously because I haven't done what it says in the instructions, but I can't find where to type them.

Any help would be appreciated.


Littlebit 05-17-2006 09:40 PM

AdminCP---->vBa CMPS---->Default Settings---->Main Options Options---->Portal Output Global Variables


louth 05-18-2006 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Littlebit
AdminCP---->vBa CMPS---->Default Settings---->Main Options Options---->Portal Output Global Variables


Aha! Thank you. I never really dared click that 'Default Settings' before, I thought it would revert everything that I'd done. :confused:

Littlebit 05-18-2006 06:11 PM

you're welcome :)

Hmmm, the dropdown inserts don't seem to be working right when viewing from any of the error templates. Does anyone else have this happening? :cross-eyed:

kylek 05-24-2006 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by harmor19
Unregistered users can use it. Do you mean that you don't want them to use it?

Is there a way to have it set so unregistered users do not see it? or able to have only specific usergroup ids see it?


JulianWolf 05-28-2006 08:22 AM

Hi everybody,

the Hack ist great and I would love to clean up my whole navbar with it. But ... I´m missing the funktion to put in more then one dropdown-Element.

There are two parts I want to put in dropdowns:

Things like Arcade and Chat

I don´t like the left Navigation-Block in the User-CP, so I like to completely put the UserCP into a Navbar-Dropdown.

Well ... the greatest thing would be to completely configure the navbar with this tool ... but it also would be a great progress if I only could manage two Drop-Down-Links with this extension.

Any Ideas, how to?

Best wishes, Ju lian!

harmor19 05-31-2006 09:16 PM

I've been planning on adding on to it for a while now but it's too hot and humid to do anything.

I hope this extension works for the new 3.6 version.

lamilein 06-01-2006 08:09 PM

it works great on 3.5.4 - thank you very much for this one, made my navbar organisation look much better :) do you accept ice as payment? :]

Lqd 06-02-2006 12:16 AM

just installed your custom navbar hack. Could you tell me how to remove: menu_open.gif image?

I am putting it in a custom skin, those are all connected images, that image breaks up the layout.

I tried chaning the class, but it seems I can't find the proper one, and leaving the class specification out doesn't help much either.


In your forums admin cp, go to the following destination:
Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> Edit Templates -> Expand All Templates

Find the template 'navbar'

                <td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php?$session[sessionurl]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpenRadio(){
Radio = window.open('vBRadio.php','vBRadio','directories=no,height=320,width=650,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpenRadio()">vBRadio</a></td>

::: Save Template 'navbar'

 |/\  vBRadio v1.0 Is Now Installed On Your Forum - Enjoy!  /\|

Any chance that link can go into the custom links menu?

I am looking forward to your reply! Be gentle it's my 2nd day on vB:p

Thank you! It's a greak hack!

harmor19 07-06-2006 08:43 PM

I have figured out how to do usergroup permissions per link.
You can create a link and specify which usergroups can see it.

I'm in the process of coding and testing.

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