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-   -   NNTP Gateway for Usenet ( Newsgroups ), Mailing Lists (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=92588)

Salvar 02-27-2006 10:23 PM

It is giving me the error:

Getting message number 388042:
This forum does not allow attachments, therefore attachment ignored.

Is this fixed already?

AWS 02-28-2006 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Salvar
It is giving me the error:

Getting message number 388042:
This forum does not allow attachments, therefore attachment ignored.

Is this fixed already?

That isn't a bug. It means you don't allow attachments in your usenet forums. Enable posting of attachments and you won't get that message. The post is still being imported it is just not grabbing the attachment.

Maddog417 02-28-2006 12:51 PM

Ok, I finally got it running, which was a real chore since the readme was so out of date. I'm using this for a mailing list, not for a newsgroup. Everything seems to be working okay except that, instead of combining the messages into the appropriate thread, it wants to create a new thread for nearly every message.

Anyone else have this working correctly for a mailing list? If so, how did you get it to combine the posts into the appropriate thread instead of creating a new one? It makes it nearly impossible to follow discussions like this and, of course, threaded and hybrid mode are useless.

toibs 03-05-2006 09:23 AM

So.... Have tried reading through the first few pages from this...

I want to be able to pull pages from both a yahoo group and a Newsgroup - dont want to be able to send posts back to them as yer (tho in the future will probably want to..)

Will it do this??

Secondly, has anyone tried this under 3.5.4 yet, and does it work?

Thanks guys

Hornstar 03-05-2006 05:35 PM

The latest version: V3.5.0Alpha 1 (21 Jul 2005)

Last Update: 04. Aug 2005

I guess this is no longer being updated or supported, and for a great hack like this :/

toibs 03-07-2006 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by Maddog417
Ok, I finally got it running, which was a real chore since the readme was so out of date. I'm using this for a mailing list, not for a newsgroup. Everything seems to be working okay except that, instead of combining the messages into the appropriate thread, it wants to create a new thread for nearly every message.

Anyone else have this working correctly for a mailing list? If so, how did you get it to combine the posts into the appropriate thread instead of creating a new one? It makes it nearly impossible to follow discussions like this and, of course, threaded and hybrid mode are useless.

Yup, exactly the same problems here also - i get a new thread for each message :(

Anyone any clues??

The newsgroups option works a treat tho!!! Absolutely perfect!!


bang 03-07-2006 09:26 PM

maybe someone is willing to put together a working version of this hack? it is really great, exept for the fact that it's not being developed any more :(

KW802 03-07-2006 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
I'd be interested in seeing the modified version using class_image.php instead, doesn't matter if it's phmtl or php. :)

Looks like I'll be giving up on trying to get the attachments working correctly for now. I don't have time to debug it properly and nobody who claims that they've got it working properly seems interested in sharing. :ermm:

KW802 03-07-2006 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by bang
maybe someone is willing to put together a working version of this hack? it is really great, exept for the fact that it's not being developed any more :(

Depends upon your needs. Except for binaries it's working fine so far once you get past the initial hurdles.

dkendall 03-08-2006 05:29 PM

The initial message retrieval from NNTP is not working properly in gateway.php.

When the NNTP server replies that the min. msg index is 1 and the last fetched msg is 0, the code decides to use 1 (min) for lastmsg then iterates from lastmsg+1 to max.

To fix the problem, I changed this line of code:
$lastmsg = ($group['lastmsg'] >= $news->min()) ? $group['lastmsg'] : $news->min();
To this:
$lastmsg = ($group['lastmsg'] >= $news->min()-1) ? $group['lastmsg'] : $news->min()-1;

toibs 03-08-2006 05:53 PM

thats strange - i didnt have that problem at all... luckilly enough it worked "straight out the box" (Tho still have the above mentioned problems with email.... :( )

dkendall 03-10-2006 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by toibs
thats strange - i didnt have that problem at all...

It may only show up if the first post in the newsgroup has index 1. Since old posts can get archived/removed, it's possible your newgroups started with a post higher than 1.

Also, the problem (mentioned long ago) with the gateway spewing HTML when used with FireFox and the scheduled task manager is caused by this:


if (!headers_sent())
        header("Content-Type: text/plain");

... around line 35 of gateway.php. Just take (or comment) it out, and the problem goes away.


dkendall 03-10-2006 04:39 PM

Another issue I've run into...

If an NNTP user has not provided a display name (at least in Outlook Express), the "From" field in his posts is "<name@domain.tld>" and the from_name function in functions_nntp.php returns an empty string.

My workaround is to add this:

    $from_name = from_email($from_raw);

Just before this:

return $from_name;
Then I made the email obfusication mods described here:


... so that only the "name" portion of the e-mail address is displayed.

Hopefully, the maintainer of this code can add this to the official version :)


dkendall 03-10-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by dkendall
Also, the problem (mentioned long ago) with the gateway spewing HTML when used with FireFox and the scheduled task manager is caused by this:


if (!headers_sent())
        header("Content-Type: text/plain");

... around line 35 of gateway.php. Just take (or comment) it out, and the problem goes away.

Another thing... If you want to be able to run the gateway in debug mode via the Scheduled Task manager, replace function logging in functions_nntp.php with this:

function logging($text)
        global $nntp;

        if (isset($nntp['debug']) AND $nntp['debug'] == 1)
                if (function_exists('log_cron_action'))
                        print_r($text . "<br>\r\n");
                        if (!headers_sent())
                                header("Content-Type: text/plain");
                        echo $text . "\r\n";

        if ($nntp['settings']['do_cron_log'])
                $GLOBALS['nntp']['cron_log'] .= $text . "<br />";

This will stop it spewing raw HTML.

AFAIK, the scheduler won't allow you do specify the DEBUG parameter, so you'll also have to modify gateway.php and add this:

$nntp['debug'] = 1;

dkendall 03-12-2006 12:48 PM

I found and fixed a few bugs:
  1. When an article is imported to a sub-forum, the NNTP gateway was doubling thread and post counts in the parent forum(s).
  2. It was updating the "latest post" fields, even if the forum (or parent forum) has newer posts.
  3. The postings added by the gateway were not inheriting the icon of the thread to which they were added (if I understand this concept correctly).
I wanted imported NNTP messages to be linked to the vBulletin user profile of the poster. As the code is intertwined with the above bug fixes, I've included it here too.

To get the vBulletin user id from the NNTP post e-mail address, locate the following lines in gateway.php:


        //Separate name and email address
        $from_name = from_name($message['from']);
        $from_email = from_email($message['from']);

Add the following lines immediately beneath:


        //Get user id from email address
        $from_userid = 0;
        if ($from_email AND ($nntp_settings['associate_by_email'] == 1))
                $user_data = $db->query_first("SELECT userid FROM "
                        . TABLE_PREFIX . "user WHERE email='" . addslashes($from_email) . "'");
                if (!empty($user_data))
                        $from_userid = $user_data['userid'];

Note that we require each unique email addresses in vBulletin.

Fix up the SQL statements in the if ($threadid) / else block in gateway.php as follows:


        // if the correct thread was found, insert it.
        if ($threadid) {
                $lasticonid = 0;
                $icon_data = $db->query_first("SELECT iconid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread WHERE threadid=$threadid");
                if (!empty($icon_data))
                        $lasticonid = $icon_data['iconid'];

                $postid = insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $from_userid, $date, $lasticonid, $parentid);

                // update thread
                $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
                        SET lastpost = '" . $date . "',
                        replycount = replycount + 1,
                        lastposter = '" . addslashes($from_name) . "'
                        WHERE threadid = $threadid

                // update the forum counts
                $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum
                        SET replycount = replycount + 1
                        WHERE forumid = $forumid");

                // update forum last-post data
                        UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum
                        SET lastpost = '" . $date . "',
                        lastposter = '" . addslashes($from_name) . "',
                        lasticonid = $lasticonid,
                        lastthreadid = $threadid,
                        lastthread = '" . addslashes($subject) . "'
                        WHERE forumid IN ({$foruminfo['parentlist']})
                        AND lastpost < '" . $date . "'

                // send out email notices
                exec_send_notification($threadid, "0", $postid);
        } else {
                //can only be here if no thread is found
                //Needs to create new thread

                // Create thread
                if ($vbulletin->options['similarthreadsearch'])
                        require_once(MY_DIR . '/includes/functions_search.php');
                        $similarthreads = fetch_similar_threads($subject);
                        $similarthreads = '';

                $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
                        (title, lastpost, forumid, open, replycount,
                        postusername, postuserid, lastposter, dateline, iconid,
                        visible, views, similar)
                        VALUES ('" . addslashes($subject) . "', '" . $date . "', $forumid, 1, 0,
                        '" . addslashes($from_name) . "', $from_userid,
                        '" . addslashes($from_name) . "', '" . $date . "', 0, 1, 0,
                        '" . $similarthreads . "')

                $threadid = $db->insert_id();

                $postid = insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $from_userid, $date);

                // update the forum counts
                $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum
                        SET replycount = replycount + 1,
                        threadcount = threadcount + 1
                        WHERE forumid = $forumid");

                // update forum last-post data
                $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum
                        SET lastpost = '" . $date . "',
                        lastposter = '" . addslashes($from_name) . "',
                        lasticonid = 0,
                        lastthread = '" . addslashes($subject) . "',
                        lastthreadid = $threadid
                        WHERE forumid IN ({$foruminfo['parentlist']})
                        AND lastpost < '" . $date . "'

                logging("'$subject' from ". $from_name . ". New thread.");

        } //new thread or not

In functions_nntp.php replace function insert_post with the following:


//Insert post and follow up

function insert_post($threadid, $forumid, $foruminfo, $subject, $from_name, $from_email, $from_userid, $date, $iconid = 0, $parentid = 0)
        global $db, $nntp;

        $message =& $nntp['message'];

        $db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post
                (postid, threadid, title, username, userid, dateline, pagetext,
                allowsmilie, showsignature, ipaddress, iconid, visible,
                isusenetpost, msgid, ref, parentid) VALUES
                (NULL, $threadid, '". addslashes($subject) . "',
                '" . addslashes($from_name) . "', $from_userid, '" . $date . "',
                '" . addslashes($message['text']) . "', 1, 0,
                '" . addslashes($from_email) . "', $iconid, 1, 1,
                '" . addslashes($message['message-id']) . "',
                '" . addslashes($message['references']) . "', "
                . $parentid . ")");


        //So that thread preview works
                UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread
                SET firstpostid = $postid
                WHERE threadid = $threadid

        if($from_userid != 0)
                // update user's post count
                $db->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
                        SET lastpost = '" . $date . "',
                        lastactivity = '" . $date . "',
                        posts = posts + 1
                        WHERE userid = $from_userid

        //save attachments if any
        if ($message['attachments'])
                process_attachments($date, $postid, $threadid, $forumid);

        // Index post for searching
        build_post_index($postid, $foruminfo);

        return $postid;

In AdminCP go the to NNTP Gateway Settings, click the Add a New Setting button, and add this:


        Title: Associate by Email
        Varname: associate_by_email
        Value: 1
        Description: Use the email address to associate postings with the corresponding vBulletin user.

Hopefully, the owner/maintainer of this hack can add this to the "official" version.


dkendall 03-12-2006 12:52 PM

Here's another mod I've made to this hack.

In wrestling with getting it working, I needed to blow away my vBulletin threads/posts several times, and re-import everything from USENET. Since some of the postings originated in vBulletin, it was skipping them (which was mucking up the threading).

Locate the whole if (trim($message['user-agent'])... block of code in gateway.php and tweak it as follows:


        $skip_post = 0;

        if (trim($message['user-agent']) == trim($nntp_settings['useragent'])
                AND $nntp_settings['organization_check'] == 0)
                if ($nntp_settings['full_import_from_usenet'] == 0) {
                        logging("Skip, post was sent from our forum.");
                        $skip_post = 1;
        else if (trim($message['user-agent']) == trim($nntp_settings['useragent'])
                AND $nntp_settings['organization_check'] == 1
                AND trim($message['organization']) == trim($nntp_settings['organization']))
                //added organization so that we don't skip fellow gateway's posts
                if ($nntp_settings['full_import_from_usenet'] == 0) {
                        logging("Skip, post was sent from our forum.");
                        $skip_post = 1;
        else if (stristr(trim($message['x-no-archive']), 'yes') AND
                isset($nntp_settings['honor_no-archive']) AND
                $nntp_settings['honor_no-archive'] != 0)
                logging("Skip, X-No-Archive headers is set.");
        elseif ($nntp['grouptype'] == 'mail'
                AND $group['prefix']
                AND stristr($message['subject'], $group['prefix']) == false)
                logging("Skip, not matching prefix: \"" . $group['prefix'] . "\"");

          $kf = killfile_match();

In AdminCP go the to NNTP Gateway Settings, click the Add a New Setting button, and add this:


        Title: Full import from USENET
        Varname: full_import_from_usenet
        Value: 0
        Description: Override useragent and organization checks to import absolutely everything from USENET.

In order to use this feature, you have to:
  1. Enable it by setting the full_import_from_usenet value to 1.
  2. Delete everything from the thread and post tables in the vBulletin database (selectively, if you want to re-import only certain newsgroups or posts).
  3. In AdminCP go to NNTP Gateway Newsgroups and set the Last message number to zero (or some appropriate value).
  4. Run Update Counters and rebuild the thread and forum information, and Update Post Counts.
  5. Run gateway.php script.
  6. Reset the full_import_from_usenet value to zero.

dkendall 03-12-2006 01:01 PM

I found that the NNTP gateway was choking on some articles that had a period on a line by itself.

This seems to be used to indicate the end of the article, but in fact, there was more text to follow.

I worked around this by changing function get_article in nntp.php. I replaced this code:


        while(!feof($this->fp)) {
                //$line = trim(fgets($this->fp, 256));
                //Took out the length, some lines are longer than that
            $line = trim(fgets($this->fp));

            if ($line == ".") {
            } else {
                $post .= $line ."\n";

...with this:


        while(!feof($this->fp)) {
            $line = fgets($this->fp);

            if ($line == ".\r\n") {
            } else {
                $post .= rtrim($line, "\r\n") ."\n";

BTW, the original code appears to strip leading blanks from each line. This is probably wrong, so I made it strip only the cr/lf.


Deepdog009 03-14-2006 01:18 AM

Hey dkendall glad 2 C U be on the Ball with yo add ons. This hack has some po 10 show if it be enhanced and bug free.

I had a problem with it last month! Some groups dont like link backs to userid and forumid. I X-nessed all dat stuff ( signiture, id, links and anything dat might get da boot ) from my ex-posts. Usenet groups be picky when importing from the groups and exporting. All newbies trying diss out be careful when posting to Usenet. Dont put more than one group per forum!!! Mod yo posts.

Got a ???
Can U fix it so that can delete posts from a certain Usenet user in VBull??? When I try to delete a user from Usenet in VBull I get message user not found goback. Got posts by user but VBull says cant find user, what the hec.

Can U tell me how to fix???

Grinler 03-14-2006 11:17 AM

Wow...that took me about 10 reads to fully understand you. Usenet post are not posted as real vbulletin users..they are actually considered guest posts.

dkendall 03-15-2006 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Deepdog009
Some groups dont like link backs to userid and forumid. I X-nessed all dat stuff ( signiture, id, links and anything dat might get da boot ) from my ex-posts.

I'm not sure what this means (I'm a vBulleting newbie myself). How do you put links to userid, forum id, etc., into a post? And how do they look when they're exported to the usenet group?


Originally Posted by Deepdog009
Can U fix it so that can delete posts from a certain Usenet user in VBull??? When I try to delete a user from Usenet in VBull I get message user not found goback.

With the patch I posted previously, imported usenet posts will be linked to VB profiles if their email addresses are found in VB. Otherwise, they're guest posts.

I suppose it would be possible to automatically register unknown email addresses in VB (perhaps using the email address as the username too), but I don't think that's a feature I would want to use.


rmd708 03-15-2006 04:35 PM

Has anyone gotten the footer striper to work. It doesn't work as far as I can tell.

rmd708 03-15-2006 04:39 PM

By the way, the thing about attachments not working. It may be because guests don't have permission to post attachments, and these posts are being put through as guests.

dkendall 03-16-2006 04:02 PM

I implemented the e-mail address masking feature mentioned earlier in this thread. But we use vBulletin for tech suport, and sometimes we post messages telling users to e-mail us directly.

So I've tweaked the masking feature so that it does not strip out addresses from certain domains.

I've also made it configurable in the NNTP Gateway Settings by adding these variables:


Title: Email Address Mask
Varname: email_address_mask
Value: \1 (AT) \2 (DOT) \3
Description: Mask for obfusicating email addresses in imported messages.

Title: Mask Email Exclude
Varname: mask_email_exclude
Value: onedomain.com;domaintwo.net;third.org
Description: Semicolon-delimited lowercase list of domains for which e-mail addresses should NOT be masked.

In gateway.php locate the line logging("Gateway version "... and insert this beneath it:


// Get email mask settings
$email_address_mask = $nntp_settings['email_address_mask'];
$mask_email_exclude = explode(';', $nntp_settings['mask_email_exclude']);

Locate the following block of code:

        //Hide real email address for mailing lists
        if ($nntp['grouptype'] == 'mail')
                $message['text'] = preg_replace('/([-_.\\w]+)@([\\w]+[-\\w]+)\\./', '\\1 (AT) \\2 (DOT) ', $message['text']);

Replace it with this:

        //Mask real email addresses in message text
        if (isset($email_address_mask))
                $message['text'] = preg_replace_callback('/(.+)@([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)/', "mask_email_callback", $message['text']);

A few lines later, after the call to from_name, add the following code:

        //clean up name
        if (isset($email_address_mask))
                $from_name = preg_replace('/(.+)@(.+)/', '\\1', $from_name);

NOTE: This handles the case where the display name in the nntp posting is an e-mail address. It simply changes my.name@domain.com to my.name, rather than using the email_address_mask value and without regard to the mask_email_exclude setting.

Finally, add this code to the end of functions_nntp.php:

function mask_email_callback($parts)
        global $email_address_mask;
        global $mask_email_exclude;

        if (in_array(strtolower($parts[2]), $mask_email_exclude))
                return $parts[0];

        return preg_replace('/(.+)@(.+)\\.([^\\.]+)/', $email_address_mask, $parts[0]);

This will replace "my.name@my.domain.com" with "my.name (AT) my.domain (DOT) com". Of course, you can change the email_address_mask value to anything (e.g., "\1@..."). Leaving it blank will disable this feature.


Deepdog009 03-19-2006 07:29 PM

Oh, been away 4 awhile. Your ? about links is pertaining to the settings in admincp. I deleted the links coming back to forum. I deleted most info linking back and setup to only show post info without sig and footer.

dkendall when U export your posts do U experience sometimes some posts dont up to usenet? Why is that? Is there a fullproof way to verify that all posts were exported to usenet without problems.

I think it might have something to do with mod posts. Ive noticed that non mod posts work ok, but mod posts sometimes dont export.

Updated files and now getting this message on some posts:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions_threadedmode.php on line 202
Email mask setting changes page 18

Used updates from page 17, working beauts!

tiffin100 03-21-2006 04:24 PM


I am having a massive problem with duplicated threads being imported. I have even tried setting the time delay to 2 seconds between posts incase it was a slow server issue.

I have set the cron to run once an hour, which works fine.

I get no errors, I just get duplicate threads and lots of them, any ideas or help would be great..

dkendall 03-21-2006 08:33 PM

Hmmm. I answered this yesterday, but my reply hasn't shown up!


Originally Posted by Deepdog009
dkendall when U export your posts do U experience sometimes some posts dont up to usenet?

No, I'm not seeing that.


Originally Posted by Deepdog009
Updated files and now getting this message on some posts:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions_threadedmode.php on line 202
Email mask setting changes page 18

I looked at this code, and don't see how it can be related to the Email mask setting changes. It's probably caused by posts who's parents are missing from vBulletin.

When you start using the NNTP gateway, you have to make sure the "Last Message Index" in NNTP Gateway Newsgroups is set to zero.

Also, it won't import posts from NNTP that originated in vBulletin unless you use the full_import_from_usenet mod I posted earlier.


Deepdog009 03-21-2006 09:38 PM

Ok, testing your updates, working ok so far. I guess U be right about some posts showing up with error message if begining thread not found. That sucks.

Im still having a minor problem with Moderation. When posts arent moderated they successfully export to NNTP, but when posts are moderated sometimes they dont feed to NNTP. Does NEbody know why that is???:cross-eyed:

Grinler got one 4 ya!
U B O ta

lierduh 03-22-2006 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by tiffin100

I am having a massive problem with duplicated threads being imported. I have even tried setting the time delay to 2 seconds between posts incase it was a slow server issue.

I have set the cron to run once an hour, which works fine.

I get no errors, I just get duplicate threads and lots of them, any ideas or help would be great..

This is due to having two instances of the scripts running at the same time. The script has ability to avoid such situation, but only check for scripts running within 30 minutes. So if you have an importation that is lasting for 1/2hour (eg. the very first import), don't set up/enble cron!

dkendall 03-22-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Deepdog009
When posts arent moderated they successfully export to NNTP, but when posts are moderated sometimes they dont feed to NNTP. Does NEbody know why that is???:cross-eyed:

I'm guessing here...

When the gateway copies posts to NNTP, it keeps track of the last message copied.

If you have a moderated post that is older than an unmoderated post, and the unmoderated post is copied over to NNTP, the gateway may never look at the older post.


tiffin100 03-22-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by lierduh
This is due to having two instances of the scripts running at the same time. The script has ability to avoid such situation, but only check for scripts running within 30 minutes. So if you have an importation that is lasting for 1/2hour (eg. the very first import), don't set up/enble cron!

thanks lierduh for the quick response, this solved the problem.

Deepdog009 03-22-2006 09:17 PM

By george i C it now, tricky aint it

Keep up the good work:banana:

hostingforum-it 03-28-2006 04:54 PM

"dkendall" can you tell me please wich of your BugFix will fixe the double posting (double message count) ? I have running this script in a subforum and it double all the post (and counts) to the main forum.


hostingforum-it 03-28-2006 10:24 PM

ok forget what i wrote below.... it works!!!. The newsserver nedded a few mins to show the new posts.
But i have a question:
How to modify the attached message that will be send to the newsgroup It currently send this:
uername Profile: http://forums.yourdomain.com.au/member.php?userid=34
View this thread: http://forums.yourdomain.com.au/showthread.php?t=3247

just curiouse... how does the script post to newsgroups? it seems to post on forum but Not to the newsgroup.
The news server i use allow to post (i are able to send mails via outlook express to the newsgroup)

athloni 04-01-2006 01:59 AM

I installed this hack and I am currently getting this error (using GigaNews)


Gateway version 2.3.2  1 group(s) gatewayed.
Could not connect to NNTP-server. (Connection timed out (110))

Not connected
Not connected

athloni 04-01-2006 07:12 PM

Someone please, I need some help. I have had some smart people look at my install and no one knows what is going on.

I am hosted at Asmallorange.com in shared hosting.

I have had a ticket escalated all the way to the admin:


I tested this out and it appears to be working. Although, I'm unfamiliar with this script. If you can do some more testing and also contact the developers of it to see what could be wrong with the server, we'd be more than happy to resolve this for you.


I am trying to connect to GigaNews. I have tried editing nttp.php several times to change the port to 23, 80, and 119, all of which GigaNews accepts. All of them returned the same error:


Gateway version 2.3.2 1 group(s) gatewayed.
Could not connect to NNTP-server. (Connection timed out (110))

Not connected
Not connected

hostingforum-it 04-02-2006 07:59 PM

are you able to connect to the news server though another newsreader (eg. outlook express)?

athloni 04-02-2006 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by hostingforum-it
are you able to connect to the news server though another newsreader (eg. outlook express)?


and actually the thing 'magically' started working. Importing topics STILL :D

Fantastic hack.

dkendall 04-04-2006 05:45 PM

We found that some articles posted in vBulletin were not showing up in the NNTP newsgroups, and the following error was logged:

Posting Message 'Re: blah blah blah' from testuser. Result: 441 (615) Article Rejected -- Duplicate Message-ID <testuser.25r4mk@ultrasoft.com> (GLE=0)

This error is caused by the following code in sendnews in functions_nntp.php:

$msgid = $u . '.' . base_convert ($msgid_date, 10, 36) . '@'.$nntp_settings['email'];

Note that $msgid_date is a local variable, initialized from the global $nntp['msgid_date']. The next time this function is called, it uses the same value of $nntp['msgid_date'].

Consequently, if the same user posts twice (or more) all their messages get the same Message-ID.

The fix is simple. Use the global variable instead, as follows:

$msgid = $u . '.' . base_convert ($nntp['msgid_date'], 10, 36) . '@'.$nntp_settings['email'];

You can also get rid of the earlier initialization of the $msgid_date local variable, as it's no longer needed.

While we don't use moderation, a similar bug would seem to be the cause of the problem Deepdog009 reported with moderated posts getting left behind when non-moderated posts are replicated (causing the last_postid to get incremented).

Again in function sendnews in functions_nntp.php, the $good_to_set_postid variable is local in scope. When a moderated post is replicated, the local variable is set to zero (false), rather than the $nntp['good_to_set_postid'] global variable.

Having done these fixes, I found an additional problem whereby replies to the posts that had failed to replicate were themselves being rejected (because their parent posts were missing in NNTP).

I worked around this by setting the last_postid value in the NNTP Gateway Settings page to zero, then re-running the gateway. It won't duplicate posts because those already sent to NNTP are flagged in the database.


athloni 04-06-2006 02:50 PM

I the forums are updating at around 1 post per second. Is the the normal rate that everyone else is getting?

It seems like downloading a few hundred MB of text should take minutes... not a week. Is it because it has to put into the db and posted?

newmomsforum 04-08-2006 06:23 AM

Hey Guys, having some frustrating times with this, the latest posts are being pulled down and sync'd with my forum fine, however when I post I'm getting a 441 posting failed error:

The Full text from gateway.php?debug=1 is:


Gateway version 2.3.2 2 group(s) gatewayed.

Connecting to server, server says: 200 News.GigaNews.Com

Server responded after user name: 381 more authentication required

Server responded after password: 281 News.GigaNews.Com

Info for misc.kids.pregnancy at news.giganews.com: 211 146164 682173 828336 misc.kids.pregnancy

Can we post? server responded: 340 send article
Posting Message 'Re: Andrea update' from Claire. Result: 441 posting failed
Any ideas where I can start to look to get this sorted?

Thanks in advance


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