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imported_magjr 10-14-2005 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Martin-TMGRS
Can anybody help please!!!!!

When installing PayPal Donations it gets to Installing Plugins but theres no "Continue Installation" at the bottom. Does anybody know why this is ???

That happened to me and I just hit refresh and it worked. Almost as if it timed out or something.

Citizen 10-14-2005 03:23 AM

Can you make it so that all donors get added to a 'donor' usergroup?

Or, even better, people that donate different amounts get added to different usergroups?

djmac 10-15-2005 07:06 AM


Tried your PayPal plugin and it worked smooth as a babies behind. Just one thing. I do not see the Donation button anywhere... What could I have done wrong.

Don McLaughlin

MissKalunji 10-15-2005 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by djmac

Tried your PayPal plugin and it worked smooth as a babies behind. Just one thing. I do not see the Donation button anywhere... What could I have done wrong.

Don McLaughlin

you have to add it yourself from your admin control panel add donation button:)

djmac 10-15-2005 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
you have to add it yourself from your admin control panel add donation button:)

I set up the new paypal feature as per instructions, I just check it again and I don't see a "Add Donation Button" :o

Where in the admincp do I do this?


Forsak3n1 10-15-2005 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
I set up the new paypal feature as per instructions, I just check it again and I don't see a "Add Donation Button" :o

Where in the admincp do I do this?


Same dielmma I had. :o

Ended up uninstalling this out of frustration. Granted I'm the complete, total, and utter noob to the whole vB thing. I think a lot of authors assume (and rightfully should for 99.99% of the people in these forums) that everyone knows how to implement everything, and perform the unwritten steps in the instructions. Unfortunately, I fall in the 0.01% category. :ermm:

MissKalunji 10-15-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
I set up the new paypal feature as per instructions, I just check it again and I don't see a "Add Donation Button" :o

Where in the admincp do I do this?


did you put the cpanel xml inside the includes/xml ?

in your admin control panel
you sould see paypal donation then a bunch of settings

djmac 10-15-2005 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
Same dielmma I had. :o

Ended up uninstalling this out of frustration. Granted I'm the complete, total, and utter noob to the whole vB thing. I think a lot of authors assume (and rightfully should for 99.99% of the people in these forums) that everyone knows how to implement everything, and perform the unwritten steps in the instructions. Unfortunately, I fall in the 0.01% category. :ermm:

Oh my God!... A Brother... I didn't think there were any more like us. :laugh:
My sentiments exactly. Now you fall in the 0.02% category.


Rich 10-15-2005 02:55 PM


Those of you that can't get this to work haven't read through this entire thread. I have it running on my 3.5 gold board. There are a few slight problems that have been addressed in this thread. If you do what we did and say to do, it will install. Instead, most people prefer to not read the thread for the answer and then say the mod doesn't work. Doesn't anyone find it strange that this has 100 installs? If it didn't work, most of those would be gone except for those that are hackers themselves.

Forsak3n1 10-15-2005 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by iguanairs

Those of you that can't get this to work haven't read through this entire thread. I have it running on my 3.5 gold board. There are a few slight problems that have been addressed in this thread. If you do what we did and say to do, it will install. Instead, most people prefer to not read the thread for the answer and then say the mod doesn't work. Doesn't anyone find it strange that this has 100 installs? If it didn't work, most of those would be gone except for those that are hackers themselves.

First, thanks for assuming that I'm either illiterate or didn't bother reading through the last 17 pages. I may be new to vB and how to edit the coding, but I'm not a complete tool.

Does that mean that it must not work, if I can't get it to install like the "[other] 100 people?" you describe? No. It means somewhere along the line I screwed up, or forgot to perform a crucial step... which is quite likely since I am a novice vB user. Never did I say that this mod was garbage or didn't work at all. Go back and read my post, before you try getting smart with someone next time.

If you have further issues with me, or someone else who obviously doesn't possess the competency to complete this install with zero issues, please take it to PM. I don't want to clutter this thread with senseless bickering when all I was originally trying to do was relate my problems to someone who was having the exact issue.

Forsak3n1 10-15-2005 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by MissKalunji
did you put the cpanel xml inside the includes/xml ?

in your admin control panel
you sould see paypal donation then a bunch of settings

I actually did copy/install all of the included files, keeping the hierarchy of the folders in the zip. However, I never did see a control panel menu for the donations. :ermm:

The only reference I ever saw inside of the admin panel, was under the Plugin System > Manage Plugins. I believe it was WOL references, if I remember correctly. So I'm not sure what exactly I did (or didn't do).

djmac 10-15-2005 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
I actually did copy/install all of the included files, keeping the hierarchy of the folders in the zip. However, I never did see a control panel menu for the donations. :ermm:

The only reference I ever saw inside of the admin panel, was under the Plugin System > Manage Plugins. I believe it was WOL references, if I remember correctly. So I'm not sure what exactly I did (or didn't do).

The only place I have seen the donations setup is in the Admin vBulletin Options all the way at the bottom. For all intense and purposes when the fields are filled in it should work. But there is no button for Donation. I too feel I did something wrong here.


djmac 10-15-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
I actually did copy/install all of the included files, keeping the hierarchy of the folders in the zip. However, I never did see a control panel menu for the donations. :ermm:

The only reference I ever saw inside of the admin panel, was under the Plugin System > Manage Plugins. I believe it was WOL references, if I remember correctly. So I'm not sure what exactly I did (or didn't do).

OK Fellow Brother I think I have it. At least it works anyway. Here is what you do.

In the AdminCP select Styles & Templates, then select Style Manager. Now you should see a window listing the styles you are using. Drop down the box on the first one and select Edit Templates. Another window will pop up, double click on Navigation/ Breadcrumbs Templates, now select and highlite NAVBAR, either the Customize or edit button will be available. Click either one.

In the FIND box look for this:

a href="login.php?
it will show you this:


<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&amp;logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out()">$vbphrase[log_out]</a></td>

Paste this just above it:


<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/bbs/upload/donate.php"
Make sure the URL to your doante.php is correct.

I hope this helps


JoeWho 10-15-2005 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
OK Fellow Brother I think I have it. At least it works anyway. Here is what you do.

In the AdminCP select Styles & Templates, then select Style Manager. Now you should see a window listing the styles you are using. Drop down the box on the first one and select Edit Templates. Another window will pop up, double click on Navigation/ Breadcrumbs Templates, now select and highlite NAVBAR, either the Customize or edit button will be available. Click either one.

In the FIND box look for this: it will show you this:

Paste this just above it:

Make sure the URL to your doante.php is correct.

I hope this helps


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I'm new to VB and I do not know where to find all the things they are talking about, that will change in time, I hope... LOL

I did not know how to add that button to the NAV bar, so thanks you this info!

jluerken 10-15-2005 05:02 PM

I have a simple question.
I installed the hack and it 'seems' working as far as I could test it actually.

I have seen that it is modifying templates but cause I have modified very much templates heavily on my own the installer passed some templates.

Is there a html file available where all template changes are in?
I think I have to do some of them manually.

imported_magjr 10-15-2005 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
First, thanks for assuming that I'm either illiterate or didn't bother reading through the last 17 pages. I may be new to vB and how to edit the coding, but I'm not a complete tool.

Does that mean that it must not work, if I can't get it to install like the "[other] 100 people?" you describe? No. It means somewhere along the line I screwed up, or forgot to perform a crucial step... which is quite likely since I am a novice vB user. Never did I say that this mod was garbage or didn't work at all. Go back and read my post, before you try getting smart with someone next time.

If you have further issues with me, or someone else who obviously doesn't possess the competency to complete this install with zero issues, please take it to PM. I don't want to clutter this thread with senseless bickering when all I was originally trying to do was relate my problems to someone who was having the exact issue.

:up: :up: :up:

Excellent retort. Said in a much better way then I would have said it heh.

For the record, three other people are having the same problem as me and the same problem has gone unanswered.

ASSumptions suck Iguana

djmac 10-15-2005 06:15 PM

I went on the Authors site under the donations URL he has posted and unless I am as dumb as a fence post I can't see how to make a donation on his site either....

Like others here I have gone over the installation 5 or 6 times and I keep getting the same result. Sure I can get the donation page but there is no link to "MAKE" a donation.

I was jsut informed what I was really missing. Now I belong to the elite few. The PayPal Donations option in the AdminCP. That's why it doesn't work

Back to my original question:
Can Cloudrunner or anyone else like to weigh in, please tell me what I am doing wrong. :tired:


djmac 10-15-2005 08:47 PM

I just read a small post at

PayPal Option link

It seems that cpnav_paypal_donations.xml does not like the word vBulletin found in the begining of the script.

Open cpnav_paypal_donations.xml in a text editor and in the second line from the top find:


<navgroups product="vBulletin">
and lower case the B so it looks like this....


<navgroups product="vbulletin">
Now I have a working donation button.

It took me 2 times reading through 18 pages of post to find it. If laguna or whatever your name was or is, if you knew there was a fix on the system why didn't you point us to it.

I want to personaly thank Omega Prime the individual who posted this VERY helpful fix.


djmac 10-15-2005 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Omega Prime
For whatever reason, vB doesn't like products with the name "vBulletin", so you'll need to edit the xml file and change it to "vbulletin" to get it working :)

Thank you very much for making this observation. Lower case B fixes it all. Now I and I am sure a few others will now have a working paypal system. Thank you very much.

BTW I reposted the fix on page 18.


Forsak3n1 10-15-2005 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
I just read a small post at

PayPal Option link

It seems that cpnav_paypal_donations.xml does not like the word vBulletin found in the begining of the script.

Open cpnav_paypal_donations.xml in a text editor and in the second line from the top find:

and lower case the B so it looks like this....

You know... I looked at that specific post at least a dozen times, and it never clicked. I was assuming, through an older version, that the actual xml file once had "vBulletin" in the name of it... so therefore was not relevant anymore, with the current name. I never actually thought to open the current xml file to see if that string was in there.


Thanks for replacing that dimly lit lightbulb above my head. :nervous:

JoeWho 10-15-2005 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
I just read a small post at

PayPal Option link

It seems that cpnav_paypal_donations.xml does not like the word vBulletin found in the begining of the script.

Open cpnav_paypal_donations.xml in a text editor and in the second line from the top find:

and lower case the B so it looks like this....

Now I have a working donation button.

It took me 2 times reading through 18 pages of post to find it. If laguna or whatever your name was or is, if you knew there was a fix on the system why didn't you point us to it.

I want to personaly thank Omega Prime the individual who posted this VERY helpful fix.


Thanks Don,

Wow, all that work of installing and uninstalling, just trying to get it working and the problem all along was the uppercase letter (vBulletin) in the "cpnav_paypal_donations.xml", now it's all makes sense and is working like it should work. Actually it's a pretty nice plug-in, once you get it working.

Thanks very much for your help on finding the problem.


Rich 10-15-2005 09:35 PM


Like I said, if everyone read the posts in this thread, they could get it to work. I was pmed several times asking how I got this working. I posted the fix that "I READ" in this thread AGAIN even though it was already posted. So I wasn't assuming. I knew the answer was in the reading because I myself posted it once. I didn't say exactly where it was because I don't have time to find it again to post the link to it.

When there are 18 pages in a thread and 100 installs, it is very safe to assume that the problem you are having installing this is either human error, or the answer has already been posted. If after reading the entire thread the answer isn't here, and you are certain it isn't human error, then you post the question. The real problem is that most people don't bother to read all of the posts, they skim them. Then they say they read the whole thing and the answer isn't there. The acp problem has been answered and posted 2 times that I am aware of. So there is no way that it was read like people are claiming. So tell me, where did I assume?

dutchbb 10-15-2005 09:58 PM


When there are 18 pages in a thread and 100 installs, it is very safe to assume that the problem you are having installing this is either human error, or the answer has already been posted. If after reading the entire thread the answer isn't here, and you are certain it isn't human error, then you post the question.
Why is the zip not updated if its obviously not working after installation. You can't expect people to navigate 18 pages to find all the bug fixes and then apply those. I rather have to do all the edits myself than a automated installer that does a poor job. Your post makes no sence at all.

And please make this a beta.

dutchbb 10-15-2005 10:15 PM

Error trying to run the uninstall script:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: print_form_header() in /home/xch1295/domains/domain.com/public_html/forum/admincp/donation_install/donation_uninstall.php on line 14
I strongly recommend people NOT to install this hack, it is in beta stage.

Rich 10-15-2005 10:22 PM


Triple, this isn't made by me. This was made by cloudrunner. If I could update the first post, I would have done so a long time ago. This hack isn't in beta either. It works just fine. The biggest problem was the acp. Once everyone renamed the "vBulletin" to vbulletin, it appeared. The uninstaller doesn't work. You need to drop the tables yourself. That was also noted in previous posts. Cloudrunner needs to update the hack and correct the uninstaller.

dutchbb 10-15-2005 10:23 PM

Thanks for making that clear.


Now I have a working donation button.

It took me 2 times reading through 18 pages of post to find it. If laguna or whatever your name was or is, if you knew there was a fix on the system why didn't you point us to it.

I want to personaly thank Omega Prime the individual who posted this VERY helpful fix.

Thanks man

CLOUDRUNNER??? If you want a donation please make this work right!

djmac 10-15-2005 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by iguanairs

Like I said, if everyone read the posts in this thread, they could get it to work. I was pmed several times asking how I got this working. I posted the fix that "I READ" in this thread AGAIN even though it was already posted. So I wasn't assuming. I knew the answer was in the reading because I myself posted it once. I didn't say exactly where it was because I don't have time to find it again to post the link to it.

When there are 18 pages in a thread and 100 installs, it is very safe to assume that the problem you are having installing this is either human error, or the answer has already been posted. If after reading the entire thread the answer isn't here, and you are certain it isn't human error, then you post the question. The real problem is that most people don't bother to read all of the posts, they skim them. Then they say they read the whole thing and the answer isn't there. The acp problem has been answered and posted 2 times that I am aware of. So there is no way that it was read like people are claiming. So tell me, where did I assume?

Stop back peddling, you screwed up and you know it. Like I said before you should have just pointed us to it and step back. You know what the real problem is? People who forget where they came from. Arrogance is like cheap clothes, they never fit right.


Forsak3n1 10-15-2005 10:41 PM

I'll admit my fault, since I share blame in this whole cluster****. In my ignorance, I did not rationalize that I had to open up the xml file and fix the case-sensitivity of the "vBulletin" line. However, I did read that post several times... I was just reading too much into what the original poster was trying to say. :nervous:

That said... when all was done and said, I installed this hack again and it works beautifully! Granted, it's a beta version... but as of right now, the install works without any issues. I even tested it out by sending cash through it to my PayPal account. So thanks to the author of the script, and to all of those who helped me get through the aneurysm I was creating for myself. :laugh:

Now... back on topic... can anyone, please, point me in the direction to alter the following text. Once on the donate page, viewers see "How To Donate" with "We use PayPal as our processor for all donation transactions. You do not need an account with them to donate." I'm curious to how I can modify that specific text (in italics). Can someone tell me which template, file, etc I need to edit? It would be greatly appreciated!

Again, thanks to all who helped... and I hope there is no bad blood between anyone in this thread. It would be a shame to train-wreck this thread, when we can all try to help each other get these installs working. My apologies to anyone who I may have offended.

imported_magjr 10-15-2005 11:21 PM

It is still assumption as Frank and my problem still exists. And the forums/ppverify.php isn't working either.

mackers8923 10-15-2005 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Triple_T
Error trying to run the uninstall script:

I strongly recommend people NOT to install this hack, it is in beta stage.

The script seems to be running very well for most people including myself.

djmac 10-15-2005 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
I'll admit my fault, since I share blame in this whole cluster****. In my ignorance, I did not rationalize that I had to open up the xml file and fix the case-sensitivity of the "vBulletin" line. However, I did read that post several times... I was just reading too much into what the original poster was trying to say. :nervous:

That said... when all was done and said, I installed this hack again and it works beautifully! Granted, it's a beta version... but as of right now, the install works without any issues. I even tested it out by sending cash through it to my PayPal account. So thanks to the author of the script, and to all of those who helped me get through the aneurysm I was creating for myself. :laugh:

Now... back on topic... can anyone, please, point me in the direction to alter the following text. Once on the donate page, viewers see "How To Donate" with "We use PayPal as our processor for all donation transactions. You do not need an account with them to donate." I'm curious to how I can modify that specific text (in italics). Can someone tell me which template, file, etc I need to edit? It would be greatly appreciated!

Again, thanks to all who helped... and I hope there is no bad blood between anyone in this thread. It would be a shame to train-wreck this thread, when we can all try to help each other get these installs working. My apologies to anyone who I may have offended.

I can. You will find it in the /admincp/donation_install/donation_phrases.php

Around line 15


mackers8923 10-15-2005 11:26 PM

After someone donates they are taken to the Thank you page. Could someone tell me for confirmation what template I need to edit in order to change the $ sign to the £ sign please? TY

mackers8923 10-15-2005 11:39 PM

Sorry one other thing. Where should the option for the member to show their donation to the public or not? I can't see it anywhere!!!:(

djmac 10-15-2005 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by mackers8923
After someone donates they are taken to the Thank you page. Could someone tell me for confirmation what template I need to edit in order to change the $ sign to the ? sign please? TY

Go into the AdminCP and under the PayPal Options menu select the first choice. Donation Settings. You can make those changes right there.


djmac 10-15-2005 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by mackers8923
Sorry one other thing. Where should the option for the member to show their donation to the public or not? I can't see it anywhere!!!:(

From what I see the user has no choice. You do. In the PayPal Settings you can turn off the public options.


djmac 10-15-2005 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Forsak3n1
I'll admit my fault, since I share blame in this whole cluster****. In my ignorance, I did not rationalize that I had to open up the xml file and fix the case-sensitivity of the "vBulletin" line. However, I did read that post several times... I was just reading too much into what the original poster was trying to say. :nervous:

That said... when all was done and said, I installed this hack again and it works beautifully! Granted, it's a beta version... but as of right now, the install works without any issues. I even tested it out by sending cash through it to my PayPal account. So thanks to the author of the script, and to all of those who helped me get through the aneurysm I was creating for myself. :laugh:

Now... back on topic... can anyone, please, point me in the direction to alter the following text. Once on the donate page, viewers see "How To Donate" with "We use PayPal as our processor for all donation transactions. You do not need an account with them to donate." I'm curious to how I can modify that specific text (in italics). Can someone tell me which template, file, etc I need to edit? It would be greatly appreciated!

Again, thanks to all who helped... and I hope there is no bad blood between anyone in this thread. It would be a shame to train-wreck this thread, when we can all try to help each other get these installs working. My apologies to anyone who I may have offended.

We all can take some blame here, you can put some of this on my shoulders too. I have Biiiiiig shoulders. And you are right about the plug in. I have just about where I want it and it is a fine looking plugin... and you can use it as a stand alone if the vB is secondary to your site. I am as happy as a :banana:


mackers8923 10-15-2005 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by djmac
Go into the AdminCP and under the PayPal Options menu select the first choice. Donation Settings. You can make those changes right there.


Yes your talking about the currency setting. I have it set to GBP which works fine on the donation page but the thank you page is still showing a $ sign...

djmac 10-16-2005 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by mackers8923
Yes your talking about the currency setting. I have it set to GBP which works fine on the donation page but the thank you page is still showing a $ sign...

OK... Just for my information. Did you select the options to "Show Currency Selector?" in the settings area to YES?

You may have overlooked this feature. I know I did. When you go to make a donation there should be a drop down box showing the amounts in GRB, EURO etc etc in whatever amonut you have it set for.
and when you select one of those paypal shows the same currency. I just tried it and for me it works. But I was in sandbox and it asked me if I wanted to accept or deny payment in Dollars or in Pounds and it clearly show both.

Let me know

mackers8923 10-16-2005 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by djmac
OK... Just for my information. Did you select the options to "Show Currency Selector?" in the settings area to YES?

You may have overlooked this feature. I know I did. When you go to make a donation there is a drop down box showing the amount in GRB, EURO etc etc
and when you select one of those paypay shows the same currency.

Let me know


First of all thank you for your help with this, on checking my features I see that I had the Currency Selector set to no. It is now working fine.

I'm still lost with the option for the donation to show up lol

djmac 10-16-2005 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by mackers8923

First of all thank you for your help with this, on checking my features I see that I had the Currency Selector set to no. It is now working fine.

I'm still lost with the option for the donation to show up lol

Not a problem... ;)

What option are you talking about.... Let me have it! :laugh:


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