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S@NL - BlackBik 02-21-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi

this piece of php code is causing the error i get

PHP Code:

$pm_speicher_groesse $DB_site->query("
        LIKE '" 

but that query seems correct to me ?????? and i can't find anything in the MySQL manual about this just a "syntax" example on my old host this worked fine now it refuses to work on my new host ... i dropped my old host because they forced people to go dedicated if you want crontab support :devious:

if i comment that code out it works fine

Well, this doen't seem to be a problem with the vB Statistics but with your own host or configuration.
What you could do is open the database with e.g. MySQL Front and edit the field, in wich the name of your domain should be, manualy. That should do the trick.

S@NL - BlackBik 02-21-2005 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by shadiguy1
need unsinstall for this. please advise.

You could start by reading this whole thread. I even think it's on this page.
Don't just ask questions, but first read if the question is allready delt with :(

TruthElixirX 02-21-2005 06:45 PM

okay...whoa. I just downloaded the english version and everything was english except the installer. The installer is Dutch(I think?) and so..am I going to have ot uninstall it or will the dutch install be okay?

Delphiprogrammi 02-21-2005 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Punktek.com
okay...whoa. I just downloaded the english version and everything was english except the installer. The installer is Dutch(I think?) and so..am I going to have ot uninstall it or will the dutch install be okay?

installer that's german

Delphiprogrammi 02-21-2005 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
Well, this doen't seem to be a problem with the vB Statistics but with your own host or configuration.
What you could do is open the database with e.g. MySQL Front and edit the field, in wich the name of your domain should be, manualy. That should do the trick.

yeah i contacted the tech support from my host they didn't answered yet but i think the same there is something with there config ...


i found a solution .for people who get this MySQL error


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.7:

Invalid SQL:
    LIKE 'testvb_pm'
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIKE 'testvb_pm'' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Monday 21st of February 2005 10:25:35 PM
Username: **********
IP Address:**********

open op "statistick/sides/forum.php"

PHP Code:

// find this code 
$pm_speicher_groesse $DB_site->query("
        LIKE '" 
//replace that with
$pm_speicher_groesse =  $DB_site->query("
        LIKE '" 

you are done don't ask me why but for some reason MySQL is crashing if you add $dbname i don't know why

any cheers working now

S@NL - BlackBik 02-21-2005 09:30 PM

For the record, PcFreak has confirmed the bug I posted here and is working on a sollution :)

MissKalunji 02-22-2005 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by Lizard King
Check out this thread

thx a million every upgrade i usually just redo everythin...

sv1cec 02-23-2005 06:56 AM


I am receiving the following error, several times lately:

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT counter
FROM statistic_searchengine_keywords
WHERE keywords = 'crimp, pressure, reload\'

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ''crimp, pressure, reload\'
' at line 4

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Tuesday 15th of February 2005 02:31:56 PM
Script: http://forum.m1911.org/showthread.php?t=1379&page=3
Referer: http://www.google.com/search?q=crimp...&start=10&sa=N
Username: Unregistered

I checked the code, and can't find anything wrong with it. The common thing I noticed in all the errors I received, is the \ at the end of the search words. Any idea on how to stop these error messages?


Freezerator 02-23-2005 07:07 AM

I get the same errors, but i think the reason is the \ in the query. As you can see when people search on google, their \ is above the enter button. When referrring to your site, the procedure to store the referrer goes wrong because of the \. Maybe a suggestion to strip \ from beeing inserted?

sv1cec 02-23-2005 07:44 AM

Yes, I think you are right. I'll try to come up with some sort of patch, to strip that last \ from the string.

Since the backslash character is not used in normal word typing, and since I didn't want to spend too much time coming up with an elaborate solution, here is a simple patch.

Open your statistic_searchengines.php file and find:

PHP Code:

$keywords_known $DB_site->query("
        SELECT counter 
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "statistic_searchengine_keywords
        WHERE keywords = '

Right above that, add:

PHP Code:


That would strip any \ character from the query string.


Marco van Herwaarden 02-23-2005 10:49 AM

I would do it different, just change:
[sql]$keywords_known = $DB_site->query("
SELECT counter
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "statistic_searchengine_keywords
WHERE keywords = '$keyword_found'
[/sql]into[sql]$keywords_known = $DB_site->query("
SELECT counter
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "statistic_searchengine_keywords
WHERE keywords = '" . addslashes($keyword_found) . "'
You should allways use addslashes around alphanumeric data to protect against sql insert vulnerability.

I suggest that the coder of this hack review his sources and update with a patch.

sv1cec 02-23-2005 11:02 AM

Some day I should have a look at what exactly those functions are doing. I think you are right, at least this is a common way of doing things in vB.

Rgds and tnx

Delphiprogrammi 02-25-2005 08:47 PM


this is not a big a issue and probably i'm doing something wrong but it is prett annoying and working on my nerves :mad: when i login to my admincp the vbstatistics navgroup is always "collapsed out" (look at the image and you see what i mean)

the insructions tell us to open admincp/indexcp and to look for this code

PHP Code:

$printhr false;
    if (

after that this

PHP Code:

construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbstatistic_admin_index_general'],'statistic_admin.php?do=statistic_setting_general','<br />');        
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbstatistic_admin_index_tld'],'statistic_admin.php?do=statistic_setting_limits','<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbstatistic_admin_index_browser'],'statistic_admin.php?do=statistic_setting_limits_a','<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbstatistic_admin_index_spider'],'statistic_admin.php?do=statistic_setting_limits_b','<br />');
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbstatistic_admin_index_maintenance'],'statistic_admin.php?do=statistic_maintenance','<br />');    

i can't see anything wrong with it .... :confused:

Viks 02-25-2005 10:31 PM

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM statistic_referer_short
ORDER BY counter ASC

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY counter ASC
' at line 3



Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM statistic_referer_full
ORDER BY counter ASC

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY counter ASC
' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064


on running
Optimizing Referring Domains
Optimizing for the Referring Pages Table

hmm... What do I need to change in the syntax to fix it.. and how?



S@NL - BlackBik 02-26-2005 07:08 PM

@Delphiprogrammi: Just collapse that part of the menu and then click "Save prefs" on top of the left hand menu. The setting that the statisticsmenu is collapsed when opening the control panel should now be saved ;)

mtha 02-28-2005 04:16 PM

01. If I set the Usergroups allowed to show stat. = 0 => the timeline show as 1970

Set your Usergroups which are allowed to show the statistics 0

You can use one of the following choices
Show statistic pages only for administrators and moderators: type in 0
Show statistic pages only for registered users: type in 1
Show statistic pages for everybody visiting your forums: type in 2

This Option was changed last at: 01.01.1970, 07:00

02. Somehow I get this on More information about Java Scripting
Users who allow Javascript to run on their system: 119 (154.5%) allowed
Users who block Javascript on their system: -42 (-54.5%) not allowed

Anyone has the same problem?

Viks 02-28-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Viks
Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM statistic_referer_short
ORDER BY counter ASC

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY counter ASC
' at line 3



Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL:
DELETE FROM statistic_referer_full
ORDER BY counter ASC

mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ORDER BY counter ASC
' at line 3

mysql error number: 1064


on running
Optimizing Referring Domains
Optimizing for the Referring Pages Table

hmm... What do I need to change in the syntax to fix it.. and how?



hello mr. pcfreak.

Nordinho 02-28-2005 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by MarcoH64
I would do it different, just change:
[sql]$keywords_known = $DB_site->query("
SELECT counter
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "statistic_searchengine_keywords
WHERE keywords = '$keyword_found'
[/sql]into[sql]$keywords_known = $DB_site->query("
SELECT counter
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "statistic_searchengine_keywords
WHERE keywords = '" . addslashes($keyword_found) . "'
You should allways use addslashes around alphanumeric data to protect against sql insert vulnerability.

I suggest that the coder of this hack review his sources and update with a patch.

how would I add the ' to this?? since that one causes some errors as well...

Polo 03-02-2005 12:27 AM

How can I just install a simple visit counter with this hack.. without the rest of all the other stuff?

Polo 03-04-2005 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Q_vns_Q
wondering why there so many useless shyt, all over 1000 + of hacks for vbb, this is crayz every thread peoples say good job ima install bla bla.. so it take ur ass forever to install all those useless hack

that's what you gotta say for your fist post? :ermm:

MissKalunji 03-04-2005 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Q_vns_Q
wondering why there so many useless shyt, all over 1000 + of hacks for vbb, this is crayz every thread peoples say good job ima install bla bla.. so it take ur ass forever to install all those useless hack


S@NL - BlackBik 03-04-2005 04:59 AM

If you'd like to get the vBstats templates in their own collapsable catagory in the template manager, then check this little mod out. Works like a charm :)

Vampyre 03-04-2005 10:50 AM

Wow, this works like a charm, PcFreak!!! :)

Darkus 03-05-2005 02:39 PM

Awesome!!! Love it! Very Nice Work :)

camoman 03-10-2005 04:26 PM

Just wondering if there this hack would be of concern when upgrading to future releases of Vbulitten.. THis hack sounds awesome but scared to install it and then have trouble upgrading later ...

Carl Anderson 03-10-2005 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by camoman
Just wondering if there this hack would be of concern when upgrading to future releases of Vbulitten.. THis hack sounds awesome but scared to install it and then have trouble upgrading later ...

There should be some type of uninstall script or something... I agree.. I am runing 1.1

kall 03-10-2005 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Carl Anderson
There should be some type of uninstall script or something... I agree.. I am runing 1.1

Why would you need an uninstall script?

Remove one line from php_include_start and headinclude, drop the tables that were created by the hack, and it would be uninstalled.

You wouldn't even need to drop the tables. Removing the lines from the templates causes the stats to no longer be logged. Delete the files that you uploaded and remove any links to statistic.php and it is 'uninstalled'.

Regarding what will happen if you have to upgrade: There is NOTHING that this hack does that would interfere with a vB upgrade. NOTHING. It doesn't touch your php files or anything.

Sleazy 03-11-2005 12:46 AM

I plan on using this script as a reference to the top posters for my board. I was wondering if there was anyway to exclude members from the posters count (like admins/mods) so it only shows regular members?

Also can anyone give me some guidance on how to pull just the top posters box so that I can paste it on the main forum page instead of the statistiks page?

Any help/guidance would be great!

jeepinator 03-11-2005 02:51 AM

Just curious if anyone has done a graphics set that looks better on black backgrounds... ?
Do you think 1.00 is the end? Pretty impressive to build this complex of a hack and three months later be at 1.00!

paratek 03-11-2005 11:50 PM

Has anyone been able to get these 2 to work together. I have it partially working ok, but not updating the page hits and a few other things properly.

when this is put inthephp include start template:

include("./statistic_counter.php"); it causes bad problems with my home page, but it records all the stats properly. If i change it to this:

include("./../statistic_counter.php"); then the homepage dispalys correctly but i lose some of the stats. Any ideas from the portal users?


slinky 03-12-2005 05:07 AM

I'm noticing that whatever I do the Maintenance for Statistics database pages all remain at "0" and can never be set to the recommened 20 or any other number of that matter. I'm wondering if this too will prevent any statistics from being recorded in these areas. Anyone else have a zero value for this area of the vB Statistics Maintenance panel?

OrangeFlea 03-12-2005 04:51 PM

Small problem:

Whenever I try to access the stats page as a regular user, I get this:


"Sorry, the administrator has bla bla blah..."

It redirects me to a bad URL (as shown above). How do I fix that?

kall 03-12-2005 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Small problem:

Whenever I try to access the stats page as a regular user, I get this:

It redirects me to a bad URL (as shown above). How do I fix that?

Unless its because you didn't read the instructions about how to show the stats to everyone...I dunno.

OrangeFlea 03-12-2005 08:00 PM

There were no such instructions on the installation_english.txt. I read through it a couple of times. And I don't see any on the original post. Furthermore, I don't think I've made myself real clear: I get re-dircted to an invalid link and not back to the forum. Basically, the URL is messed up.

Another issues I'm having with it is that sometimes the hack doesn't recognize me as the admin. It redirects me to the board (or at least tries to: see the first problem) as if I were a regular/registered member. Does anyone else have this problem?

paratek 03-14-2005 04:14 PM



Originally Posted by paratek
Has anyone been able to get these 2 to work together. I have it partially working ok, but not updating the page hits and a few other things properly.

when this is put inthephp include start template:

include("./statistic_counter.php"); it causes bad problems with my home page, but it records all the stats properly. If i change it to this:

include("./../statistic_counter.php"); then the homepage dispalys correctly but i lose some of the stats. Any ideas from the portal users?


S@NL - BlackBik 03-16-2005 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by OrangeFlea
Small problem:

Whenever I try to access the stats page as a regular user, I get this:

It redirects me to a bad URL (as shown above). How do I fix that?

You'll have to edit the template called "statistic_error" on three places:

1. Find "URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove "URL="
2. Find "URL=URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove 1 "URL="
3. Find "href="URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove "URL=" once again.

This did the trick on my board.
Succes :)

Smitty 03-16-2005 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
You'll have to edit the template called "statistic_error" on three places:

1. Find "URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove "URL="
2. Find "URL=URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove 1 "URL="
3. Find "href="URL=$vboptions[bburl]" and remove "URL=" once again.

This did the trick on my board.
Succes :)

Has the other bug (the users shown viewing a thread if I remember correctly) or bugs been fixed yet?

S@NL - BlackBik 03-16-2005 04:56 AM

No. But the bug is confirmed by PCfreak and he's working on it.
It's not so simple to fix though...

SycoPhant 03-17-2005 01:18 AM

Works great! :bowdown:

vbted 03-17-2005 08:53 PM

is there any way of using this on a db that is shared with another board?
the install script wants to uninstall, i guess because it sees the stats tables already exist. thanks.

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