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Revan 12-11-2004 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by jluerken

this is looking much better now except one small thing.
If the user has no profile pic and the reputation system is activated, the reputation icon is placed in the middle of the member info.
In the original template its showing on top right which is looking better.

I want to have it over the UserID Text. Take a look at the attachment and you'll know what I mean.

Can you help me with this?

I modded my template so this icon is next to the username instead.
All you have to do is place the variable controlling it (cant remember what it is) to somewhere else.

jluerken 12-11-2004 06:31 PM

I modified it like this which is much better now I think:

sv1cec 12-11-2004 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
my memberinfotemplate doesn't have


<if condition="$show['avatar']">
                                <td colspan="3">

what do i do about that ??

also there is no link in my navbar ... i added that two lines to the navbar template but nope ....

What you should be looking for is:

PHP Code:

<if condition="$show['avatar']">

and replace it with :

PHP Code:

<if condition="$show['avatar']">
td colspan="3"

Please read the instructions carefully.

As for the navbar, if you added those two lines, it should be there, there is no reason why it is not showing. Show me the code you have there.


sv1cec 12-11-2004 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Bolas

your hack is great, congratulations.
I find myself in a situation where interactions between many moderators (people I trust) may sometimes be difficult to manage: coalitions to ban a user from the whole board may be unpleasant moments in the community. At the moment your hack cannot be used for every single forum. If it could, we may havea system by which ban from every single forum may be proposed by the regular users of that particular forum.
Would it be a long and difficult job to add such a feature into next release?
Again congratulation.

It's not very difficult to do what you want, AWS is not very far from what you are asking, the main differences are:

- everybody can vote against everybody. This can be considered the same as everybody being capable of issuing warnings.
- in which case, obviously the warning points required for a ban should be much higher.

So, in reality, with some changes at who can vote (warn), some adjustements of the existing parameters and some additional parameters (like for example how many times a member can warn another member), a system like the one you describe is possible.

Or, you can add another level above the whole hack, where users are really voting for a particular warning which the admins have decided to issue against a particular member, and the results of these votes decide if the warning is issued or not. This is getting too "democratic" for my taste, and too much democracy easily leads to anarchy.

I am not sure if the above make sense, too late in the evening and too many things in my mind, so sorry if they sound like a drunk man's words (I swear, no drinks).


sv1cec 12-11-2004 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by oldfan
looks great, is it bug free yet?

I do not know, you should ask the members who installed it.


Delphiprogrammi 12-12-2004 10:55 AM

allright installed fine no more php errors but i can't figure out howto give a warning ? i added a user called "forumgod" gave him super moderator rights (like the instructions say) but howdo i give a warning ? i also added a normal user called test to play with but .... howdo i give him a warning when i am logged as an administrator Warn.php?do=Warn&userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] ?? :rolleyes:

my vbulletion version is the latest availible from vbulletin.com/members/

ooh the nevbar thingy is working now :speechless:


never mind there is a link called "warn vbulletin_username" at the top right corner of the post they make i just wasn't logged in a username able to warn so i couldn't see that sorry .... :ermm:

sv1cec 12-12-2004 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
allright installed fine no more php errors but i can't figure out howto give a warning ? i added a user called "forumgod" gave him super moderator rights (like the instructions say) but howdo i give a warning ? i also added a normal user called test to play with but .... howdo i give him a warning when i am logged as an administrator Warn.php?do=Warn&userid=$bbuserinfo[userid] ?? :rolleyes:

my vbulletion version is the latest availible from vbulletin.com/members/

ooh the nevbar thingy is working now :speechless:


never mind there is a link called "warn vbulletin_username" at the top right corner of the post they make i just wasn't logged in a username able to warn so i couldn't see that sorry .... :ermm:

If you are logged in as an admin or supermod or mod, and you look into a thread which contains user posts, in each user post, you should see two links. One saying "Warn XYZ" and one saying "View XYZ's warnings", where XYZ is the user name. Their purpose is obvious.

Depending on whether or not you allow off-post warnings or not, similar links appear, if you click on the poster's name inside a post and go to his public profile.


sv1cec 12-12-2004 12:49 PM


For those who upgraded to version 2.3, I haven't included instructions, on how to set the version of the hack, in the database.

Please run the following query:

UPDATE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` SET version='2.3' WHERE oid=1


Delphiprogrammi 12-12-2004 01:02 PM

i got this thing working great thing spammers will think twice now i managed to get the script working using this steps
  • back your database in case you screw up you can easly restore the backup
  • for security reasons make a copy off all *.php files that need to be edited manually(this allows you to uninstall easysly when you need to)
  • open installationinstructions.txt included in the zip and follow the instructions provided

like this there won't be a problem

last thing a screenshot from the working script

thanks for the great excellent

sv1cec 12-12-2004 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
i got this thing working great thing spammers will think twice now i managed to get the script working using this steps
  • back your database in case you screw up you can easly restore the backup
  • for security reasons make a copy off all *.php files that need to be edited manually(this allows you to uninstall easysly when you need to)
  • open installationinstructions.txt included in the zip and follow the instructions provided

like this there won't be a problem

last thing a screenshot from the working script

thanks for the great excellent

That's the kind of feedback I want from you guys, thanks a lot Delphi!


mcyates 12-12-2004 01:18 PM

where is ther updated file????

sv1cec 12-12-2004 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates
where is ther updated file????

In the zip, you will find all updated files and instructions on how to update.


mcyates 12-12-2004 01:37 PM

there is usually something there like a zup file but you only have


and no zip file

sv1cec 12-12-2004 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates
there is usually something there like a zup file but you only have


and no zip file

OOOOOOOOOOOpppppppsssssssss, OK, here it is.

Shack Networks 12-12-2004 01:44 PM

OK I have been thinking and had another idea lol

Would it not be able to be adapted to detect duplicate posts and possibly add a warning point to the offending member ?

Just a little idea to keep you busy over xmas lol

Thanks a lot for this hack, I can not start to express my gratitude enough.


mcyates 12-12-2004 02:13 PM

sorry but got a warning:


ALTER TABLE `warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char( 1 ) AFTER warned_warning_id UPDATE `"warning_options` SET version = '2.3.1' WHERE oid =1
MySQL said:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UPDATE `"warning_options` SET version='2.3.1' WHERE oid=1' at l

mcyates 12-12-2004 02:15 PM

ahh i left the " in oops sorry

The first quiery worked, the second didn't



UPDATE `warning_options` SET version = '2.3.1' WHERE oid =1
MySQL said: 

#1054 - Unknown column 'version' in 'field list'

Delphiprogrammi 12-12-2004 02:52 PM

the query in the lated version upgrade instruction doesn't work for me


ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id
UPDATE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` SET version='2.3.1' WHERE oid=1

reply from the MySQL server


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1103
error desc: Incorrect table name '".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings'

sql querries aren't my strongest point ...

Bolas 12-12-2004 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
It's not very difficult to do what you want, AWS is not very far from what you are asking, the main differences are:

- everybody can vote against everybody. This can be considered the same as everybody being capable of issuing warnings.
- in which case, obviously the warning points required for a ban should be much higher.

So, in reality, with some changes at who can vote (warn), some adjustements of the existing parameters and some additional parameters (like for example how many times a member can warn another member), a system like the one you describe is possible.

Or, you can add another level above the whole hack, where users are really voting for a particular warning which the admins have decided to issue against a particular member, and the results of these votes decide if the warning is issued or not. This is getting too "democratic" for my taste, and too much democracy easily leads to anarchy.

I am not sure if the above make sense, too late in the evening and too many things in my mind, so sorry if they sound like a drunk man's words (I swear, no drinks).


The idea is the following: anybody can vote the ban proposal and once the quorum has been reached, the ban proposal is sent to the moderator of such forum. This way, the users of a forum can bring up the need for a change towards that person but only one of the moderators can approve it (or an administrator)

Is this true Democracy or a way to prevent unwanted people? :devious:

mcyates 12-12-2004 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
the query in the lated version upgrade instruction doesn't work for me


ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id
UPDATE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warning_options` SET version='2.3.1' WHERE oid=1

reply from the MySQL server


An error occurred while attempting to execute your query. The following information was returned.
error number: 1103
error desc: Incorrect table name '".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings'

sql querries aren't my strongest point ...

I got the first quiery working:


ALTER TABLE `warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id
by removing the botton query and removing the ".TABLE_PREFIX." which was infront og the warnings.

TRStealth 12-12-2004 05:16 PM

I'm getting a problem:


Database error in vBulletin 3.0.3:

Invalid SQL: update warning_options set
 where oid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'automaticpm' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Sunday 12th of December 2004 07:14:35 PM
Script: http://www.enclave1.net/forums/admincp/admin_warn.php
Referer: http://www.enclave1.net/forums/admincp/admin_warn.php?act=manageoptions
Username: Stealth
IP Address: xx.xx.xx.xx

Also, when I go to Warn.php?do=ViewMyWarnings , it just comes out as a blank page.

sv1cec 12-12-2004 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Shack Networks
OK I have been thinking and had another idea lol

Would it not be able to be adapted to detect duplicate posts and possibly add a warning point to the offending member ?

Just a little idea to keep you busy over xmas lol

Thanks a lot for this hack, I can not start to express my gratitude enough.


If I am not mistaken, if you try to enter the same exact post twice, vB is telling you you are not allowed to do that. Maybe I can check that code and see how it is done, and adapt it. The think is, I am quite overbooked for Christmas, Revan just send me his version of this hack, which is using the vboptions for the warning options (I am not exactly sure what the benefits are), and I have a couple of ideas I want to incorporate before Christmas. Oh yes, I also do not know if the nursery schools have Christmas vacations like normal schools do, if they do have, forget me for the duration of the Holidays Season. I'll be too busy taking care of the twins.


Delphiprogrammi 12-12-2004 08:27 PM


allright i got a version number at the upper right corner but not tin the warning template probably i'm doing something wrong gonna leave it alone for a while now before i screw up out of "nervosity"

sv1cec 12-13-2004 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi

allright i got a version number at the upper right corner but not tin the warning template probably i'm doing something wrong gonna leave it alone for a while now before i screw up out of "nervosity"

Just make the start of your template look like this:

HTML Code:

<form action="Warn.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="DoWarnUser">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$_GET['id']}">
<input type="hidden" name="post" value="{$_GET['post']}">
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<td class="tfoot" colspan="2">Advanced Warning System - Version $warn_opts[version]</td>
        <td class="tcat" colspan="2">Warning User $user[username]<div class="smallfont">All links below, will open a new browser window, close it to return here.</div></td>

Mind you the templates changes were in 2.3.1, but that shouldn't make any difference.


Delphiprogrammi 12-13-2004 11:38 AM

it's working :rolleyes:


sv1cec 12-13-2004 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
it's working :rolleyes:


I am glad you got it working.


Curzon564 12-13-2004 09:24 PM

This hack is really great!

Most things seem to work now on my board but there is still one problem I can't fix.


Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.0.3:
Ung?ltiger SQL String: insert into vb_warnings values('','1222','1','1102977604','','25841','2',' N','A','','')
mysql error: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1
mysql error number: 1136
I can't find any error in my warnings table


wid int(15) Nein auto_increment
warned_user int(15) Nein 0
warned_by int(15) Nein 0
warned_time int(15) Nein 0
warned_reason text Nein
warned_post int(15) Nein 0
warned_warning_id int(15) Nein 0
warned_status char(1) Ja NULL
removed_by int(15) Ja NULL
removed_date int(15) Ja NULL
Any solution for this?

sv1cec 12-14-2004 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Curzon564
This hack is really great!

Most things seem to work now on my board but there is still one problem I can't fix.

I can't find any error in my warnings table

Any solution for this?

Yes, you have not run the query that adds the "caused_ban" column in your warnings table. Run it now:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id


SamirDarji 12-14-2004 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Yes, you have not run the query that adds the "caused_ban" column in your warnings table. Run it now:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id


Hey John, wanna start fixing this hack? ;)

sv1cec 12-14-2004 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji
Hey John, wanna start fixing this hack? ;)

What you mean "fix this hack"? I am doing my best!!!


Curzon564 12-14-2004 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
Yes, you have not run the query that adds the "caused_ban" column in your warnings table. Run it now:

ALTER TABLE `".TABLE_PREFIX."warnings` ADD COLUMN `caused_ban` char(1) AFTER warned_warning_id


Thanks for your help.
This fixed the problem.

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
What you mean "fix this hack"? I am doing my best!!!


It was a joke! :D I actually thought I was looking at the thread for the vb Articles (too many open windows) and thought this reply was there. My mistake! Please take no offense!

I downloaded the hack today to completely install on my test server before rollout on the live server. I've seen quite a few hacks, and read a lot of the documentation that comes with it. By far, this is most thorough and detailed bit of instructions that I've ever seen. I thought you were awesome from just the quick replys to have to issues with the hack, but your hack has gone above and beyond any hack I've seen. I mean, vb itself doesn't have this detailed documentation, lol. If this doesn't make hack of the year (if there is such a thing), I would think the judges to be crazy.

Any luck on the job? If not, pm me because I need some hacks made for my site. Two of them are very simple. I even have the logic for them laid out. But a third one is killer hard and will require some real thinking and development. I was looking into paying someone to do it, and if you work this way with all your clients, I think you're the man for the job.

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 02:31 PM

While I was changing the templates for postbit, I ran into the following:
HTML Code:

"In the same template, find:


Mine had:
HTML Code:

Did you want the additional code put in before the last div tag or did you want it after it? Thank you again John. It's been a smooth install so far.

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 02:47 PM

Another issue. For some reason when setting the warning options, it won't show the "Banned Users" usergroup in the drop-down box for the Permanent Ban Group. It appears fine in the drop-down box above. This one's stumping me.

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 02:53 PM

Ok, something's definitely wrong here. I saved the Warning Options and it just gave me a blank screen on the side of the frame. Sometimes my test server does stuff like that, so I didn't pay it any mind. But I went back to check if my options were saved, and none of them were. It also did the blank screen thing when I did the last step on the upgrade_warn.php (I believe I had some version of ZT's hack installed). Something tells me the db didn't get modded. :( Any assistance appreciated.

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 02:57 PM

Man, I'm just racking these up. When trying to View Warning Logs, get the following error

Warning: Division by zero in e:\wampp13cs\htdocs\vb3\admincp\admin_warn.php on line 283
I know the logs are empty because I haven't warned anyone. Could that be the problem?

SamirDarji 12-14-2004 03:10 PM

When I went to view warned users, I got the same error:

Warning: Division by zero in e:\wampp13cs\htdocs\vb3\admincp\admin_warn.php on line 463
Again, it could be because there are no warned users.

sv1cec 12-14-2004 03:12 PM

Let's take your question in the order they came.

- postbit template. Mine (3.0.3) doesn't have any div there, so I can't be sure. I suggest you experiment.

- banned user group not appearing, you are right, I haven't seen that, I'll look it up and post a correction here.

- your last error is a result of not saving the warning options properly. One of the parameters defined there, is the records per page, so if that is not set, the program tries to divide by nothing.

Let's see what we can do to help here:

First of all, try to see if you have the proper tables. Check the following tables by comparing the results of the "describe tablename" command with the columns described in the installation instructions. Second, check to see if the required templates have been added.

We'll take it from there.


sv1cec 12-14-2004 03:31 PM

What was I thinking?????

OK, to fix the issue with the banned users group not appearing in the drop-down menus of the other options, please open your admin_warn.php file and find:

PHP Code:

    if($usergroup['usergroupid']!=$warn_opts['banned_usergroup_id'] AND $usergroup['usergroupid']!=$warn_opts['troll_usergroup_id'] AND $usergroup['usergroupid']!=$warn_opts['restore_groupid'])
$uoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";
$tuoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";
$restoreoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";

Replace that part of code with:

PHP Code:

$uoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";
$tuoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";
$restoreoption.="<option value='{$usergroup['usergroupid']}'>{$usergroup['title']} (ID: {$usergroup['usergroupid']})</option>";

I'll post a new version in the zip file, in a minute.

beano33 12-14-2004 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by sv1cec
A whole usergroup for yourself!!!

Why didn't you just add yourself in the admins?

Just add that group in the "Protected Usergroups" option, in the Warning Options.


Protected Usergroups isn't working on my installation. I have Use Hierarchical Schema set to no and added 13|18 as protected usergroups, but it's having no effect. Any suggestions? Everything else seems to be working as intended.

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