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futureal 09-04-2002 11:23 PM

Hot damn, I did something right for a change. heh

Now we'll have to wait and see if it fixes mewgood's problem as well... :)

sHORTYWZ 09-04-2002 11:24 PM

Dude you've done a hell of a lot more than this right.. AWESOME hack =) I really appreciate all of the work you've put into it.

Link14716 09-04-2002 11:26 PM

And then........ FROGGER!

futureal 09-04-2002 11:35 PM

If anybody else is running PHP in safe mode and can test this out for me (using the most recent proarcadeadmin.php that I posted) that would be great. I want to make sure these bugs are gone before I start fooling around with more stuff.


Link14716 09-04-2002 11:38 PM

I though that my server was, but I upload everything fine without it turned on in the admin center......

mewgood 09-05-2002 12:46 AM

I got an error again:(

your php version is: 4.1.0
safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: tmp
vpafile is /tmp/phpTa3ylO
vpafile_name is icon-scoreboard.gif
vpafile_size is 217

Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10105 is not allowed to access /tmp/icon-scoreboard.gif owned by uid 2526 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 73
vpafile is /tmp/phpihVRaD
vpafile_name is icon-crown.gif
vpafile_size is 518

Warning: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10105 is not allowed to access /tmp/icon-crown.gif owned by uid 2526 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 73
Arcade options updated!

Ian 09-05-2002 02:22 AM


Originally posted by Link14716
I though that my server was, but I upload everything fine without it turned on in the admin center......
Same with me, but everything's been working fine, even sense the first beta.

futureal 09-05-2002 02:59 AM


Originally posted by mewgood
I got an error again:(

Alright, one more version for you to test. :)

mewgood 09-05-2002 03:25 AM

not working

Warning: Unable to create 'tmp/icon-scoreboard.gif': No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 77

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/phpgr1nrE' to 'tmp/icon-scoreboard.gif' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 77
path is tmp/icon-crown.gif

Warning: Unable to create 'tmp/icon-crown.gif': No such file or directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 77

Warning: Unable to move '/tmp/php85VlNI' to 'tmp/icon-crown.gif' in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/wcgalaxy.com/httpdocs/vbb/admin/proarcadeadmin.php on line 77
Arcade options updated!

futureal 09-05-2002 04:16 AM

mewgood: I don't know what to say, man, I've tried everything I can think of. I don't understand how custom avatar uploads can be working on your site, since I am using code now that is basically straight from vBulletin. Are you *sure* that custom avatars work?

I'm not sure what else to try... I think your server is just not set up right. Your $tmppath variable is showing up as "tmp" when it should actually be "/tmp" -- but even if we compensate for that, as we did earlier, it is giving a security violation.

chad777 09-05-2002 04:27 AM


One suggestion if he didn't mind to give you an admin account to look at templates so you can look for a problem or even ftp access to check out files.

You might beable to find out more ?

mewgood 09-05-2002 04:35 AM

I am sure it works cuz I tried it....
do you have msn or ICq?
so I can give you the admin power?

futureal 09-05-2002 05:01 AM

I will fire up ICQ for the first time in awhile and see what I can do. :)

futureal 09-05-2002 06:35 AM

If anybody else experiences safe mode problems, please let me know ASAP.

In mewgood's case, I believe it is a problem with the server configuration. When I try to upload a custom avatar via the Admin CP, it produces the same error. However, the custom avatar works in the main site... and I can't for the life of me figure out why.

I have posted on the vb.com Troubleshooting Forum about this issue, as it appears to tie into a bug in vB as well: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showt...threadid=54251

Souly 09-05-2002 11:13 AM

Other Tetris-Hard Version:

I have made a new Tetris Version without a Pause and 16 Levels for the first Arcade Hack from John.
Now i like to include it in your Hack. Can you tell me what i must change in the codice part of the tetris.fla file or better, can you change it for all of us ? :D Alt?rnative, you can post your tetris.fla file here from your version and i can get your code :bandit:

All my tetris Member say about your new version:
1) It ist hard to get 100.000 points, but after it it is very easy to get 200.000 - 500.000 Points - please give us back your last hard version .. :D

Many Member from me like to disable the sounds in the games, is it possible to include a Button or post the games versions without sounds? You can better include a new midi System in the proaradeadmin panel to set alternative sounds directly in the webpage and not in the *.swf!

ATTENTION: The follow Attachment is not for this HACK!

wolfe 09-05-2002 01:40 PM

hey futureal d00d that error i was getting when updating people profiles i think it has got to do with this hack beacause if you win a game and come first you get

Breakout Champion
Pacman Champion
Snake Champion

but on my site it is not showing because i have a user title then i have stars under it so it messes p where in the code can i get rid of this title

futureal 09-05-2002 05:07 PM

There is no way that the error you were getting could be related to this hack. This hack does not do anything to the user table at all.

As for removing the titles, just disable the Champion System. The way the titles will be handled in the next version will be better (via a template, for customization).

wolfe 09-05-2002 08:51 PM


wolfe 09-05-2002 08:53 PM

no nothing thanx anyway :D

Brandon 09-05-2002 09:19 PM

Could anyone make a button, like the one I've attached, that says "Arcade" for my site? I've been trying, but I dont have the font that vB uses :(

Souly 09-05-2002 11:01 PM

i have play some nice Flashagmes on http://www.flashkit.com.
Here are my Testresults i found on the first 8 pages
.................................................. .................................

All Links go to the *.fla Files

.Xtreme Platform Climber V1.1

.P.O.F. V2 new

.P.O.F. Shoot 'em up Game Engine

.the fun maze game


.SpaceFilght 2

.Last Man Standing


.Keepy-Uppy Soccer Game

.Alien Attack

.Kart Race


.simon 2000

Ninth Dimension 09-05-2002 11:07 PM

This hack could really do with some more games, so if anyone out there is good with flash, please convert these files to work with the system ;)

futureal 09-06-2002 12:53 AM

Guys, the hack is in beta for a reason -- I am working on the code itself; modifying more games will have to come later. Please stop asking for new games until the hack is finished. Thanks.

In the meantime, I am still waiting to hear if the safe mode stuff is working or not. I know it didn't work for mewgood, but I am surmising it is a server issue on his end.

chad777 09-06-2002 12:56 AM

Hey bro take your time get this thing done :)

I can't wait for the postbit graphic part to be added :)

Forget the game just finish that lol

I still say nice hack.

Want to see it on my new designed site... (still have to make the button and header stuff) so not all the way finished


Link14716 09-06-2002 01:16 AM

POF is a must when you get around to adding games ;)

mewgood 09-06-2002 01:49 AM


Originally posted by futureal
Guys, the hack is in beta for a reason -- I am working on the code itself; modifying more games will have to come later. Please stop asking for new games until the hack is finished. Thanks.

In the meantime, I am still waiting to hear if the safe mode stuff is working or not. I know it didn't work for mewgood, but I am surmising it is a server issue on his end.

wel i told the ISp already, I will ICq you when I got a reply..

Apok2002 09-06-2002 03:23 AM

I uploaded the latest proarcadeadmin.php file...and in the admincp, it uploaded fine w/o errors...but graphics don't show up on the arcade page at all.

This is the info I get after I upload files (this one specifically is for the snake game).


your php version is: 4.0.6
safeupload is: 1
tmppath is: /home/httpd/vhosts/ez-company.net/httpdocs/tmp
vpafile is /tmp/phpIncQvi
vpafile_name is thumb-snake.gif
vpafile_size is 686
Record for Snake updated!

futureal 09-06-2002 03:26 AM

Hmm... do the graphics show up on the admin page correctly?

Apok2002 09-06-2002 03:33 AM


I also used a couple diff versions of the proarcadeadmin.php file you have there too.

futureal 09-06-2002 03:36 AM

That's weird... no errors or anything. Do me a quick favor and in the Admin CP, try uploading a custom avatar for a user and tell me if it works or not.

Apok2002 09-06-2002 04:04 AM

Yup, that worked.

btw, I was getting the red X's w/ the arcade graphics. But I can upload any graphic via admin cp for avatars...and users change their avatars to custom avatars freely on the site all the time.

futureal 09-06-2002 04:05 AM

Man, I dunno why it doesn't work for you. The code I'm using is the same that vBulletin uses. If you're willing to provide me with a shell account and admin access briefly I can take a look at it and see what I can do, otherwise I'm stumped. I don't understand why it gives no errors, but still fails. :(

Apok2002 09-06-2002 04:14 AM

check your pm's.

futureal 09-06-2002 06:29 AM

BUG FIX: I have fixed the top score board problem and along the way addressed some performance issues/ugly code. However, the basic structure of the hack was changed, so an update will not come until Beta 2.

There are now 4 tables:


Keeping track of topscores in a separate table allows for the Top Score Board (and to some degree, the upcoming stats page) to operate MUCH more efficiently -- and correctly.

I have a simple conversion script that will convert your current arcade table to the scores/topscores format when Beta 2 is released, so there's no need to worry about that.

I will work more on safe mode tomorrow. If anybody else is running in safe mode and can give me some feedback, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

2 X Viverridae 09-06-2002 06:48 AM

I am having the same problem as apok2002 with the red X's in lieu of the images showing up. Not running in safe mode, and no problems uploading other images from the control panel. I've tried the different versions of the proarcadeadmin.php file as well.

It's running on a test board, and I haven't had a lot of time to do much more than play a couple of games, but this seems to be the only problem that has yet to be addressed.

Once again, thanks for a great hack!

wolfe 09-06-2002 11:50 AM


Originally posted by Souly
i have play some nice Flashagmes on http://www.flashkit.com.
Here are my Testresults i found on the first 8 pages
.................................................. .................................

All Links go to the *.fla Files

.Xtreme Platform Climber V1.1

.P.O.F. V2 new

.P.O.F. Shoot 'em up Game Engine

.the fun maze game


.SpaceFilght 2

.Last Man Standing


.Keepy-Uppy Soccer Game

.Alien Attack

.Kart Race


.simon 2000

how do i add these games :D

Souly 09-06-2002 01:28 PM

You can add the games but the proarcade system isn't compatible with the Scoresytem from the Games
A Flash Profi must convert these files to work with the proarcade-system.

Wait for the next Release.
My list should show merely some examples of games these use a Scoresystem.

wolfe 09-06-2002 08:51 PM

ok d00d can i add something to the flash file to make it work with Score System :D

chad777 09-06-2002 10:06 PM

another feature that you might want to look at while finishing it up and I know alot of people would like to see in the feature would be intgrating it with the lesane's store hack :)

futureal 09-07-2002 05:54 AM

I am not doing ANY further work on this hack until I can figure out what is going on with the safe mode. There is no point in keeping this hack in a released state if it is not going to work on 50% of the forums out there.

Unfortunately, I don't have a safe mode server to test it on so unless I get some help here, the hack is dead in the water. A couple people offered to let me test things on their servers, but one had a bad server config and the other gave me admin access only to take it away the next day before I could even try anything.

Additionally, I have posted messages both in the Hacking Discussion forums here (0 responses) and over on vb.com (0 responses). I am rather fed up with the whole thing and am just about ready to pack it in for good. I don't like the idea of having this thing out there in a potentially unworking state.

So, once again, if anybody who knows PHP well can give me some direction here as to what I'm doing wrong, it would be most helpful. OR if you have a forum up and running in safe mode that I can test some ideas on, that would be great too.


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