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aspire007 05-14-2002 01:56 AM

i was wanting to see if anyone is will to help me install this hack -- im not that good at vbulletin yet and any help will be nice :)

just icq me if you will help or give me a reply :)

Thanx :)

TECK 05-14-2002 04:51 AM


Originally posted by Sadie Frost
What do you mean by original vs templates?

sadie, you have on that page:
345 queries!!!
i never saw this before...

try this:
ans scroll at the bottom...

TECK 05-14-2002 09:42 AM

over 40 queries, you server goes on the red line...
btw, i just posted v.20, it does help on the queries. sadie, you have to check you hacks, something is REALLY wrong on that page...

Admin 05-14-2002 11:03 AM

Nakkid, please remove the comment you have in the first post (You like the vB.org main homepage? vbHome (lite) is exacly this). It's not what we use here and I don't want people to think that.

dxb 05-14-2002 12:16 PM

first of all thanks nakkid for this great hack

and how can I get the hack to replace the "enter" to become as < br >

I hope I can explain this :)

the problem I faced is that I have few members that don't no anything about HTML and when they try to add a news they are no breaks between the lines because they keep pressing Enter without knowing that it won't show up if the didnt use < br >

I remember I did the same with phpnuke but my brain is dead now I remember something about using str_replace but I'm not sure

I hope you can help out with this :)

dxb 05-14-2002 03:41 PM

it's ok I got :)

I just removed this code


$newstext=str_replace("<br />","",$newstext);
and it worked :)

TECK 05-14-2002 04:01 PM


Originally posted by FireFly
Nakkid, please remove the comment you have in the first post (You like the vB.org main homepage? vbHome (lite) is exacly this)
sorry firefly, it was my english. please check the first post. i edit it in a more acceptable way.

dxb, did you try 2.0? let me know.

dxb 05-14-2002 05:01 PM

I will try it ... thanks alot m8 :)

TECK 05-14-2002 05:06 PM

i only test it on my localhost. try it and let me know if everything went well.
the new version should reduce significantly the server load...

Sadie Frost 05-14-2002 10:05 PM


Originally posted by nakkid
over 40 queries, you server goes on the red line...
btw, i just posted v.20, it does help on the queries. sadie, you have to check you hacks, something is REALLY wrong on that page...

Installed version 2 and now I'm down to 39 :) Thanks for pointing it out to me :)

My only problem is that now the news posts do not show the text of the post. Any ideas? :)

TECK 05-14-2002 10:11 PM

glad that helped :)
post a news.. and it will show.. try it. is because the new articleid filed must be updated.

also, keep on trying to remove all the extra stuff you dont need, go to war with every query... the less you have the better is for your server. an ideal number should be 25, max 30queries.

wooolF[RM] 05-14-2002 10:32 PM

]weeeeeeeeeeeee... love vbHome... :D gonna install 2.0 at thursday :D

aspire007 05-14-2002 11:22 PM

Ok edit that statement i now get a plain white screen :(

TECK 05-14-2002 11:28 PM

did you tried the trick i mentioned on how to get the path? in install.txt? let me know please.
did you installed the templates?

aspire007 05-14-2002 11:42 PM

yeah i tried to call up the member2.php and i got a blank sceen.

TECK 05-14-2002 11:56 PM

hmm you are right. they changed the code, since the new db_mysql.php was updated.
you have to find your path. create a file with the content:

<?php phpinfo(32); ?>
save it as info.php and upload it to your server, where vbHome Lite will be located. it will tell you the server path.

aspire007 05-15-2002 12:04 AM

ok that worked for getting my path :) but i still get a blank screen and i have added all the templates and uploaded the vbhome_lite.php and called that up then deleted it but nothing is working and i know it is me and not the vbhome .

TECK 05-15-2002 01:20 AM

what do you mean you called vbhome_lite.php? this is the table alteration installer. did you ran it into your /admin folder?
if you are not sure of something, please let us know and we will help you. tell here exacly all the steps you did, at letter and we will tell you what went wrong.

and dont worry, nobody was perfect when it started to code php or install a hack. our goal here at vb.org is to get our hacks up and running..

in order to do this, we need to know exacly what you did.
take your time and explain in as many details as possible what you did so far. :)

i tried to make it as clear as possible the install.txt file but nobody's perfect right? if something is unclear, please post it.. step by step.. what you did and where you got stuck.

aspire007 05-15-2002 04:30 AM

ok i got it to somewhat work but it looks all messed up :)

but hey im glad i got it this far and i thank you for the help :)


TECK 05-15-2002 06:03 AM

you are more then welcome.. but you did all the job by yourself. congrats. :)
i'm glad you got it working. i wasnt able to see your page because it is asking me to register...

aspire007 05-15-2002 06:10 AM

hmm sorry about that i will change that :) see if it works for you now :)


TECK 05-15-2002 06:16 AM

yep. you sure did got it up and running. :)
all you have to do is play with the html code and make it look the way you want.
the important thing is: you installed correctly all vbHL components.

pdmedia 05-15-2002 06:43 AM

Thanks in advance with this I will try to give you as much info as I have.

Directory structure

/web "root"
/web/vbhome "vbhome directory"
/web/forum "forum directory"

I ran info.php and entered the path that it gave me

when i try to view vbhome im my browser all I get is a blank page with the following html

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></HEAD>

I have created all the templates and checked everything I can think of but it just wont work arrgh!

Thanks and I cant wait to get this thing working!

TECK 05-15-2002 07:02 AM

matt, get the path where /forum/global.php is located.
it will work.

pdmedia 05-15-2002 07:16 PM

I was pointing to the vbhome directory...
Now it works.

MomofThree 05-15-2002 08:22 PM

I'm having problems with it. See my husband usually installs the hacks for me, but he hasn't been available, so I tried to do it myself. BAD IDEA!

I have an error "Parse error: parse error in /home/www/theparentclub/index.php on line 50"

I'm not sure if I did any of it right.

Hope you can help.


techno 05-15-2002 09:27 PM

I updated with this new version yesterday, and now guests can see the thread links to my private sections on the vbhome page....

Any ideas why?

If I log in as a guest, those forums cannot be seen. Only on the home page. And if I click the link, it lets me right in...(as a guest)

TECK 05-15-2002 10:11 PM

my mistake.. sorry.
in vbHL index.php file, find:

$forum=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid FROM forum");
while ($forums=$DB_site->fetch_array($forum)) {
  if($doperm["$forums[forumid]"]["canview"] == 1) {
  else {

replace it with:

$forum=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid FROM forum WHERE forumid<>$newsforum");
while ($forums=$DB_site->fetch_array($forum)) {
  if($perms["$forums[forumid]"]["canview"] == 1 || !isset($perms["$forums[forumid]"]["canview"])) {

that should do it.

MomofThree 05-15-2002 10:52 PM

Perhaps if I ask the certain questions where I had trouble, someone here can help me. Keep in mind, that I haven't installed many hacks, so I'm not very good at this.

1.) When it mentions to add the vbulletin code into the index.php for vbhome, do I put the code that is from the boards index.php in there?

2) When I tried step 5 to set my {imagesfolder} to the full url. I got a lot of broken images.

I think I did the rest correctly and when I went through the final steps I got the following error. But do I call this link to get to my vbhome page ( http://www.theparentclub.com/index.php )?
There I get this error: Parse error: parse error in /home/www/theparentclub/index.php on line 50

I am sure there is something I'm not doing right and could use some help.



TECK 05-15-2002 10:54 PM

Momo... line 50 is:

what did you add there?
please be more specific on how you changed your { imagesfolder }

you should do it this way: instead of [high]images[/high], you should have:

MomofThree 05-15-2002 10:56 PM

That's what confused me. Not sure what code I place there, so I put the code from the index.php of my forums.

MomofThree 05-15-2002 10:57 PM

I did put that exact url instead of images and some of the images on my boards had broken links showing up.

TECK 05-15-2002 10:58 PM

you cannot add the hole forums index.php. only parts of it.
on the first post there is a little tutorial on how to add extra code. follow the steps there.

all the best,

MomofThree 05-15-2002 11:00 PM

For someone who is new to this, how can I know what parts I'm supposed to add?

I'm sorry for all these questions, don't mean to waste anyone's time. :(

wooolF[RM] 05-15-2002 11:13 PM

That will be kinda hard for you, MomofThree. This hack is not kinda newby friendly, it wont work just like 2+2=4.

techno 05-15-2002 11:21 PM

thanks a lot nakkid...that did the trick.

Great hacks, keep em' comin!!

MomofThree 05-15-2002 11:22 PM

Yeah I'm noticing that. :(

But I'm not going to give up either! :)

MomofThree 05-15-2002 11:28 PM

Ok I put this code in only in the vb home index.php file:

[vB code]
eval("\$homepminfo = \"".gettemplate('home_pmloggedin')."\";");

} else {

and now I get this error: Parse error: parse error in /home/www/theparentclub/index.php on line 51

Should I be calling the following url?: http://www.theparentclub.com/index.php ???

Velocd 05-15-2002 11:41 PM

Looks nice, but I can't make up my mind of installing this one or Vbindex...they both look so similar..

I saw the screenshots of Vbhome, but does anyone actually have a live demo? (as in a forum running Vbhome?) Thanks ;)

TECK 05-16-2002 01:52 AM

no. i dont have a live site. why would you need it? is the same like in the picture.
the difference between vbHome and vbIndex is the queries. if you like to have 100queries on your main page and kill your server, install vbIndex. over 40queries is really high the server load. element copied part of my code.

vbHome Lite 1.0 was bad. had queries on the loop that were getting multiplied. the more threads and news you had, the more queries you ended up with.

so with PPN's help i got the latest threads re-writen and also grabbed directly from the post table the actual message in the database, for the news goodies. is small and fast and it doesnt clutter your page with noend queries.

Iliana, please notice on the PM addon the way i mentioned the [high]VB Code[/high]? if you look at that area of code, you will see that there is some extra code.
due to jelsoft copyright, i'm not allowed to show the code so i replace it with the pharantesis...
i really cant do more then this. if you are not sure, please wait for your husband. i'm sorry i could not help more.
what i can do, just to give you an example is to send you through PM an example of pm code so you understand the mechanism.
let me know if that's ok with you.


Originally posted by wooolF[RM]
That will be kinda hard for you, MomofThree. This hack is not kinda newby friendly, it wont work just like 2+2=4.
woolf, this hack is for everyone. maybe you guys should help the lady. i know i will as much as the time allow me. she is nice and all she wants is to get some help.

think of you when you started and if someone would tell you that:
[high]hey, that's not for you... ur too newbie to fit here...[/high]

i know that's not what you ment woolf, but that's what it sounds like.. :)
now let's be nice all of us (especially me, who i had attitude probs before - that i want to correct and earn again everyone's respect) and help Iliana.

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