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scsa20 06-03-2002 12:35 AM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by aidler
OK, great hack. But why isn't there a detailed explanation what has chanced so one can do it manually. I upgraded to 2.2.6 and now I can't reintegrate the modifications for this hack into my templates because I don't know the necessary modifications. Now what??

Boofo 06-03-2002 12:39 AM

But isn't the code different in some spots that make it harder to compare? I have almost 60 hacks installed and it would scare the heck out of me to try and compare anything. That is the only reason I haven't upgraded. I would upgrade in a minute if I knew I wouldn't have to re-install my hacks. :)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by scsa20

before I upgraded mine, I used Beyond Compare to move over all my hacks :D

Smoothie 06-06-2002 07:58 AM

Xcellent hack! Long thread here to read thru all the extras, but well worth it.

Boofo 06-06-2002 11:47 AM

How would you add the away status to the member listing itself?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tarion

THX Bira wonderfully :) it works perfect.

chr@nox 06-07-2002 07:52 PM

w00t...great hack m8!!
many thanks :)

[update] WORKS GREAT

thebigboss 06-09-2002 09:06 PM

I installed this hack after I seen it working at Bane's site, talkloud.

The problem I have, is any user who date of birth is before 1970 has there birthday set to 1 january 1970 in the members under there details. If the year is omitted, the day and month are correct.

I don't mind a couple of years knocked off, but theres an awfull lot of oldies on my site born 1 January 1970 :)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

(Will post if I find the fix, as I noticed another member posted the same problem a few pages back and I've read this thread 4 times now and can't bring myself to searching through it again tonight) :laugh:

Tarion 06-09-2002 09:22 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Boofo
How would you add the away status to the member listing itself?

Boofo 06-09-2002 09:27 PM

Thanks, Tarion, but I already have it in those 2 places. I wanted to put it in the meberlist itself (next to the name column). I also want it to show up in the private messages, if I can. :)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tarion

look at Post 92 and 93 there is the instructions to do that


thebigboss 06-09-2002 09:59 PM

I just checked the profiles on my live site and it doesn't have this hack installed.
The users who's birthdays are before 1970 (1969 and before) are all showing there DOB as 1 January 1970, so its over to vbulletin.com for me :)

I apologise for any chaos :ermm:

Tarion 06-10-2002 10:35 AM

sorry but with that feature i can't help you. I can coding PHP but in VB my knowlege is over, but i hope you found someone who can help you with this problem.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Boofo
Thanks, Tarion, but I already have it in those 2 places. I wanted to put it in the meberlist itself (next to the name column). I also want it to show up in the private messages, if I can. :)

Crunch 06-11-2002 06:06 AM

egh on 2.2.6 in the functions I can't find where to put the

PHP Code:

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)
if ($post[away]=="1") {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_away")."\";");
        } else {
            if (
$post['lastactivity'] > $datecut and !$post['invisible'] and $post['lastvisit'] != $post['lastactivity']) {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_online")."\";");
            } else {
"\$onlinestatus = \"".gettemplate("postbit_offline")."\";");
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2) 

can someone who's recently installed it on that or 2.2.5 give me an idea of where it's around? (line wise)

talon3dhq 06-18-2002 01:53 PM

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Birdie501

i found the error:

In the installation instructions you should change step 4 in member.php

You have to insert the code not after
PHP Code:

eval("\$referrals = \"".gettemplate("getinfo_referrals")."\";");

but after:
PHP Code:

eval("\$referrals = \"".gettemplate("getinfo_referrals")."\";");
else {
$referrals '';

so that it looks like this

PHP Code:

eval("\$referrals = \"".gettemplate("getinfo_referrals")."\";");
else {
$referrals '';
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)
if ($userinfo[away]=="1") {
$sincedate vbdate($dateformat$userinfo[awaydate]);
      if (
$userinfo[returndate]=="0000-00-00") {
$returndate "Unbekannt";
      } else {
$returnaway explode("-"$userinfo[returndate]);
$returndate vbdate($dateformatmktime(0,0,0,$returnaway[1],$returnaway[2],$returnaway[0]));
"\$away .= \"".gettemplate("getinfo_away")."\";");
    } else {
$away "";
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2) 

Birdie501 :)

talon3dhq 06-19-2002 02:08 AM

ok. I installed everything, and have no error messages, but also NOTHING shows up either! I can set the away status in the Admin control panel only, but as far as the main site is concerned, there is nothing showing in the usercp or the members profile..anyone?

talon3dhq 06-19-2002 02:41 AM

ok, quick update. The hack is technically working, but only from the admins control panel. If I set my status to away, it shows it correctly in my profile, and if PM'ed, the user will get the auto reply. However, I still can't get this to show up in the "edit profile" area. I have edited the template as directed, but still nothing!..ugh!

talon3dhq 06-19-2002 08:52 AM

Ok, fixed it myself, and It was a user mistake. thanks anyway guys, and yes, it is a great hack!

Hellburn 06-22-2002 10:29 AM

@talon3dhq i have the same prob. Can you tell me what you have fix?

NeRilkA 06-23-2002 12:43 AM

yes me too, i can't see in my user profil th away option

please tell us what did you do

talon3dhq 06-25-2002 02:37 AM


The VERY first change that needs to be made to the "member.php" file says find

and place

// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)
  if ($bbuserinfo[away]=="1") {
          $awaystatus = "<font color=\"{hovercolor}\"><b>You have been marked as 'away' since ".vbdate($calformat1, $bbuserinfo[awaydate])."</b></font>";
    $away1checked = "checked";
    $returndate = explode("-",$bbuserinfo[returndate]);
    $dayname = "day".$returndate[2]."away";
    $$dayname = "selected";
    $monthname = "month".$returndate[1]."away";
    $$monthname = "selected";
    $yearname = "year".$returndate[0]."away";
    $$yearname = "selected";
  } else {
          $awaystatus = "select whether you are away or not";
          $away0checked = "checked";
  eval("\$awaytext = \"".gettemplate("modifyprofile_away")."\";");
// Leave Away Message in Profile (v1.2)

ABOVE IT.... I was placing it AFTER it...that was why it wasn't working correctly.

Hope that helps.

Hellburn 06-25-2002 10:02 AM

Great hack but i wont a field for the "post subject" in the box. Can you make a code for this? Thank You.

Bro_Joey_Gowdy 06-27-2002 03:00 PM

Im useing vB2.2.6 and cannot find any of these :


Step 2 of 2 FIND:
if ((!$buddy[invisible] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid']==6) and $buddy[lastactivity]>$datecut) {
} else {
and :


Step 1 of 4 FIND:
$user=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT *,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost

Anyone have any thoughts ??

talon3dhq 06-28-2002 05:43 PM

In Root/UserCP.PHP- The Code should be:

if ($buddy['lastactivity'] > $datecut and (!$buddy['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) and $buddy['lastvisit'] != $buddy['lastactivity']) {
} else {

In Admin/User.PHP- The Code should be:

$user=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT user.*,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,

talon3dhq 06-28-2002 05:44 PM

In Root/UserCP.PHP- The Code should be:

if ($buddy['lastactivity'] > $datecut and (!$buddy['invisible'] or $bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == 6) and $buddy['lastvisit'] != $buddy['lastactivity']) {
} else {

In Admin/User.PHP- The Code should be:

$user=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT user.*,FROM_UNIXTIME(joindate) AS joindate,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastvisit) AS lastvisit,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastactivity) AS lastactivity,FROM_UNIXTIME(lastpost) AS lastpost,
I think that is what you need.

Boofo 06-28-2002 10:58 PM

Can anyone please tell me how to fix the following? This is what an autoreply private message looks like.

Auto Reply: test
Hi Boofo,

I have been away since Today (Testing the size problem in private messaging...) and will read your message when I return on Jul 7, 2002.

[disable]This is an auto-reply generated by the bearfacts2.com Forum Messaging System.[/disable]

The color and italics show up fine but the size always shows the tags.

Boofo 06-29-2002 05:21 AM

Please disregard my last message. It was user error on my part. I forgot to make a size vb code replacement variable. Duhhh!!!!

The Ghost 06-29-2002 08:28 PM


I want to use this Hack on my Version 2.2.6.

Knows somebody Problems with this Hack and Version 2.2.6?


The Ghost 07-06-2002 08:50 PM


Boofo 07-06-2002 10:36 PM

From what I have heard and seen, it works fine on 2.2.6. They have it running here and they are running 2.2.6. :)

The Ghost 07-06-2002 11:00 PM

thx for your info -> I'll try it :cool:

The Ghost 07-07-2002 12:34 AM

Work's fine on 2.2.6 !! thx!

Anitah 07-07-2002 09:46 AM

I followed all the directions to the "t" but...

1. nothing whatsoever shows up

2. my buddy list icons are 'broken'

I did all the changes in a text editor and then uploaded the files, not realizing that the usercp.php would leave me with this:

<td><img src="images/.gif" border="0" alt="toko-g is -line"></td>

I've done a few hacks to my board, but I'm just not proficient enough to know how to fix this.

Needless to say, I can't begin to know why the 'away' hack doesn't appear at all.

Could I please get some help on this?

Buu 07-12-2002 10:35 PM

Question :

I installed the hack completely with all the right things no error what so ever but when i look @ a users profile who IS away i cannot see this :


did i over see anything i checked the files 3 times but couldn't see it . I'm running VBB 2.2.5

Boofo 07-12-2002 11:08 PM

Did you add the $away to your getinfo template? :)

Buu 07-12-2002 11:23 PM

yep that is the most strange thing about it :S

Boofo 07-12-2002 11:39 PM

I had that same problem when I first installed it. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and then everything worked fine. You might want to give that a shot. :)

Buu 07-13-2002 12:54 AM

k will do that tomorrow then thx for the advise :D

Troy J. 07-13-2002 02:45 PM

hmm mine vanished i had it installed and working just fine then i come back today and its gone.......all the files are still the same and the templates still the same.....i can get into the admin cp and change there away status it just doesnt show up for them in there edit profile.....but ive checked and rechecked the code i have in there and its right

Boofo 07-13-2002 02:52 PM

Things usually don't just disappear on their own. :) Did you add any hacks or change any code or templates?

Scrub 07-13-2002 08:39 PM

Your best bet is to reupload the install file, click uninstall, then go back to the very beginning and click new install and keep clicking next until you reach the end of the file. Then tada. Its should work. Just did that and it worked for me. :)

dprice 07-18-2002 04:03 PM

Great hack! Thanks!

WitchyT 07-20-2002 03:13 PM

This is a great hack! :) But I'm getting the same problem over here, the away reason isn't being shown at the profile, and I've tried re-installing it several times.

Any idea? I followed all steps and everything's working except for that part. I'm currently using VB 2.2.6.

Edited to say: Nevermind this post ;), got it working! Thanks to talon3dhg for the fix posted before (post #252), that was the only problem.

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