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Killhunter 11-04-2011 04:42 PM

How can I remove the Giftery.me social link? Is there a german translation (If not: I would do one if you explain me how). Will you create a "gold" edition or will you keep it free?

Ted S 11-04-2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264455)
How can I remove the Giftery.me social link?

To change the social sharing links, edit the product template and you can remove any you don't want or add attributes to others.


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264455)
Is there a german translation (If not: I would do one if you explain me how).

None that I have seen. To translate a mod you just edit everything you want adjusted through the Phrase Manager and type in your translations.


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264455)
Will you create a "gold" edition or will you keep it free?

I don't do paid mods. This will always be free.

bigtree 11-04-2011 05:51 PM

How cool it this.
Ted, how far away are we from stable?

bigtree 11-04-2011 06:31 PM

Ted, is there any way to make the text box capable of drag and drop so we don't have to enter raw html or is there a setting I need to activate?

Killhunter 11-04-2011 07:08 PM

Ted, could you make the box for the review bigger in the next release?

And I have another question: When i add a product, in my sidebar (last posts) is the following text: This is an empty post.

Could you fix that, so that the product description is there?

I also think that it would be greater, if you could write a little program which makes the pictures as big as I want to have them. And the product description should stand next to the picture and not under it. ;)

I really love your work!

Ted S 11-04-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2264479)
Ted, is there any way to make the text box capable of drag and drop so we don't have to enter raw html or is there a setting I need to activate?

Not sure what you mean

Ted S 11-04-2011 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2264472)
How cool it this.
Ted, how far away are we from stable?

Given the comments it seems like we're there. Probably push out a few more tweaks this weekend to make it official.

Killhunter 11-04-2011 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2264461)
To change the social sharing links, edit the product template and you can remove any you don't want or add attributes to others.

And where can I do that?

bigtree 11-04-2011 07:47 PM

Adding content.

With vbulletin 4, Forums or CMS editor, I can copy and paste "manufacturers" web content perfectly without having to code it ( add raw code). Example: I can simply highlight text from a website and drag it to the vb editor (drag and drop) save writes it perfect. No need to put the <b> <u> <br>

I understand tables are a problem for this layout but how about just text so we don't have to do all the line breaks, bolding etc adding content for Product Review. Does this make more sense?

To my testing, we can't do that here unless I add the html . If we could do this with the Product Review , that would be awesome making, adding content very fast!

Ted S 11-04-2011 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264496)
Ted, could you make the box for the review bigger in the next release?

Sure thing. That will move to the WYSIWYG editor anyways.


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264496)
And I have another question: When i add a product, in my sidebar (last posts) is the following text: This is an empty post.

What mod or feature is pulling that in?


I also think that it would be greater, if you could write a little program which makes the pictures as big as I want to have them. And the product description should stand next to the picture and not under it.
Assuming the mod grows in installs we'll be writing an image uploader to resize the photos and do a thumbnail / medium / large version.

Ted S 11-04-2011 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264505)
And where can I do that?

Your template manager. Just search it out and change as desired...

The buttons use to be individually selectable but vBulletin option pages are just too confusing to have 4 more fields in it.

Killhunter 11-04-2011 11:27 PM

Ok thank you. Another problem: The site doesnt appear correctly on my mobile phone (android). Can someone test if its my theme?

bigtree 11-04-2011 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2264508)
Sure thing. That will move to the WYSIWYG editor anyways.

What mod or feature is pulling that in?

Assuming the mod grows in installs we'll be writing an image uploader to resize the photos and do a thumbnail / medium / large version.

Whoa, does this mean we're going to be using the WYSIWYG editor to add our content? Not the box that is current?

Ted S 11-05-2011 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by bigtree (Post 2264585)
Whoa, does this mean we're going to be using the WYSIWYG editor to add our content? Not the box that is current?

Eventually, yes. Of course you'll still be able to post HTML if you prefer.

Ted S 11-05-2011 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264579)
Ok thank you. Another problem: The site doesnt appear correctly on my mobile phone (android). Can someone test if its my theme?

You'll need to be more specific than that for me to offer much help.

Killhunter 11-05-2011 02:04 PM

Is it possible to change the date text to german? for example at productforums.php?do=matches&productid=5

Killhunter 11-05-2011 02:06 PM

And it would really great if the users could tag a product which they have and in their profiles you can see which they have. for example with pictures ;)

Ted S 11-05-2011 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264721)
Is it possible to change the date text to german? for example at productforums.php?do=matches&productid=5

All text is contained in phrases and can be changed through the phrase manager.

Ted S 11-05-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264722)
And it would really great if the users could tag a product which they have and in their profiles you can see which they have. for example with pictures ;)

Nice suggestion!

Killhunter 11-05-2011 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2264739)
All text is contained in phrases and can be changed through the phrase manager.

And how to change it? The date isnt really a text.

Killhunter 11-05-2011 04:32 PM

It would be great if images would be also displayed at the list (productforums.php).


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2264740)
Nice suggestion!

Write it down! :D

Ted S 11-05-2011 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264743)
And how to change it? The date isnt really a text.

Then your question needs to be explained further as what you asked to change is text:


date text to german

Killhunter 11-05-2011 09:34 PM

Its called Fri Nov 4th, 2011
But it german it should be Fr Nov 4, 2011

Or its call "Tue Dec 5th, 2011"
It should be "Die Dez 5, 2011"

Ted S 11-05-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Killhunter (Post 2264808)
Its called Fri Nov 4th, 2011
But it german it should be Fr Nov 4, 2011

Or its call "Tue Dec 5th, 2011"
It should be "Die Dez 5, 2011"

Hum. The dates come out of mySQL which would be less than fun to tweak around for you. I'll have to look at this in a future version if it's an ongoing issue.

Killhunter 11-06-2011 04:00 PM

It isnt very important, but it would be great if you do that anytime.

lazytown 11-06-2011 06:49 PM

A VERY useful feature would be if other users could mark a review as Helpful or Useful (similar to a "like" "thanks" or thumbs up/down mod). Most review sites (including Amazon) now feature this. That way people can tell which reviews for a particular product/etc have the best content. Ideally, those reviews with the most helpful content would be displayed first.

That feature, and showing thumbnails in the review listings would be 2 huge improvements..

Ted S 11-06-2011 06:55 PM

Since we also created the helpful answers feature I'm sure we can find a way to add thumbs :D

However it's really broader than that. A review is naturally biased by the person and their relationship to the object. Someone who eats at 5 star restaurants and goes to a 3 star diner is going to have a different read than someone who eats at home and goes out for the first time in a year. That's not an easy solve, heck, the best solution right now is to aggregate "about me" tags with reviews but we're thinking about what could be done knowing the detailed nature of a forum to go deeper and provide not just acceptance of a review, but context.

downloadsuk 11-07-2011 03:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Ted,

I'm not having much luck with the bulk import. Attached is a file I tried to upload, I got the "All Done" message, but no products appeared.

The columns don't need to be in a certain order do they?

Any help would be appreciated.

Ted S 11-07-2011 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by downloadsuk (Post 2265383)
I'm not having much luck with the bulk import. Attached is a file I tried to upload, I got the "All Done" message, but no products appeared.

XML does not require a field order nor are extra fields like the style and setting elements in your file an issue.

However, your format is not even close to what the importer. You'll want to review the documentation and included sample feed to see the structure as you have to follow the right convention [i.e. <product> records] and field names.

downloadsuk 11-07-2011 08:16 PM

Thanks Ted - that was a glaring oversight on my part. All working now.

However, when uploading the amount with a £ sign, I get an unusual character in  ( for example (£69.99)) - the encoding is set to UTF-8 - I tried Googling, but couldn't find a specific reason - any ideas?

Ted S 11-07-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by downloadsuk (Post 2265480)
Thanks Ted - that was a glaring oversight on my part. All working now.


downloadsuk 11-08-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2265497)

Ha, did you see my comment Edit? I'm having issues with the ? sign when uploading an XML file;

"However, when uploading the amount with a ? sign, I get an unusual character in ? ( for example (£69.99)) - the encoding is set to UTF-8 - I tried Googling, but couldn't find a specific reason - any ideas?"

downloadsuk 11-09-2011 12:13 PM

Nevermind - I did a work around using the Templates. However, it might be something that affects other users.


Originally Posted by downloadsuk (Post 2265650)
Ha, did you see my comment Edit? I'm having issues with the ? sign when uploading an XML file;

"However, when uploading the amount with a ? sign, I get an unusual character in ? ( for example (£69.99)) - the encoding is set to UTF-8 - I tried Googling, but couldn't find a specific reason - any ideas?"

Phrost 11-09-2011 05:14 PM

Hey Ted, we're seriously considering installing this on one of our big boards, which has a ton of reviews in the old GARS system. The only thing holding us back is that we need to be able to rate a product on multiple categories.

Can you confirm that this is something that will be available in a future revision? If so, we'll go ahead and implement it as-is now.

Also, and this is just a "would be nice to have", although I doubt you'll think it's worth your time. A means of porting GARS reviews over into the new system would be amazing.

Thanks so much.

Ted S 11-09-2011 05:26 PM


Additional rating fields will be added in down the road but I can't promise them next week [metaphorically] and that means you may want to wait a bit.

We'll see about an import script. Tends to be difficult as there isn't a shared ID to key from A to B but we'll see.

stained 11-09-2011 05:43 PM

Many thanks for this mod Ted S. Where do products go if you forget to assign them to a forum during product creation? I think I must have done that on three occasions because when I bring up the 'manage products' list it is showing me 25 of 28 products. I need to delete those three and create them correctly. Any ideas?

Phrost 11-09-2011 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2266147)

Additional rating fields will be added in down the road but I can't promise them next week [metaphorically] and that means you may want to wait a bit.

We'll see about an import script. Tends to be difficult as there isn't a shared ID to key from A to B but we'll see.

Thanks for the quick response. We'll go ahead and install it. We've got a product from VBCover that we were testing, but it uses encrypted scripts which slow down the server.

Heck, have you thought about just taking over GARS? That was such an amazing product, and it's a shame that they've basically abandoned it. I'm sure whoever has the rights to it would be happy to fork them over to someone who'd get it up and running again.

stained 11-09-2011 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by stained (Post 2266152)
Many thanks for this mod Ted S. Where do products go if you forget to assign them to a forum during product creation? I think I must have done that on three occasions because when I bring up the 'manage products' list it is showing me 25 of 28 products. I need to delete those three and create them correctly. Any ideas?

Got it by working back from the highest product number. Deleted the bad boys. Fixed :)

Ted S 11-09-2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by stained (Post 2266152)
Many thanks for this mod Ted S. Where do products go if you forget to assign them to a forum during product creation? I think I must have done that on three occasions because when I bring up the 'manage products' list it is showing me 25 of 28 products. I need to delete those three and create them correctly. Any ideas?

It shouldn't let you forget that... interesting. Guess I know what 1.1.1 will fix when I release it on 11/11/11 [kidding]

And yes, delete them and remake it.

Ted S 11-09-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Phrost (Post 2266159)
Heck, have you thought about just taking over GARS? That was such an amazing product, and it's a shame that they've basically abandoned it. I'm sure whoever has the rights to it would be happy to fork them over to someone who'd get it up and running again.

Honestly it's just not our approach. Our mods are designed to solve specific gaps we see in the industry, which we develop privately and on occasion will roll out to the public as was the case here.

While we may end up with something with similar features to fill in requests from members like yourself, being the all inclusive feature or most used program is not the goal. There's no up-sell, monetize it model for us aside from data insights.

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