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-   -   Suite Style - Avenger Blue Style by TheLastSuperman (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=269253)

kylek 11-29-2011 12:19 AM

okay, a bit confused right now. The update email notice has a link to your site to download the file:

vBulletin 4.1.8 Version has a download size that will not upload here, even being compressed twice therefor you must download from my site: http://www.innovationbyinstinct.com/vbdotorg/ and it's only one .zip file to extract

Right now getting a page not found when clicking on the link.


TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by kylek (Post 2272897)
okay, a bit confused right now. The update email notice has a link to your site to download the file:

vBulletin 4.1.8 Version has a download size that will not upload here, even being compressed twice therefor you must download from my site: http://www.innovationbyinstinct.com/vbdotorg/REMOVED and it's only one .zip file to extract

Right now getting a page not found when clicking on the link.


That was only temporary, Markos noted why it was so large and I corrected. You can find the 4.1.8 .zip file above for download.

K4GAP 11-29-2011 02:47 AM

Both fixed and fluid have to be side scrolled now? I'm running 1920x1080 so this really shouldn't happen?

kylek 11-29-2011 03:48 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yup, I can confirm the same also. Also do not see Last Post at all now.

Attachment 134764

Markos 11-29-2011 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2272935)
Both fixed and fluid have to be side scrolled now? I'm running 1920x1080 so this really shouldn't happen?

i think thats something to do we the logo or the backgrount problem

TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 11:58 AM


In additional.css find:


.ablogo {
Change background-repeat: no-repeat !important; to:


        background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
I'll fix in the next version but that should sort the 1920 x 1080 where it's chopped off. Thread/Post counts will return but underneath the forum description and Last Post "title" on right column per say will not be returning, again as with the logo being clickable yet having more ways to reach the forums again and/or refresh I also feel anyone w/ common sense can tell what the last post is after using any form of forum software just once or twice.

K4GAP 11-29-2011 05:09 PM

Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?

Markos 11-29-2011 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2273088)
Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?

that doesn't work ive tried to copy the code over and the background vanishes lol

@TheLastSuperman it still pushes to the right

TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2273088)
Do you have a copy of the last version so I can revert to the old code for the header?

Use the 4.1.4-4.1.7 version download if you wish to do that ;).


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 2273097)
that doesn't work ive tried to copy the code over and the background vanishes lol

@TheLastSuperman it still pushes to the right

Hmm how odd since I run my pc on a 40" Samsung using 1920 x 1080 resolution and don't see that happening in Firefox, IE9, Chrome, or Opera AFTER I make the change:


        background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
Be sure to refresh the page (F5) a few times and/or clear your cache via the Maintenance tab in AdminCP (bottom left - Flush System Cache under Maintenance) and if your using a Mac instead of PC you must, I repeat must clear the browsers actual cache. Otherwise the background will not repeat and be chopped-off per your screenshot and per what I just saw when pressing F11 in firefox (full-screen) but updating the code should remedy this :cool:.

Markos 11-29-2011 06:46 PM

<a href="http://www.scottishexoticreptilesforum.co.uk/index.php?styleid=156" target="_blank">http://www.scottishexoticreptilesfor...hp?styleid=156</a>

have a look mate i done the changes

K4GAP 11-29-2011 06:55 PM

I deleted the 4.1.8 styles but left the files. I then imported the 4.1.7 xml's both fixed and fluid. Everything looks good now.


TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 2273113)

have a look mate i done the changes

Well for me in all major browsers full-screened I see it just fine, 1920 x 1080 Full Screen - screenshot in Firefox:


Edit: Markos, just to be clear - this was the Fluid version correct?


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2273116)
I deleted the 4.1.8 styles but left the files. I then imported the 4.1.7 xml's both fixed and fluid. Everything looks good now.


If your on 4.1.8 then this may present some slight issues notably the double comma issues etc otherwise it should still work fine.

kylek 11-29-2011 07:39 PM

Take a closer look at your screenshot you just posted and you will see the scroll bar showing at the bottom. Mine is the same as Markos using the fluid version. Using 1680 x 1059.

Markos 11-29-2011 07:42 PM

yip mine is fluid ive even tried to make it fit the screen 100% and still does it

TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by kylek (Post 2273131)
Take a closer look at your screenshot you just posted and you will see the scroll bar showing at the bottom. Mine is the same as Markos using the fluid version. Using 1680 x 1059.


Originally Posted by Markos (Post 2273133)
yip mine is fluid ive even tried to make it fit the screen 100% and still does it

Ok you two try this and tell me how it looks afterwords, in additional.css find:


.ablogo {

.abimage {

Paste over those two entire definitions (replace them basically) with:


.ablogo {
        min-width: 100% !important;
        min-height: 156px !important;
        background: #0c121e;
        background-color: #0c121e;
        background-image: url(images/avenger_blue/misc/background_top.png) !important;
        background-repeat: repeat-x !important;
        background-position: center top !important;
        background:{vb:stylevar header_background};
        _background-image: none;
        margin-left:-5.6% !important;
        margin-right:-5.6% !important;
        -moz-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
        -webkit-box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
        box-shadow: -3px 3px 3px {vb:stylevar shadow_color} !important;
        overflow: hidden;

.abimage {
        background: url({vb:stylevar titleimage}) center center no-repeat !important;
        height: 155px !important;
        margin-left: -2.8% !important;

Now how does it look? And thanks for the help, I did notice the scroll bar after you pointed it out ;).

kylek 11-29-2011 08:05 PM

We have a winner!! Fixed scroll bar issue for me.


TheLastSuperman 11-29-2011 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by kylek (Post 2273143)
We have a winner!! Fixed scroll bar issue for me.


I watch cartoons with my son and as Kung Fu Panda would say - "Pure Awesomeness" and that will be included and a revised .zip released asap, I must get back to work now so if anyone else posts new issues or questions I may not be back on until tomorrow :cool:.

Markos 11-29-2011 08:15 PM

thanks mate that did the trick :)

Baja 12-01-2011 08:52 AM

Superman, thanks for all of your hard work on this theme! The color combination and layout is exactly what I was looking for. Although I really miss the clickable header. I've been using that shortcut for so long that it's become 2nd nature (accidentally clicked on it 20 times in the past couple days).

I also noticed a couple of issues:

1) Blog Comment Background Color


2) Forum Description Font Color

Current version:

Previous version:

P.S. I really like your idea of moving the Thread/Post counts to underneath the forum descriptions. The location of that column on the forum home has always bugged me too. Even moving the Thread/Post column to the right of the Last Post column would be an improvement.


CharlieDelta 12-01-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Baja (Post 2273619)
Superman, thanks for all of your hard work on this theme! The color combination and layout is exactly what I was looking for.

Agreed! :up:

Originally Posted by Baja (Post 2273619)
I also noticed a couple of issues:

1) Blog Comment Background Color


Check out this post for a temp solution. :D https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=123

OldSchoolDSL 12-01-2011 03:44 PM

I really want to love this theme. But it seems that I need to impute so many edits just to get it to work right, not counting any customizations that I already will need to impute.

Having this theme as the child to the default helped a little.

OldSchoolDSL 12-01-2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2273704)
I really want to love this theme. But it seems that I need to impute so many edits just to get it to work right, not counting any customizations that I already will need to impute.

Having this theme as the child to the default helped a little.

Never mind. I just noticed the blog and cms xml files that were included. :o


TheLastSuperman 12-01-2011 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2273707)
Never mind. I just noticed the blog and cms xml files that were included. :o


It's ok, thanks for taking the time to check... and actually reading to find a solution! Sadly many simply post negative comments or try to play on their words and make you feel guilty if your not catering to them and their specific needs or for that matter if you don't release a update daily lol and I hate those who beat around the bush considering I'm more of a straightforward type of guy :p.

TheLastSuperman 12-01-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Baja (Post 2273619)
Superman, thanks for all of your hard work on this theme! The color combination and layout is exactly what I was looking for. Although I really miss the clickable header. I've been using that shortcut for so long that it's become 2nd nature (accidentally clicked on it 20 times in the past couple days).

I also noticed a couple of issues:

1) Blog Comment Background Color


2) Forum Description Font Color

Current version:

Previous version:

P.S. I really like your idea of moving the Thread/Post counts to underneath the forum descriptions. The location of that column on the forum home has always bugged me too. Even moving the Thread/Post column to the right of the Last Post column would be an improvement.


The thread/post counts will be as you see them here on this site:

So yes the same location you pointed out and suggested :cool:. As for the Blog comment backgrounds, confirmed as I did not even have a single blog post up, my "bad" for not checking beforehand please stand by for a update on the 4.1.8 which will also include the fluid width header fix listed a few posts back as well. The description colors... great idea I will change them to grey, it's not going to be white i.e. rgb(255, 255, 255) OR rgb(205, 205, 205) but instead a darker grey i.e. rgb(153, 153, 153) to match the "No New Posts" forum statusicons, that's my thoughts on this before seeing it on-screen, I'm thinking about the darker grey and thanks for the good ideas :cool:.


Originally Posted by CharlieDelta (Post 2273699)
Agreed! :up:

Check out this post for a temp solution. :D https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=123

This might be a specific blog related css issue, I'll have it fixed promptly for 4.1.8 please stand by for a update.

cbroughton 12-01-2011 07:36 PM

You should put those images in some spoiler tags (old and new perhaps) as it makes the page lag to scroll, but yeah; very nice skin.

EuroBeat2 12-02-2011 04:45 AM

Thank you for all the improvements/corrections you made. Fantastic work! Now we should starting sending you Christmas gifts for well done job! :)


TheLastSuperman 12-02-2011 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by EuroBeat2 (Post 2273917)
Thank you for all the improvements/corrections you made. Fantastic work! Now we should starting sending you Christmas gifts for well done job! :)


I haven't updated the blog issue so don't give me too much credit yet lol but asap I promise and thanks for the donation, first one I've ever received off here if memory serves me correctly and I noted so in the mod description - Thanks :cool:.

EuroBeat2 12-02-2011 05:28 AM

I checked your style on iPad and fluid occupy only 2/3 of the screen. You might want check it out.


I was able to fixit with overwriting section in additional css per you message at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=255

You might want to consider putting that fix in your .xml file.


Vicros 12-04-2011 01:19 AM

I just wanna say that this is one of the best styles for vB4. Im liking the style u did for TechieAnalyst as well. Im hoping maybe one day we can get something like that.

sjsteve33171 12-04-2011 10:38 AM

Really like this skin, Installed it and love it. Very good job.

TheLastSuperman 12-04-2011 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by EuroBeat2 (Post 2273923)
I checked your style on iPad and fluid occupy only 2/3 of the screen. You might want check it out.


I was able to fixit with overwriting section in additional css per you message at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=255

You might want to consider putting that fix in your .xml file.


It was already planned for inclusion Euro :cool:.


Originally Posted by Vicros (Post 2274444)
I just wanna say that this is one of the best styles for vB4. Im liking the style u did for TechieAnalyst as well. Im hoping maybe one day we can get something like that.

Techinanlyst forums... one coder started but never finished, I then started over from scratch w/ a completely default style and made the transparent style you see up now, a white style is also planned which is basically going to be a transparent white theme instead of transparent black and at one point the backgrounds randomly changed which has since been removed but considering we worked around the background changing mod and you can choose a default background or upload your own. I ended up loving it and had several and I mean several of my close friends who run gaming communities bug the fire out of me for a copy of the style but it's 100% custom i.e. paid for so I wouldn't ever simply re-release it respectively - I would have to start from scratch to make anything similar which was a little bit of a undertaking... making that style was actually my first real challenge in a while regarding styles, made it fun again yet also tuned me into just how complex doing a quality transparent style can be :cool:.


Originally Posted by sjsteve33171 (Post 2274529)
Really like this skin, Installed it and love it. Very good job.


I'll have the updated 4.1.8 version out today, it's Sunday so a little time off during the Holiday season is a must :p.

belowthebelt 12-04-2011 07:54 PM

Updated to the new version, now my logo is not clickable, how do I enable the logo to click on it taking members back to the home page?


Ben5150VH 12-05-2011 10:58 AM

Hi I like this style a lot but one thing how can I add my logo lol if it been post on this I m sorry if you can help on this thanks

TheLastSuperman 12-05-2011 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by belowthebelt (Post 2274655)
Updated to the new version, now my logo is not clickable, how do I enable the logo to click on it taking members back to the home page?


I posted earlier in the thread regarding that, luckily for you there's info in the 2nd post just for the new version out today.


Originally Posted by Ben5150VH (Post 2274852)
Hi I like this style a lot but one thing how can I add my logo lol if it been post on this I m sorry if you can help on this thanks

Edit stylevars and find titleimage, edit accordingly.


Updated on 12/5/2011
- Changed Forum Description to rgb(205, 205, 205) instead of the same "Orange" as the forum titles on forumhome.
- Moved Thread and post counts under forum description on forumhome, colored as rgb(205, 205, 205) and included a shrunken version of the stats image in front, followed by the wording "# threads containing # posts"
- Corrected Blog comment background issues.
- Added in transparent 1x1px transparent image and new <div> to make the logo clickable again. *Please note this is not a default feature, to make the logo clickable you must edit template header and find:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>

Remove the <comment> codes as shown in red:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>

This is how the code should now look:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>


To install the 4.1.8 Version:

1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!

Ben5150VH 12-05-2011 05:57 PM

ok i got the logo up now i get this the logo moves to the left when i sign in than move to the middle when I'm not weird what do i have to do here ?
thanks again


Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman (Post 2274869)
I posted earlier in the thread regarding that, luckily for you there's info in the 2nd post just for the new version out today.

Edit stylevars and find titleimage, edit accordingly.


Updated on 12/5/2011
- Changed Forum Description to rgb(205, 205, 205) instead of the same "Orange" as the forum titles on forumhome.
- Moved Thread and post counts under forum description on forumhome, colored as rgb(205, 205, 205) and included a shrunken version of the stats image in front, followed by the wording "# threads containing # posts"
- Corrected Blog comment background issues.
- Added in transparent 1x1px transparent image and new <div> to make the logo clickable again. *Please note this is not a default feature, to make the logo clickable you must edit template header and find:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>

Remove the <comment> codes as shown in red:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><vb:comment><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></vb:comment></a></div>

This is how the code should now look:


                    <div class="ablogo" align="center">
<div class="abimage"><a name="top" href="{vb:link forumhome}"><img src="images/avenger_blue/misc/home.png" width="960px" height="150px" alt="{vb:raw vboptions.bbtitle}" /></a></div>


To install the 4.1.8 Version:

1) Upload the contents of the UPLOAD Folder.
2) If for example you want the Fixed style installed then import the file:
*Please note, if you do not use the vBulletin Suite and have the Forum Classic version you only need to install the file vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml.
a) Import the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Forum.xml file first.
b) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-CMS.xml (Options when uploading a style allow you to merge into a existing style, choose to merge this into the new style you just created using the Forum.xml.
c) Merge in the vbulletin-style_Avenger_Blue_Fixed-Blog.xml into the style, this has now updated the style for all three major products and the installation is complete!
3) Enjoy!

TheLastSuperman 12-05-2011 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ben5150VH (Post 2274949)
ok i got the logo up now i get this the logo moves to the left when i sign in than move to the middle when I'm not weird what do i have to do here ?
thanks again

Site link? Thanks ;)

Ben5150VH 12-05-2011 06:20 PM

<a href="http://www.van-halen.net" target="_blank">www.van-halen.net</a> register is close did you want me to open that?

TheLastSuperman 12-05-2011 06:28 PM

^ Can you make a quick account such as Demo and pass Demo or something along those lines? Once I login/logout and see the issue myself I may know more then you can simply delete the account ;).

Edit: And to be clear, you have the most recent version i.e. the one I released yesterday installed or no?
Edit Again: Nevermind, Thread/Post counts gave it away and answered that for me, do you mind installing the newest version then simply updating the stylevars for the titleimage then the statusicons? After that tell me if the logo shifts upon login/logout?

Ben5150VH 12-05-2011 06:32 PM

ok no problem ill used demo and demon as pw

Ben5150VH 12-05-2011 06:34 PM

i have vbb ver 4.18 and i know the style is the newest one

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